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NPD Sales Results for December 2008

Amibguous Cad said:
Eh, the PS3 is big enough to support multiplat development and that's all that really matters. You'd have to be pretty stupid not to put it multiplat unless you're like Insomniac, Epic, or Bioware, and are getting help with development resources or advertising for your game in exchange for exclusivity. For all the doom and gloom about hardware sales last year, PS3 still had a good line up of exclusives this year.
The same BioWare that is now owned be EA. :lol


Mrbob said:
Not sure what you are getting at..what else would they use it for? Not like I see the Shaun White Snowboarding game doing gangbusters on the system.

Maybe they would use it for the WiiFit software?


Junior Member
Mrbob said:
Not sure what you are getting at..what else would they use it for? Not like I see the Shaun White Snowboarding game doing gangbusters on the system.
Xbox 360's Sarah Palin
(Today, 02:48 AM)

Fixed your tag.
FirewalkR said:

Someone said in the KZ2 thread that if someone posted a KZ2 gif in here, people would cry.


Here, gentle people!!!

Now don't cry, come join us in the Alamo. Be brave as I have just (possibly suicidally) been.

So many watch and so few join the party. Be brave, good people. Be brave!

*runs and **incredibly** dodges Evilore*


now let me help you!!!




Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Quazar said:
Any clue when we'll get top 20 list?

Our fellow gafer jvm usually posts his NPD article by Monday and he usually gets it.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Isn't there a piece of software included with the balance board or? Isn't that piece of software the reason people BUY Wii Fit? Hmm..

So since Shaun White isn't selling doesn't that mean that WII FIT THE SOFTWARE IS THE REASON they are buying Wii Fit? Way to prove my point for me, genius.

It still a hardware purchase akin to the Wii hardware. Wii Hardware sells because of Wii Sports...which is an included software package. It is the same thing with Wii Fit. Outside of Wii Fit, the balance board doesn't matter. It shouldn't be considered a software purchase.

Do you consider Wii hardware as a software purchase as well? People are buying it in droves for Wii Sports.
CrazzyMan said:
Yes, it`s too expensive. Yes, PS3 was outselling x360 in NA for almost whole year, and only in last several months x360 went ahead.
Same can happen to PS3 at mass market price in a long term.

Though, PS3 is not performing as good as PS2 in NA and in Japan(in Europe it`s doing pretty good), Sony are lucky with x360. Wii is number 1 in terms of sales, yet MOST high rated 3rd party (multiplatform) games are being released on PS360.
There is NO need for PS3 to catch x360 or Wii in near future.
Nobody is going to ignore +20 mln. userbase.
More over, PS3 will continue to get 3rd party Japanese support, no matter what, since it is the only HD console in Japan, that can have good SW sales. And Wii with PS3 can co-exist.
x360 will be getting exclusive/timed exclusive Japan oriented games as long, as MS is willing to pay for ignoring Japan PS3 userbase.

It's like whatever progress has been made over the past few years has been obliterated in a single post.


Karma said:
US + Japan is over 5 Million for the first time.


Yup, now add in the rest of NA, Europe, AU and WW and it's clearly around that 8 million mark MS quoted. Sony's shipment figures will likely be around 20 million when they report. Few 100k for the year, right. You don' go from 5.5/6 million lead to 8 million with just a few 100k heh.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Mrbob said:
I Outside of Wii Fit, the balance board doesn't matter. It shouldn't be considered a software purchase.

Umm..I think you might be like...arguing against your point maybe.


Mrbob said:
It still a hardware purchase akin to the Wii hardware. Wii Hardware sells because of Wii Sports...which is an included software package. It is the same thing with Wii Fit. Outside of Wii Fit, the balance board doesn't matter. It shouldn't be considered a software purchase.

Do you consider Wii hardware as a software purchase as well? People are buying it in droves for Wii Sports.

Then I guess DDR, Rock Band and Guitar Hero shouldn't be listed in the NPDs either.

TJ Spyke

Mrbob said:
It still a hardware purchase akin to the Wii hardware. Wii Hardware sells because of Wii Sports...which is an included software package. It is the same thing with Wii Fit. Outside of Wii Fit, the balance board doesn't matter. It shouldn't be considered a software purchase.

Do you consider Wii hardware as a software purchase as well? People are buying it in droves for Wii Sports.

Sounds like someone is upset that Wii Fit (which of coarse counts as software) outsold their favorite Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 game.


Junior Member
Mrbob said:
It still a hardware purchase akin to the Wii hardware. Wii Hardware sells because of Wii Sports...which is an included software package. It is the same thing with Wii Fit. Outside of Wii Fit, the balance board doesn't matter. It shouldn't be considered a software purchase.

