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NPD Sales Results for August 2007

sonycowboy said:
Top 20 SKU's
360 MADDEN NFL 08 896.6K
PS2 MADDEN NFL 08 643.6K
360 BIOSHOCK 490.9K
PS3 MADDEN NFL 08 336.2K

I hearby declare the xbox 360 the American next-gen sports platform.

Next up: NHL 08 for the 360 will crush other versions.
And then: NBA 2K8 for the 360 will crush the other versions.
And then: MLB 2K8 . . . well, you get the picture.
Eteric Rice said:
But then third parties would actually give the userbase a hint at how shitty their games really are.

It's better for them to let the droves blindly buy their shit.

Clearly that isn't working. Apart from Red Steel (which I haven't played but you know) most bad third party games aren't selling all that well.


Rhindle said:
Interesting statistic: PS3's LTD tie ratio has now overtaken Wiis for the first time since launch.

Part of it is that PS3 had three big titles out this month. But a big part of it is that the Wii tie ratio has actually been falling and dropped below 3:1 this month. Very unusual for a console to experience falling tie ratios after launch.
Which in my opinion just demonstrates why it is misleading to not include Wii Sports in the attach rate calculation.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Considering for the entire time the X360 userbase has been higher than PS3's+Wii's combined, it would take X360 having a weak tie ratio for that not to happen.

Well, they also mention the sales in the bullet points about the August numbers, and it sure seems that they are saying that in August they had more game revenue than Wii and PS3 combined. On hardware, 360 is almost dead equal to Wii + PS3 now in NA, right? So it is a legit bragging point, but it's not astounding I agree.

Eteric Rice

TheGreatDave said:
Clearly that isn't working. Apart from Red Steel (which I haven't played but you know) most bad third party games aren't selling all that well.

But if they actually gave demos, they wouldn't sell at all. :lol
Mrbob said:
Hardware sales only point to half the battle.

Software sales are the lifeblood of 3rd parties.

X360 wins.
I have never heard this argument prior to microsofts press release today.

*looks at tag*
"Xbox 360's John Kerry"

...well carry on then.


Thunder Monkey said:
That's an interesting way to put it.

Generally hardware sales bolster the software. You want to be marketting to a larger market in other words. The 360 no longer has that larger market, but still has the better games. The Wii has the larger market, but not the 3rd party software.

Their shooting themselves in the foot no matter how you slice it. So the 360 has a good market for quality third party efforts. Why not build upon money and try to make a market with potentially larger returns?

Because Madden didn't sell? Try to find a title that will. The Wii is not the 360. It wasn't designed to be. The problem with the majority of developers out there is that they haven't really tried.

They continue to make crappy versions of games that sell on the 360. The market is different, and receptive to different things. They learn that and they can have success on the Wii. But first they need to think, and spend.

The 360 still has the most important (next-gen) market in the world and that's not going to change anytime soon. No, it's not going to happen by January whoever thought as much.


GhaleonEB said:
What I find simply amazing is Sony introduced the new $600 SKU right after the price cut, which just muddies things further. I mean, they just DID the price cut, but in a little while they could do another on the new SKU - and still be at the same price they were technically at launch. The mind boggles. I have to wonder if they laid those plans out well before the sales trends became apparant and just decided to run with them anyways.

I'm convinced that I could launch a console at this point.
MS and Sony have both made some decisions that have made zero sense to me.

I know there are so many other factors that we dont see reflected here, like board of directors, and stock options, and contracts. But some moves baffle me.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
MS on August NPD: Xbox 360 Software Sales More than Wii and PS3 Combined

Microsoft also said that since last November when the Wii and PS3 launched, gamers have spent more dollars on Xbox 360 software ($24.3 million) than on software for PS3 and Wii combined ($19.8 million).

In addition, the company proudly stated that it maintained the Xbox 360's launch price point "for longer than any other console in videogame history holding the record at 21 months." The previous record was held by PS2 at 19 months.


Bubububut third parties will go bankrupt if they don't support the Wii!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Rhindle is privy to information that we aren't.

For real.

Hmm....not that shocking to me given the insane hardware numbers its been putting up lately.


Thunder Monkey said:
That's an interesting way to put it.

Generally hardware sales bolster the software. You want to be marketting to a larger market in other words. The 360 no longer has that larger market, but still has the better games. The Wii has the larger market, but not the 3rd party software.

Their shooting themselves in the foot no matter how you slice it. So the 360 has a good market for quality third party efforts. Why not build upon money and try to make a market with potentially larger returns?

Because Madden didn't sell? Try to find a title that will. The Wii is not the 360. It wasn't designed to be. The problem with the majority of developers out there is that they haven't really tried.

