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NPD Sales Results for February 2015 [Nintendo Numbers, Majora's, MH4, ~XB1]

From last gen alone, here's a few titles that were greenlit sequels and sold worse than The Order on their first outing

- Resistance
- MotorStorm
- LittleBigPlanet
- Uncharted 1
- InFamous
- Heavy Rain (if you consider Beyond a "sequel")

Pretty much every major new IP Sony released last gen with the exception of TLOU.

I don't think it'll be difficult for The Order to come back and win the critics hearts, tbh. The core in the game is strong, they just need to expand and get the gameplay mix right. With the technical issues resolved, I think they'll come out swinging for the sequel and surprise a lot of folks. RAD is insanely talented.

Metacritic Scores:

Resistance: Fall of Man - 86
MotorStorm - 84
Uncharted - 88
LittleBigPlanet - 95
inFamous - 85
Heavy Rain - 87

The Order - 65

One of these things is not like the other.
Lol, they're not going anywhere.

Yeah but the "Welcome RAD to the first party family" like MM after LBP is looking less likely. Ah, MM, I wonder what they are working on. LBP2 was their last full studio endeavor I believe, with Tearaway being a small team project, much like I expect the PS4 iteration is.
How do you know what RAD's deal with Sony was? It's quite possible that RAD was counting on large royalties off of game sales. Also remember that The Order was delayed so they could have already been bleeding money for a few months.

In any case, it's highly unlikely that they got or are getting enough money from The Order to fund another game by themselves. They're going to need a publisher and if Sony decides that they don't want an Order sequel, they could be in big trouble.

Now that all of the tech is in place at RAD I think Sony can take a flyer for a sequel at a lower price than the first and make sure RAD knows it is put up time and make the contract more royalty based. I think it is short sighted to judge the partnership with RAD and Sony from just one game. A lot of the work that went into 1886 was likely getting that engine made and now that part is done.


I have:

PS4 ~7.2
XBO ~6.2
Wii U ~3.8

3DS ~14.6
Vita* ~2.1

million units

*doesn't include PSTV because I don't really know its sales....

Your Xbox One number looks like it doesn't includes this years sales. I have the gap between PS4 and One to be ~600k


I'm saying the amount a developer gets paid from a publisher often depends on the product's sales and critical reception.
That's true for small post launch bonuses, but those admire so trivial they'd be shut down by now if they didn't have another project signed by someone.


I never thought of Canvas as an experiment title, but you may be right.

Kirby has only appeared once since the 3DS release, Deluxe, excluding downloadable titles, so I don't think another 3DS title would of hurt its chances. Nonetheless, Wii U was hurting so I'm sure the title was green-light shortly after the Wii U launch as you point out.

I was just disappointed, I like Kirby so much :(

Does anyone have the numbers for Kirby: Triple Deluxe fo NOA?

Not NOA, but 1.7 mil WW
From last gen alone, here's a few titles that were greenlit sequels and sold worse than The Order on their first outing

- Resistance
- MotorStorm
- LittleBigPlanet
- Uncharted 1
- InFamous
- Heavy Rain (if you consider Beyond a "sequel")

Pretty much every major new IP Sony released last gen with the exception of TLOU.

I don't think it'll be difficult for The Order to come back and win the critics hearts, tbh. The core in the game is strong, they just need to expand and get the gameplay mix right. With the technical issues resolved, I think they'll come out swinging for the sequel and surprise a lot of folks. RAD is insanely talented.

You forgot the most clear example, Killzone. That game had mediocre scores yet Sony still bought them.
Now that all of the tech is in place at RAD I think Sony can take a flyer for a sequel at a lower price than the first and make sure RAD knows it is put up time and make the contract more royalty based. I think it is short sighted to judge the partnership with RAD and Sony from just one game. A lot of the work that went into 1886 was likely getting that engine made and now that part is done.

And that's certainly a possibility. It's also a possibility that Sony says "You went overbudget and underdelivered. We're done here." We won't know until later.


How do you know what RAD's deal with Sony was? It's quite possible that RAD was counting on large royalties off of game sales. Also remember that The Order was delayed so they could have already been bleeding money for a few months.

It's possible, though your wording of "quite possible" implies that this is common practice, which I would disagree with. RAD hasn't earned the right or have the leverage to ask for such a deal IMO. With Sony owning the IP, fully funding the game development and marketing, and providing assistance via Santa Monica, I cannot imagine them agreeing to a deal where RAD would also get a cut of the game's profits. If someone who works in the game industry tells me that this is actually common practice, then I'd be the first to admit I could be wrong about this.

In any case, it's highly unlikely that they got or are getting enough money from The Order to fund another game by themselves. They're going to need a publisher and if Sony decides that they don't want an Order sequel, they could be in big trouble.

RAD has always relied on a publisher. So I'm not expecting them to be self-publishing their next game. And trust me, if Sony decides to part ways with them, Microsoft will 100% swoop in to strike a deal with them. Despite what you may think of The Order, there's no question that RAD has talents. They'll have no problem finding another publisher to work with.


