ps4 is not even selling a half of what wii sold in the same time frane
it's not selling amazing by any standsrts
I'll have to disagree here. I think it's selling great. Had the biggest console launch in history. Worldwide it's sales are closely aligned with the PS2. No, in the U.S. it's not selling 450k in August like the PS2 did at the same point in it's timeframe (I think massive amounts of early adopters are a big reason for that, nor are PS4 sales terrible. They're not at ALL.), but many gamers simply haven't had much of a reason to leave 7th gen behind. I believe that is about to change. With the exception of CoD, this holiday marks the first real season with primarily big current-gen games (Just Cause 3, AC Syndicate, Halo 5, Battlefront, Fallout, Hitman, Rock Band 4, Rainbow Six etc) not available on the PS3/360. There will be a massive amount of people adopting current-gen this holiday, and I expect that to continue into 2016 (which I think will be the peak year for PS4/X1) with Deus Ex, Uncharted 4, SFV, Quantum Break, TLG, Scalebound, Crackdown, FFXV, DOOM, and others we don't know about). I really do expect record sales (and a price cut, temporary or otherwise) for both consoles this holiday season, and I think consumer interest will skyrocket. At the end If you think otherwise, I'm sorry, but you're wrong.
And please, stop comparing PS4/X1 to the Wii. Yes, it sold like hotcakes for awhile, but it also burned out far quicker. As it's been stated before, the Wii was an anomaly and those kinds of sales shouldn't be expected again anytime soon. Nor do they need to be replicated in order for the industry to be considered healthy. CosmicQueso made a very good point back when he said that market contraction has already happened with the loss of much of the Wii audience, which was stuffed with people who wouldn't normally have bought a console and had no need to afterward. And that market contract wasn't a bad thing. What we're left with is the same core audience of both casual and hardcore gamers that's always been there.
I'm no analyst by the way. Certainly not as smart on this stuff as Zhuge or Cosmic. Just my opinion