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NPD Sales Results for August 2007


bdoughty said:
Clearly being bought by "casual gamers?" Fuck, now I have point at the numbers once agian to remind you that it sure looks like the Nintendo gamers of old.

You and others say "casual gamers" are why sports games sales will increase on Wii.
You see sales figures, ones that disprove your theory, ignore your comments above and still find away to stick "casual gamers" into you reply.
You can call it smug, I just call it being right.

Half o' GAF said:
Why is Wii Play selling so well? Why is Mario Party 8 selling so well?

Even Nintendo fans are baffled by these numbers. It's simple. The casuals are buying them.

I love quoting people from earlier in the thread.
snorggy said:
can the 360's jump in hardware sales be attributed (at least in part) to people re-buying the system for the newly included HDMI and improved heatsink?

At first I thought that was a ridiculous idea . . .

And then I thought . . . hey . . . my HDTV has an optical digital out, so if I get an HDMI out for my 360 and route the sound through HDTV then I can use a optical digital input for the PS3, the 360, and over-the-air HDTV received with the HDTV's receiver. No switching the audio signal anymore. Cool. I want a 360 with HDMI now.

But I still think that people re-buying 360s for HDMI increasing sales is a stupid thought. :lol That is just a tiny fraction of obsessive videgamer/videophiles.


.dmc said:
I didn't care enough to make a ban bet. Sorry dude.
Haha, don't worry...
I don't care to get banned if i'm really wrong (ok, i know i must be)...
But i had to try.. it was our chance to get free :D


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
So RE4 probably did another 55K or so- its right behind Warhawk which did 58K, and ahead of Blue Dragon which did 53.

So its at 300K in the U.S alone. :D


TheGreatDave said:
If you add the PS2 and PS3 sales of Madden they outsold the 360 version. When all those Playstation 2 owners inevitably upgrade to PS3, Madden will sell best on the PLAYSTATION 3.

1. 360 MADDEN NFL 08 896.6K
2. PS2 MADDEN NFL 08 643.6K
3 . 360 BIOSHOCK 490.9K
4. PS3 MADDEN NFL 08 336.2K

PS2 + P33 Madden = 979.8K

Therefore, XBOX 1 Madden would need 83.3K in order for:
XBOX 1+360 Madden > Playstation 2+3 Madden

Considering the game right above xbox madden sold 127.1K, it's possible.


schuelma said:
So RE4 probably did another 55K or so- its right behind Warhawk which did 58K, and ahead of Blue Dragon which did 53.

So its at 300K in the U.S alone. :D

RE5 is just going to destroy everything.


Damn, I totally missed this 25(whoa) page thread, that popped up in the past 2 hours, insane!!!

WOW at sony numbers... I guess thats why this thread is so long.
BIOSHOCKER TOO! Beat out Metriod! How is that possible?

footnote:suprised at how well just the 360 version of madden did, but not suprised that a good version of Madden is doing so well. Maybe they will spend more time in the future on polish, like this one had.


bdoughty said:
Clearly being bought by "casual gamers?" Fuck, now I have point at the numbers once agian to remind you that it sure looks like the Nintendo gamers of old.

Put it this way, the Wii is being bought by nearly a million people a month worldwide, if they are 'Nintendo gamers' where the fuck were they when the GameCube + N64 were around?

You and others say "casual gamers" are why sports games sales will increase on Wii.
You see sales figures, ones that disprove your theory, ignore your comments above and still find away to stick "casual gamers" into you reply.

Dig up a quote where I said that sports games were going to sell better on Wii. Oh wait, I didn't.

You can call it smug, I just call it being right.

You can be both. One makes you correct, the other makes you insufferable.
snorggy said:
can the 360's jump in hardware sales be attributed (at least in part) to people re-buying the system for the newly included HDMI and improved heatsink?

I think the PS2 "Madden and GTA" gamers are just starting to make the move.

I know a few of them that just bought a 360. Anecdotal evidence ftw?


Mojovonio said:
6 million.

Whereas the XBox was 27 million behind by the time it reached 3 something million.

Without the Wii, Microsoft would have a bigger lead, probably, but this generation is different in a number of respects than last. PS2 was a lot bigger than PS1 in depth and breadth of games, and that's retarding things this time around for everyone except possibly Wii.


Dirtbag 504 said:
Damn, I totally missed this 25(whoa) page thread, that popped up in the past 2 hours, insane!!!

