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NPD Sales Results for December 2008


About that Nintendo PR... they claim that 20 out of the top 30 games are Nintendo titles, which must be wrong. There are only (heh) 9 Nintendo-published games in the top 20, and there can't be 11 other Nintendo titles in the 21-30 spots. So the PR's wording is a little misleading. It can only mean there are 20 titles on Nintendo systems in the top 30.
Grecco said:
1) Prince of Persia did indeed do very poorly. It likely still sold >200k across both platforms, but for Ubisoft's big budget holiday release, that's dramatically below expectations, I'm sure. They have no Assassin's Creed this year.

You refer to Prince of Persia as a big budget game, but I don't think Prince of Persia cost much to make at all. I have never played an action/adventure game that was so simple and repetitive. Once you do the first platforming and first fight there is literally nothing else new in the game. It just recycles the same simple gameplay over and over. I think Ubisoft tried to make the game for next to nothing and the final product shows that.
Yes Boss! said:
I know as a casual FPS player (Halo, CoD4) I skipped the second and am instead looking forward to Killzone 2.

I played a small amount of the original Resistance but I never really saw why PS3 guys went bonkers over it. It seemed neat I guess but nothing mindblowing. Killzone 2 is clearly where most of the heat is. We'll see how that turns out.


Puncture said:
Is this sarcasm donny or am I reading what your saying wrong?

It is not sarcasm. I'm being so sincere, right now.

Yes, it was sarcasm. :p

AstroLad said:
Not to toot my own horn, but I actually transferred it over from Access into Excel just to make it easier to use.

And how, pray tell, would transferring it from a database, no matter how gimped, to a plain spreadsheet make it "easier to use," exactly?

Woo, freaking, hoo at Personal Trainer: Cooking ranking 13 in December! That is one sweet piece of software. I've already recommended it to multiple people, as well. :D

Yes Boss!

Stoney Mason said:
I played a small amount of Resistance but I never really saw why PS3 guys went bonkers over it. It seemed neat I guess but nothing mindblowing. Killzone 2 is clearly where most of the heat is. We'll see how that turns out.

Agree. Game looks like a killer. Btw, I bought Resistance 1 with my launch PS3 and it was my favorite PS3 game till Uncharted.

Strange I lost interest in the second. I did get Motorstorm 2 that month which more than delivered! That game is underappreciated.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Branduil said:
Well, Vesperia did, it only sold 33,000. Never understood why they didn't keep the Tales system with Nintendo.

I don't see Tales of Symphonia 2 anywhere :(


Luckyman said:

To all Wii developers out there. This is what they want.

Yeah, everyone should copy this until it becomes its own genre, starts to exclude people, gets entrenched in its ways and ever more complex. Then one day, some company will come up with a machine that makes other types of games easily played and the whole cycle will begin again...

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Stoney Mason said:
Resistance 2 had a very good first month but then has disappeared. I think its pretty clear at this stage its a decent to good franchise for them but it won't be their Halo like the fandom and Sony sort of tried to position it.
No question about it, I was just surprised that it dropped so much against LBP. When I read someone saying that LBP was #3 game on PS3 sales list, I automatically assumed R2 was on the #2 spot.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
markatisu said:
The shocker of the day for me :

I'm not sure why people are surprised by this. It is a well known franchise, and more importantly there were Wii specific ads in December. Its a vindication of people who have been saying that if 3rd parties put in effort and advertise then they can have success on Wii. Unfortunately, given the level of effort relative to the 360/PS3, it is also vindication for people who say that 3rd parties can find success with a half ass port on Wii.


frankthurk said:
Wii users don't buy 3rd party games is I believe the saying...
Which is just as retarded a statement.


Also, from Nintendo's NPD PR:
* More 3rd party units were sold for Wii than any other home consoles in December for the 2nd consecutive month.
schuelma said:
So did Wii and/or DS break the previous best year held by PS2?
Both of them, by a considerable margin.
zeloe326 said:
That seems like they're doing well to me, unless I'm reading into this thread incorrectly.
PS3 2008 is (was) competing with 360 and Wii 2008, not PS3 2007.
Tron 2.0 said:
From IGN's NPD write-up:
By the way, Nintendo also sold 865,000 copies of Wii Music in 2008, we're sorry to report.