Do you consider Wii hardware as a software purchase as well? People are buying it in droves for Wii Sports.

Someone's on the cusp of having a meltdown methinks.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
DevelopmentArrested said:

Well what do you want? These are expected, save DS, but nobody cares about a system that has already crushed its competition. And we get shit for game sales data since all the obvious old players are there. We need some more stuff to get revealed
Mrbob said:
It still a hardware purchase akin to the Wii hardware. Wii Hardware sells because of Wii Sports...which is an included software package. It is the same thing with Wii Fit. Outside of Wii Fit, the balance board doesn't matter. It shouldn't be considered a software purchase.

So Wii Fit sells because of the software Wii Fit yet it shouldn't be considered a software purchase...
Your logics. Let you show us them.

Do you consider Wii hardware as a software purchase as well? People are buying it in droves for Wii Sports.

So true; as evidenced by this months Top 10.


Mrbob said:
It still a hardware purchase akin to the Wii hardware. Wii Hardware sells because of Wii Sports...which is an included software package. It is the same thing with Wii Fit. Outside of Wii Fit, the balance board doesn't matter. It shouldn't be considered a software purchase.

Do you consider Wii hardware as a software purchase as well? People are buying it in droves for Wii Sports.
As I said, whimsical yet tragic.

If a consumer buys a software/hardware bundle and intends to use the hardware for only that software... somehow that doesn't count as a game sale? What?

Care to explain why that doesn't apply to bundled Guitar Hero/Rock Band sales?

And dare I point out that's a different case from Wii Play (which is multi-purpose hardware sold with a game)?

How do you flit from arguing about one to the other without noticing the difference?


NPD threads are amazing, reading Hoffman's shit every month and then watching everybody make fun of him is great. :lol :lol Poor guy, he's so insecure about his system of choice that he defends it as if he created it.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Well I can't ever really see the PS3 getting out of third place (In terms of world sales) but I still think PS3 can make a good profit at the end of it's tenure, I believe that sales of the PS3 will still continue to increase YoY, alot of people are saying that the only reason they increased 38% in '08 was becuase it sold very poorly at the beginning of '07 due to it's high price point, but if it's true and Sony are planning on dropping the price of PS3 in the first quarter of this year then won't that help increase sales further and allow them to come out of '09 up on sales YoY again ?

Now before anyone thinks I'm some sort of PS3 fanboy here is a post I made a few days ago on my home forum in regards to PS3 vs 360 sales,

I love the PS3 but I don't beleive it can ever beat the 360's market share, why ?, the 'Arcade SKU', you just can't compete against it, it's just so cheap, the PS3 will never be able to even come close to the Arcade's price point and it doesn't matter that the 'Arcade SKU' is missing all the extra peripherals because mum/dad and majority of young kids either don't realize this or don't care, I know quite a few parents that got their kids Arcade SKU's this xmas even after I told them that they won't have a HHD etc, and the response was "but it can still play all the game right ?", and basically that's where the 'Arcade SKU' wins.

It's a cheap as chips console that can play all the latest next gen games, for many people this is enough, the number one reason you buy a games console is to play games, and the 'Arcade SKU' offers that for pence (cents).

All Sony can do now is make sure they finish in a healthy 3rd place and come out of this gen making a good profit.


CrazzyMan said:
There is NO need for PS3 to catch x360 or Wii in near future.

Going from #1 and dominating the consoles for 2 generations and then selling its soul for a disk format and ending up in third place is never good..

The fact that xbox is outselling PS3 means more xbots.. means more sales next gen.. less sales for playstation.

3rd is never a good spot if you can't offset your losses.
But I am sure Sony is going to take its BR money and make sure we get a PS4 right?


CrazzyMan said:
Yes, it`s too expensive. Yes, PS3 was outselling x360 in NA for almost whole year, and only in last several months x360 went ahead.
Same can happen to PS3 at mass market price in a long term.

Right. All I'm saying is you can't use that as an excuse for Sony's current situation and simultaneously credit it as adding value when they cut the price. See, you were trying to explain the PS3's poor performance this holiday, but it doesn't work to blame the price because Sony decided that when they made the system the way they did. So essentially you can say "Sony for making the PS3 too expensive for consumers to buy" but just blaming the price doesn't work;.

