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NPD Sales Results for August 2007

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
The Sphinx said:
Mmm. I imagine most third parties are going to read that, then remember that their paystub doesn't say "Electronic Arts".

Two Worlds fucking charted dude :lol Madden will hit million status next month. What is the tally for million sellers on the 360 now? It's absurdly high
Grecco said:
Absolutely right. I didnt see a Bioshock ad on TV, Print, or the Demo announced on a television program on Spike. Also Its a totally brand new IP that has nothing to do with System Shock. Nothing whatsoever.

Whaaaat!?! I saw Bioshock ads all the time on ESPN. I think it just has to do with the network and the audience that network usually attracts.

But, I'm still impresseds by the Bioshock and Metroid Prime numbers.


Gamer @ Heart said:
How will GAF react if the Wii sells more than the 360 during Halo month?

I'm already planning the popcorn stand. You can be the cashier, but you need to wear the paper hat.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Two Worlds fucking charted dude :lol Madden will hit million status next month. What is the tally for million sellers on the 360 now? It's absurdly high
Two Worlds charted and so did fucking Boogie so I'm not certain what your point is.


J-Rzez said:
Don't count out Rachet and especially Uncharted... Rachet looks unbelieveable and it's one of the provens... And, who's to say Uncharted may not end up actual GOTY material and outshine everything else out there... It's a fresh new IP that has all the elements to break through... Those 2 titles hold their own, and, outshine a lot of the others we're seeing this fall...


I... don't think so.

And Uncharted is an unknown name that will live or die on it's reviews, and even with good reviews it can't be a system seller considering its genre (plus the competition it will face, plus the lack of marketability, plus the lack of online gameplay).


Microsoft also said that since last November when the Wii and PS3 launched, gamers have spent more dollars on Xbox 360 software ($24.3 million) than on software for PS3 and Wii combined ($19.8 million).

Those numbers seem absurdly low or what? I mean 500k for Crackdown alone would get you more than $24 million. Or am I reading this wrong.
Suburban Cowboy said:
360 games cost 20% more than Wii games.

not the case in Canaa as of late. Stranglehold, Bioshock, and a few other games were released within 3 weeks and they were all 59.99, the same price as nearly every new Wii game. now granted the entire library isn't like this, but a keen gamer can more than likely never end up spending 69.99 on a 360 game in canada.


CreatureX3 said:
As for Madden Wii sales, speaking as a Wii owner, I was very hyped for this game. But once I read the reviews that EA put no effort into improving visuals from Madden 07, I passed on buying the game. Looks like I wasn't the only one! :lol

Now I know the Wii will never look as good as 360/PS3 games, but EA could have done much better than what they did for the visuals of Madden 08 Wii. Make a quality Wii sports game, with some actual effort, and I will buy it EA. If you don't, then I'll pass. Simple.

I'm kind of the same way. I love Madden 07 for the Wii (play it all the time) but I've never been one of those guys who buys it every year for the roster update. When I heard that it added a family mode that I don't care about and they actually made the controls worse, there was zero incentive for me to pick it up.


GhaleonEB said:
MGS4 and Killzone 2 are bigger name titles, but with the PS3 prices still so high, I'm wondering if those factors won't cancel each other out and we'll see the PS3 remain flat, or perhaps a very slight increase, when even the big guns come rolling out. Price is just a tough nut to crack.

The thing is, the PS3's price won't be as high by the time these games roll out, because the system will have performed so poorly during the holiday season that Sony will have dropped the price to $399. Believe.
Hcoregamer00 said:
It wont, even the most hardened Nintendo fan isn't that stupid.
I'd say in this current unpredictable market that it very well could.

We've seen the Wii outsell the DS here two months in a row. Besides it doing that in Jan we haven't seen it since. If Nintendo takes some of these sitting on shelves Wii's in Japan and Europe and diverts them to America I think they could both remain very even.

Which ahead? I wouldn't care to guess, but I've no doubt it will be much closer then you think.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Hcoregamer00 said:
It wont, even the most hardened Nintendo fan isn't that stupid.

Well, how much of a bump are we expecting? It seems likely that Wii will do another 400K or so..is Halo really going to bump it past that? What did Halo 2 do to hardware sales for the month it was released?
J-Rzez said:
The Gamecube came after a bad gen for Ninty... They also didn't have the same 3rd party support to help them out, Sony isn't losing 3rd party franchises... And, the core Ninty audience was all that was basically left outside of ultra-hardcore-buy-it-all gamers...

