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NPD Sales Results for August 2007


AlternativeUlster said:
I doubt anyone is going to get a 500 dollar console for Home. Thats bizarro talk from bizarro poster. Its like saying that the News Channel is going to push some Wiis.

Yeah, it's almost as bad as people saying that the PS3 would sell when people got their tax refunds...

Holy fuck that still shocks me to this day.
bcn-ron said:
Your game lobbies are overrun by impressive bikini vixens, too? And I thought it was the drugs.
No, but I'd rather spend one minute cracking jokes waiting for the game to load than half an hour running around some psuedo MMO. I just don't think Home is necessary is all. If I'm using my game console and I'm online, I'd rather just get right into the game sessions.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
AniHawk said:
Some LTDs:

Mario Party 8: 1,055,000
Wii Play: 1,948,000

Holy shit, thats some serious sellage right there.

So, 360 done better than most (Including me) thought, which bodes well for it during the Halo 3 hype window, I fully expect 500k to shift next month, PS3 manages to sell less this month that last, which is truly staggering, and really quite pathetic, Sony needs to get their act together, and fast, otherwise they wont even have 2nd place to fight for in 2008, and Nintendo is still laughing, Wii selling like mad and DS still chugging along.



Junior Member
DavidDayton said:
I had a crazy thought today.

A lot has been made about software attach rates for the 360, Wii, and PS3. What I'm wondering is how much downloadable games (specifically Wii VC) are impacting tie ratios on each platform.

My only though is that I could see folks happily playing downloadable games on their system and being less enthused to go out and buy more games. I know the 360 has a lot of stuff in the Arcade and the Wii has loads in the VC, but I'm wondering what relative digital purchases are for those systems.

I'm just wondering whether Wii owners are more likely to buy an old game and play it for a longer stretch of time than other system owners are for a downloadable game. It's been my impression from the relative release lists on Arcade and the Wii that the Wii's VC has more games which COULD consume longer stretches of playtime... the Zeldas, the Mario titles, etc.. The 360 has games, but aren't more of them designed -as- casual games and arcade game upgrades, as opposed to traditional "longer" console games?

It probably doesn't make that much of a difference, but I was curious.

From the 360 perspective, I do not think Live has effected my purchases of full games at all. And I play a lot of Live Arcade. If there is a game I really want to buy for the 360, I am going to go buy it and play it, the fact that I may be enjoying Cloning Clyde at the time is not going to effect that purchase.

I imagine it is the same for the Wii. I do not pay for Virtual Console games because it is basically charging for emulation of games that I already own on various Nintendo, Sega, systems, but even if I was paying for them I doubt it was cause me to miss out on a big new release for the console itself. Of course I have been playing these games for years. If the Wii is your first system, and you just discovered Mario 64, Starfox 64, and the dozens of other great games, then maybe they are losing a few sales there. But even then they are building brand loyalty and advertising these old series which causes people to be more interested in the newer version which displaces any negative effects it could have.


MassiveAttack said:
It honestly has very little to do with the PS3 and far more to do with the simple fact that the vast majority of the consumer market will simply not pay $499 for a vdeogame console. This is has been true of the industry since its inception and remains true today. Sony gambled on being able to shift this proven paradigm and lost... big time.

so we go back to the 'price is the only problem' hypothesis where it joins the 'marketing is the only problem' among others.

Considering sales fell after a price drop, or rather, SKU shuffle, It's ironic to say the least. But you're not the first person to spin and won't be the last.

As you were.

C4Lukins said:
I imagine it is the same for the Wii. I do not pay for Virtual Console games because it is basically charging for emulation of games that I already own on various Nintendo, Sega, systems, but even if I was paying for them I doubt it was cause me to miss out on a big new release for the console itself. Of course I have been playing these games for years. If the Wii is your first system, and you just discovered Mario 64, Starfox 64, and the dozens of other great games, then maybe they are losing a few sales there. But even then they are building brand loyalty and advertising these old series which causes people to be more interested in the newer version which displaces any negative effects it could have.

Being a cheap ass game pirate is not an excuse for anything.


C4Lukins said:
I will have to give it a shot. I am one of those who hates the Prime series because I loved the 2d console games, but when I get some time after the holidays I will pick it up. Actually my brother owns it, I will bum it off of him and if I like it then I will buy it.
To be repeated again - if you're used to PC KB+M controls, you'll pick up Prime 3's advanced control quickly.