That's not shabby at all.
Time for lots of people to eat some crow. Not to brag, but I saw this coming:
Jokeropia said:
Mrbob said:
BTW didn't wii music come out in October as well? Worldwide bomba, awesome. Go back to your garden miyamoto and attempt to come up with a good idea, since you are looking to be over the hill now and should just sit in the grandpa role from now on.
The first part of this post risks looking really dumb in a few months, the second looks really dumb already.
Son of Godzilla said:
You presume too much. The saying was never "Games don't sell on the Wii" or "Third party games don't sell on the Wii", it was "Look at all that shit".
The best selling games on Wii are all good games. Shovelware doesn't perform nearly as well.
CrazzyMan said:
FY* == Sony** ====== Nintendo ===== Microsoft
1998 = 974,000,000 === 629,000,000
1999 = 1,130,000,000 == 645,000,000
2000 = 730,000,000 === 421,000,000
2001 = -409,000,000 === 726,000,000
2002 = 623,000,000 === 800,000,000 == -750,000,000
2003 = 939,000,000 === 560,000,000 == -1,191,000,000
2004 = 650,000,000 === 316,000,000 == -1,215,000,000
2005 = 404,000,000 === 777,000,000 == -485,000,000
2006 = 75,000,000 ==== 894,000,000 == -1,262,000,000
2007 = -1,969,000,000 = 1,489,000,000 = -1,892,000,000
2008 = -1,265,000,000 = 2,480,000,000 = 426,000,000
2009 = 51,000,000 ==== 1,026,000,000 = 178,000,000
Totals 1,953,000,000 = 10,762,000,000 = -6,191,000,000

are these wrong numbers?
And it`s not like Sony is not going to get a profit from PS3/PSN/PSP/PS2/Home. =)
The PS2 wasn't released in 1998, smart guy.
TheListener said:
Crazy numbers in general. It really bothers me that the top selling games were all Nintendo shovelware (yeah I said it!) or rehashes and the top 3 were packed with peripherals!!

Strange that the DS sold 3 mil and not one DS game in the top 10. What are people playing on it? Or is the love spread around to all that Babyz and shit?
In addition to the fact that you're apparently blind, you know nothing about sales trends or shovelware. Normally I'd now explain it to you, but I honestly don't think you deserve it. Maybe if you asked.
gofreak said:
He's arguably right.

They just went bye-bye to a whole new market.
How hard can it be to understand that the largest influx of Wii buyers has come from former PS2 owners?
AFreak said:
Not only that but 3rd parties make more on PS3 than Wii
WretchedTruman said:
I suppose it doesn't, but that's a bit of an oddity if 360's third parties are enjoying sales that are head and shoulders with MS' own efforts and, in Sony's case, often eclipsing them entirely.
It's not that odd. Nintendo is by far the most successful publisher in the world.
Son of Godzilla said:
I'm not sure they care much about the sales numbers from a year ago though either.
How about from last month?
Nintendo PR said:
* More 3rd party units were sold for Wii than any other home consoles in December for the 2nd consecutive month.
Luckyman said:

To all Wii developers out there. This is what they want.
Setting aside the fact that the game is actually not that bad, nine Wii games sold more than Nerf N-Strike this month and hundreds have sold more LTD.


Yes Boss! said:
I am craving a new GRAW. What happened to this franchise? Seems to have disappeared.
An Ubi executive explained it recently in an interview - they believe some of their series saw brand fatigue and sales decline due to too frequent releases - that's why they gave POP three years since Two Thrones, that's why we didn't see AC in 2008, that's why they probably gave GRAW a rest as well. Anyway, it seems taht the only games that performed ok for Ubi this year was a quick rehash R6V2 and Imagine shovelware, with many of their long time efforts bombing (deservedly or not).


gofreak said:
It seems to have a carved a respectable, and growing portion of the HD end of the market, even if titles haven't charted as visibly as on 360 for example.

What, exactly, is the "HD end" of the market?

Yes Boss!

John Dunbar said:
What data we have to deduce that Rock Band 2 Wii outsold LBP?

