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NPD Sales Results for December 2008


OuterWorldVoice said:
Killzone is my most-wanted game period, for the first half of 09, but the Killzone fans are ruining it for me.
I've got it pre-ordered and I haven't been in the official thread more than once because the rabidness fucking annoys me.


AFreak said:
And in Japan 360 is getting the everloving shit kicked out of it. I'm glad there is mroe to Earth than the USofA

If your plan of attack here is to lift up the bad PS3 sales through the use of Japan, I'd probably stop talking right about now.

TJ Spyke

AFreak said:
They all did great(cept for PS2) time to drop price to 99.

Oh, and isn't a yer on yer loss for all 3 of them? The year wasn't good for anyone.

And Now I shall predict that PS3 will be higher than 360 for January and February NPDs, just like last year.

You mean for December 2007 vs. December 2008? Yep.
PS2 was down 690K
PS3 down 71.6K
PSP was down 40K

Every other system went up


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
legend166 said:
If your plan of attack here is to lift up the bad PS3 sales through the use of Japan, I'd probably stop talking right about now.

Tell them to use New Zealand.


PepsimanVsJoe said:





Seriously folks drop it already.

If someone, or their child, wants to get into HD gaming and are worried about their immediate financial future and were given two options, one starting at $199 or one starting at $399, they're more likely to choose the option that costs half as much. That is where the recession "excuse" comes in.


Mrbob said:
Not really...MS held onto some higher pricepoints for way too long. I think the 360 will come out in Jan selling much better than it has in the past.

And consider that MS held onto those prices because they WANTED to. Sony has no choice. It's gotta be killing them.
AFreak said:
And in Japan 360 is getting the everloving shit kicked out of it. I'm glad there is mroe to Earth than the USofA

Considering what Xbox did in Japan, I think that Xbox360 at least it's growing slowly and setting a userbase in Japan, exactly the contrary with PS3.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Haunted said:
I've got it pre-ordered and I haven't been in the official thread more than once because the rabidness fucking annoys me.

It has reached the point where it's just a feedback loop. It used to be a great place for impressions and really granular info. Now it's just a bizarre paranoid gif factory. Isn't there a cleaned up official thread?>


OuterWorldVoice said:
Killzone is my most-wanted game period, for the first half of 09, but the Killzone fans are ruining it for me.
just media blackout-it. I know I want to :( In fact, I feel like completely avoiding the multiplayer "beta"
you're pathetic if another gamer's enthusiasm for a title is having a negative effect on your own.:lol
That's even so much more immature than going apeshit over a blockbuster videogame


schuelma said:
Why do you keep ignoring everyone who has pointed out that the 360 has a substantial lead, and it's not a good sign for Sony that we're entering 2009 and the gap is getting bigger. How can you not understand that?

He's still at the first step. Denial.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Relaxed Muscle said:
Considering what Xbox did in Japan, I think that Xbox360 at least it's growing slowly and setting a userbase in Japan, exactly the contrary with PS3.

Next gen in Japan should be interesting

Any remaining loyalty 3rd parties had to Sony is just about gone, and in theory Microsoft should be well positioned to do even better...but I suspect that Wii HD or whatever its called is going to get the bulk of support (think PS1 to PS2). Should be fun!


******** estimated that Wii would come in at around 3 million for the USA over the period based on Americas figures. We’ll be watching Nintendo’s shipment results on January 29 to see whether a bit of an adjustment is necessary, but we doubt it given that NPD has to estimate for Walmart, which picked up market share in December, and Toys R US, which is a strong Nintendo vendor. All other NPD hardware results were nearly identical to our estimates for the USA. DS sales were estimated by VGC for the USA at 90% of the 3.2m Americas figures, or 2.9m which is quite close to what NPD reported. Xbox 360 Americas figures were 1.75m, which translates to about 1.57m for the USA. PS3 was estimated at about 740,000 for the USA, NPD reported 730,000. PS2 was estimated on VGC at about 480,000 for the USA, NPD reported 410,000 for the USA. PSP figures were estimated at 900,000, NPD reported 1.02m
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