If you're only used to dual pad controllers, you'll probably get overwhelmed at how sensitive the advanced control can be.

As for me, I'm very bad with dual pad controllers but competent with KB+M controls, so I picked up Prime 3's advanced controls very quickly and actually finished the game - something I didn't do with the first 2 Primes.
Fragamemnon said:
The most sobering thing in these sales threads today for me was the PC numbers. Bioshock at 77k-even assuming Steam got 10-15% more (being generous there) sales that were not counted, that's not a very strong showing. You can't even blame piracy, either-the game wasn't cracked until September, by my understanding.

I know the PC is bigger in Europe, but man if a game like Bioshock can't get above 100k on the PC in the US when the Xbox360 version flirts five times that number , I don't see that as a particularly healthy number at all.

i say it has everything to do with PC gaming being too damn complicated. i bought a gaming laptop 2 weeks ago. dx10 compliant card, hdmi out, 2 gigs of ram, dual core duo. u know what i got when i tried to play the demo earlier today? "your drivers are incompatible with bioshock. please update" ok so i try to update. but nvidia hasnt gotten around to updating their mobile drivers yet. so unless i want to screw around with the modified drivers out there i have to wait. its fucking stupid. didnt have that problem with the 360 version now did i.


Norse said:
come on people, you all know the 77k on the pc was for the past week!!!! PC game sales are reported weekly...77k was for the past week, not a month.
If this is true shit never mind console gaming is dead or something.
why are people still holding on to the ps3 making a comeback? :lol saturn had the most impressive lineup ever in 1995 was it? tomb raider, almost arcade perfect vf2, sega rally and virtua cop...and at one point they were FREE with the system. ps3 has nowhere near that lineup and probably more negativity and a higher price. all you can do is :lol


speculawyer said:
They are all too busy playing NHL 2K8 and NHL 08 in Canada. :D

Don't stereotype us. Here in Vancouver, DS' are everywhere, and people actually use it in trains. We don't all live in Igloos and play those roster updated sports games.
When drunk chicks come back to my friend's apartment, if we're going to play games, all they want to play is Wii or Guitar Hero. They will not play Halo. Drunk chicks love the Wii.


Junior Member
Arde5643 said:
To be repeated again - if you're used to PC KB+M controls, you'll pick up Prime 3's advanced control quickly.

If you're only used to dual pad controllers, you'll probably get overwhelmed at how sensitive the advanced control can be.

As for me, I'm very bad with dual pad controllers but competent with KB+M controls, so I picked up Prime 3's advanced controls very quickly and actually finished the game - something I didn't do with the first 2 Primes.

I have been playing FPS games on the PC since Wolf3d, up until, I think SOF2 was the last FPS I played on the PC. Sounds great to me. PC KB/M has always been better, but I prefer the sitting on my ass in front of the tv setup. As I said, I will give it a shot.


You know who loves Guitar Hero? Everyone loves Guitar Hero. Activision will be the real winner this holiday season.


Sharp said:
You know who loves Guitar Hero? Everyone loves Guitar Hero. Activision will be the real winner this holiday season.

Everyone loves Peace, but the United States still had to impose its peace on the Soviet Union. Same thing with Guitar Hero.
C4Lukins said:
I do not pay for Virtual Console games because it is basically charging for emulation of games that I already own on various Nintendo, Sega, systems, but even if I was paying for them I doubt it was cause me to miss out on a big new release for the console itself.

Go die you fucking pirate. You're the cancer killing gaming and whatever else you steal.


ParticleReality said:
Go die you fucking pirate. You're the cancer killing gaming and whatever else you steal.

You know, if you read that sentence correctly it sounds like he actually owns the original games on their original systems, and he just doesn't want to buy them again. So. Yeah.

Green Shinobi said:
When drunk chicks come back to my friend's apartment, if we're going to play games, all they want to play is Wii or Guitar Hero. They will not play Halo. Drunk chicks love the Wii.



