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NPD Sales Results for February 2012 [Up 3: Kingdoms Of Amalur, Syndicate, Asura]


Saint Titanfall
Relative to hardware sales - yeah, Vita software had a much better 1st month than 3DS software. Not even close. But because Vita had so many more launch titles, the average Vita title only sold about half of the average 3DS title.

Fun fact for launch month (since this stat is almost always reversed for Nintendo):

3rd party average sales per title: 3DS > 3 x Vita
1st party average sales per title: Vita ~ 1.5 x 3DS

Oh, and for the only brand comparison available: Rayman 3D > Rayman Origins

TBF aside of Nintendog Nintendo purposerfully didn't bring their A game to the launch to leave space for 3rd parties.


I called it irrelevant because you're essentially saying that, by pushing their holiday lineup hard, Nintendo doomed Resident Evil, which I think is a pretty odd view of the situation. RER will likely have strong legs, as word-of-mouth spreads.

Kid Icarus will, indeed, be interesting to watch, sales-wise.

Kid Icarus will not be interesting at all. It won't chart in NA and we will all call it a bomba. It comes out on March 23rd which only gives it a week.

I'm disappointed in RE:R, but we have no way to know how it did. Do we know if it made the top 20 atleast? I don't think selling 100k-150k is horrible for a 'M' gane if it has a bit of legs. If it was sub 100k, then what happened? Such an awesome game.

EDIT: I think I know what happened. Revelations probably sold like 75k, and Revelaitons sold another 85k. So it didn't chart, but if they had spelled it correctly it would have :s
3DS did about 400K in its first 7 days and then did less than 300K total in the next 8 weeks.

Vita will actually have a good word of mouth though, unlike the extremely overpriced and lacking in software 3DS.

Not saying that Vita won't sell less next month, just that the fall shouldn't be that large.


Vita will actually have a good word of mouth though, unlike the extremely overpriced and lacking in software 3DS.

Not saying that Vita won't sell less next month, just that the fall shouldn't be that large.

What is with this guranteed 'word of mouth' people talk about.

Since the vita has been out in the UK one of my friends has one and on my commute to work day in day out I have seen 0 people playing a vita. Nobody at my work has one either.
Vita will actually have a good word of mouth though, unlike the extremely overpriced and lacking in software 3DS.

Not saying that Vita won't sell less next month, just that the fall shouldn't be that large.

That's my point, if sales maintain better than the 3DS then launch sales will look a lot better but that's all we have to go on right now.

But if they don't maintain better.....


Saint Titanfall
Vita will actually have a good word of mouth though, unlike the extremely overpriced and lacking in software 3DS.

Not saying that Vita won't sell less next month, just that the fall shouldn't be that large.

Won't the memory card issue produce some bad word of mouth? There will at least be a fair number of potenial customers who won't like it when they hear it.

Mr Swine

I guess that RE: Revelations is hovering around 350-400k worldwide right now since it has sold close to 240k in Japan compared to 150k Mercenaries 3DS (which sold 400k worldwide after a few months)


3DS did about 400K in its first 7 days and then did less than 300K total in the next 8 weeks. Even with a big price drop it hasn't gotten to within 100K of that 7 day launch month in any other non Nov/Dec month.

These things are generally front loaded big time which is why this is potentially a really bad month. Of course, if next month is bigger than this ( or really anything above 200K) then all of a sudden this month looks a lot better in hindsight.

Going to have to wait for 5 weeks from now to really have a decent idea of how well it's actually selling in the US.

The Vita in Japan:

2 days: 325k

77 days: 275k


Contrary to most, I actually think that Vita number is very good, especially given the month it was launched in, as well as its price tag.

Bruno MB

So Resident Evil: Revelations sold below 100,000 units during its first 3 weeks on the US market. That's a painful flop.

I'm afraid the market has spoken, in fact the market spoke last generation when PSP had massive commercial failures like Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Unless you release a Nintendo title the odds are that you are going to have a very hard time trying to sell your product.

At this point I feel that the portable console market in the West is in a terribly bad shape, much worse than five years ago, and the future doesn't look any brighter.

The publishers haven't done their homework and they are the only ones to blame. They barely market their products in a very hostile and competitive environment. Most of the time they ship just a couple of units of their products (it took me ages to find Tales of the Abyss in Spain). It is also disheartening to enter into a shopping center and taking a look at the shelves for portable console games.


Contrary to most, I actually think that Vita number is very good, especially given the month it was launched in, as well as its price tag.

By good, you mean almost half the other console launched in around the same time as well as the same price tag, even with a much better launch titles...


Contrary to most, I actually think that Vita number is very good, especially given the month it was launched in, as well as its price tag.

The month it was launched in theoretically should have boosted sales in the US as tax refunds added to spending in the month. Considering that Vita missed the Q4 window, I think that February was a decent call.


Contrary to most, I actually think that Vita number is very good, especially given the month it was launched in, as well as its price tag.

I was expecting similar numbers to the 3DS launch followed by a sharp drop in the upcoming months. I'm still expecting the sharp drop in the incoming months, but the launch was not what I was hoping for.


God, I am looking forward to a Twisted Metal price drop. Really want to play that game, but 60 for that is too big of a pill to swallow. And I'm somebody who bought a PS1 to play TM2, and a PS2 to play TM:B.

