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NPD Sales Results for February 2011 [Update 4: PS3 Hardware, TONS Of Games]


Zeouterlimits said:
The bomba thing is expectations blow-back. How do you know Sony is still making money on it? Development, Hollywood Actors, Marketing.
If I'm reading the numbers right, Killzone 2 outsold 3 in a shorter amount of time, which is crazy.
So which Sony's AAA exclusive didnt manage to sell 1.5m units? Even MAG did and if You think that Killzone 3 cost more to make than Killzone 2 than You're totally wrong.
They definitely sold 1m units already and for certain they'll pass 2m till end of the year - its enough make profit on a game.


Im smiling like a motherfu*ker with Kinect success. Powered by the hate that proceeded its release. They wanted it to bomb haha.

Hi to the haters, i'll see you later.

[it prints money.gif]


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Im glad Bulletstorm charted, and I can only hope that what couldn't be anything other than very positive word of mouth will help push sales further.

It's baffling that anybody into shooters would overlook it. As I said in the official thread, its utterly phenominal and one of the most purely enjoyable gameplay focused shooters I've played in years.



operon said:
360 doing great wii not bad.

And another NPD thread that without fail some idiot start bring in worldwide number

So it's a problem to bring a worldwide number but it's not a problem to discuss the viability of videogame franchises here based only on NPD numbers. Yeah right...


NemesisPrime said:
Urban legend. 360 is doing fine in Europe.


        2008    2009    2010
360    2662k   2368k   2549k
PS2     767k    474k    158k
PS3    2617k   3068k   2774k
Wii    6361k   4962k   3609k


Abooie said:
It didn't do fine and has got to be seen as a disappointment by Sony

Killzone has been hyped by Sony as their Halo, rightly or wrongly; it is (one) of their show pieces and has been pimped for months as the reason to buy Move.

Halo: Reach sold 3.3 million in it's opening 2 weeks (NPD september 2010) .
Stop being ignorant. Sony never Marketed kz as halo anything. It was the media. And kz will never touch any success halo does. Remove your tinfoil hat plz.


Worships the porcelain goddess
V_Arnold said:
What do you think about MVC3 numbers ? ;)

Did very well. I expect Capcom to say they shipped 2 million copies considering that my store is sitting on about 75 unsold copies right now (along with 40 unsold copies of DR2 and 30 Lost Planet 2s...)

I still expect Mortal Kombat to beat it though. Shame MvC3 turned out to be a pretty barebones release. =/

I do believe that tax returns played a big part in things this month. I routinely had people blowing through over $500 on systems/games/accessories. If not more. Made me wonder if they put any of it away in savings.


Kintaro said:
Did very well. I expect Capcom to say they shipped 2 million copies considering that my store is sitting on about 75 unsold copies right now (along with 40 unsold copies of DR2 and 30 Lost Planet 2s...)

I still expect Mortal Kombat to beat it though. Shame MvC3 turned out to be a pretty barebones release. =/

I really, REALLY hope they wont get the wrong idea about this. SF X Tekken hopefully comes with an already improved SSFIV online system, not something second rate like MVC3.


Worships the porcelain goddess
V_Arnold said:
I really, REALLY hope they wont get the wrong idea about this. SF X Tekken hopefully comes with an already improved SSFIV online system, not something second rate like MVC3.

Considering Capcom's excuses, I doubt it. MvC3 was released cheaply, it sold well so why not just do it again?
EatChildren said:
Its a rags to riches franchise story.
In terms of growth, absolutely, but any series where nearly all of its installments become some of the biggest-selling titles of all time has got to be in this position. Right from the beginning, though, CoD/Infinity Ward was a sort of like a musical super-group deal, though. Those guys got a bigger budget, better marketing, and it showed right from the beginning with those dramatic trailers for CoD1. (And, on a sidenote, you're one of the better posters here, but you consistently spell 'phenomenal' as 'phenominal'. Don't do it, man.)

And, HAHA at this brilliant avvy. Botolf, with his tag, would be a perfect host for this one.
Opus Angelorum said:
That Sony completely ignored Killzone 3 in their PR (except under the 'exclusive franchises' banner) suggests it has underperformed .
Eh, not really, they didn't mention LBP2 last month and that had a pretty decent increase over it's predecessor. I think they only would've said something if it had topped the charts or sales increased dramatically. At this point it may seem as though KZ3 has underperformed just a bit, but it's still really early, I think the game could still end up selling close to 2mil when it's all said and done.