The top selling 360 game (Madden) outsold all Wii top 20 software combined. This is a pretty interesting console race. You've got the graphical limitations of the Wii and a lack of decent 3rd party software sales (Madden/Tiger Woods 08) yet it continues to plow through the hardware sales month after month. I guess people are just buying for Wii sports or the traditional Nintendo titles because that is all that's selling on the console. I'll stick by the point I made months ago, it's just selling to Nintendo fans and casuals the proof is in the software sales. The same types of games that sold well on Gamecube are selling on the Wii.

Madden sales on PS3 were 3x that of Wii with a much smaller userbase. So how long will Wii sales continue to flourish? What about all the userbase=software sales arguments? Where are those people now?


unomas said:
The top selling 360 game (Madden) outsold all Wii top 20 software combined. This is a pretty interesting console race. You've got the graphical limitations of the Wii and a lack of decent 3rd party software sales (Madden/Tiger Woods 08) yet it continues to plow through the hardware sales month after month. I guess people are just buying for Wii sports or the traditional Nintendo titles because that is all that's selling on the console. I'll stick by the point I made months ago, it's just selling to Nintendo fans and the proof is in the software sales. The same types of games that sold well on Gamecube are selling on the Wii.

Madden sales on PS3 were 3x that of Wii with a much smaller userbase. So how long will Wii sales continue to flourish? What about all the userbase=software sales arguments? Where are those people now?

Did you just pull that out of your ass or used banned sources. I dont see top 20s by platform nor their sales number.

Enlighten me you troll.
The Sphinx said:
speculawyer said:
Just as a warning: most TVs mangle the audio when you try to pass HDMI through to optical like that. Mine flattens everything out to 2.0 stereo.

Ack. Screw that. Yeah, why would the HDTV bother to have the electronics necessary to take the incoming HDMI audio and convert it to good optical out?


Deku said:
Did you just pull that out of your ass or used banned sources. I dont see top 20s by platform nor their sales number.

Enlighten me you troll.

Name calling, how sweet! It doesn't take rocket science to see that the total of the 5 Wii titles in the top 20 doesn't equal that of the #1 seller (Madden 360). Reading comprehension FTMFW!
ParticleReality said:
Go die you fucking pirate. You're the cancer killing gaming and whatever else you steal.

He already owns them, so how is he a pirate exactly?? Anyway, I support him, any person buying VC games at those sky high prices is a fucking idiot.
The Sphinx said:
It's really cool, you should try it out.

Thanks, was always curious how they rectified the control issues people were originally complaining about. Nice to see that the hardcore option is actually fairly hardcore, and worth it.

You know who loves Guitar Hero? Everyone loves Guitar Hero. Activision will be the real winner this holiday season.

Bullshit, the same hardcore that built GH's base and spread the hype like herpes are dropping GH like a fucking brick. I fully expect Rock Band to flat out murder GH on all the systems it's available for, especially considering the fucking money bags it has in MTV and EA to reach into for marketing. GH3 is what GH2 should have been, only a year too late to matter.


unomas said:
It doesn't take rocket science to see that the total of the 5 Wii titles in the top 20 doesn't equal that of the #1 seller (Madden 360).

In fact, the chances of that would be remarkably slim.


Son of Godzilla said:
Thanks, was always curious how they rectified the control issues people were originally complaining about. Nice to see that the hardcore option is actually fairly hardcore, and worth it.

Bullshit, the same hardcore that built GH's base and spread the hype like herpes are dropping GH like a fucking brick. I fully expect Rock Band to flat out murder GH on all the systems it's available for, especially considering the fucking money bags it has in MTV and EA to reach into for marketing. GH3 is what GH2 should have been, only a year too late to matter.

Want to place a ban bet on this one?
Son of Godzilla said:
Bullshit, the same hardcore that built GH's base and spread the hype like herpes are dropping GH like a fucking brick. I fully expect Rock Band to flat out murder GH on all the systems it's available for, especially considering the fucking money bags it has in MTV and EA to reach into for marketing. GH3 is what GH2 should have been, only a year too late to matter.

You've got it backwards. GH3 will murder Rock Band strictly on price alone. I'll take a bet on this one too.
unomas said:
Name calling, how sweet! It doesn't take rocket science to see that the total of the 5 Wii titles in the top 20 doesn't equal that of the #1 seller (Madden 360). Reading comprehension FTMFW!

i was like wtf? :lol
Son of Godzilla said:
Bullshit, the same hardcore that built GH's base and spread the hype like herpes are dropping GH like a fucking brick. I fully expect Rock Band to flat out murder GH on all the systems it's available for, especially considering the fucking money bags it has in MTV and EA to reach into for marketing. GH3 is what GH2 should have been, only a year too late to matter.