Sony's prior sales is over 120million units sold to users... There's a lot of people out there that bought into Sony's machine repeatedly after 2 gens... There's also a high amount of sales STILL going on with the PS2... Sony needs to get the titles that their fans love out there to get them to move on... There's no FF, no MGS, no GT, no Socom, no rachet, no KZ, no GoW, no KH, no SO, no etc yet... There's a lot more million selling franchises out there that didn't hit yet... And, the only 1 hitting soon is Rachet... Unreal "may" end up pulling some sales... If Socom hits, that'll be big... If the fans get confused over GT5:p thinking it's the final product, or it's justified as one, it'll impact...

Sony's sales will pick up once these titles hit, there's not a doubt in my mind... It's just a ways off yet... They also need to have a great TGS for the media to pick up on and show off what's on the way to generate some hype...

I am sure Nintendo fans said the same thing after the N64 was released but the Playstation was still beating them. Nintendo had been #1 for 2 gens in a row.
The strong software sales for the 360 continue to impress. It's a shame the 360 is a dead piece of roadkill in Japan, I'd be frightened to see what their global picture would look like otherwise.


Gamer @ Heart said:
How will GAF react if the Wii sells more than the 360 during Halo month?

Hardware sales only point to half the battle.

Software sales are the lifeblood of 3rd parties.

X360 wins.


Dartastic said:
The thing is, the PS3's price won't be as high by the time these games roll out, because the system will have performed so poorly during the holiday season that Sony will have dropped the price to $399. Believe.
Right, but my point was - at $399 big games weren't moving the dial on the 360, either. Given how hard Sony has crashed into the price barrier, I'm not convinced they'll fare much better.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Dropping console price is easier said than done. Sony needs a price drop badly, but it could hurt their bottomline in the near future even more than being in third place with a smaller install base.
something i want to point out cause i always harp on about it.

multiplayer just isn't that important to the average gamer. someone way back was going on about how sony were stupid to have these MP less games as their focus for the winter...

but look at Bioshock and Prime 3. SP is what sells.

i'm sure Warhawk is doing great PSN sales wise, but those low sales are par for the course for an MP only game (mmporpg are a whole different kettle of fish and not what i'm talking about here).

i don't see it changing any time soon. most people bought halo 2 for the single player. most people bought crackdown for fucking crackdown and most people will buy halo 3 for the single player.

you only need to look at the adverts to know that's the case.
GhaleonEB said:
Right, but my point was - at $399 big games weren't moving the dial on the 360, either. Given how hard Sony has crashed into the price barrier, I'm not convinced they'll fare much better.

Exactly. PLUS a lot of those games were playing to an empty theater with no next gen competition. If Two Worlds is fucking charting than you can consider any 360 title at all some form of competition, especially the way third parties are treating the multiplatform situation for PS3.


chespace said:
Dropping console price is easier said than done. Sony needs a price drop badly, but it could hurt their bottomline in the near future even more than being in third place with a smaller install base.

The bottom line is Sony needs to do something fast. Mindshare is rapidly depleting, and thats not a trackable number, but its readily apparant. Even the tone of this thread is an indication to how dangerous the territory sony is entering. I do think they can pull it off, but they need to get moving, now. All the titles will start dropping soon enough, but they need to inspire people again. That buzz from a successful E3 is fading.


Interesting statistic: PS3's LTD tie ratio has now overtaken Wiis for the first time since launch.

Part of it is that PS3 had three big titles out this month. But a big part of it is that the Wii tie ratio has actually been falling and dropped below 3:1 this month. Very unusual for a console to experience falling tie ratios after launch.


plagiarize said:
something i want to point out cause i always harp on about it.

multiplayer just isn't that important to the average gamer. someone way back was going on about how sony were stupid to have these MP less games as their focus for the winter...

but look at Bioshock and Prime 3. SP is what sells.

i'm sure Warhawk is doing great PSN sales wise, but those low sales are par for the course for an MP only game (mmporpg are a whole different kettle of fish and not what i'm talking about here).

i don't see it changing any time soon. most people bought halo 2 for the single player. most people bought crackdown for fucking crackdown and most people will buy halo 3 for the single player.

you only need to look at the adverts to know that's the case.