They continue to make crappy versions of games that sell on the 360. The market is different, and receptive to different things. They learn that and they can have success on the Wii. But first they need to think, and spend.

Depends on how quickly you think the Wii will overtake the X360 in NA.

It isn't going to happen before the end of 2008, if not longer. Perhaps Halo 3 will be the trigger that pushes 360 ahead. Right now 3rd parties will go along for the ride on the platform that is making them money.


VALIS said:
Bubububut the Wii is dominating! Third parties will go bankrupt if they don't support the Wii!

Maybe not bankrupt, but it'd be criminally insane for them to ignore it for much longer.


Junior Member
Jtyettis said:
Those numbers seem absurdly low or what? I mean 500k for Crackdown alone would get you more than $24 million. Or am I reading this wrong.

Yeah those numbers make no sense. The only thing I can imagine is the press release meant units sold and this website translated that into dollars.


Dirtbag 504 said:
I'm convinced that I could launch a console at this point.
MS and Sony have both made some decisions that have made zero sense to me.

I know there are so many other factors that we dont see reflected here, like board of directors, and stock options, and contracts. But some moves baffle me.
I'm still trying to figure out how MS thinks having four SKUs - after the Halo box launches next week - is a good idea.

That said, I wonder how that SKU will impact sales. Combined with the release of the game, the 360 in September is going to be very hard to predict.


Ether_Snake said:
I... don't think so.

And Uncharted is an unknown name that will live or die on it's reviews, and even with good reviews it can't be a system seller considering its genre (plus the competition it will face, plus the lack of marketability, plus the lack of online gameplay).

Dead Rising was an unknown name too... Considering it's genre, it sold well, and i'm sure actually sold some consoles... There was a time when Tomb Raider used to be big, that people talked about it like crazy... Gears was an all new title that sold well too despite obvious flaws...

Uncharted looks to have the best elements of all of those games wrapped up into one, plus, an interesting story... It also looks incredible... So, something that has all that, plus more isn't going to fare well? It's when people are looking at Uncharted, Rachet, and GT all together on the shelf along with the ports is when those games have influence, period...

gkrykewy said:
You can say this about every R&C game ever released.



Microsoft PR said:
Microsoft also said that since last November when the Wii and PS3 launched, gamers have spent more dollars on Xbox 360 software ($24.3 million) than on software for PS3 and Wii combined ($19.8 million).
Before this is quoted again I want everyone to think very, very carefully about what those numbers mean.
360 software sold more than Wii and PS3 software combined in August? Mighty impressive.

360 = software sales juggernaut, especially for 3rd parties.
Ether_Snake said:
Well I am pretty sure that anyone who cares about Halo is already on the Halo hype train:p

Okay, so Sony will be able to get its message out, whatever it is post-TGS that they've revealed that has shaken the world to its core, over a week of press releases from MS about how it has

a) Just had the largest software launch in console history
b) In one day beaten the weekend take of [INSERT SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER HERE]
c) Had the number of XBL Gold Subscribers increase by ____ Percent over the span of a week (after the Best Buy promotion runs out).
d) Had over 1,000,000 multiplayer games played in the first week
e) Had over 5,000,000 saved films shared over Xbox Live

And whatever other completely insane statistic that will get thrown around, with new ones every day.


Public Health Threat
BenjaminBirdie said:
And how long is that going to last? TGS ends about ten hours before Halo 3 launches. Literally. The world will be swallowed whole by the hype machine at that point.
Except the parts of the world that don't care about Halo 3. :D

If we can say what's holding the PS3 back right now (besides price and lol sony,) is the software oriented towards the PS crowd, then TGS is the natural answer.
Mrbob said:
Depends on how quickly you think the Wii will overtake the X360 in NA.

It isn't going to happen before the end of 2008, if not longer.

They have to catch up over 2 million. I don't see Wii catching up in NA until early 2009 either, but they are definitely still a wildcard as they are supply constrained. Nobody really knows the degree of pent up demand.

360 should move at least 1.5 million a month in Nov/Dec, but maybe Wii could move 2 million a month then...are they stockpiling?
If Uncharted is up to ND's usual standards and Sony markets it well enough, it'll push good numbers. I don't think it will sell systems, but who knows. People like ND's games.


y'all should be ashamed
The Sphinx said:
Before this is quoted again I want everyone to think very, very carefully about what those numbers mean.

That there's a bigger userbase for the 360 than the Wii and PS3 combined right now? That those numbers will grow closer and change over the next year?

Not sure I get what you're referring to.