I think Rockstar should make their own such rhythm game (and make it compatible with existing guitars so people don't need to buy new ones).

It could be called "Rockstar Presents . . . uh . . . Rockstar."
grandjedi6 said:
Brain Age 2's sales just bring up the point on why there isn't a Nintendogs 2 yet
Compare the Japanese and European approaches to both games. Name, boxart, marketing, etc. Nintendo America seems to drop the ball quite a bit.


MobiusPigeon said:
i was like wtf? :lol

Yeah, you can't make one simple point without someone jumping down your throat in this thread. It's sad that people take this so personally, a console isn't a family member people. :lol


Junior Member
Deku said:
Being a cheap ass game pirate is not an excuse for anything.

I think you are making a lot of assumptions based on a single sentence. I do not have a hacked XBOX emulating a bunch of old school games on my tv. My bedroom is a gaming museum of old school consoles in which I play the orignal Super Star Wars that I payed 60 dollars for back in the day, or Starfox 64 on my 64 and these are games that I am not willing to pay for again, but I am not stealing them either. Back in the day I did download the emulated english translation version of FF5 before we were given access to an offical version. Lock me up.


When did the total sales of a platform's top 20 become the 5 ranked games of a specific platform on the all platform top 20. That must be some quick amir0x style footwork for your argument to go from A to D in a single post.

But since you failed to reveal your sources, I'll assume you have none.


Deku said:
When did the top 20 become the top 5 on the all platform top 20. That must be some quick amir0x style footwork to go from A to D in 1 post.

But since you failed to reveal your sources, I'll assume you have none.

Change your diaper, I'm talking about the numbers we have right now. The top 20, as listed on the first page of this thread. Madden 360 is equal to or greater than the 5 Wii games listed in the top 20. If you took what I said the wrong way your bad, my point has been made but you were the only one that seemed to read it the wrong way.
Deku said:
When did the total sales of a platform's top 20 become the 5 ranked games of a specific platform on the all platform top 20. That must be some quick amir0x style footwork for your argument to go from A to D in a single post.

But since you failed to reveal your sources, I'll assume you have none.

you need a hug


Go die you fucking pirate. You're the cancer killing gaming and whatever else you steal.

Is this really necessary? Jesus Christ, some people go really over the top on the whole piracy issue. He probably meant he already had the games for the original systems, so why pay for emulation? Specially considering VC ports are too fucking expensive for what are basically straight dumps from the cart, with no new features at all.


Son of Godzilla said:
Bullshit, the same hardcore that built GH's base and spread the hype like herpes are dropping GH like a fucking brick. I fully expect Rock Band to flat out murder GH on all the systems it's available for, especially considering the fucking money bags it has in MTV and EA to reach into for marketing. GH3 is what GH2 should have been, only a year too late to matter.
Hahaha no. I don't even see Rock Band outselling Guitar Hero on the PS3 and 360, let alone when you consider the PS2, Wii, and even DS SKUs. The brand name is ridiculously strong right now. I don't make ban bets though, but if you do there are some people who are willing!


Sharp said:
Hahaha no. I don't even see Rock Band outselling Guitar Hero on the PS3 and 360, let alone when you consider the PS2, Wii, and even DS SKUs. The brand name is ridiculously strong right now. I don't make ban bets though, but if you do there are some people who are willing!

I'm willing, and I'm still waiting for a response. A one month ban seems reasonable.
Rhindle said:
Interesting statistic: PS3's LTD tie ratio has now overtaken Wiis for the first time since launch.

Part of it is that PS3 had three big titles out this month. But a big part of it is that the Wii tie ratio has actually been falling and dropped below 3:1 this month. Very unusual for a console to experience falling tie ratios after launch.

That is interesting. I think that can somewhat be explain by the fact that the hardcore gamers that buy lots of games were the first ones to get Wiis. The more casual people are getting Wiis now and they don't buy much software beyond Wii Sports & Wii play. They are dragging down the tie ratio.
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