OMFG I cant stop laughing at the sheer stupidity

They were OFF by 1.3 MILLION:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Holy shit at GHWT sales on Wii, its got to be at least at 1.5m if not 2m (wasnt last month almost 500k)

Wonder what RB1 sales were since it was selling out everywhere for $99 in December


Haunted said:
But yeah, you just keep playing the games that are coming (I will, too!) and be happy about those. there's some real good stuff already out and coming up. Just don't pretend as if sales weren't important. They are.
I don't recall ever saying they are unimportant. The sales are "good enough" to keep people developing for it and churning out qualities products, despite not meeting the expectations of GAF. Two years ago maybe, but it's already passed critical mass: the system is obviously healthy enough that nobody wants to cancel projects on it.

So fucking what if it becomes the Gamecube of this generation (it would have to sell fewer than what, 3 million consoles between now and eternity to meet that?), the games keep coming, enough people are buying them to keep the console viable, and as someone that still enjoys his Genesis carts as much as his PS3 games, the only thing thats really important to me is that it lives out its natural lifespan.

Would I like to see it as a first or second place console? Absolutely. Is it going to alter my enjoyment of the system? Not in any way.


Kobun Heat said:
The fact that sales are up for the year is mostly because sales in the early part of 2007 (at $600) were absolutely horrifying. But sales are now dropping versus the same period last year, which is awful.

In other words, sales went from abysmal to bad, and now are going from bad to worse. I guess a person could be happy that sales have, on aggregate, increased from "abysmal" to "worse." Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, PS3 is getting the everloving shit kicked out of it.


And the chart actual consumers would use:



Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
donny2112 said:
That's like saying Mario Kart 64 was part of the "... 64" series. *facepalm*

Not really. They all have a consistent identity, the graphics are similar, heavy use of Miis, all expanded audience focused. Its definitely not as far a stretch as your 64 comment


WretchedTruman said:
you're pathetic if another gamer's enthusiasm for a title is having a negative effect on your own.:lol
That's even so much more immature than going apeshit over a blockbuster videogame

It's not enthusiasm. It's idolatry and they're all going to hell.

It's sort of like being a Republican yet choosing not to associate or support FOX & Friends.

Looking forward to next month.


WretchedTruman said:
It was the only reason why Blu Ray won the HD war. Apparently, Stringer weighed the two evils and found that they would much rather tolerate seeing the PS3 turn into some kind of Greek tragedy over suffering through Betamax 2.0. Seriously, who the hell wants that on their gravestone.

Winning the HD war only matters if long term the market adopts the PS3 and it doesn't become a failed format like Laser-Disc. So far there's a HUGE push from retailers and yet DVD sales haven't been eaten into much. It's a Pyrrhic victory so far. And it doesn't really matter when we're talking about console sales.

CrazzyMan said:
What would you prefer in 2010/2011 PS3 with Blu-ray drive for 199$ or PS3 with DVD drive for 199$?
2009/2010 - 299$.
There are still 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and maybe 2013+2014 to go.
Yes, of`course, they had to pay for giving HD media features for early adopters + wining HD DVD/Blu-ray. And they paid with average sales in NA and some huge losses.
BUT, that won`t last forever, price will go down, PS3 will be profitable(there are also PSN/Home).

Down the road you've got a great point, but the poster I was responding to was making an excuse for the PS3's CURRENT hardware performance. It's too expensive for the mass market now. It'll obviously come down in price at some point, and should sell more to consumers as a result. But the fact is because Sony took a gamble on Blu Ray not just winning the HD format war but catching on with consumers in the near term Sony chose to take it out of the sales race for a significant part of it's life cycle. That was IT'S choice. You can say that's a good decision in the future but that doesn't change the present.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
WretchedTruman said:
you're pathetic if another gamer's enthusiasm for a title is having a negative effect on your own.:lol
That's even so much more immature than going apeshit over a blockbuster videogame

They're not ruining the game, they're ruining my ability to read about it.