Black Republican
Rhindle said:
Interesting statistic: PS3's LTD tie ratio has now overtaken Wiis for the first time since launch.

Part of it is that PS3 had three big titles out this month. But a big part of it is that the Wii tie ratio has actually been falling and dropped below 3:1 this month. Very unusual for a console to experience falling tie ratios after launch.
Tie-in ratios can be misleading. The Wii sold 403k this month, and if the tie-in is 3, then every single one of buyer would have to buy 3 games (1.209 million total) this month. Otherwise the ratio falls.

I realize there's existing Wii owners to pick up that slack but when the userbase is still young (10 months) and expanding like crazy the tie-in can get wonky.


xsarien said:
Maybe not bankrupt, but it'd be criminally insane for them to ignore it for much longer.

I don't think they should ignore it, either, but there's a few dudes around here (like that tiktiktikplbalatblatwhatever guy) who honestly think third parties are gonna die off en masse if they don't support the Wii. This is quite far from the case.
Rhindle said:
Interesting statistic: PS3's LTD tie ratio has now overtaken Wiis for the first time since launch.

Part of it is that PS3 had three big titles out this month. But a big part of it is that the Wii tie ratio has actually been falling and dropped below 3:1 this month. Very unusual for a console to experience falling tie ratios after launch.
Wii Sports ftw!

VALIS said:
Bubububut third parties will go bankrupt if they don't support the Wii!
Yes they do!


BenjaminBirdie said:
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm a dunderhead. What am I missing.

The numbers don't add up. Madden alone would have moved ~$50 mil on 360 last month.

Possible explanations:

1) The numbers are actually for August not for Nov-Aug (scratch this, see Madden example above).
2) The numbers are units, not dollars.
3) The numbers are for titles published by MS/Sony/Nintendo.
4) The numbers are for July and somebody REALLY screwed up (clutching at straws here).


VALIS said:
I don't think they should ignore it, either, but there's a few dudes around here (like that tiktiktikplbalatblatwhatever guy) who honestly think third parties are gonna die off en masse if they don't support the Wii. This is quite far from the case.

at least not while third parties do so well on 360 though.

Wii's number have been great, in favor of nintendo. But as a 3rd party...


BenjaminBirdie said:
So are you saying it's not as impressive because Wii software is only $50?
No no... just answer the question. $24 million divided by $60. When you get the answer, reflect on that MS is claiming that's how many units of software they've sold since last November.


RoboGeorgeForeman said:
Are they all really like that? I was actually thinking of picking up some of the earlier ones.

To be fair, they are all adequate, and will entertain you for a minimum of two hours each. Also to be fair I've only played two of them, but that was enough for me.


Dirtbag 504 said:
at least not while third parties do so well on 360 though.

Wii's number have been great, in favor of nintendo. But as a 3rd party...

You can't really compare the numbers right now given the dearth of 3rd party support to begin with.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
The numbers don't add up. Madden alone would have moved ~$50 mil on 360 last month.

Possible explanations:

1) The numbers are actually for August not for Nov-Aug.
2) The numbers are units, not dollars.
3) The numbers are for titles published by MS/Sony/Nintendo.

Yea the numbers are whack or either I'm not following how they come to these numbers. It could be some crazy unit times X talk they do for financial reports.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
They have to catch up over 2 million. I don't see Wii catching up in NA until early 2009 either, but they are definitely still a wildcard as they are supply constrained. Nobody really knows the degree of pent up demand.

360 should move at least 1.5 million a month in Nov/Dec, but maybe Wii could move 2 million a month then...are they stockpiling?

Nintendo said repeatedly that they want people to be able to pick up a Wii when they feel like it. The ideal for them would be to have some stocked on shelves so that people can pick it up on a whim, an impulse buy of sorts. That cannot be done if people have to wake up at 8am to wait in line in best buy.

That said, with the slacking of the Japan market, it is a perfect way for them to heavily stockpile the system because I am not kidding when I say the Wii could sell two million a month in November and December. As some of you see in this forum, I am quite bitter about the Wii's lack of power in graphics, but I am a gamer first, tech nerd second. The Holiday lineup is too good to pass up, especially at $250.


Public Health Threat
BenjaminBirdie said:
See above. MS will be running the press table. Even mainstream news will be talking about it.
It doesn't matter who's talking about it if the people don't care. Halo 3 will pass right through Japan, it'll pass right through those that do not care for FPSes, but TGS and a large announcement of Japanese support will push the PS3 all around.
The Sphinx said:
No no... just answer the question. $24 million divided by $60. When you get the answer, reflect on that MS is claiming that's how many units of software they've sold since last November.


Dude, I can't divide that far. Just spoil it already!
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