Though, PS3 is not performing as good as PS2 in NA and in Japan(in Europe it`s doing pretty good), Sony are lucky with x360. Wii is number 1 in terms of sales, yet MOST high rated 3rd party (multiplatform) games are being released on PS360.
There is NO need for PS3 to catch x360 or Wii in near future.
Nobody is going to ignore +20 mln. userbase.
More over, PS3 will continue to get 3rd party Japanese support, no matter what, since it is the only HD console in Japan, that can have good SW sales. And Wii with PS3 can co-exist.
x360 will be getting exclusive/timed exclusive Japan oriented games as long, as MS is willing to pay for ignoring Japan PS3 userbase.

Honestly I don't completely disagree with this. As I've said all along I think this Gen Sony has to focus on profitability rather than sales or trying to overcome the, what, 6-7 (or is it 8-9 million now?) deficit world wide against the 360. I think at some point they may lose some games altogether if sales continue to be flat or down, but for now you're right. They're basically holding serve. They're not changing the dynamic against the 360 and have lost some ground this year. I don't consider that a bad thing necessarily from a profit perspective, from a sales perspective it's a bad sign if you think they can catch up to the 360 world wide.



I love the gaming side forum.

It was just a suggestion to get more numbers on the top 10 list. They could still get their Wii Fit and Wii Play numbers fix in the hardware section. I figured people would be in favor of this, but I guess not.

Sales age, serious business!
Parl said:
Stealth trolling tactics have gotten more sly recently.

I was kidding, that is gameplay from the alpha version and it's just clearly a bug which common in every early stage of any game, no need to get defensive here...
Mrbob said:

I love the gaming side forum.

It was just a suggestion to get more numbers on the top 10 list. They could still get their Wii Fit and Wii Play numbers fix in the hardware section. I figured people would be in favor of this, but I guess not.

Sales age, serious business!

Yet without contradicting yourself you still haven't coherently explained why this should happen. In fact, at best you helped explain why it is considered software. Thanks for playing, though.


Relaxed Muscle said:
I was kidding, that is gameplay from the alpha version and it's just clearly a bug common in avery early stage of any game, no need to get defensive here...

I forgot about that gif :lol


Nintendo's spin is out. The pie chart is pretty remarkable.


REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Before 2008, no video game system had ever been purchased by ten million Americans in a single year. But according to independent sales data released today by the NPD Group, the Wii™ console from Nintendo did just that, even during these economic times, with 2008 unit sales of 10.17 million. The Nintendo DS™ portable handheld system came in a close second, with 2008 unit sales of 9.95 million. Each of them broke the previous yearly unit sales record set in 2007 by Nintendo DS with sales of 8.52 million.

Consequently, Wii represented 55% of all next generation home console sales in 2008, while Nintendo DS claimed 72% of all portable system sales in 2008.

“Our type of entertainment has now moved to the point where there is no longer a question that if you offer consumers an expanded definition of what a video game can be, and deliver that idea with quality and affordability in mind, millions of new people will start playing video games,” said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “Concepts like Wii Fit, Guitar Hero, and Rock Band never would have seemed feasible just a few years ago, and now they’re driving growth for our the entire industry.”

NPD data released for December and all of 2008 also included the following:

* The industry’s top 4 selling games of 2008 were: Wii Play™ at No. 1, Mario Kart™ Wii at No. 2, Wii Fit™ at No.3, and Super Smash Brothers™ Brawl, at No. 4.
* Industry annual revenues jumped 19% in 2008 over 2007, and Nintendo products were responsible for 99% of those additional retail dollars.
* Nintendo DS set another industry record for system sales in any month, with 3.04 million units sold in December.
* Wii broke its own monthly record, set in December 2007, by selling 2.14 million units last month.
* In December, Nintendo titles filled 20 of the top 30 spots on the best-seller list. Six games made for Nintendo systems placed in the top 10, including Wii Music™ for Wii (No. 9), which has now sold 865,000 units following its launch in October 2008, and Mario Kart DS for the Nintendo DS (No. 7), which has sold a total of 4.3 million units 38 months after launch.
* Activision’s Guitar Hero® III: Legends of Rock and Guitar Hero® World Tour, and MTV Games/EA’s* Rock Band Special Edition Bundle all sold more units on Nintendo platforms than any other platforms in 2008.
* More 3rd party units were sold for Wii than any other home consoles in December for the 2nd consecutive month.
* For the year, more than 132 million games were sold in America for play on Nintendo systems.

TJ Spyke

Mrbob said:

I love the gaming side forum.

It was just a suggestion to get more numbers on the top 10 list. They could still get their Wii Fit and Wii Play numbers fix in the hardware section. I figured people would be in favor of this, but I guess not.

Sales age, serious business!

The problem is that NPD almost never reveals any sales numbers for accessories (things like controllers, memory cards, etc.) Just be thankful that NPD doesn't count hardware bundles in software sales like Media Create/Famitsu do (the PS3/Gran Turismo 5: Prologue bundle counts as a sale for GT5:p).