You are right. We don't know exactly. But there are only three non-nintendo slots left in 20-30. So if it is one of those three then it sold < Shaun White Wii. However, we know that Rock Band is probably somewhere in there at 150K


Is Sony's PS3 forever going to be stuck in third place, or can the console eventually catch the 360? We speak to leading analysts to see what Sony's strategy should be.

Remember how 2008 started? Sony and some pundits proclaimed that 2008 would be the "year of the PS3." With GTA IV, Metal Gear Solid 4, LittleBigPlanet, the launch of PlayStation Home, addition of Trophies and a new video marketplace, one could argue that the PS3 should have fared better. And while total PS3 sales in the U.S. were up 40 percent in 2008, the fact of the matter is that 2008 was anything but "the year of the PS3." Indeed, it was the year of the Wii, and to a much lesser extent, the year of the Xbox 360.

Sony has been losing market share and it desperately needs to convert the majority of those 50 million PS2 owners into PS3 adopters. It won't be easy, and clearly the biggest obstacle at the moment is the PS3's price, but analysts believe Sony definitely still has a chance to catch or even exceed Microsoft in the console race.

GameDaily BIZ picked the brains of five leading game industry analysts to get their respective takes on how Sony can "rescue" the PS3 before the hole grows any deeper.

Michael Pachter, Wedbush Morgan Securities

Sony has two ways to increase sales: either they price competitively (that means at the same price as their competition), or they convince consumers that the higher price is justified by "must have" features.

"Should they price at parity with Xbox 360 ($299), I think that PS3 sales would exceed 360 sales, and eventually, they could catch up."

They don't seem inclined to price competitively, and the cost of production for the PS3 coupled with Sony's financial situation may preclude a price cut over the near term. I said I expected a price cut in April, but it's not clear (given the strong Yen) whether the company can afford to do so that early. It's entirely possible that they cut in June (E3), September (TGS), holiday, or not at all.

If I'm right that they cannot afford to price competitively, that leaves them the alternative of educating consumers about the value proposition of the PS3. That strategy has its pitfalls, insofar as the feature set of the PS3 includes many expensive components that each appeal to only a minority of consumers. For example, Wi-Fi is great to have if you care to log on to PSN, but in reality, only a fraction of PS3 owners really care. (I know that they claim 17 million PSN members--maybe it's 14 million--but the truth is that most had to log on to download a system update, and joined while waiting). If there are only 17 million Xbox Live members out of 28 million, it is likely that only 60% of consumers have the desire to be online, and some of these would be happy to use a wired Internet connection. Sony asks consumers to pay for Wi-Fi whether they desire it or not. Similarly, they ask consumers to pay for a hard drive, which has value only if the purchaser intends to download content. Flash memory would suffice for most game saves, as Nintendo has proven with the Wii.

Finally, the Blu-ray player feature is another "nice to have," but should only really appeal to HDTV households (maybe 30% of the market). I am certain that in 10 years, HDTV penetration will approach 100%, but at present, a large number of potential PS3 purchasers don't have HD, and don't perceive the need to pay for Blu-ray.

That makes the education option extremely difficult. I think that they should do both (cut price and aggressively market the PS3 feature set), but am not optimistic that we'll see real traction from the latter this year. Rather, the immediate boost will come when they decide to cut price. I expect it this year, as soon as their cost structure permits a cut. My Monday note said April, and that is nothing more than a guess. It could come later, but it seems to me that it must come some time in 2009.

With that said, I think that PS3 will sell well once competitively priced. The company has an insurmountable advantage in Japan, and an overall brand loyalty in Europe. Should they price at parity with Xbox 360 ($299), I think that PS3 sales would exceed 360 sales, and eventually, they could catch up. At present, it doesn't look like that is happening any time soon, so Sony should be prepared to remain in third place until well after they cut price.

Next page: DFC's David Cole and EEDAR's Jesse Divnich

David Cole, DFC Intelligence

I think yes, price cuts are key, and no, I would definitely not say the PS3 is destined to be in third place. Surveys have shown that even in 2008 the PlayStation 2 was still the most played console system. At its height, the PS2 was selling over 20 million units a year. It took the Xbox 360 nearly three years to reach what the PS2 was selling in its peak years. Sony still has that large fan base that has not yet upgraded to the current generation.