WOW at sony numbers... I guess thats why this thread is so long.
BIOSHOCKER TOO! Beat out Metriod! How is that possible?

Hardcore Game on Casual console vs Hardcore game on Hardcore console.


felipeko said:
Haha, don't worry...
I don't care to get banned if i'm really wrong (ok, i know i must be)...
But i had to try.. it was our chance to get free :D

Well since we know how this is going to turn out consider yourself off the hook. I figure even delusional fanboys deserve to have some joy in their life.

My nice deed for the day.
Dirtbag 504 said:
WOW at sony numbers... I guess thats why this thread is so long.
BIOSHOCKER TOO! Beat out Metriod! How is that possible?

Two million more owners for 360, and a higher percentage of traditional gamers.


Dirtbag 504 said:
WOW at sony numbers... I guess thats why this thread is so long.
BIOSHOCKER TOO! Beat out Metriod! How is that possible?

Voodo Magic. Microsoft hired some Tribal Medicine Doctors with their Money.


Costanza said:
I was expecting Bioshock to sell more :(

I know this is anecdotal, but I would like to get a copy but I can't find any - local Best Buys/Circuit Citys were empty when I checked a couple of times.

Maybe supply hurt Bioshock??


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Two million more owners for 360, and a higher percentage of traditional gamers.

But new IP? Not advertised THAT much.

edit: and word is this is the best Metriod to date. it just boggles the mind.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Two million more owners for 360, and a higher percentage of traditional gamers.

and an extra week of sales (more than double the slaes period) :\

both of these games performed very well, comparing them at this point is pretty silly

Dirtbag 504 said:
But new IP? Not advertised THAT much.

edit: and word is this is the best Metriod to date. it just boggles the mind.

Metroid was tracked for four days, it didn't even get a weekend. It's doign much better than Prime 2 did. And yes, Bioshock sold very well
It should be clear by now that Microsoft should not be afraid of Sony and set its sights at Nintendo. Sony isn't a threat to anyone but themselves at this point.


PkunkFury said:
and an extra week of sales (more than double the slaes period) :\

both of these games performed very well, comparing them at thsi point is pretty silly

Maybe thats the most level headed way to look at this. Both def. have legs, and should spike again for holiday 07.

edit: and I totally feel bioshock deserves it respect, but I'm still stunned.


bdoughty said:
Well since we know how this is going to turn out consider yourself off the hook. I figure even delusional fanboys deserve to have some joy in their life.

My nice deed for the day.
My fanboyism had nothing to do with this actually... My sales age statistics have fooled me on that. I would never bet on passion.


Dirtbag 504 said:
But new IP? Not advertised THAT much.

edit: and word is this is the best Metriod to date. it just boggles the mind.

Absolutely right. I didnt see a Bioshock ad on TV, Print, or the Demo announced on a television program on Spike. Also Its a totally brand new IP that has nothing to do with System Shock. Nothing whatsoever.


Mojovonio said:
So the PS3 is almost going to be 10 million behind the 360 after this holiday.

Whatever, Home will still save it.
:lol You know, it's tough, the whole being sarcastic thing. Falls flat a lot. Lord knows my attempts do. But earned a genuine snorted laugh. Good job.


jonabbey said:
Without the Wii, Microsoft would have a bigger lead,

I disagree. I believe that without the Wii the PS3 would be doing much better. There's only room in the marketplace for 2 consoles. And the 360 and Wii have those 2 wrapped up.


You know, the thing I love about my fellow 360 owners is that they'll show their support for a great game even if it doesn't have a big name or is coming from a huuuuuge developer. I just sit back and smile when games like Oblivion, Crackdown, & Bioshock do so well. Hopefully Mass Effect continues the trend.


Grecco said:
Absolutely right. I didnt see a Bioshock ad on TV, Print, or the Demo announced on a television program on Spike. Also Its a totally brand new IP that has nothing to do with System Shock. Nothing whatsoever.

I'm honestly not trying to bait any comments here. With the numbers bioshock put up, that tv spot didn't run enough. That demo worked magic, thats all I can think of.

If wii had downloadable demos, lookout.
MS on August NPD: Xbox 360 Software Sales More than Wii and PS3 Combined

Microsoft also said that since last November when the Wii and PS3 launched, gamers have spent more dollars on Xbox 360 software ($24.3 million) than on software for PS3 and Wii combined ($19.8 million).