KZ obviously isn't a huge franchise but I think it's sales are solid enough for Sony to keep pumping out games (at least with the NGP game and KZ4), which is why they do, most of Sony's games don't do amazing first month in the US (with exception of God Of War), but they have a few games that have sold over a million in the States over time and multi-millions worldwide, so while they may not have any games that sell as fast as Halo or any that could really impact hardware sales (though such an increase probably wouldn't last more than a month anyways) they have a nice stable of games that sell well. I'm just happy to see Guerilla move forward with their new IP which i've heard is a fantasy game that may be inspired by Dutch history.

So eh, I rarely come into NPD threads but some there's some light/spin/damage control whatever on a usually gloomy NPD thread for Sony lol.

Also, great results for Microsoft, they've really stepped up their game this generation, the 360 really does have it all right now in my opinion, so I think the sales are more than deserved.
confused said:
Bwahahahaha :lol :lol :lol

Sorry, but I can't take anything you say seriously now......or ever again.

from Wikipedia: A quality (from Latin qualitas)[1] is an attribute or a property.

It's very possible that franchise has an attribute or property that makes it extremely marketable to a specific audience. Nintendo does this routinely with Pokemon, Mario and Zelda. Very few third party franchises have the staying power and marketability of a Nintendo related franchise.

I think it's safe to say that Call of Duty has that potential.

Does this make it clearer?
Lost Fragment said:
This is what I'm afraid of. le sigh.
I don't see why people should be afraid of this. Marvel vs Capcom has proven to be a franchise nearly as large as Street Fighter. The game is bound to receive a massive update when the next entry arrives if SSFIV is any indication of what to expect when a fighting game does well for Capcom.

If we can even get half of the attention that SSFIV got then Super MvC3 should be a fantastic product with the second largest character roster in fighting game history(MvC2 is first obviously).

Edit: Ignore my argument. I just realized this post was directed to someone talking about SFvsTekken, not an MvC3 sequel.
SolarPowered said:
Edit: Ignore my argument. I just realized this post was directed to someone talking about SFvsTekken, not an MvC3 sequel.

It's a ridiculous fear. A lot of games are rushed out the door/features cut out because of deadline. That doesn't give developers the sudden urge to release future games at that amount of content. Believe it or not guys, no spectator mode was a causality, not Capcom's prank to purposefully your online experience because they're evil, lazy and hate you.


When the "1m sales" can be judged as "fine" mark for KZ 3, I suddently notice that Killzone PS3 has become one of the most hyped game series in this gen but only much fewer people would like it practically.
Kusagari said:
Pretty much every 20 something male in America has fond memories of Mortal Kombat. You guys are vastly underestimating the potential for a game that goes back to the series roots.
I disagree. Marvel and Streetfighter are different beasts. . . MK will not sell as well as those two.
Awesome MvC3 sales, I love the game. Also makes a Darkstalkers revival a tiny bit more likely (although still on the "unlikely" side of the ledger).
KKRT00 said:
You know, there are more countries in Europe if most of them has 60% more PS3 than X360 [i know Poland has and Germany too, Italy and Spain that same...] then the gap is huge.

And how is X360 dominating this month NPD when PS3 sold only about 100k less and Move generated 80% of Kinect's income? Yeah Microsoft is stronger in NA, but its not dominating this month like in december.

And Killzone 3? Oh come on, number are underwhelming but its not bomba in any way, Sony is still making money on it, they just failed to make a blockbuster franchise.
Move did not generate 80% of Kinect's income, some people are just really bad at presenting data, and others are poor at parsing it. This paragraph:

Total industry sales rose 3% to $1.36 billion, compared to $1.33 billion in February 2010. Sales of video game hardware rose 10% ($467 million vs. $426 million), while software dropped ($601 million vs. $634 million). Video game accessories continued to rise, thanks to Microsoft's Kinect and Sony's PlayStation Move products ($257 million vs. $210 million).

257 vs 210 is referring to total accessory sales Feb 2011 vs Feb 2010, not Kinect vs Move Feb 2011. Look at the context of the paragraph.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
SolarPowered said:
I don't see why people should be afraid of this. Marvel vs Capcom has proven to be a franchise nearly as large as Street Fighter. The game is bound to receive a massive update when the next entry arrives if SSFIV is any indication of what to expect when a fighting game does well for Capcom.

If we can even get half of the attention that SSFIV got then Super MvC3 should be a fantastic product with the second largest character roster in fighting game history(MvC2 is first obviously).

Edit: Ignore my argument. I just realized this post was directed to someone talking about SFvsTekken, not an MvC3 sequel.

I just hope that online improvements aren't something I have to pay for. Why should I have to pay for a game twice to have online features that work more than 25% of the time? Spectator mode? Fine. Charge for it. Whatevs. They better release other improvements for free, though.

DryEyeRelief said:
Believe it or not guys, no spectator mode was a causality, not Capcom's prank to purposefully your online experience because they're evil, lazy and hate you.