I predict a gap of 100k for march, type 0 and bloodborne will push ps4, momentum from this month will carry over. Xbox will be down because they dont have a huge hyped game. If this happens and ms doesn't price drop, ps4 will have a ~700k gap.


That's true for small post launch bonuses, but those admire so trivial they'd be shut down by now if they didn't have another project signed by someone.

Oh the lack of those payments have helped kill devs before, but I'm not saying that will be the case for RAD. Just that devs don't work on a flat fee system.
I predict a gap of 100k for march, type 0 and bloodborne will push ps4, momentum from this month will carry over. Xbox will be down because they dont have a huge hyped game. If this happens and ms doesn't price drop, ps4 will have a 720k.

Dont forget they have the marketing deal for Hardline. March looks to be a bloodbath.
Good hardware numbers and PS4 sales great at that price.
As for the Order i am not surprise at the number and i don't expect much more sales for it .
I know i have stop 2 other people from buying and i never do that .


The Amiga Brotherhood
You forgot the most clear example, Killzone. That game had mediocre scores yet Sony still bought them.

lol they bought them after they released a game by the name of Shellshock. Which was a totally big turd of a game. GG was a bit hit or miss tbh, but hopefully a change of genre will do them good.
Metacritic Scores:

Resistance: Fall of Man - 86
MotorStorm - 84
Uncharted - 88
LittleBigPlanet - 95
inFamous - 85
Heavy Rain - 87

The Order - 65

One of these things is not like the other.

The one with the lowest score outsold the other 6 games? I'm genuinely not sure if you're trying to point out that Metacritic is irrelevant and your agreeing with the poster you're replying too or not.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Metacritic Scores:

Resistance: Fall of Man - 86
MotorStorm - 84
Uncharted - 88
LittleBigPlanet - 95
inFamous - 85
Heavy Rain - 87

The Order - 65

One of these things is not like the other.

If metacritic was the sole basis of whether or not a game continued to be made, there would be a lot of games that would never receive sequels.

Yeah, The Order had mixed reviews, if Sony is wise they will disregard them and understand that RAD will probably deliver a much better received title in a sequel with a lot of the technical legwork out of the way.

Yeah but the "Welcome RAD to the first party family" like MM after LBP is looking less likely. Ah, MM, I wonder what they are working on. LBP2 was their last full studio endeavor I believe, with Tearaway being a small team project, much like I expect the PS4 iteration is.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Honestly, with The Order doing well (but now amazing), and getting panned critically, it probably lowers the cost of an acquisition.

If I were Sony, I'd absolutely acquire RAD right now.

They've already shed SOE as a cost burden and they aren't spending as much money publishing Insomniac titles anymore, so that leaves some room for them to put funding elsewhere.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
sörine;155749387 said:
Every mid-cycle Nintendo handheld upgrade has had exclusive games. GBC did, DSi did and n3DS will.

I wouldn't get too wrapped up in game compatibility to define anything though. PS2 could also play games PS2 Slim couldn't. Vita can play games PS TV can't as well. Wii mini can't play sone games Wii can. That doesn't make them each distinct platforms though.

DSi actually has a gigantic exclusive library...of DSiware.


No, it really wouldn't be smart of Capcom considering the millions of sales they see on the handheld in Japan from this title. This is something that makes A LOT of sense.

Heck, MonHun is built to be mobile.

This is a US sales thread. Japan is irrelevant here.

Yes I know Japan is weird and only plays handhelds. We aren't.


What the hell is the 3DS family anyway? They are all just different versions of the same system. Or should I start saying PS3 family since the original was a bit different and could play PS2 games? Or PSP family since the Go only played digital?
Metacritic Scores:

Resistance: Fall of Man - 86
MotorStorm - 84
Uncharted - 88
LittleBigPlanet - 95
inFamous - 85
Heavy Rain - 87

The Order - 65

One of these things is not like the other.

Also, important to note that all of those games became multimillion sellers in the long run and I'm not sure we'll be able to say the same about the Order. I don't think it will have the legs those games had.
Hardware wise that's a fairly impressive showing all around.

Software... I don't know if I can say it is. Not a bad month by any means, but still a lower #1 than I would have expected.

Strange to see it's a 3DS title as well.
New3DS + 3DS + 3DSXL + 2DS > PS4 > New3DS

I have:

PS4 ~7.2
XBO ~6.6
Wii U ~3.8

3DS ~14.6
Vita* ~2.1

million units

*doesn't include PSTV because I don't really know its sales....

So you could say that the NA is about 33% of PS4 WW sales while the NA could be more around 60% X1 sales?

Interesting. Would put February in the range of 1.2m or so. Maybe more considering the bump in Japan going atm.

1.2m vs. 450k or so for X1 Ww?

With all the games hitting in March that NPD could be real interesting.


RaD when The Order went gold



This is a US sales thread. Japan is irrelevant here.

Except when you bring up international issues, aka Capcom planning their Japan focused series. It doesn't matter that potentially a console MH would sell a little better over here, as long as they can get millions of copies sold day 1 in Japan each year on a handheld. Not to mention, the series already flopped on PS2 over here, making the risk even more nonsensical. Be glad it actually sells this well on US 3DS.
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