In addition, the company proudly stated that it maintained the Xbox 360's launch price point "for longer than any other console in videogame history holding the record at 21 months." The previous record was held by PS2 at 19 months.
I thought Madden 360 bomb, Bioshock and price drop was going to have a much bigger push for 360 sales. Looks like 360 is still struggling to find new owners.

As for Madden Wii sales, speaking as a Wii owner, I was very hyped for this game. But once I read the reviews that EA put no effort into improving visuals from Madden 07, I passed on buying the game. Looks like I wasn't the only one! :lol

Now I know the Wii will never look as good as 360/PS3 games, but EA could have done much better than what they did for the visuals of Madden 08 Wii. Make a quality Wii sports game, with some actual effort, and I will buy it EA. If you don't, then I'll pass. Simple.


Mar_ said:
I disagree. I believe that without the Wii the PS3 would be doing much better. There's only room in the marketplace for 2 consoles. And the 360 and Wii have those 2 wrapped up.

Hm, maybe, if there's something to the whole PS2->Wii idea, maybe more PS2 owners would have skipped up to the PS3.

The 360 wouldn't necessarily rope in a lot of PS2 owners if they hadn't ever sniffed at an XBox before, but the PS3 has been too expensive to substitute for the Wii.

Bearing in mind that the PS3 launched concurrently with the Wii, though, you're right, the Wii definitely sucked a lot of air from the market that PS3 really could have used.


Although, I have to give props to WOWHAWK.

For a MP only game to sell that well in a few days is pretty impressive, especially with the PS3 user base.


Mojovonio said:
Although, I have to give props to WOWHAWK.

For a MP only game to sell that well in a few days is pretty impressive, especially with the PS3 user base.

*golf clap*

I agree, I agree.


speculawyer said:
snorggy said:
can the 360's jump in hardware sales be attributed (at least in part) to people re-buying the system for the newly included HDMI and improved heatsink?/QUOTE]

At first I thought that was a ridiculous idea . . .

And then I thought . . . hey . . . my HDTV has an optical digital out, so if I get an HDMI out for my 360 and route the sound through HDTV then I can use a optical digital input for the PS3, the 360, and over-the-air HDTV received with the HDTV's receiver. No switching the audio signal anymore. Cool. I want a 360 with HDMI now.

But I still think that people re-buying 360s for HDMI increasing sales is a stupid thought. :lol That is just a tiny fraction of obsessive videgamer/videophiles.
Just as a warning: most TVs mangle the audio when you try to pass HDMI through to optical like that. Mine flattens everything out to 2.0 stereo.


Agent Icebeezy said:
That is the only thing that 3rd party cares about
Mmm. I imagine most third parties are going to read that, then remember that their paystub doesn't say "Electronic Arts".


sonycowboy said:
I could easily see a price drop just to stop retailers from panicing, but there's nothing until Spring 2008 that could change their lot (MGS4 & Killzone 2).

We all expected this to happen, so I don't see anything that's changed this year from what we've been seeing as the trend. I do think that's a LOOONG time and Sony may well have lost any chance, however, in the end, the system is still 499 fucking dollars.
I'm starting to wonder if even those games will be enough. Looking back on the 360, sales stayed remarkably flat despite a fair number of big releases. Oblivion, GRAW, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Crackdown and many more all had huge debuts on the system but failed to move the hardware meter at all. It became clear that the price barrier was simply too significant a hurdle for software to really launch 360 sales any higher. The jump 360 took this month is a testament to what it takes to energize sales.

MGS4 and Killzone 2 are bigger name titles, but with the PS3 prices still so high, I'm wondering if those factors won't cancel each other out and we'll see the PS3 remain flat, or perhaps a very slight increase, when even the big guns come rolling out. Price is just a tough nut to crack.


CreatureX3 said:
Now I know the Wii will never look as good as 360/PS3 games, but EA could have done much better than what they did for the visuals of Madden 08 Wii. Make a quality Wii sports game, with some actual effort, and I will buy it EA. If you don't, then I'll pass. Simple.

In sympathy to EA, not only have they put all their investment dollars into the PS3/360 engine, it would cost them a shit-ton to create a new engine for Wii that really pushes the machine, and if the Wii SKU is going to sell less than a third of what the PS360 SKUs will sell, then they've got no incentive to do so. That's market reality for you.


So Nintendo gets to brag about a ridiculous amount of profit because they don't sell hardware at a loss; Microsoft gets to gloat about software sales.

Sony...goes another month basically saying "Hey, remember how awesome the PS2 was?"
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