But multiplayer games generate a lot of publicity because people want to play with their friends, and it keeps people from playing other games. Look at WoW:)

EDIT: And you market a game through it's single player, keep people talking about thanks to the multiplayer.


Public Health Threat
Dirtbag 504 said:
The bottom line is Sony needs to do something fast. Mindshare is rapidly depleting, and thats not a trackable number, but its readily apparant. Even the tone of this thread is an indication to how dangerous the territory sony is entering. I do think they can pull it off, but they need to get moving, now. All the titles will start dropping soon enough, but they need to inspire people again. That buzz from a successful E3 is fading.
Mrbob said:
Hardware sales only point to half the battle.

Software sales are the lifeblood of 3rd parties.

X360 wins.
That's an interesting way to put it.

Generally hardware sales bolster the software. You want to be marketting to a larger market in other words. The 360 no longer has that larger market, but still has the better games. The Wii has the larger market, but not the 3rd party software.

Their shooting themselves in the foot no matter how you slice it. So the 360 has a good market for quality third party efforts. Why not build upon money and try to make a market with potentially larger returns?

Because Madden didn't sell? Try to find a title that will. The Wii is not the 360. It wasn't designed to be. The problem with the majority of developers out there is that they haven't really tried.

They continue to make crappy versions of games that sell on the 360. The market is different, and receptive to different things. They learn that and they can have success on the Wii. But first they need to think, and spend.
Ether_Snake said:
But multiplayer games generate a lot of publicity because people want to play with their friends, and it keeps people from playing other games. Look at WoW:)

Arguably wow has a lot more content then your average online fps. And by the same token theres only room for one or two such games as they are supposed to suck away time and leave room for nothing else.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Rhindle said:
Interesting statistic: PS3's LTD tie ratio has now overtaken Wiis for the first time since launch.

Part of it is that PS3 had three big titles out this month. But a big part of it is that the Wii tie ratio has actually been falling and dropped below 3:1 this month. Very unusual for a console to experience falling tie ratios after launch.

Where are you getting this?


Rhindle said:
Interesting statistic: PS3's LTD tie ratio has now overtaken Wiis for the first time since launch.

Part of it is that PS3 had three big titles out this month. But a big part of it is that the Wii tie ratio has actually been falling and dropped below 3:1 this month. Very unusual for a console to experience falling tie ratios after launch.

Wii needs downloadable demos. They work.


beerbelly said:
Ratchet and Clank: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23648.html

It's hard to get excited from that video.

Sucks to be you being videogamingly challenged, Sorry :( ...

Buffy4ever said:
I am sure Nintendo fans said the same thing after the N64 was released but the Playstation was still beating them. Nintendo had been #1 for 2 gens in a row.

Sony's machine hasn't been aborted yet by the mass of 3rd parties, there's a difference...

Eteric Rice

Dirtbag 504 said:
Wii needs downloadable demos. They work.

But then third parties would actually give the userbase a hint at how shitty their games really are.

It's better for them to let the droves blindly buy their shit.
Rhindle said:
Interesting statistic: PS3's LTD tie ratio has now overtaken Wiis for the first time since launch.

Part of it is that PS3 had three big titles out this month. But a big part of it is that the Wii tie ratio has actually been falling and dropped below 3:1 this month. Very unusual for a console to experience falling tie ratios after launch.
fad over?


Dirtbag 504 said:
The bottom line is Sony needs to do something fast. Mindshare is rapidly depleting, and thats not a trackable number, but its readily apparant. Even the tone of this thread is an indication to how dangerous the territory sony is entering. I do think they can pull it off, but they need to get moving, now. All the titles will start dropping soon enough, but they need to inspire people again. That buzz from a successful E3 is fading.
What I find simply amazing is Sony introduced the new $600 SKU right after the price cut, which just muddies things further. I mean, they just DID the price cut, but in a little while they could do another on the new SKU - and still be at the same price they were technically at launch. The mind boggles. I have to wonder if they laid those plans out well before the sales trends became apparant and just decided to run with them anyways.


BenjaminBirdie said:
And how long is that going to last? TGS ends about ten hours before Halo 3 launches. Literally. The world will be swallowed whole by the hype machine at that point.

Well I am pretty sure that anyone who cares about Halo is already on the Halo hype train:p
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