However, I think Europe could be the biggest issue for the PS3. The PS2 was strong in Europe by really appealing to the casual mass market with products like Singstar, the EyeToy, etc. Both the Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii have followed that model that made the PS2 such a success in Europe. For many of those European PS2 owners looking to upgrade, the Xbox 360 and/or the Wii are simply more in tune with what they are accustomed to than the PS3. That is something SCE should look to change, but without more price equilibrium it becomes difficult.

Jesse Divnich, EEDAR

Sony must gain respect among the core market. This is evident as the sales of games that offer a strong online feature outperform on the Xbox 360 SKU when compared to the Xbox 360/PS3 hardware ratio. Of course, Home, Trophies, and more movie options will certainly help, but it will likely be a year before we see the full effect of their impact on sales.

With Sony owning Blu-ray technology, they definitely have a long-term edge on the Xbox 360. Plus, Sony still has a ton of exclusives in the works that will surely drive sales in 2009, such as Uncharted 2 and God of War 3.

Sony has a legitimate chance at catching up to the Xbox 360 within the next 2 years, but in terms of overtaking the Xbox 360, that is not likely for some time.

Next page: Janco's Mike Hickey and Lazard's Colin Sebastian

Mike Hickey, Janco Partners

We expect Sony will be aggressive in early '09, introducing a $300 "recession special" price point, in an effort to regain velocity at retail and capture market share. Ultimately, we expect Sony will continue to think long-term in terms of PS3 market share ranking, positioning their commentary relative to a console cycle that could last 10 years and Blu-ray technology that could eventually have meaningful relevance to the consumer.

Colin Sebastian, Lazard Capital Markets

Sony has a great console, some very impressive games, and the online service is starting to take shape. But at some point they also need to worry about market share. Pricing is clearly an important lever they can pull to drive additional share. Beyond that, they may also want to consider investing in more platform exclusive titles from third party developers, perhaps a slimmed down version of the hardware, and deepen the amount of non-game related content and services available through the network.


A few analysts chime in on the PS3 versus 360 situation. Pretty good read overall.


Lord Error said:
Isn't it surprising that R2 sold seemingly much less than LBP this month? If I remember correctly it had much better first month? On the other hand, LBP being outsold by a MK game that's not even in the top 20 (which must have been outsold quite a bit by X360 version of the same game, which also is not in top 20), I wonder just how low those two games have sold.

Healthy junk of that 6 million software is likely in the top 10
Lord Error said:
No question about it, I was just surprised that it dropped so much against LBP. When I read someone saying that LBP was #3 game on PS3 sales list, I automatically assumed R2 was on the #2 spot.

With realistic expectations they've probably done a better job with LBP than the Resistance franchise. Little Big Planet is sort of a quirky unique title that probably can survive off of lower sales and fill its niche. Resistance has to be a heavy hitter along the lines of a Gears or a Halo.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
szaromir said:
An Ubi executive explained it recently in an interview - they believe some of their series saw brand fatigue and sales decline due to too frequent releases - that's why they gave POP three years since Two Thrones, that's why we didn't see AC in 2008, that's why they probably gave GRAW a rest as well. Anyway, it seems taht the only games that performed ok for Ubi this year was a quick rehash R6V2 and Imagine shovelware, with many of their long time efforts bombing (deservedly or not).
The problem is that they positioned AC as an unofficial successor to the POP games, putting POP in the awkward position of being a pseudo yearly sequel as well as a retrograde step.

boiled goose

good with gravy
AFreak said:
Devil May Cry 4 baby. And a lot mroe in Japan as well. Not only that but 3rd parties make more on PS3 than Wii. Madden 09 is a great example. Charted first on 360 and PS3 version charted as well that month, but the Wii version didn't even chart.

wow link?

i can think of some games that sold better on ps3... madden, call of duty, fifa, nba?...
i can think of many more games that sold better on the wii... rock band 1, guitar hero 3, guitar hero world tour, lego indiana jones, lego star wars, most other multiplats...

i believe madden 09 charted for wii...
at number 9 or 10 though :p


Luckyman said:

To all Wii developers out there. This is what they want.

