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NPD Sales Results for August 2007

Gahiggidy said:

Xbox 360 "Wii Sports" Sales: 0

Nintendo Wii "Wii Sports" Sales: 4,000,000

You forgot to point out that Madden 08 on Wii got outsold by the Xbox version. It was outsold on a console that is no longer in production.
In september I think (as pointed out) the difference between the hardware sales of the wii and 360 will be very slim. It's anyone's guess as to which console will sell more though.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Omar Ismail said:
September probably, depending on how the retail month goes. October it'll be 360. November and December as well. If WiiFit wasn't delayed I would've given it to the Wii hands down. But now, it's all about Halo.

I agree with you on October, but with November and December I think that Nintendo has an advantage. Granted, I want to see the battle happen, but I think Mario and Smash Bros. along with the holiday season will push a massive amount of Wii's.


Omar Ismail said:
September probably, depending on how the retail month goes. October it'll be 360. November and December as well. If WiiFit wasn't delayed I would've given it to the Wii hands down. But now, it's all about Halo.

the only months 360 has a chance will be november and december, and that's only because only nintendo knows how many wiis they'll be able to ship. barring shortages, write those months off, as well. if wii continues at the 100k/week clip over the next two months, 360 will not be all that close. frankly, i expect the weekly averages to dip for 360 over the next two months, not increase.


Public Health Threat
Jtyettis said:
Indeed, good sir and round and round and round we go.
Except anyone who really thought a hardcore fighting game would sell the PS3 was crazy. I'm talking the aggregate of titles that will be shown/hyped at TGS. And to be fair, we have seen examples of titles that moves PS3s in Japan already.

BenjaminBirdie said:
Sony's had the promise of large Japanese support (FFXIII [x2], MGS4, WKS) pretty since its inception. Why would more of that suddenly start "pushing the PS3 all around"? (I'm assuming that by "all around" you mean across the world.) It has little to do with whether or not you're an FPS fan because you can be sure that MS will be taking the opportunity in the spotlight to focus on all the things the 360 has to offer.
Because it's been a year and that means more titles can now be shown, thus more incentive for people to buy the PS3. There are still people that chose the PS2 for it's RPG/Japanese lineup and haven't decided on a next generation console yet, and the choice is either the PS3 or the Wii. Not the 360. Sony's ability to pull these people in may be what it needs to keep themselves running until they can build up a base that will attract the more general audience that the 360 is currently gathering.


This is just...sad and pathetic for the PS3. I actually feel sorry for Sony, they pump 25~ millions into Lair and it sells........that. If software and hardware sales continue down this path, I seriously can't see how Sony will support this system through a regular generational cycle, much less 10 years, nevermind that Sony isn't in the best financial state right now.

p.s. I'm not trullin', just speaking honestly.


Hcoregamer00 said:
Why are people saying "could, could"

XBOX 360 will outsell the Wii the month Halo 3 is out, I am not the biggest Halo fan any more (not after the second game) but even I know that Halo 3 will move lots of hardware.

What will be interesting are the November and December sales numbers.

Exactly. Everyone with a brain is conceding September to the 360 (if it doesn't win out the thread will be epic). The question is whether the 360 will maintain that momentum through the holidays.
jett said:
This is just...sad and pathetic for the PS3. I actually feel sorry for Sony, they pump 25~ millions into Lair and it sells........that. If software and hardware sales continue down this path, I seriously can't see how Sony will support this system through a regular generational cycle, much less 10 years, nevermind that Sony isn't in the best financial state right now.

p.s. I'm not trullin', just speaking honestly.

They better support it, I'm getting one for christmas.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
jett said:
This is just...sad and pathetic for the PS3. I actually feel sorry for Sony, they pump 25~ millions into Lair and it sells........that. If software and hardware sales continue down this path, I seriously can't see how Sony will support this system through a regular generational cycle, much less 10 years, nevermind that Sony isn't in the best financial state right now.

p.s. I'm not trullin', just speaking honestly.

I was going to quote you tag since it fits the statement so well.

Then I realized that your post spoke volumes about the truth. Sony could try to throw money at the problem, but ultimately backing games that may or may not sell well is a huge risk. Especially when it isn't titled "Gran Turismo" and "God of War."

Talamius said:
Exactly. Everyone with a brain is conceding September to the 360 (if it doesn't win out the thread will be epic). The question is whether the 360 will maintain that momentum through the holidays.

Exactly, if September isn't XBOX 360's month to shine, we will see an NPD thread so epic that it will be destined to be a classic. Halo 3 month will mean XBOX 360 domination.
mysticstylez said:
You forgot to point out that Madden 08 on Wii got outsold by the Xbox version. It was outsold on a console that is no longer in production.

