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NPD Sales Results for December 2008


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
zeloe326 said:
Its almost like those yelling doom and gloom for the PS3 are the ones having the breakdown.

It's all part of the conspiracy, man. All part of the conspiracy.

Keep on fighting the good fight. Make your KZ brothers proud!


PepsimanVsJoe said:


I'd say the drama majors who are projecting the PS3's demise are reaching far more than Hoffman is. The US is in a recession. The PS3 is the same price as last year. What do you expect? The PS3 had a much better 2008 than 2007. They'll sell more consoles in 2009 than in 2008. 3rd parties will not stop making PS3 games.
lowrider007 said:
if it's true that the PS3 is up 38% in sales in 08' compared to 07' that can't be a bad thing can it ?, as long as the sales keep going up YoY isn't that most important thing rather which console sells the most over the Christmas period or am I missing something ?
The fact that sales are up for the year is mostly because sales in the early part of 2007 (at $600) were absolutely horrifying. But sales are now dropping versus the same period last year, which is awful.

In other words, sales went from abysmal to bad, and now are going from bad to worse. I guess a person could be happy that sales have, on aggregate, increased from "abysmal" to "worse." Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, PS3 is getting the everloving shit kicked out of it.
Kenka said:
OK, not a bad explanation. I'm probably a bit too cautious with those numbers but if it is the case, December in Europe must have been huge.

What you seem to forget is that even though demand goes up dramatically for xmas, Nintendo cannot simply flip a magic switch to have another 10 million consoles appear on shelves. They have been running at full capacity pretty much since launch, and you still cannot walk into a store and know you'll find one. They sent out everything they had, and came nowhere close to meeting demand.

4 million systems in nine weeks is an impressive accomplishment. To put it in perspective, More wiis sold in nine weeks than PS3's did in an entire year. They sold in ONE month, close to what the PS3 sold in all of 2007.


CrazzyMan said:
Good/Ok PS3 sales.

1. Recession
2. Most expensive console on the market(entry price)
3. Media Hate/Bashing
4. No Price Cut like a year ago

So many excuses or whatever you call them, BUT they DO effect sales.

Sucks that Sony is the only console trying to sell in the current downturn. Also, it's a good thing people in the media aren't calling the Wii worthless or the 360 a doomed to break shoddily made red ring of death box.


CrazzyMan said:
Good/Ok PS3 sales.

1. Recession
2. Most expensive console on the market(entry price)
3. Media Hate/Bashing
4. No Price Cut like a year ago

So many excuses or whatever you call them, BUT they DO effect sales.

:lol Dube. The recession effects the Wii and 360 as well. Media Hate/Bashing? :lol
Shurs said:
I'd say the drama majors who are projecting the PS3's demise are reaching far more than Hoffman is. The US is in a recession. The PS3 is the same price as last year. What do you expect? The PS3 had a much better 2008 than 2007. They'll sell more consoles in 2009 than in 2008. 3rd parties will not stop making PS3 games.


GCN irrelevance?

Good chance.

You'll still get games, but they won't happen with the speed of PlayStation history.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Zophar said:
My point is that it's "bombing" is clearly not affecting development. Like, at all. The releases are not drying up and neither are the exclusives, and isn't that what's really important?

Mostly agree. Although clearly it's affecting 3rd party exclusives- basically they don't exist anymore.

I'd add that Sony should be thankful that the 360 is selling as much software as it is, or those big 3rd party games might be moving to the Wii.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
VALIS said:
The 360 already had a 7-8 million world wide lead over the PS3 before this month. Now it's 8-9 million. The race didn't start last January, it started in 2005.

:lol :lol

I know Private Hoffman's a Sony fan, but I thought he was a tad more reasonable than this.


