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NPD Sales Results for August 2007

J-Rzez said:
Dead Rising was an unknown name too... Considering it's genre, it sold well, and i'm sure actually sold some consoles... There was a time when Tomb Raider used to be big, that people talked about it like crazy... Gears was an all new title that sold well too despite obvious flaws...

Uncharted looks to have the best elements of all of those games wrapped up into one, plus, an interesting story... It also looks incredible... So, something that has all that, plus more isn't going to fare well? It's when people are looking at Uncharted, Rachet, and GT all together on the shelf along with the ports is when those games have influence, period...


But will those titles movea $500 to $600 system. that is the question. You may think theose are great titles but someone else may not.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
xsarien said:
You can't really compare the numbers right now given the dearth of 3rd party support to begin with.

Not to mention comparing shit like Boogie to Bioshock.


icecream said:
It doesn't matter who's talking about it if the people don't care. Halo 3 will pass right through Japan, it'll pass right through those that do not care for FPSes, but TGS and a large announcement of Japanese support will push the PS3 all around.


Get real.


xsarien said:
You can't really compare the numbers right now given the dearth of 3rd party support to begin with.


I bet they net plenty profit actually, because most Wii 3rd party games are easy ps2 ports and it doesnt cost much to retrofit. I stand corrected.

Whats stupid is studios obviously see how insanely well nintendo games do on wii. A polished or innovative product is going to put up insane numbers. They need to take a risk.


icecream said:
It doesn't matter who's talking about it if the people don't care. Halo 3 will pass right through Japan, it'll pass right through those that do not care for FPSes, but TGS and a large announcement of Japanese support will push the PS3 all around.

Wait for Virtua Fighter 5?
beerbelly said:
Ratchet and Clank: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/23648.html

It's hard to get excited from that video.

I agree, while I loved playing every other Ratchet game on the PS2, yeah even Deadlocked. As well as enjoying Size Matters, I'm just worn out on the Ratchet franchise. This will be there 6th Ratchet game released, in almost as many years. Besides sports games, how many franchises managed to put out a new game every year? I know it will be a great game, as Insomniac knows how to polish the crap out of their games, its just too much already.


.dmc said:
Worst thing about this months results was seeing Madden Wii sales + knowing bdoughty was going to descend with the smug gittiness of 10,000 Ace Rimmer's..

Have a cookie.

It's regular Arn who's smug, Ace is amazingly self-effacing for how badass he is.
icecream said:
It doesn't matter who's talking about it if the people don't care. Halo 3 will pass right through Japan, it'll pass right through those that do not care for FPSes, but TGS and a large announcement of Japanese support will push the PS3 all around.

Sony's had the promise of large Japanese support (FFXIII [x2], MGS4, WKS) pretty since its inception. Why would more of that suddenly start "pushing the PS3 all around"? (I'm assuming that by "all around" you mean across the world.) It has little to do with whether or not you're an FPS fan because you can be sure that MS will be taking the opportunity in the spotlight to focus on all the things the 360 has to offer.
chespace said:
Dropping console price is easier said than done. Sony needs a price drop badly, but it could hurt their bottomline in the near future even more than being in third place with a smaller install base.
It's the better choice to lose big now than never have a chance at recouping losses. Sony's not just losing out on hardware momentum and possible profit on that, it's also losing the more important software royalties from all the software not being able to be sold. Nevermind that most of their first party software will never be profitable.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Have more than 408k copies of 360 games sold since November?

Ha okay. So it's like Billion? Really? I think someone needs to break out the teachers guide and explain this whole thing already. I got nem stars spinning around my head like in an old car-toon.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
MightyHedgehog said:
It's the better choice to lose big now than never have a chance at recouping losses. Sony's not just losing out on hardware momentum and possible profit on that, it's also losing the more important software royalties from all the software not being able to be sold. Nevermind that most of their first party software will never be profitable.

Yep. Besides, if any future price drops don't help much, Sony could just raise the price again.
gkrykewy said:
To be fair, they are all adequate, and will entertain you for a minimum of two hours each. Also to be fair I've only played two of them, but that was enough for me.

I guess I'll just try to pick up the first(and maybe the second) on the cheap and rent Future to see if it's worth it.

