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NPD Sales Results for February 2011 [Update 4: PS3 Hardware, TONS Of Games]


manueldelalas said:
Disappointing sales are disappointing. It had plenty of time (unlike K2) and it sold worse. We will see in the second month to make a valid comparison with K2 numbers, because K2 had like 48 hours of NPD data, and the second month was stronger for it, but it is not retarded, as you said, to think the sales of the game were not what one would expect.

I'm arguing the the numbers would be disappointing if KZ2 sold 500k+ in the first week and was a mainstream hit. It didn't and it wasn't. Why expect KZ3 to do better just because it is a sequel?

I think its single unit sales + the bundle sales falls in the expected range that sony had for the launch. I think with the price drop on the bundle, they could possibly (in the high range) have sold 150 - 200k kz33 bundles. KZ3 did fine .


CliffyB's Cock Holster
According to this, Pachter says PS3 did 403k (12% YoY).

May be worth adding to OP if this is confirmed true.

EDIT: Long beaten. Ignore.
Clear said:
According to this, Pachter says PS3 did 403k (12% YoY).

May be worth adding to OP if this is confirmed true.

EDIT: Long beaten. Ignore.

That's a pretty good number, no? Or do we have to have a big downer over that as well?


Time Traveler
BroHuffman said:
I'm arguing the the numbers would be disappointing if KZ2 sold 500k+ in the first week and was a mainstream hit. It didn't and it wasn't. Why expect KZ3 to do better just because it is a sequel?

I think its single unit sales + the bundle sales falls in the expected range that sony had for the launch. I think with the price drop on the bundle, they could possibly (in the high range) have sold 150 - 200k kz33 bundles. KZ3 did fine .
How do you know K2 didn't sell 500k in the first week?? All the data we have is that it sold 320k in 2 days, 300k in month 2 and 60k in month 3. From that data, it's obvious that in the first week (same period than K3) it sold more than 400k, probably in the range 420k to 460k. A lot more than K3 (50% more or something like that).

It wasn't a mainstream hit, that's obvious and it shows, but it's reasonable for any publisher to expect similar (or better) sales in the same series.

I'm not saying it is a bomb, but the fact stands that sales were disappointing.

On the bundle thing, I don't have a clue, sales of the PS3 were better than I expected, but I don't think anywhere near 150 or 200k you say, not this month.


With those awesome MvC3 sales, we shouldn't be seeing another full MvC release anytime soon. All hail Sentinel, ten more years!


That's a great number for PS3 really. Right now, it's basically a $299 PS3 against a $299 360 with Kinect. To the average consumer, the Kinect 360 bundle is better value for money. The sales in US are also showing this to be true with Kinect 360 bundles selling really well. Sony simply needs steady sales in the US at this point until August. If they can last until then with respectable numbers, then they're good to try and increase effort for the latter part of the year.


Kam said:
That's a great number for PS3 really. Right now, it's basically a $299 PS3 against a $299 360 with Kinect. To the average consumer, the Kinect 360 bundle is better value for money. The sales in US are also showing this to be true with Kinect 360 bundles selling really well. Sony simply needs steady sales in the US at this point until August. If they can last until then with respectable numbers, then they're good to try and increase effort for the latter part of the year.
Shouldn't Sony do well from now until September actually, since in that period "360 haz no games"™?
DryEyeRelief said:
It's a ridiculous fear. A lot of games are rushed out the door/features cut out because of deadline. That doesn't give developers the sudden urge to release future games at that amount of content. Believe it or not guys, no spectator mode was a causality, not Capcom's prank to purposefully your online experience because they're evil, lazy and hate you.
I can't disagree with you on this one, but I understand why people would worry about Capcom's priorities when it comes to making these games. They seem to do a much better job of delivering a complete package when they approach other games in other genres and it's gets kind of worrying when ubiquitous games like Street fighter and Marvel vs Capcom can't get the attention and the funding for a full experience.
Lost Fragment said:
I just hope that online improvements aren't something I have to pay for. Why should I have to pay for a game twice to have online features that work more than 25% of the time? Spectator mode? Fine. Charge for it. Whatevs. They better release other improvements for free, though.
I agree with some of what you have to say, but I definitely do not agree with you when it comes to charging for spectator. They can fuck right off with that shit. Spectator is basically the digital equivalent of the comfy couch and the space around an arcade where people sit and huddle around the unit to watch a good match.