Zophar said:
My point is that it's "bombing" is clearly not affecting development. Like, at all. The releases are not drying up and neither are the exclusives, and isn't that what's really important?
Do you want a unicorn with your pot of gold, good sir?
Zophar said:
I'm really having a hard time caring about NPD numbers when I'm playing all these amazing PS3 games and will continue to do so all through 2009 and beyond.
did you stop playing to post from your PS3 browser, or did you just use your PSP?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Kobun Heat said:
The fact that sales are up for the year is mostly because sales in the early part of 2007 (at $600) were absolutely horrifying. But sales are now dropping versus the same period last year, which is awful.

In other words, sales went from abysmal to bad, and now are going from bad to worse. I guess a person could be happy that sales have, on aggregate, increased from "abysmal" to "worse." Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, PS3 is getting the everloving shit kicked out of it.

Any P.R yet?


Zophar said:
My point is that it's "bombing" is clearly not affecting development. Like, at all.
I dunno, I think it's pretty clear that the PS3 would have even more good games in the pipeline if it weren't bombing so badly (Monster Hunter 3 for example). It would definitely not have lost as many exclusives as it did if it sold as well as most developers anticipated it to coming into this generation.

edit: what Schuelma said.

But yeah, you just keep playing the games that are coming (I will, too!) and be happy about those. there's some real good stuff already out and coming up. Just don't pretend as if sales weren't important. They are.
CrazzyMan said:
Good/Ok PS3 sales.

1. Recession
2. Most expensive console on the market(entry price)
3. Media Hate/Bashing
4. No Price Cut like a year ago

So many excuses or whatever you call them, BUT they DO effect sales.

That's not even an excuse, it's just stupid, just because of some random articles on interntet, doesn't mean there's a media hate, and even if it's there, never reached the mainstream media, so the major market isn't affected at all.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Son of Godzilla said:
You presume too much. The saying was never "Games don't sell on the Wii" or "Third party games don't sell on the Wii", it was "Look at all that shit".

You forget quickly.

What happened to the wii only sells because of wii sports?
What happened to its an impulse buy?
What happened to people play it for a few minutes then put it away and never buy games?
What happened to it only sells because of its price?

It clearly sells because people want to play the games that are available for it.
Zophar said:
I'm really having a hard time caring about NPD numbers when I'm playing all these amazing PS3 games and will continue to do so all through 2009 and beyond.
He posts in a thread he isn't reading because he's playing all these amazing games.

CrazzyMan said:
Good/Ok PS3 sales.

1. Recession
2. Most expensive console on the market(entry price)
3. Media Hate/Bashing
4. No Price Cut like a year ago

So many excuses or whatever you call them, BUT they DO effect sales.
Affect sales.


1. The recession doesn't seem to be affecting Nintendo HW or SW at all.
2. That's a fair point, but when parents are still buying Wii consoles on eBay at $50 over retail, price seems like less of an issue, especially around Christmas.
3. No one but GAF pays attention to media articles about video games.
4. See point 2.


rollin' in the gutter
AFreak said:
They all did great(cept for PS2) time to drop price to 99.

Oh, and isn't a yer on yer loss for all 3 of them? The year wasn't good for anyone.

And Now I shall predict that PS3 will be higher than 360 for January and February NPDs, just like last year.

No, yer over yer the only consoles to under perform are the PS2, PSP and PS3.


Private Hoffman said:
It'd be interesting to see a breakdown of each of the major regions for the 360/PS3, so far we know this for 2008 sales:


360 + 1.19 million in 2008 over the PS3


PS3 + ~600k in 2008 over the 360



All we have are UK and France figures, but that won't give us an overall picture.

Either way, world wide sales likely see the 360 and PS3 within a few hundred thousand of eachother. Kind of makes the entire "PS3 is doomed" argument a bit hilarious and ironic for those that keep preaching it....if PS3 is doomed, then things don't look so hot for the 360 either. The difference in PS3/360 WW YTD sales at this point is rather trivial when compared to what the Wii is doing to them both.