Hell yeah we do. It's nice to see someone besides Nintendo thinking creatively about how to capture the new audience.

Nerf n Strike was a slightly-above average game with a sweet gun peripheral. Now that it has been successful, EA will focus on creating an expanded and more polished sequel while Nerf creates more Wii-accessible guns and add-ons.

I don't see what the problem with that is, unless you either a) require gratuitous bloodshed in you shooters or b) hate Nerf. Either way you're beyond help.
poppabk said:
The problem is that they positioned AC as an unofficial successor to the POP games, putting POP in the awkward position of being a pseudo yearly sequel as well as a retrograde step.

I would argue there wasn't a sort of gimmick or hook to grab people with this pop. That rewind time gimmick sort of gave them a brand identity even if it was getting a bit tired. Now with this gen it doesn't have a corresponding new feature to grab new customers like Assassin Creed which is almost all gimmick imo. (In full disclosure I liked this version of Prince of Persia)

Also it would have been smart to adopt a rotating yearly fall schedule of Rainbow 6 and GRAW like Activision has with COD:WAW and COD:Modern Warfare but hindsight is 20/20.
LBP was outsold by MK vs DC in both November and December. That's brutal. Even when you take into account install base, it baffles me how poorly software sells on the PS3.


Raw64life said:
Would love to know what NSMB LTD is.
As far as the U.S., through October 2008 we know it was around 4.5 million (official NPD figure). Nearing, or past, 5 million now?


Opiate said:
I'm not sure I've seen it said in exactly such words, either, but I have seen it implied. For example, people chide Ubisoft for their constant minigame compilations, and consistently point out how poorly they've sold.

The implication there would be that they want more than just the mini-game compilations from Ubisoft, not that mini-games intrinsically don't sell on the Wii. Rayman Raving Rabbids was a well-received launch title. They just want Ubisoft to eventually move on to something more substantial. :)


GAF's Bob Woodward
donny2112 said:
What, exactly, is the "HD end" of the market?

I mean..360+PS3+PC...the spread of platforms one can put 'HD' games on.

Not quite as respectable as my misreading of that chart suggested :)lol), but still, I would say - particularly overall globally - respectable enough to hold publisher's attentions. Particularly as port-costs decrease and relative market share might increase (as PS3's did in 08..at the end of 07 360 had about twice the userbase PS3 had..? By now it's proportionately not nearly so much bigger..about 40% of the HD machines out there now are PS3s..360 has about a 40% lead in userbase vs perhaps 100% or more 12 months earlier*).

* I can't remember exactly where the two stood at the end of 07, but I vaguely recall 360 userbase was about twice PS3's then?


Basileus777 said:
LBP was outsold by MK vs DC in both November and December. That's brutal. Even when you take into account install base, it baffles me how poor software sells on the PS3.
It's a vicious cycle.


titiklabingapat said:
That is more like Sony cheerleading than analysis.

I firmly believe analysts(not necessarily gaming only) were partly responsible for the economic collapse we're experiencing now if this is an example of their "analysis".
Since these anal-cysts continue to get paid big $$ for all of their poor predictions and analysis, I'm not surprised.


Opiate said:
I think we can all agree that 1.5 million is sensational for a new IP released in February with an included Halo 3 Beta key.

Fixed. :p

Spiegel said:

Psp sold 3.7+ million software units
PS3 sold almost 6 million software units

Is this old?


Yes. To put it in perspective, a good December for GCN/XBX was close to 10 million. PS2 typically did 20+ million in December.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Leon S. Kennedy said:
You refer to Prince of Persia as a big budget game, but I don't think Prince of Persia cost much to make at all. I have never played an action/adventure game that was so simple and repetitive. Once you do the first platforming and first fight there is literally nothing else new in the game. It just recycles the same simple gameplay over and over. I think Ubisoft tried to make the game for next to nothing and the final product shows that.

And people are talking about bombs when games like boom blox or de blob on wii don`t sell a mil after a couple of weeks...

nevermind - prince of persia bombed on next-gen consoles...they should know try their wii exklusive spin-off which they talked about...


Luckyman said:

To all Wii developers out there. This is what they want.

And of the other games in the top 20 for Wii that all sold hundreds of thousands also? Ignoring those are we?