They've shit all over one of the greatest qualities of fighting games that has been free until now and I'll be damned if they're gonna charge me for it.
Lost Fragment said:
IOn the whole, MvC3's online stuff is the way it is now either because of laziness or incompetence. Spectator mode is one of the last things I think about when I think of MvC3's terrible online implementation and menu structure. That's just the cherry on top of the shit sundae.

I'm glad Marvel has done as well as it has because I love fighting games and want them to do well. I just hope Capcom doesn't feel like it has a license to release games with features that only barely work and are about as user-friendly as wiping your ass with a pinecone because they can get away with it.
I can't say I disagree with anything here.
Dedication Through Light said:
Maybe we will see the numbers at E3, since they arent obligated to share and reveal them, it makes for great material to show at a presentation on the growth and strenght on the Playstation 3 family.

Though Sony did pull a Nintendo and ignore commenting on the specific sales of their first party software released this month (though Sony did say they sold increasing software still), I guess thats the benefit of being at the bottom early in this generation...you get to make glowing statements of improvement later on to impress people :p
We may seem them, but I won't go crazy about it since the numbers will come one way or another.
Anth0ny said:
Happy that MvC3 sold so damn much. Well deserved.

Yet, despite that, Black Cops is not only first, but becomes the best selling game in the history of North America. Hurts my heart.

I wish there were numbers for how many people traded the game in one month later.
This annoys me as well. This game had it's chance to bask in the sun with the top spot and it was stolen away by a game that released months ago and just become stale for me...
Kaijima said:
The thing is, there's almost nothing in the Marvel 3 package to turn off the average player. The hardcore blew up at no spectator mode or replays at launch, played theory fighter and screamed the game was broken 2 days after launch, but the core game is amazing and anybody, even the average player, can see that.
You may feel that way, but I'm pretty sure that you are wrong. I've seen the backlash among many people I've played with and I see it with many randoms online outside of my circle of friends.

Tournament players may bitch here and there about some features, but the meat of the game is great and the truly hardcore are the tournament players. Most of gaf and most people playing the game are somewhere in the middle ground and are certainly not representative of the "hardcore".
_dementia said:
Out of curiosity, I looked up SF4 and it did 59k more than MvC3 its first month. It released slightly later in the month too.
I can't help shaking the feeling that Marvel vs Capcom is just as big as Street Fighter now. It's been ten years in the making and the word of mouth surrounding the first two games was massive. I can't remember a year where those games were not mentioned at all among people of my age group(from it's release until now).

I just hope that the game is somewhat fulfilling expectations. More people need to be exposed to this game and the genre in the most positive ways possible. I just hope that Capcom fixes the spectator mode issue and works on the online experience.
zomgbbqftw said:
Economic recovery?

This time last year was really bad.

I think this generation could have been the largest generation in terms of growth(until the one where China enters the fray). A lot of money, hardware and software was missed out on because the largest market(the US) was financially exhausted. It is only speculation, but I honestly believe that DD, the Wii and even the HD systems would have seen way more growth if our economy were in better shape.
szaromir said:
Shouldn't Sony do well from now until September actually, since in that period "360 haz no games"™?

I dont think so, in Sony's case it doesnt seem like software is driving system growth maybe. Or its driving it but the cost downplays the effect? Wasnt last year a high year for PS3, so if best PS3 sales may be flat in comparison to each month, I think.
szaromir said:
Shouldn't Sony do well from now until September actually, since in that period "360 haz no games"™?