The numbers I have from my sources have the 360 ahead by about ~28 million consoles. The PS3's stronghold seems to be East Vindelsberg. MS (sorry I meant M$) can't seem to get off the ground there. :(
I'm sure when (insert next best game ever) releases, the PS3 will probably make up all lost gound and then some.


schuelma said:
Mostly agree. Although clearly it's affecting 3rd party exclusives- basically they don't exist anymore.
The lack of third party exclusives is affecting MS too, you know. They simply don't get reported as often because FFXIII is obviously a much bigger deal and a bigger name than say, Bioshock.

Jack B

Jtyettis said:
I see your chart and raise you a delicious ham sandwich;

Why do Sony fans always assume everyone WANTS all that functionality? Sony made the same mistake when they loaded up the PS3 with crap most people don't want to pay for... :)
DevelopmentArrested said:
You've already given up on America?

I think it's pretty clear that Microsoft has managed to win a significant portion of the hardcore market in the US. It's doubtful that the PS3 will ever be able to catch up to the 360 in America.

And when you look at it from a world wide perspective, the sales difference between the PS3 and the 360 this year is rather trivial. Even if we assume that PS3/360 sales in Europe are even (meaning, no one gains or loses anything), the 360 is ahead by 600k this year. I'm just giving this thread a bit of perspective when people throw around comments of being 'doomed'. Those people should really analyze the situation their camp is in before throwing such descriptions around. If the PS3 is 'doomed' and a failure, then what does that tell us about a system that costs $200-300 less (depending on the region) only outselling it world wide by 600k? For the record, I don't think either company is doomed. They've been quite successful this year in their own ways....Nintendo is clearly the one that has had, by far, the most success, though.


Kobun Heat said:
The fact that sales are up for the year is mostly because sales in the early part of 2007 (at $600) were absolutely horrifying. But sales are now dropping versus the same period last year, which is awful.

In other words, sales went from abysmal to bad, and now are going from bad to worse. I guess a person could be happy that sales have, on aggregate, increased from "abysmal" to "worse." Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, PS3 is getting the everloving shit kicked out of it.

And in Japan 360 is getting the everloving shit kicked out of it. I'm glad there is mroe to Earth than the USofA


I'd be in the dick
I still can't believe how much of a monster Nintendo has been this generation. I bought a Wii on launch day but I never expected it to have the kind of impact it's had. The DS is as strong as ever. Sony really needs to drop the PS3 price though. While the sales are actually better than I expected they're still paling in comparison with the 360. Microsoft really has done a lot right this generation and Sony has really screwed up marketing. If Sony wants to see their big name titles do as well as they deserve to they need to lower the price and pick up the marketing.


Relaxed Muscle said:
That's not even an excuse, it's just stupid, just because of some random articles on interntet, doesn't mean there's a media hate, and even if it's there, never reached the mainstream media, so the major market isn't affected at all.

Shane told me on RebelFM that it's because journalists were bribed with free 360s and live accounts, and assumed that everyone else with a 360 would also automatically have 40 friends on their friends list and get the most from the XBL experience.


Gaborn said:
You're completely right. Sony's decision to use the PS3 as a Blu-Ray Trojan horse and make their console unreasonably expensive has affected their sales. But they only have themselves to blame for their current performance.
It was the only reason why Blu Ray won the HD war. Apparently, Stringer weighed the two evils and found that they would much rather tolerate seeing the PS3 turn into some kind of Greek tragedy over suffering through Betamax 2.0. Seriously, who the hell wants that on their gravestone.


DevelopmentArrested said:
No. Because of the recession, people who normally buy PS3's are buying Wiis.

If there were no recession, then a significant number of people would be buying PS3's instead of Wii's? What evidence do you have to support this?
Oblivion said:
:lol :lol

I know Private Hoffman's a Sony fan, but I thought he was a tad more reasonable than this.