That's where the notion of "userbase" comes into play, you see ? Also, next time, don't bother replying to a joke character (as awesome as he may be as a joke character). Just sit back and laugh.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Odysseus said:
the only months 360 has a chance will be november and december, and that's only because only nintendo knows how many wiis they'll be able to ship. barring shortages, write those months off, as well. if wii continues at the 100k/week clip over the next two months, 360 will not be all that close. frankly, i expect the weekly averages to dip for 360 over the next two months, not increase.
Yeah, why do people think that sales won't trend back toward where they were previous to the price cut? There's always alot of fence sitters who pull the trigger immediately after a price cut.


jett said:
This is just...sad and pathetic for the PS3. I actually feel sorry for Sony, they pump 25~ millions into Lair and it sells........that. If software and hardware sales continue down this path, I seriously can't see how Sony will support this system through a regular generational cycle, much less 10 years, nevermind that Sony isn't in the best financial state right now.

p.s. I'm not trullin', just speaking honestly.

There's still a market for the PSP. It's not DS-sized, obviously, but the PSP has a pretty large WW installed base.

I think in '08 you're going to see Sony start to put a lot of marketing weight behind the PSP, putting the PS3 on the back burner until it shows some signs of life.
icecream said:
Because it's been a year and that means more titles can now be shown, thus more incentive for people to buy the PS3. There are still people that chose the PS2 for it's RPG/Japanese lineup and haven't decided on a next generation console yet, and the choice is either the PS3 or the Wii. Not the 360. Sony's ability to pull these people in may be what it needs to keep themselves running until they can build up a base that will attract the more general audience that the 360 is currently gathering.

That just seems very unlikely. That instead of waiting for games to come out and buying a console for it when they do, a sustainable segment of the market is waiting for just the right amount of games to get announced and then they'll buy a console? You can't even find 10% of GAF who would do that, not to mention the general populace.
Talamius said:
I think in '08 you're going to see Sony start to put a lot of marketing weight behind the PSP, putting the PS3 on the back burner until it shows some signs of life.

Putting it on the back burner will kill it.


Public Health Threat
BenjaminBirdie said:
That just seems very unlikely. That instead of waiting for games to come out and buying a console for it when they do, a sustainable segment of the market is waiting for just the right amount of games to get announced and then they'll buy a console? You can't even find 10% of GAF who would do that, not to mention the general populace.
Generally, people buy consoles for the games. All it takes is the one game to pull the trigger. That's what it means to be a 'system seller.' I'm going off the assumption that Sony has a lot of new titles to show at TGS, and those titles will appeal to more than the current userbase.


Wollan said:
It doesn't look cool? Bizarro world. Uncharted will do a couple of mills.

Mills? Not millions, surely? Maybe you mean "thousands" by saying "mills", such as the French word for "thousand" being "millier"?.

Uncharted probably won't sell more than 600,000K at most, worldwide. And I'm being generous.


jett said:
This is just...sad and pathetic for the PS3. I actually feel sorry for Sony, they pump 25~ millions into Lair and it sells........that. If software and hardware sales continue down this path, I seriously can't see how Sony will support this system through a regular generational cycle, much less 10 years, nevermind that Sony isn't in the best financial state right now.

p.s. I'm not trullin', just speaking honestly.
They shouldn't have spent $25 million on Lair. That's painful.
I find it hilariously ironic that people are pointing and laughing at Madden Wii when, in fact, the Wii has 5 software titles in the top 20. That's pretty damn impressive for a machine that many people claim "doesn't move software".

Then you take a gander at Wii hardware sales and it continues to dominate. And it's doing this without Super Smash Brothers Brawl and without Mario Galaxy.

And the DS is still killing. Keep in mind that Phantom Hourglass is on its way.

So what's going to go down this Christmas? Nintendo, provided that they stockpile Wii units, is going to completely and utterly annihilate everyone with Wii and DS sales. And their software sales are going to be ridiculous as well.

I'm not so sure the 360 is going to outsell the Wii in September. If I recall correctly, Xbox hardware sales did not increase all that dramatically. Maybe most people that want to play Halo 3 already have a 360? Certainly possible, at least for the most part.
VALIS said:
I don't think they should ignore it, either, but there's a few dudes around here (like that tiktiktikplbalatblatwhatever guy) who honestly think third parties are gonna die off en masse if they don't support the Wii. This is quite far from the case.
Take Two is still laying off people.


BenjaminBirdie said:
That just seems very unlikely. That instead of waiting for games to come out and buying a console for it when they do, a sustainable segment of the market is waiting for just the right amount of games to get announced and then they'll buy a console? You can't even find 10% of GAF who would do that, not to mention the general populace.
I do that. I openly admit I might be in the lonely 10%.