Theoretically yes, but even if that's not the case I find it difficult to comprehend why people tend to almost "complain" about the great content, purely because it's not outselling the competition.

I don't think I've ever seen a year as strong as what Sony are lining up. So long as it all stays profitable and viable, are we really all that upset about the situation?


manueldelalas said:
How do you know K2 didn't sell 500k in the first week?? All the data we have is that it sold 320k in 2 days, 300k in month 2 and 60k in month 3. From that data, it's obvious that in the first week (same period than K3) it sold more than 400k, probably in the range 420k to 460k. A lot more than K3 (50% more or something like that).

It wasn't a mainstream hit, that's obvious and it shows, but it's reasonable for any publisher to expect similar (or better) sales in the same series.

I'm not saying it is a bomb, but the fact stands that sales were disappointing.

On the bundle thing, I don't have a clue, sales of the PS3 were better than I expected, but I don't think anywhere near 150 or 200k you say, not this month.

I also don't think the bundles hit more than 100k, but with the good PS3 sales, they could have. Why buy a 300$ PS3 with no game when you could get the same thing with KZ3?

With Sony's stance in NA, I don't think they expect any crazy sales, as they are not looked at the same way as they used to. Selling the same amount as KZ2 is probably a success to them. My interpretation of the data is that they basically are on that path to match KZ2. As more data comes in, this game could be a disappointment for sales, I just think it is too early to call.
get2sammyb said:
Theoretically yes, but even if that's not the case I find it difficult to comprehend why people tend to almost "complain" about the great content, purely because it's not outselling the competition.

I don't think I've ever seen a year as strong as what Sony are lining up. So long as it all stays profitable and viable, are we really all that upset about the situation?

I think it would be expected to see super high budget games not selling that well to be criticized in a sales thread. Especially when those games are games from a first-party that don't push hardware.
get2sammyb said:
Theoretically yes, but even if that's not the case I find it difficult to comprehend why people tend to almost "complain" about the great content, purely because it's not outselling the competition.

I don't think I've ever seen a year as strong as what Sony are lining up. So long as it all stays profitable and viable, are we really all that upset about the situation?

fanboys always need ammo.

not bad PS3 hardware sales.
get2sammyb said:
I don't think I've ever seen a year as strong as what Sony are lining up. So long as it all stays profitable and viable, are we really all that upset about the situation?

No, not unless your sense of self-worth rises and falls on the successes and failures of a major corporation, which as evidenced by many replies in this thread isn't uncommon.


Kam said:
That's a great number for PS3 really. Right now, it's basically a $299 PS3 against a $299 360 with Kinect. To the average consumer, the Kinect 360 bundle is better value for money. The sales in US are also showing this to be true with Kinect 360 bundles selling really well. Sony simply needs steady sales in the US at this point until August. If they can last until then with respectable numbers, then they're good to try and increase effort for the latter part of the year.

Wasn't the PS3 actually $250 for most of the month?
So much mad in that picture.

It isn't just 360/Wii owners that are ignoring Sony's first party efforts. Realistically, an overwhelming amount of PS3 owners this month chose multiplat 3rd party games (particularly CoD, MvC, DS, NBA2k) over Sony's first party offerings. This is true in Europe and Japan as well. Sony's first party portfolio isn't nearly as strong as various online cheerleaders would have you believe, aside from GT5.

Which is why list wars that claim "XBLA doesn't count, Fable sucks lol, games with 75% of the online community on 360 don't count, Kinect doesn't count, 360/pc titles don't count" are completely detached from reality.


get2sammyb said:
Theoretically yes, but even if that's not the case I find it difficult to comprehend why people tend to almost "complain" about the great content, purely because it's not outselling the competition.

I don't think I've ever seen a year as strong as what Sony are lining up. So long as it all stays profitable and viable, are we really all that upset about the situation?
I'm not complaining, but if I were a Sony exec I certainly would change the direction of first party efforts a bit. It appears releasing direct competitors to better established third party franchises just doesn't help hardware sales too much (and the games themselves aren't that popular).