I'm glad I gots me a 360 though! I've never had so many titles I've anticipated fall flat on their face(still have some hope for this and Uncharted though).
The general gaming populace doesn't pay attention to stuff like TGS and events like that certainly don't effect console sales.

I remember "March Excitement" after the Sony's Gamers day. It had NO effect on sales.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Ha okay. So it's like Billion? Really? I think someone needs to break out the teachers guide and explain this whole thing already. I got nem stars spinning around my head like in an old car-toon.
Yeah, that's the problem though. The numbers just don't make much sense. "Billion" seems way too high. I'm not sure what they meant.

At any rate... Assuming that more money has been made on MS games than Wii + PS3 games since November (whatever the absolute values are)... I would point out that it is to be expected, since MS had and still has a larger userbase than the other two combined. At the beginning of their tracking period it was several times larger.
Maxwell House said:
The general gaming populace doesn't pay attention to stuff like TGS and events like that certainly don't effect console sales.

I remember "March Excitement" after the Sony's Gamers day. It had NO effect on sales.

Don't forget the subsequent "April" and "May Excitements"...


J-Rzez said:
Dead Rising was an unknown name too... Considering it's genre, it sold well, and i'm sure actually sold some consoles... There was a time when Tomb Raider used to be big, that people talked about it like crazy... Gears was an all new title that sold well too despite obvious flaws...

Uncharted looks to have the best elements of all of those games wrapped up into one, plus, an interesting story... It also looks incredible... So, something that has all that, plus more isn't going to fare well? It's when people are looking at Uncharted, Rachet, and GT all together on the shelf along with the ports is when those games have influence, period...


Uncharted has NO appeal.

Dead Rising? Zombies in a mall! Grab anything you want! GORE! CAPCOM!

Tomb Raider? Well known series that goes back to the PS1 days! Movies with Angelina Jolie! BIG TITS!

Gears of War? Do I even need to mention this? APPEAL! Multiplayer! Chainsaw-gun! GORE! Epic! Etc.

Uncharted has nothing going for it, no wonder no one else but PS3 owners talk about it.

Ratchet should have been another PS2 game, it would have been a more logical move.

GT is NOT out:p


BenjaminBirdie said:
See above. MS will be running the press table. Even mainstream news will be talking about it.

"Mainstream" maybe, but don't forget how things work in the press now;) There's like 3 corporations behind every big media, total, and they don't like doing each other publicity (which affects even how the review movies and music albums).

Just adding this rather pointless note:)


Ether_Snake said:
Uncharted has NO appeal.

You'd seriously say the same if it came out on 360? With those graphics?

Some of the platforming mechanics actually look like Shadow of the Colossus to me. Maybe that's not big huge sales numbers on that alone, but the graphics really are something special from all reports, and Naughty Dog hasn't made a bad game in a good long while.


jonabbey said:
You'd seriously say the same if it came out on 360? With those graphics?

Would I say the same if it came out on 360? Look at my avatar! That's MGS4-Solid-Snake-Killzone-2-Helgast!

Of course I'd say the same, probably worst;)!

EDIT: And by appeal I mean "does it look cool?" not "are the graphics nice?"


The 'H' stands for hentai.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
If Nintendo doesn't loosen up the supply now instead of later, 360 could definitely beat Wii in September.

Why are people saying "could, could"

XBOX 360 will outsell the Wii the month Halo 3 is out, I am not the biggest Halo fan any more (not after the second game) but even I know that Halo 3 will move lots of hardware.

What will be interesting are the November and December sales numbers.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
speculawyer said:
I hearby declare the xbox 360 the American next-gen sports platform.

Next up: NHL 08 for the 360 will crush other versions.
And then: NBA 2K8 for the 360 will crush the other versions.
And then: MLB 2K8 . . . well, you get the picture.

Xbox 360 "Wii Sports" Sales: 0

Nintendo Wii "Wii Sports" Sales: 4,000,000
Rhindle said:
Interesting statistic: PS3's LTD tie ratio has now overtaken Wiis for the first time since launch.

Part of it is that PS3 had three big titles out this month. But a big part of it is that the Wii tie ratio has actually been falling and dropped below 3:1 this month. Very unusual for a console to experience falling tie ratios after launch.