EDIT: Oh. You said "announced". OK, I don't do that. I wait for the release of games.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Talamius said:
Exactly. Everyone with a brain is conceding September to the 360 (if it doesn't win out the thread will be epic). The question is whether the 360 will maintain that momentum through the holidays.
Well, put me in the "Xbox to lose September" camp.
icecream said:
Generally, people buy consoles for the games. All it takes is the one game to pull the trigger. That's what it means to be a 'system seller.' I'm going off the assumption that Sony has a lot of new titles to show at TGS, and those titles will appeal to more than the current userbase.

Yes, I agree completely. 1200%. That game, though, by and large, needs to be out.
Absinthe said:
I'm not so sure the 360 is going to outsell the Wii in September. If I recall correctly, Xbox hardware sales did not increase all that dramatically. Maybe most people that want to play Halo 3 already have a 360? Certainly possible, at least for the most part.

Back then the system had been out longer and was at $199, I wouldn't compare Halo 3 to Halo 2. There are a lot more fans that have been waiting to buy this time around.


Gold Member
Odysseus said:
frankly, i expect the weekly averages to dip for 360 over the next two months, not increase.

I think you're going to be wrong on this point.

Absinthe said:
Maybe most people that want to play Halo 3 already have a 360? Certainly possible, at least for the most part.

I think you're also going to be quite wrong.
Whether the Wii outsells the 360 next month (Halo 3 launch) is entirely up to Nintendo. If they ship enough Wiis, it will. How many is enough, is the question. They might not need to ship any extra. 400k might be enough. I'd say 500k will definitely be more than the 360 can manage, but the Wii can obviously do it if the units are there.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Absinthe said:
I find it hilariously ironic that people are pointing and laughing at Madden Wii when, in fact, the Wii has 5 software titles in the top 20. That's pretty damn impressive for a machine that many people claim "doesn't move software".

Then you take a gander at Wii hardware sales and it continues to dominate. And it's doing this without Super Smash Brothers Brawl and without Mario Galaxy.

And the DS is still killing. Keep in mind that Phantom Hourglass is on its way.

So what's going to go down this Christmas? Nintendo, provided that they stockpile Wii units, is going to completely and utterly annihilate everyone with Wii and DS sales. And their software sales are going to be ridiculous as well.

I'm not so sure the 360 is going to outsell the Wii in September. If I recall correctly, Xbox hardware sales did not increase all that dramatically. Maybe most people that want to play Halo 3 already have a 360? Certainly possible, at least for the most part.

What? I count 7

beermonkey@tehbias said:
Back then the system had been out longer and was at $199, I wouldn't compare Halo 3 to Halo 2. There are a lot more fans that have been waiting to buy this time around.

Okay then, the 360 has a legitimate shot of outselling the Wii in September and October. I think November, December, and January definitely belong to the Wii, however. By that point, Halo will have been out for a couple of months and Mario Galaxy and Smash Brothers will drop. And the console is cheaper. There's just no way.


September will be interesting indeed. I'm one of those people who thinks that even though Halo will sell millions of copies, the 36o will not outsell the wii. It just seems to me that the hardcore already have a 360 and not many more people are going to be willing to take the plunge. I could be wrong of course.
chespace said:
Yeah, I can see that. But my point is that they may not have the option to drop the price even further at this juncture. Not saying they couldn't ever drop in the future but I think we all agree that timing will be crucial for them and no better time to do it now than this holiday.

At the end of the day, they have quarterly financials they need to report to their investors and it'll be difficult to explain away hundreds of millions in losses with a hurts-now-but-keeps-us-in-the-game strategy.
True enough. Still, if the recent sale of their insurance or whatever division is any indication, it looks like they'll be in a position to make a price drop real just after the holiday season. A lot, I suppose, depends on the rest of the corporation's post-holiday numbers.


The Sphinx said:
They shouldn't have spent $25 million on Lair. That's painful.

Especially considering how everyone could see, day one, that the game wouldn't be incredible (it was always a roller coaster of hype, and quite frankly it was more often low than high).

And like I said before, Sony needed a game that had a very strong online mode. Resistance and Motorstorm helped in the beginning. They needed one for the summer and fall. Warhawk is not the one (altho it was supposed to be) because it's multi-only.

A game like Resistance or Gears of War brings people together, they talk about it all the time, about the matches they had, then you have some extra maps and people talk about it again.

But right now all they have are new brands with no multiplayer and not-so-hot reviews.

GT Prologue bundle for the holidays would have been at least a bit of a life saver.


jehuty said:
September will be interesting indeed. I'm one of those people who thinks that even though Halo will sell millions of copies, the 36o will not outsell the wii. It just seems to me that the hardcore already have a 360 and not many more people are going to be willing to take the plunge. I could be wrong of course.

Halo is only for the hardcore?
I find it hilariously ironic that people are pointing and laughing at Madden Wii when, in fact, the Wii has 5 software titles in the top 20. That's pretty damn impressive for a machine that many people claim "doesn't move software".