Mrbob said:

I love the gaming side forum.

It was just a suggestion to get more numbers on the top 10 list. They could still get their Wii Fit and Wii Play numbers fix in the hardware section. I figured people would be in favor of this, but I guess not.

Sales age, serious business!
Oh don't pull that bullshit. Making up stupid arguments here doesn't make you a genius or a saint there.


CrazzyMan said:
Yes, it`s too expensive. Yes, PS3 was outselling x360 in NA for almost whole year,
5 months is almost a whole year?

not on my planet, unless you're rounding up which in that case, maybe.
HylianTom said:
Nintendo's spin is out. The pie chart is pretty remarkable.


Yeah, yeah you are rich as fuck, now that you see how the DS can still put 3 million units in December how about bringing more games from Japan to the US and Europe?

Just saying...


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Nintendo is clearly shifting its P.R towards Microsoft:

* In December, Nintendo titles filled 20 of the top 30 spots on the best-seller list. Six games made for Nintendo systems placed in the top 10, including Wii Music™ for Wii (No. 9), which has now sold 865,000 units following its launch in October 2008, and Mario Kart DS for the Nintendo DS (No. 7), which has sold a total of 4.3 million units 38 months after launch.
* Activision’s Guitar Hero® III: Legends of Rock and Guitar Hero® World Tour, and MTV Games/EA’s* Rock Band Special Edition Bundle all sold more units on Nintendo platforms than any other platforms in 2008.
* More 3rd party units were sold for Wii than any other home consoles in December for the 2nd consecutive month.


Everything is tsundere to me
say, i'm pretty curious. how did Call of Duty 5 on the Wii do this month? i noticed that the console exclusive advertising didn't start until early December, so it might have had a better impact on the game, not that Activision deserves it...
lowrider007 said:
I believe that sales of the PS3 will still continue to increase YoY, alot of people are saying that the only reason they increased 38% in '08 was becuase it sold very poorly at the beginning of '07 due to it's high price point, but if it's true and Sony are planning on dropping the price of PS3 in the first quarter of this year then won't help increase sales further and allow them to come out of '09 up on sales YoY again?
Yes, that's exactly how sales work: price down over time, maintaining or growing sales.

The problem for Sony is that they're having to make an extremely abrupt switch from the PS2 to the PS3. From a, well, PS2-like dominance to a Gamecube-like back-of-the-pack. Nintendo made money with the Gamecube; Sony can do so even with a third-place PS3. But it will be much harder because the hardware ROI wasn't designed for such a business model.

The drop year-over-year in December shows that their price cut from last year has just about squeezed out what it can. How long can they afford to delay another?


Wow at the PSP...I won't go in my tirade about WiiPlay again but Nintendo keeps on trucking just the same...happy at the 360 sales as well.


So October was claimed by MS for third party. Thought it might have been. They also did not mention full year, which means MS likley took that as well as they were on top before October as well.


Thanks to IGNXbox

Here are the top 10 selling games by revenue generated for December:

1. Wii Fit – Wii
2. Guitar Hero World Tour – Wii
3. Wii Play w/Remote – Wii
4. Call of Duty: World at War – Xbox 360
5. Mario Kart – Wii
6. Gears of War 2 – Xbox 360
7. Rock Band 2 – Xbox 360
8. Left 4 Dead – Xbox 360
9. Call of Duty: World at War – PlayStation 3
10. Rock Band 2 – Wii

To date, the three home consoles have sold a combined 38.2 million units. At the same point in the last hardware cycle, 38 months in, 36.9 million units had been sold.
NPD has also released data for the entire calendar year of 2008. Here are the top 10 games for all of 2008 across all platforms by revenue:

1. Rock Band – Multiple Platforms
2. Wii Fit – Wii
3. Guitar Hero World Tour – Multiple Platforms
4. Grand Theft Auto IV – Multiple Platforms
5. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock – Multiple Platforms
6. Mario Kart – Wii
7. Madden NFL 09 – Multiple Platforms
8. Wii Play w/ Remote – Wii
9. Call of Duty: World at War – Multiple Platforms
10. Super Smash Brothers: Brawl – Wii

When you limit the list to just Xbox 360 software for 2008, the top 10 is as follows:

1. Grand Theft Auto IV
2. Call of Duty: World at War
3. Rock Band
4. Madden NFL 09
5. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
6. Fable II
7. Rock Band 2
8. Left 4 Dead
9. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
10. Fallout 3

We don't know if the Xbox only chart is listed by revenue, sorry.
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