Just a bad bad attempt all around man, you fail.

But seriously that top 20 is crazy. Wii isnt doing very bad third party wise at all, 360 is still doing its thing, and the PS3's situation is one hell of alot more bleak software wise than I thought. If 7 of the 21 - 30 are for the DS then what the hell man... POP, Mirrors Edge, Resistance, Tomb Raider, Monster Lab, (Is deadly creatures out yet) and many others. Games are bombing man, big time, and across each and every platform. I almost cant believe I'm saying it but PS3 really doesn't appear to be selling software. I expected LBP to hold on a lot better than it has. R2 I didnt expect to do a whole lot because of Gears and CoD but LBP is like nowhere to be found.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Opiate said:
I agree. I think it's absurd to suggest that the mini-game genre isn't popular on the Wii. Clearly there is a market there. I'm not entirely sure why some people fight so hard to insist it isn't the case.

I agree there is one. Wii is a great console for multiplayer fun. i think multiplayer fun trumps minigame compilation as an overarching genre.

look as the success of the music games, look at the success of smash brothers, mario kart, and mini game compilations.

local multiplayer is what devs should be looking to include in their games. (not only local of course, but it is a great selling point for wii owners)


Top 10 PSP Games


Wow...that's just...
amtentori said:
I agree there is one. Wii is a great console for multiplayer fun. i think multiplayer fun trumps minigame compilation as an overarching genre.

look as the success of the music games, look at the success of smash brothers, mario kart, and mini game compilations.

local multiplayer is what devs should be looking to include in their games. (not only local of course, but it is a great selling point for wii owners)

This trend makes the death of splitscreen gaming on HD consoles even more egregious. There is still a huge market for local multiplayer, no multiplayer game should be released without it.
Jokeropia said:
Which is just as retarded a statement.

Also, from Nintendo's NPD PR:

Both of them, by a considerable margin.
PS3 2008 is (was) competing with 360 and Wii 2008, not PS3 2007.
Time for lots of people to eat some crow. Not to brag, but I saw this coming:
The best selling games on Wii are all good games. Shovelware doesn't perform nearly as well.
The PS2 wasn't released in 1998, smart guy.
In addition to the fact that you're apparently blind, you know nothing about sales trends or shovelware. Normally I'd now explain it to you, but I honestly don't think you deserve it. Maybe if you asked.
How hard can it be to understand that the largest influx of Wii buyers has come from former PS2 owners?
It's not that odd. Nintendo is by far the most successful publisher in the world.
How about from last month?

Setting aside the fact that the game is actually not that bad, nine Wii games sold more than Nerf N-Strike this month and hundreds have sold more LTD.

Love it when Jokeropia enters a thread and slaps all the idiots square in the face.


Branduil said:
Well, Vesperia did, it only sold 33,000. Never understood why they didn't keep the Tales system with Nintendo.
In fairness, I'm pretty sure Vesperia sold 37k in its second month.

Which doesn't really change much in the grand scheme of things, but I think that puts it still well above every other Tales game in the US save Symphonia.


Puncture said:
And of the other games in the top 20 for Wii that all sold hundreds of thousands also? Ignoring those are we?

Just a bad bad attempt all around man, you fail.


NERF N STRIKE is huge. Deal with it. 3rd parties are not going to think much on Nintendo games for sales trends.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Top 10 Wii Games



cod waw on wii is decent... even online is pretty fun... it just sucks that they removed features like local multi


Is there a PS3 game that hasn't fallen off after the first month from NPD charts?

It'll be neat if MK V DC ends up selling more than LBP...that'll be real freaking neat.


Leon S. Kennedy said:
You refer to Prince of Persia as a big budget game, but I don't think Prince of Persia cost much to make at all. I have never played an action/adventure game that was so simple and repetitive. Once you do the first platforming and first fight there is literally nothing else new in the game. It just recycles the same simple gameplay over and over. I think Ubisoft tried to make the game for next to nothing and the final product shows that.
You're confusing game quality with budget. Budget != quality.

PoP costs a lot to make due to several reasons - most likely because of (from the most expensive to the least):
1) Team of artists for the beautiful graphics
2) Marketing expenditure
3) Time spent developing the game
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