I don't think people are claiming that it doesn't move software. They are claiming it doesn't move 3rd party software Take away Madden 08's spot in the top 20, and the rest are Nintendo games.
jehuty said:
September will be interesting indeed. I'm one of those people who thinks that even though Halo will sell millions of copies, the 36o will not outsell the wii. It just seems to me that the hardcore already have a 360 and not many more people are going to be willing to take the plunge. I could be wrong of course.

That's my thinking as well. It's going to be interesting. I kind of hope the Wii wins just so I can sit and watch this place implode. Epic doesn't even begin to describe the implications.


mysticstylez said:
I don't think people are claiming that it doesn't move software. They are claiming it doesn't move 3rd party software Take away Madden 08's spot in the top 20, and the rest are Nintendo games.

RE4 is not a Nintendo game.

Eteric Rice

mysticstylez said:
I don't think people are claiming that it doesn't move software. They are claiming it doesn't move 3rd party software Take away Madden 08's spot in the top 20, and the rest are Nintendo games.

If the third party software weren't shit, then maybe they could bitch about the sales.

But seriously, I shit better games than what the Wii is currently getting.
Absinthe said:
That's my thinking as well. It's going to be interesting. I kind of hope the Wii wins just so I can sit and watch this place implode. Epic doesn't even begin to describe the implications.

Why would it implode? Who doesn't think that Wii is in the Big Chair now? The only way it would implode is if Halo 3 somehow underperforms.


mepaco said:
I'm kind of the same way. I love Madden 07 for the Wii (play it all the time) but I've never been one of those guys who buys it every year for the roster update. When I heard that it added a family mode that I don't care about and they actually made the controls worse, there was zero incentive for me to pick it up.

A lot of refugees in this thread :lol


Chiggs said:
I think you're going to be wrong on this point.

we'll see. to date, as ghaleon has said and i've also pointed out numerous times, nothing has moved 360 sales other than holidays, coming out of shortages last spring, and now this price drop. games don't make that much of a difference. now, halo 3 is no ordinary game, and i'm not denying its system-selling power. i just do not buy into the gaffian theory that dictates that those sales happen in a higher concentration around the day of launch. i think the system-selling power of halo 3 has been on display since day one and will continue to sell systems until the end of the mayan calendar. you just won't see it in the form of a huge bump. console sales in america are more about momentum, enhanced by price drops.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
mysticstylez said:
I don't think people are claiming that it doesn't move software. They are claiming it doesn't move 3rd party software Take away Madden 08's spot in the top 20, and the rest are Nintendo games.

In the console only chart Resident Evil 4 and Boogie found its way there.


Eteric Rice said:
If the third party software weren't shit, then maybe they could bitch about the sales.

But seriously, I shit better games than what the Wii is currently getting.

not to mention madden wii is a pretty shitty game.


Gold Member
rakka said:
Halo is only for the hardcore?

Yes, and everybody who wants to play Halo 3 already has one. We've done our homework; the science is sound...Halo 3 will only have a minimal effect on hardware sales. Now move along, unless you want to talk about the Wii's heavy hitters, or the effect that Sony's TGS showing will have on the mainstream.

Odysseus said:
we'll see. to date, as ghaleon has said and i've also pointed out numerous times, nothing has moved 360 sales other than holidays, coming out of shortages last spring, and now this price drop. games don't make that much of a difference. now, halo 3 is no ordinary game, and i'm not denying its system-selling power. i just do not buy into the gaffian theory that dictates that those sales happen in a higher concentration around the day of launch. i think the system-selling power of halo 3 has been on display since day one and will continue to sell systems until the end of the mayan calendar. you just won't see it in the form of a huge bump. console sales in america are more about momentum, enhanced by price drops.

That's a well-thought out post. I don't know, I just think you may be underestimating it just a tad. Then again, I might be overestimating.
Grecco said:
RE4 is not a Nintendo game.

Maybe I forgot how to read, but I don't see RE4 on this list.

Top 20 SKU's
360 MADDEN NFL 08 896.6K
PS2 MADDEN NFL 08 643.6K
360 BIOSHOCK 490.9K
PS3 MADDEN NFL 08 336.2K


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
mysticstylez said:
I don't think people are claiming that it doesn't move software. They are claiming it doesn't move 3rd party software Take away Madden 08's spot in the top 20, and the rest are Nintendo games.

A 2 year old RE4 has sold 300K in the U.S alone. It might sell 1 Million world wide.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Why would it implode? Who doesn't think that Wii is in the Big Chair now? The only way it would implode is if Halo 3 somehow underperforms.

Because a ton of people here seem 100% confident that their savior, Halo 3, will rise from the depths and quash the almighty Wii. They're just waiting on the sidelines with a champagne bottle in hand so they can celebrate. It would be crushing.
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