Vita number is horrific. The thing that saved the PS3 is not first party games. As discussed in the "Did the PS3 have a system seller?" thread, there really wasn't one to come out of Sony.

So what makes you guys think that it's going to save the Vita? A critical mass of third party software is what has kept the PS3 selling throughout the years, and the Vita does not have that luxury. At best, what I see for Vita are a bunch of iOS/Android ports. After the thud that device landed with in Japan, and with it crapping the bed in the USA? What third party developer in their right mind is going to put substantial resources behind that albatross?
God, I am looking forward to a Twisted Metal price drop. Really want to play that game, but 60 for that is too big of a pill to swallow. And I'm somebody who bought a PS1 to play TM2, and a PS2 to play TM:B.

Vita number is horrific. The thing that saved the PS3 is not first party games. As discussed in the "Did the PS3 have a system seller?" thread, there really wasn't one to come out of Sony.

So what makes you guys think that it's going to save the Vita? A critical mass of third party software is what has kept the PS3 selling throughout the years, and the Vita does not have that luxury. At best, what I see for Vita are a bunch of iOS/Android ports. After the thud that device landed with in Japan, and with it crapping the bed in the USA? What third party developer in their right mind is going to put substantial resources behind that albatross?

I love the over-reactions on GAF. The Vita is going to do fine. The thing is so fucking amazing, word will get out about that.


Damn those are not so pretty Vita sales, for launch anyway... Wii almost outsold it.



Crystal Bearer
Hm...looks like XIII-2 pretty much bombed in the US, 350k-ish is a huge drop from XIII.

PS3-360 gap is quite a bit smaller than i expected.

It's actually on-par with most multiplat splits that tend to favor one side over the other.


Will Eat Your Children
Not gonna lie, didn't expect TM to go over 120000. Congrats I guess, it's definitely a better game than I expected!


Man I want to see RE:R sales. The game was so good, it needs those sales. I will admit even I forgot it released and only remembered when my preorder showed up at my door.
*Insert snarky comment about fans who demanded a sequel to XIII*

Anyway, XIII-2 looks like it was made cheaply, they probably profited majorly on it.
This looks to be a very pivotal month for the industry.

It's pretty easy to see where each manufacturer and device is heading now.


Great PS3 and 360 sales, both were higher than I expected.

Also happy to see TM up there, happy it sold more than I thought it would.


Haven't played XIII-2 yet, but is XIII-3 actually something that has a good chance at happening or is it likely to be wrapped up through DLC? The interest in a new game obviously isn't there.


God, I am looking forward to a Twisted Metal price drop. Really want to play that game, but 60 for that is too big of a pill to swallow. And I'm somebody who bought a PS1 to play TM2, and a PS2 to play TM:B.

Vita number is horrific. The thing that saved the PS3 is not first party games. As discussed in the "Did the PS3 have a system seller?" thread, there really wasn't one to come out of Sony.

So what makes you guys think that it's going to save the Vita? A critical mass of third party software is what has kept the PS3 selling throughout the years, and the Vita does not have that luxury. At best, what I see for Vita are a bunch of iOS/Android ports. After the thud that device landed with in Japan, and with it crapping the bed in the USA? What third party developer in their right mind is going to put substantial resources behind that albatross?

This is why I will not buy one yet. Don't want a DOA device in a year's time.
Don't know, if this was asked before, I didn't found it, when I searched the thread for it, the NPD charts always say:
includes CE, GOTY editions, bundles, etc. but not those bundled with hardware

Does "bundled with hardware" include the Resident Evil: Revelations pack that came with a Circle Pad?


Crystal Bearer
Oooh, thanks, pretty good for the 360 ver (better than FFXIII, right?). Interesting (well, not a lot, but a little).

Well... FF13 also sold 882K/498K its first month whereas FF13-2 barely managed over 215K/140K ... so yeah.

Going from 1.3 million to ~350K is a huge drop.
I love the over-reactions on GAF. The Vita is going to do fine. The thing is so fucking amazing, word will get out about that.
Define "fine". 3 months after launch in JP it's selling 10k a week. It could dip below 25k a week without a price drop in the next 6 months in the US, the only big software on the horizon is Call of Duty.


I'm glad the market at large seems to agree with me on RE: Revelations. Dunno why.

did it have many days in February?

I got to say I too would be perfectly OK with it bombing. It was one of my most hyped 3DS games, and people on GAF had these impressions, and it just left me gobsmacked when I played it. I've probably never experienced a bigger disconnect between the gushing, overhyped impressions and the actual experience of playing it. The game did not do itself favors for the vast majority of my playtime. I'd give it like a 5/10 or something
Define "fine". 3 months after launch in JP it's selling 10k a week. It could dip below 25k a week without a price drop in the next 6 months in the US, the only big software on the horizon is Call of Duty.

By fine I mean it will end up like the PSP interms of sales, sell a lot but not beat out the 3DS, but the main thing is it will keep getting the big PS3 games and 3rd parties will also bring games out for it. I expect Madden to be big on it, especially if they have cross platform save sharing like the Show has, and I am sure as time goes on more games will take advantage of stuff like that.
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