Holy Christ on a unicyle. Where did you get the impression that Hoffman was reasonable?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Mastperf said:
The numbers I have from my sources have the 360 ahead by about ~28 million consoles. The PS3's stronghold seems to be East Vindelsberg. MS (sorry I meant M$) can't seem to get off the ground there. :(
I'm sure when (insert next best game ever) releases, the PS3 will probably make up all lost gound and then some.

This made me laugh. :thumbs up:


Gaborn said:
You're completely right. Sony's decision to use the PS3 as a Blu-Ray Trojan horse and make their console unreasonably expensive has affected their sales. But they only have themselves to blame for their current performance.
What would you prefer in 2010/2011 PS3 with Blu-ray drive for 199$ or PS3 with DVD drive for 199$?
2009/2010 - 299$.
There are still 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and maybe 2013+2014 to go.
Yes, of`course, they had to pay for giving HD media features for early adopters + wining HD DVD/Blu-ray. And they paid with average sales in NA and some huge losses.
BUT, that won`t last forever, price will go down, PS3 will be profitable(there are also PSN/Home).


Thunder Monkey said:
I was off by a total million units with the Wii. Pretty sure I was very close on all others.
Best as in funny? Yes. Best as in good?

Best as in, "lets just put gif in slow-mo to make look way better than it would during gameplay"

And I meant subtle, not suddle :lol (but clearly you all knew that hence the lolz. when i type fast I spell how I talk)


Zophar said:
The lack of third party exclusives is affecting MS too, you know. They simply don't get reported as often because FFXIII is obviously a much bigger deal and a bigger name than say, Bioshock.
Ah, at least we're up to "yes, sales are affecting them" now. :p
PSP Wii and DS screwed up my prediction :/ At least Pachter's estimates were close (I forgot what he predicted for Wii), that helped me cheat


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Private Hoffman said:
I think it's pretty clear that Microsoft has managed to win a significant portion of the hardcore market in the US. It's doubtful that the PS3 will ever be able to catch up to the 360 in America.

And when you look at it from a world wide perspective, the sales difference between the PS3 and the 360 this year is rather trivial. Even if we assume that PS3/360 sales in Europe are even (meaning, no one gains or loses anything), the 360 is ahead by 600k this year. I'm just giving this thread a bit of perspective when people throw around comments of being 'doomed'. Those people should really analyze the situation their camp is in before throwing such descriptions around. If the PS3 is 'doomed' and a failure, then what does that tell us about a system that costs $200-300 less (depending on the region) only outselling it world wide by 600k? For the record, I don't think either company is doomed. They've been quite successful this year in their own ways....Nintendo is clearly the one that has had, by far, the most success, though.

Why do you keep ignoring everyone who has pointed out that the 360 has a substantial lead, and it's not a good sign for Sony that we're entering 2009 and the gap is getting bigger. How can you not understand that?


DevelopmentArrested said:
No. Because of the recession, people who normally buy PS3's are buying Wiis.

I like the way this post is worded. People who normally buy? Do people in the US go to the shopping mall and buy Wii's and PS3's like rolls of toilet paper or something?
WretchedTruman said:
It was the only reason why Blu Ray won the HD war. Apparently, Stringer weighed the two evils and found that they would much rather tolerate seeing the PS3 turn into some kind of Greek tragedy over suffering through Betamax 2.0. Seriously, who the hell wants that on their gravestone.

I think what he failed to consider was the benefit of putting a movie rental/streaming device under every tv. They put so much into blu-ray that they are missing out on a very profitable niche in the movie rental market longterm.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
professor_t said:
Holy Christ on a unicyle. Where did you get the impression that Hoffman was reasonable?

Killzone is my most-wanted game period, for the first half of 09, but the Killzone fans are ruining it for me.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
professor_t said:
Holy Christ on a unicyle. Where did you get the impression that Hoffman was reasonable?

Maybe I wasn't paying attention to him that much, but from what I did see it didn't seem like he'd already went in the deep end.
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