Wii Sports lol?
mysticstylez said:
I agree, while I loved playing every other Ratchet game on the PS2, yeah even Deadlocked. As well as enjoying Size Matters, I'm just worn out on the Ratchet franchise. This will be there 6th Ratchet game released, in almost as many years. Besides sports games, how many franchises managed to put out a new game every year? I know it will be a great game, as Insomniac knows how to polish the crap out of their games, its just too much already.

You''re forgetting the mobile phone version of Ratchet. The PS3 version makes 7.


Ether_Snake said:
Uncharted has NO appeal.

Dead Rising? Zombies in a mall! Grab anything you want! GORE! CAPCOM!

Tomb Raider? Well known series that goes back to the PS1 days! Movies with Angelina Jolie! BIG TITS!

Gears of War? Do I even need to mention this? APPEAL! Multiplayer! Chainsaw-gun! GORE! Epic! Etc.

Uncharted has nothing going for it, no wonder no one else but PS3 owners talk about it.

Ratchet should have been another PS2 game, it would have been a more logical move.

GT is NOT out:p

:lol I'm not even getting into this... No appeal, :lol , Rachet should've been another PS2 title, :lol ...

Then again, you're probably right, considering NPD numbers reflect direct appeal to titles that haven't launched yet...

EDIT: And by appeal I mean "does it look cool?" not "are the graphics nice?"

Nooooo way does it look cool! To hell with combining the best elements of popular games that sell well into one package!


Ether_Snake said:
Would I say the same if it came out on 360? Look at my avatar! That's MGS4-Solid-Snake-Killzone-2-Helgast!

Heh, I was trying to figure that out. I got the Helghast, but I missed the SS.

Of course I'd say the same, probably worst;)!

I think a lot of people would be giving it more cred if it was 360 exclusive, though. We all do have our own teh bias.
Odysseus said:
wii hw will easily outsell 360 hw in september.

September probably, depending on how the retail month goes. October it'll be 360. November and December as well. If WiiFit wasn't delayed I would've given it to the Wii hands down. But now, it's all about Halo.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
MightyHedgehog said:
It's the better choice to lose big now than never have a chance at recouping losses. Sony's not just losing out on hardware momentum and possible profit on that, it's also losing the more important software royalties from all the software not being able to be sold. Nevermind that most of their first party software will never be profitable.

Yeah, I can see that. But my point is that they may not have the option to drop the price even further at this juncture. Not saying they couldn't ever drop in the future but I think we all agree that timing will be crucial for them and no better time to do it now than this holiday.

At the end of the day, they have quarterly financials they need to report to their investors and it'll be difficult to explain away hundreds of millions in losses with a hurts-now-but-keeps-us-in-the-game strategy.


Speaking of "Defense Force" and posters in this thread...


Lobster said:
Well if you think about it. 100k for a Madden game on a Nintendo console is good.


Lobster said:
lols. Wii version will probably outsell Ps3 version. 09 should be the better game out of 07,08 since they got the controls down and now they have time for graphics.


Lobster said:
I think it will..Wii has a big userbase..this is the first month. Ps3 and Xbox users have nothing to play so the sales..Madden Wii will keep selling while Ps3 Madden drops like a rock.

The online service is bad (has it been fixed yet?)


Lobster said:
Well its being tossed around the forums so I might aswell say it too. I've been told Ps3 owners have nothing to play so they'll buy anything.


Lobster said:
EA isn't doing well on Wii?

Are we all smoking crack in this thread?


Lobster said:
I can't believe all this "Wii Madden bombed!". Dayum..100k in 19 days is a bomb?? EA must be pretty happy their Madden game on a Nintendo console sold 100K!

You should all be saying DS Madden bombed..


Lobster said:
I thought the Wii version would outsell the Ps3 version but i would hardly call the Wii version a bomb. EA sports titles have never sold well on Nintendo consoles..Wii is probably going to change that but I don't think its going to do so for another year. Ps3 version shocked me..



Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Omar Ismail said:
September probably, depending on how the retail month goes. October it'll be 360. November and December as well. If WiiFit wasn't delayed I would've given it to the Wii hands down. But now, it's all about Halo.

Curious why you think the Wii would win in September when Halo launches but not in October??
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