Chumly said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

OMFG I cant stop laughing at the sheer stupidity

They were OFF by 1.3 MILLION:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Absolutely delicious.
Chumly said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

OMFG I cant stop laughing at the sheer stupidity

They were OFF by 1.3 MILLION:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol

i wonder how off their animal crossing numbers are now... wait, no i don't.

Tobor said:

And the chart actual consumers would use:

:lol :lol :lol
Shurs said:
If someone, or their child, wants to get into HD gaming and are worried about their immediate financial future and were given two options, one starting at $199 or one starting at $399, they're more likely to choose the option that costs half as much. That is where the recession "excuse" comes in.
No. If someone, or their child, wants to get into HD gaming and are worried about their immediate financial future then there does not exist a world in which they pick the $399 option.


titiklabingapat said:
Dec is a 5 week month, iirc. Nov was 4 weeks.
i think reggie already said that they have like 50% more shipment for Q 4

last Q 4 Nintendo sold 3 million something

this Q4 Nintendo sold over 5 Million

so yeah the december result is a shipment problem


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
So for GH:WT Wii I have a LTD of approximately 1.516M. Does that sound right?


Son of Godzilla said:
No. If someone, or their child, wants to get into HD gaming and are worried about their immediate financial future then there does not exist a world in which they pick the $399 option.
If someone had half an inkling of fiscal responsibility they would buy neither.


Oblivion said:
Only 16 pages in 2 hours? I'm starting to get worried here, guys. :(

Would probably be 10X longer by now if the 3+million Wii predictions turned out. Most of this is in line really.

boiled goose

good with gravy
CrazzyMan said:
Good/Ok PS3 sales.

1. Recession
2. Most expensive console on the market(entry price)
3. Media Hate/Bashing
4. No Price Cut like a year ago

So many excuses or whatever you call them, BUT they DO effect sales.

yep. excuses, reasons, etc. does it matter? Sony is trying to sell the product they made.
They made it expensive. That explains 1. 2. 4. and part of 3.
also Affect

Zophar said:
I'm really having a hard time caring about NPD numbers when I'm playing all these amazing PS3 games and will continue to do so all through 2009 and beyond.

:lol Thank you...for posting here then

NeoUltima said:
but yeah that gif owns. some of the best animation ever

Some good animations before going through the door...
but I didnt know wooden doors stretched out when pushed and then suddenly snapped back...[spoiler/]


eznark said:
Sucks that Sony is the only console trying to sell in the current downturn. Also, it's a good thing people in the media aren't calling the Wii worthless or the 360 a doomed to break shoddily made red ring of death box.
MOst expensive console(entry price). And looks like, price has more to do with sales, then media hate, but still.

Karma said:
:lol Dube. The recession effects the Wii and 360 as well. Media Hate/Bashing? :lol
Yet, the less is price, the less is effect. :)
Saw over 20 articles on n4g in december(after November NPD sales) how PS3 is doomed...)

viciouskillersquirrel said:
1. The recession doesn't seem to be affecting Nintendo HW or SW at all.
2. That's a fair point, but when parents are still buying Wii consoles on eBay at $50 over retail, price seems like less of an issue, especially around Christmas.
3. No one but GAF pays attention to media articles about video games.
4. See point 2.
1. Big HW = Big SW(usually), and like i said, entry price point. Does anyone here expect PS3 at 249$ bundled with a game to do much worse, then Wii at 249$?
2. They could have read yahoo..)) and other PS3 bashing articles.
3. You never know.
4. It`s not like 2 mln. parrents paid 50$ over retail in December?


Oblivion said:
Only 16 pages in 2 hours? I'm starting to get worried here, guys. :(

With only 10 numbers (two to three wasted on hardware purchases listed as software) each month, NPD isn't the same.

I wish the NPD group would give us a holiday gift in Dec of a top 20 list.
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