The continued success of Black Ops defies logic and common sense.

I could understand if it was 3.7 million units, but certainly not 13.7 million. That's just crazy.

BroHuffman said:
I also don't think the bundles hit more than 100k, but with the good PS3 sales, they could have. Why buy a 300$ PS3 with no game when you could get the same thing with KZ3?

With Sony's stance in NA, I don't think they expect any crazy sales, as they are not looked at the same way as they used to. Selling the same amount as KZ2 is probably a success to them. My interpretation of the data is that they basically are on that path to match KZ2. As more data comes in, this game could be a disappointment for sales, I just think it is too early to call.

Which business school did you attend? Since the release of KZ2 Sony has sold a few more million PS3s in the Americas. KZ2's review scores were very high. Selling the same amount of KZ3 as they did KZ2 is far from success, and any exec that views it as a success most likely shouldnt be one anymore.


Paracelsus said:
403k given circumstances is not bad at all, why hiding those numbers?

Because if Sony give out numbers for this months NPD there will be an expectation that they'll give them out everytime.


Sony should hold the line in regards a price cut, it is finally getting a good profit on the PS3...save up that extra money for the launch of the NGP.


Kinspiracy said:
Which business school did you attend? Since the release of KZ2 Sony has sold a few more million PS3s in the Americas. KZ2's review scores were very high. Selling the same amount of KZ3 as they did KZ2 is far from success, and any exec that views it as a success most likely shouldnt be one anymore.

Don't the sales for further installments in a series typically go down as the generation gets older?
Sho_Nuff82 said:
So much mad in that picture.

It isn't just 360/Wii owners that are ignoring Sony's first party efforts.

Exactly right. Sony's problem isn't just that they can't sell as many consoles as their competition in the Americas. It's also that they can't seem to get the people that do own the console to buy games. But to be fair, the best games that the PS3 has are multi-plats, and a lot of those continue to do well.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
So much mad in that picture.

It isn't just 360/Wii owners that are ignoring Sony's first party efforts. Realistically, an overwhelming amount of PS3 owners this month chose multiplat 3rd party games (particularly CoD, MvC, DS, NBA2k) over Sony's first party offerings. This is true in Europe and Japan as well. Sony's first party portfolio isn't nearly as strong as various online cheerleaders would have you believe, aside from GT5.

Which is why list wars that claim "XBLA doesn't count, Fable sucks lol, games with 75% of the online community on 360 don't count, Kinect doesn't count, 360/pc titles don't count" are completely detached from reality.
Exactly. When it's all said and done Xbox 360 will have more exclusives this year than the PS3. People tend to forget everything that is offered on Xbox Live.


It really would be great to know how many sales are needed to break even for a big budget HD game. As I've mentioned before GG opened a new studio recently so KZ2 must have not done badly, from the outside it seems to be a case that at least for Sony first party once a game sells about a million it's good for Sony. Another is inFamous, it's not sold that well however the second from the looks of it got a bigger budget. I hear people say that GG are also funded by the government because they are a big studio in the Netherlands, if that's anywhere near correct then it's quite interesting but that is probably bullshit.

KZ3 sales are shit, it's good being honest ya know. It would be nice to have lifetime sales for the PS3 games in the US but beggars can't be choosers I guess. LBP has sold 1.47 million lifetime in US including GOTY version excluding bundles according to JVM but that's all we know, here in the UK the price of LBP dropped like a rock so a large majority of the sales probably came in the US as well at less than $60. Invisible walls might come to the rescue some day I guess. :p
Zoe said:
Don't the sales for further installments in a series typically go down as the generation gets older?

