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NPD Sales Results for December 2008


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
TJ Spyke said:
Nintendo had 20 of the top 30 games for December? Holy hell.

Pretty amazing. Hope we can get the top 20 and maybe even top 30 at some point..


HylianTom said:
Nintendo's spin is out. The pie chart is pretty remarkable.


I just said WOW! :lol


listen to the mad man
Some thoughts:

Mario Kart Wii doubles Mario Kart Double Dash next month or the month after.
Mario Kart DS doubles Mario Kart GBA within the next 3-4 months.
Brawl is Melee's LTD + 500k.
DS's monthly record will never be broken, ever. Seriously.

Wii gained 2 million on PS360 this year. 3.1 million to go until it surpasses the combined total.

Wii Play in the next few months will become the first tracked-NPD single-SKU game to hit ten million. It's the best-selling single-SKU game of all time.

Wii Fit _should_ be the best-selling single-SKU peripheral game of all time.

Call of Duty 5 PS3 becomes the fourth PS3 SKU to break a million in North America in public tracked NPD numbers (no idea if anything else squeaked in, possibly some of the music games)

Mario Kart DS gets a new and unique award, The John Travolta, dedicated to the game that returns to the top 10 after the longest absence.


Wow, Rock Band sales highest on the Wii for the year. That's unexpected. Now only if it could outsell the turd that GHWT is.


Relaxed Muscle said:

now let me help you!!!


I'd seen your post but i didn't wait for the gif to load and only noticed what pic u used until someone accused you of trolling. Well played. :lol
Yech. Can't say I'm entirely thrilled about what dominates the sales charts these days.

Then again I can't remember the last time a game I loved was at, around, or somewhere within a mile of the top of the charts...well aside from Galaxy, SMB3, and a couple others.

Maybe I need to adopt a more mainstream taste.


TJ Spyke said:
Nintendo had 20 of the top 30 games for December? Holy hell.
So in the 11-20 spots, 14 are for Wii/DS and 6 are for 360/PS3/PS2/PSP.

Edit: PC data not recorded.

Nintendo said:
* More 3rd party units were sold for Wii than any other home consoles in December for the 2nd consecutive month.
I think we need a new goal post.

- First it was that Wii software didn't sell, now it drawfs 360's.
- Then it was third party software, which is now in front too.


Relaxed Muscle said:
Yeah, yeah you are rich as fuck, now that you see how the DS can still put 3 million units in December how about bringing more games from Japan to the US and Europe?

Just saying...
Games still missing from fucking cock-tease and blueball causation Nintendo:

* Fatal Frame 4
* Captain Rainbow
* Layton series

Pretty sure there's more, but those are the ones I really want from 2008.
Nintendo PR said:


* In December, Nintendo titles filled 20 of the top 30 spots on the best-seller list. Six games made for Nintendo systems placed in the top 10, including Wii Music™ for Wii (No. 9), which has now sold 865,000 units following its launch in October 2008, and Mario Kart DS for the Nintendo DS (No. 7), which has sold a total of 4.3 million units 38 months after launch.
Holy shit.
I just imagine Reggie up in his ivory tower looking something like this, way too fucking off his face to care that people on GAF oversold the Wii when they're sold 5 mil consoles...:

And the MS boys are all like:

Sadly I don't think a Scarface gif exists to convey Sony's feelings.


APZonerunner said:
I just imagine Reggie up in his ivory tower looking something like this, way too fucking off his face to care that people on GAF oversold the Wii when they're sold 5 mil consoles...:

And the MS boys are all like:

Sadly I don't think a Scarface gif exists to convey Sony's feelings.



HylianTom said:
Nintendo's spin is out. The pie chart is pretty remarkable.

that pie chart offends and angers me. No matter how much they shove it in my face i will say that I DON'T LIKE THEIR GAMES! DO YOU HEAR ME? GODDAMNIT DO YOU HEAR ME!

Man it feels good posting my lesser-shared opinion on a random gaming forum full of people who don't care. Makes me feel empowered.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
HylianTom said:
Nintendo's spin is out. The pie chart is pretty remarkable.


Oh that is awesome that they put out that graph. That is brilliant. Sadly though, shouldn't Nintendo wait until they have their second first place console in a row before they reach the arrogant stage again. We have the 2 year cycle to think about.


It was the last post of the former page so I post it again here :

Courtesy of IGN


Here are the top 10 selling games by revenue generated for December:

1. Wii Fit – Wii
2. Guitar Hero World Tour – Wii
3. Wii Play w/Remote – Wii
4. Call of Duty: World at War – Xbox 360
5. Mario Kart – Wii
6. Gears of War 2 – Xbox 360
7. Rock Band 2 – Xbox 360
8. Left 4 Dead – Xbox 360
9. Call of Duty: World at War – PlayStation 3
10. Rock Band 2 – Wii

To date, the three home consoles have sold a combined 38.2 million units. At the same point in the last hardware cycle, 38 months in, 36.9 million units had been sold.
NPD has also released data for the entire calendar year of 2008. Here are the top 10 games for all of 2008 across all platforms by revenue:

1. Rock Band – Multiple Platforms
2. Wii Fit – Wii
3. Guitar Hero World Tour – Multiple Platforms
4. Grand Theft Auto IV – Multiple Platforms
5. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock – Multiple Platforms
6. Mario Kart – Wii
7. Madden NFL 09 – Multiple Platforms
8. Wii Play w/ Remote – Wii
9. Call of Duty: World at War – Multiple Platforms
10. Super Smash Brothers: Brawl – Wii

When you limit the list to just Xbox 360 software for 2008, the top 10 is as follows:

1. Grand Theft Auto IV
2. Call of Duty: World at War
3. Rock Band
4. Madden NFL 09
5. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
6. Fable II
7. Rock Band 2
8. Left 4 Dead
9. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
10. Fallout 3
Kilrogg said:
I think the real story here is that the 360 price cuts didn't do much for the system overall, as the system sold 100k more in 2008 than in 2007. However, it did impact PS3 sales big time, it seems.

