Bulla564 said:
It IS about the quality of the line-up, and in the PS3's case, since there is no Wii Sports or Gears, it's about the entire line-up. In quality and blockbusters, my money is on the PS3 for this year, as for announced games so far. The overall line-up has kept this $400 console afloat, and will continue to improve its sales.
No, it's not. It's about how much the lineup appeals to the consumer, and how much they are willing to pay for it. And quality is not necessarily correlated to that in any way.
Which means despite the price, people are not all flocking to the Wii/X360. Thanks for providing the actual number for PS3's growth YoY.
Not any more than 'all' flocked to the PS2. A net gain in absolute sales figures is in and of itself nothing to be proud of - the only other possibility is that it sells 0 units, after all.
As far as I know till recently a shit ton of people jumped in and bought a PS2... how do you explain that? did they wait for a (insert price here) to get a (insert GREAT game system) so they can enjoy (insert list of exclusive games here)??? No?
You forgot the 'losing' part in your post. The PS2 was winning, riding a groundswell of popularity and perception as THE console to own that generation. The PS3 does not have any of that. It is largely derided as an inferior cousin to the X360 since the majority of games that people want for the system(s) are multiplatform.
By all means, if you have a good reference point of how much the "best blu-ray player" should be selling at this point in the format's lifetime, indulge us. Until then, your snarky mockery over 800k comes off as idiotic.
I don't care for how well the Blu-Ray players are 'supposed' to sell. The point is that being 'the best selling Blu-Ray player' is an utterly meaningless statistic when the Blu-Ray player portion obviously isn't helping the PS3 out of its pit.
You mean a dwindling negative perception (completely related to price vs the competition), a reliable source of income for 3rd parties, and a better outlook for 2009... sorry kido... we are not in 2006.
Right, back in 2006 Sony still had a chance to salvage the mess slightly.
If the negative perception is based on price vs competition, then both Nintendo and MS have very easy ways to reinforce the negative perception, and are in fact in a better position to do so than Sony is to alleviate its position.
In what way is the PS3 any more 'reliable' than the X360? The X360 was the one posting record-breaking software sales, in case you've forgotten, nevermind that for the entirety of the PS3's life the software sales has been living in the shadow of the Wii's. The best you can hope for are multiplatform titles again, which gives the consumer no reason to choose the PS3 over the X360.
Lastly, simply stating that there is a 'better outlook' proves nothing. You need evidence. And not generalities like 'a better lineup'. Games, specific reasons why they will appeal to the mass market and sell well enough to drive hardware sales, when one can expect a PS3 pricecut, how they can even afford to pricecut... that sort of thing.