CoD says no. But I'm sure at some point a franchise becomes tired and sales wane, but you don't typically see that after the 2nd game, especially when that 2nd game got such high scores. I could understand Resistance 3 being expected to do worse based on how mediocre part 2 was, though. I doubt Epic is setting the bar that low internally for Gears 3.
Kinspiracy said:
Which business school did you attend? Since the release of KZ2 Sony has sold a few more million PS3s in the Americas. KZ2's review scores were very high. Selling the same amount of KZ3 as they did KZ2 is far from success, and any exec that views it as a success most likely shouldnt be one anymore.

Its a third entry, the 3 potentially can scare people away. The few more million PS3 owners could be in the group that never even touched K2. The trailer itself even made it seem like it was the thrilling conclusion to a trilogy. The only increase in sales I could have imagined is that if their friends got the game and thereby suggested that they get the game to play with them...or if people who loved K2 decided to all, for some odd reason, buy K3 on day 1.

Gone are the days where people just buy games on review scores, and they really didnt do anything or set the game up to be one to appeal to people who didnt play the first two, LBP2 and even UC2 at least succeeded in showing consumers they didnt need to play the previous entry to jump in.

Selling the same amount could be a success if the game was lower cost to produce, isnt that good business?
Dedication Through Light said:
Its a third entry, the 3 potentially can scare people away.

There are far too many examples to list of games with numbers after them that don't scare people away. Killzone is Sony's big franchise FPS. If their expectations are so low it tells you what they really think of their exclusives that they don't expect their consumers to buy them.


Kinspiracy said:
Which business school did you attend? Since the release of KZ2 Sony has sold a few more million PS3s in the Americas. KZ2's review scores were very high. Selling the same amount of KZ3 as they did KZ2 is far from success, and any exec that views it as a success most likely shouldnt be one anymore.

I'm a bio/chem guy so I'm just trying to use logic, not business sense. It's all about supply/demand, right?

I would surely hope not that the number of KZ3s Sony wanted to sell was based solely on the sales of a previous version. Like I said, not a business guy, but I'm sure they looked at multiple product trends of first/third party sequels, the mood of the target consumer, who is the target consumer, and competition around launch time to name a few I could think of.

Just saying it needs to sell as much as KZ2 to be a success is not logical.


EagleEyes said:
Exactly. When it's all said and done Xbox 360 will have more exclusives this year than the PS3. People tend to forget everything that is offered on Xbox Live.
So they're going to stop releasing games on PSN? That sucks...


szaromir said:
Shouldn't Sony do well from now until September actually, since in that period "360 haz no games"™?
You're being disingenuous.

As it stands, Sony did well in February. They may not have beaten 360 in sales but they don't have anything to compete with Kinect either. It's about value; what PS3 is offering a new buyer right now at $299 is beaten by the 360 at the same price. When it comes to games, 360 has all the big names like Call of Duty and Assassins Creed. It has its own exclusives too, some of which are huge like like Gears of War and Halo.

A new buyer isn't going weigh exclusive against exclusive against exclusive. They're likely going to see a solid catalogue for both systems but see that 360 is also giving them the Kinect at the same price, which is a hot item at the moment.

It could benefit Sony to think better about how they're investing in certain games as they're not exactly expanding the console audience by being smash hits, but it's important to keep in mind a balance too. If the current IP like Infamous and Killzone have been decently profitable even if they weren't blockbusters, then it's probably a good idea to try with them again while at the same time focusing on developing new IP that could potentially be smash hits.

Even if they're not all smash hits, they are adding to a catalogue of solid exclusives, which as a collective do help Sony in terms of value. All Sony needs is one or two more big sellers. I'm confident they're aware of that themselves, and are focusing on how to go about creating them. Although, I'm sure they were hoping Killzone would become one of them back in 2009.

I would think that GG is probably going to focus on a new IP instead of another Killzone for their next release. Seems like the wiser option in my eyes at the moment.


Gears 3 will most likely outsell (in US) all those games listed on the PS3vs360 trolling picture - combined.
Maybe not if Uncharted 3 becomes an instant million seller in the US this time. Could happen.
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