On the whole, MvC3's online stuff is the way it is now either because of laziness or incompetence. Spectator mode is one of the last things I think about when I think of MvC3's terrible online implementation and menu structure. That's just the cherry on top of the shit sundae.

I'm glad Marvel has done as well as it has because I love fighting games and want them to do well. I just hope Capcom doesn't feel like it has a license to release games with features that only barely work and are about as user-friendly as wiping your ass with a pinecone because they can get away with it.
Opus Angelorum said:
Well if the UK is any indication, Bulletstorm is likely to have better legs than Killzone 3.
it's a new IP vs a sequel, that's pretty much expected even without the UK indicators. word of mouth will give it a better tail as people initially unsure what a Bulletstorm is decide down the line to pick it up.

like me, i haven't had a chance to play it on PC yet. when i do (presumably when that PC demo comes out), i will likely buy it. i didn't buy it day one because i don't know how a bulletstorm looks, plays or runs on a PC.


People really do like the Kinect, since it is basically a a controller-less wii.

Black OPS is wow.

Wii has no hype or new games and still sells 450k.

Good to see people are still interested in this gen.
SolarPowered said:
Nice month all around I'd say...

Most of what I'd like to say in short form...

Mahvel and fighting games are back baby!
Just Dance 2 is the new Mario Kart.
Microsoft played it's cards right.
Damn Sony won't even show the numbers...
Nintendo doesn't have to do a goddamn thing to sell hardware.

I have a kind of wacky theory about Call of Duty too. Me and most of my friends have moved on from Call of Duty, but the game is still selling bucket loads and kids like my little brother are loving the shit out of this game. I think that Call of Duty doesn't have staying power like Pokemon per say, but it is an entry level game for those who want to try video games for the first time. I think this franchise may have that Nintendo quality that can maintain consistently high sales for years to come if managed properly.

I bet that Call of Duty may get larger before it gets smaller, but it certainly has a chance to lose it's significance if Activision gets crazy about the releases.

Maybe we will see the numbers at E3, since they arent obligated to share and reveal them, it makes for great material to show at a presentation on the growth and strenght on the Playstation 3 family.

Though Sony did pull a Nintendo and ignore commenting on the specific sales of their first party software released this month (though Sony did say they sold increasing software still), I guess thats the benefit of being at the bottom early in this generation...you get to make glowing statements of improvement later on to impress people :p


Amazing 360 numbers, most likely powered by Kinect and Black Ops.
Wii did fantastic as well considering the lack of games and support, 450K is a lot!
lowrider007 said:
And your getting more for your money with the Kinect bundle tbh, so how do you figure that?
user_nat said:
Really? Hasn't the arguement been for years that the PS3 is better value for money? Only does everything, blu ray, free online and all that stuff.
That's what I was thinking.

duk said:
I have poor expectations for PS3 major 1st/2nd party games for later this year then. Almost every major game has underperformed.
That is not good news since software sales are more important than hardware sales/


Regarding Bulletstorm sales, here's what People Can Fly had to say about how much they expect\project:

Eurogamer: How many sales does Bulletstorm need for it to be considered a hit?

Adrian Chmielarz: I don't know. We are pretty ballsy. We definitely want a couple of million units sold. But it is very hard right now to ask, is two million a success or is it just very decent? Does it need to be three, four million to consider it a total blockbuster hit? I don't know at this point.

The first magic number is a million units. Surprisingly, not a lot of games are able to reach that. I'm hoping it's going to be huge, but I don't want to jinx it.

The NPD figure isn't looking too encouraging for that goal. Bulletstorm isn't expected to chart in the next NPD and i'm not sure if the rest of the world can pull it to these targets.


Wow, I'm sorry but that is seriously disappointing for Killzone 3. Much less than I expected. Anyone know LBP2's total sales now? US and WW that is.


nib95 said:
Wow, I'm sorry but that is seriously disappointing for Killzone 3. Much less than I expected. Anyone know LBP2's total sales now? US and WW that is.

People keep saying this. What did everyone expect it do do? 500k? Thats retarded.


Donkey Kong Country Returns selling 2 million makes me really really happy.

Hardcore gaming is back confirmed

Bumblebeetuna said:
KZ3 bomba... if that few amount of people bought it, why will no one buy mine off Craigslist? :(
May I ask: how is the reception for it compared to KZ2? I mean is it a bad game or what?
nib95 said:
Wow, I'm sorry but that is seriously disappointing for Killzone 3. Much less than I expected. Anyone know LBP2's total sales now? US and WW that is.

Tracking back, it took K2 3 months to pass 550K units if we look at old articles (in the US). K3 has sold, as expected, for the series. I do not see how it was disappointing.
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