It goes to show the PS3 and 360 are fighting for the same more limited demographic compared to the Wii which nintendo cant seem to make enough of. Any kind of increase in sales seems to come at the expense of the other. The PS3's sales where up for most of 2008 at the expense of the 360 but the roles reversed big time in the last 3 months.


APZonerunner said:
I just imagine Reggie up in his ivory tower looking something like this, way too fucking off his face to care that people on GAF oversold the Wii when they're sold 5 mil consoles...:

And the MS boys are all like:

Sadly I don't think a Scarface gif exists to convey Sony's feelings.


When you limit the list to just Xbox 360 software for 2008, the top 10 is as follows:

1. Grand Theft Auto IV
2. Call of Duty: World at War
3. Rock Band
4. Madden NFL 09
5. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
6. Fable II
7. Rock Band 2
8. Left 4 Dead
9. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
10. Fallout 3
Where's Gears?

TJ Spyke

OmegaRed said:
What are the YTD sales for the PS3 and X360?

Xbox 360: 4,735,400 (1,341,000 in the first half and 3,394,400 in second half)
PlayStation 3: 3,544,900 (1,608,100 in first half and 1,936,800 in second half)
REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Before 2008, no video game system had ever been purchased by ten million Americans in a single year. But according to independent sales data released today by the NPD Group, the Wii™ console from Nintendo did just that, even during these economic times, with 2008 unit sales of 10.17 million. The Nintendo DS™ portable handheld system came in a close second, with 2008 unit sales of 9.95 million. Each of them broke the previous yearly unit sales record set in 2007 by Nintendo DS with sales of 8.52 million.

Consequently, Wii represented 55% of all next generation home console sales in 2008, while Nintendo DS claimed 72% of all portable system sales in 2008.

“Our type of entertainment has now moved to the point where there is no longer a question that if you offer consumers an expanded definition of what a video game can be, and deliver that idea with quality and affordability in mind, millions of new people will start playing video games,” said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “Concepts like Wii Fit, Guitar Hero, and Rock Band never would have seemed feasible just a few years ago, and now they’re driving growth for our the entire industry.”

NPD data released for December and all of 2008 also included the following:

* The industry’s top 4 selling games of 2008 were: Wii Play™ at No. 1, Mario Kart™ Wii at No. 2, Wii Fit™ at No.3, and Super Smash Brothers™ Brawl, at No. 4.
* Industry annual revenues jumped 19% in 2008 over 2007, and Nintendo products were responsible for 99% of those additional retail dollars.
* Nintendo DS set another industry record for system sales in any month, with 3.04 million units sold in December.
* Wii broke its own monthly record, set in December 2007, by selling 2.14 million units last month.
* In December, Nintendo titles filled 20 of the top 30 spots on the best-seller list. Six games made for Nintendo systems placed in the top 10, including Wii Music™ for Wii (No. 9), which has now sold 865,000 units following its launch in October 2008, and Mario Kart DS for the Nintendo DS (No. 7), which has sold a total of 4.3 million units 38 months after launch.
* Activision’s Guitar Hero® III: Legends of Rock and Guitar Hero® World Tour, and MTV Games/EA’s* Rock Band Special Edition Bundle all sold more units on Nintendo platforms than any other platforms in 2008.
* More 3rd party units were sold for Wii than any other home consoles in December for the 2nd consecutive month.
* For the year, more than 132 million games were sold in America for play on Nintendo systems.



Kenka said:
It was the last post of the former page so I post it again here :

Courtesy of IGN

That 360 top ten chart is all kinds of wrong. Where is Gears? It's sold more than at least a few on there I know starting with F3. Oh yea it's not just shooters selling, boo hoo. :lol

Tron 2.0

Nintendo PR said:
* In December, Nintendo titles filled 20 of the top 30 spots on the best-seller list...
* More 3rd party units were sold for Wii than any other home consoles in December for the 2nd consecutive month.
* For the year, more than 132 million games were sold in America for play on Nintendo systems.
Holy fuck.


Junior Member
When you limit the list to just Xbox 360 software for 2008, the top 10 is as follows:

1. Grand Theft Auto IV
2. Call of Duty: World at War
3. Rock Band
4. Madden NFL 09
5. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
6. Fable II
7. Rock Band 2
8. Left 4 Dead
9. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
10. Fallout 3

something seems off about this list. Rock Band sold more than Madden? Where's Gears of War 2?


To date, the three home consoles have sold a combined 38.2 million units. At the same point in the last hardware cycle, 38 months in, 36.9 million units had been sold.
NPD has also released data for the entire calendar year of 2008. Here are the top 10 games for all of 2008 across all platforms by revenue:

1. Rock Band – Multiple Platforms
2. Wii Fit – Wii
3. Guitar Hero World Tour – Multiple Platforms
Now this is what I really wanted to see.


TJ Spyke said:
Xbox 360: 4,735,400 (1,341,000 in the first half and 3,394,400 in second half)
PlayStation 3: 3,544,900 (1,608,100 in first half and 1,936,800 in second half)


So I'm guessing the PS3 has a userbase of 19 million? or am I wrong?

I haven't been keeping up with the userbase totals.
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