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NPD Sales Results for February 2015 [Nintendo Numbers, Majora's, MH4, ~XB1]

Didn't it do over 1 million in the US alone? Definitely no market for the series on console! No market I tell you.

About 750k worldwide which was at the time easily the best western performance for MH. 3U for 3DS and WiiU may possibly have exceeded it however or perhaps equaled it. 4U is going to absolutely obliterate all the other games in terms of western performance. Console monster hunter is absolutely not worth it compared to handheld iterations if you had to choose just one. Zero data at all supports it. That said, there is no reason to believe capcom wont port the title because it's capcom and they port everything.

But there is virtually no reason to abandon handheld MH for some extravagant PS4 title. It's not going to make any financial sense. I think Capcom should continue with the HD versions like they did with 3U though. I think those would have great success.


Didn't it do over 1 million in the US alone? Definitely no market for the series on console! No market I tell you.

No. Capcom shipped 800k copies outside Japan.

Debuted at less than 143k.
I think most estimates were like 125k.

MH3 on Wii has sold over 350k.

I don't know if MH3U on Wii U + 3DS has surpassed that (last I remember was 320k one year ago), but if it did, then it means every new MH games has sold better and better, and seeing MH4U first month sales, this trend will continue.


The Order did worse than I expected. I know it didn't review well but I figured it would be in the top 3 at least. I hope this doesn't mean anything bad about RaD and their future titles. I know they're a good developer; they've shown it before. The Order was not prioritized right and, in my opinion, a project too large a scope for them to handle, which is why it ended up being a barebones game with amazing presentation. It's a game that should have been huge, with large street locales like that one concept art piece, big grandiose story, detective/mystery/adventure elements, and a fleshed-out multiplayer component. It was too big a concept for RaD to tackle, and the game suffered despite their talent.

I wouldn't worry. This is US sales only. Sony exclusives tend to sell better in Europe than they do in the US.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I understand that. Just never heard the same system but with different revisions referred to as a family before. Seems odd. Most systems have revisions during their lifetime. I wasn't aware they were counted differently.

Well now you are aware now. Nintendo already grouped them together (on facebook at least) back when they launch the 2DS. Their facebook page was changed to "Nintendo handheld gaming" back then.

Mr Moose

Three times? No problem.

Released on N64, Wii's Virtual Console. 3DS.

It was also released, but not sold, on the Gamecube.

I played it on GameCube, great game, didn't feel the need to play it again though. (I got in on a multi-disc with a few other Zelda games).


Man, 1886 making it into the Top 10 legit shook some people, given the amount it's being downplayed in here, even to the point of questioning RAD's future and speculating they'll shut down if Sony doesn't buy them, fire sale style.

For what's supposed to be a slow month, this thread is still delivering.


I reckon BB is going to do better than many think - its a good looker, and Sony and the press have been pushing it for a while now in interviews, previews and so on.

Not stellar sales, but I think it'll open with the best in the 'series' and it'll open up at least a path to non-core gamers. I'm thinking of getting it and I've never played a Souls game before.
Man, 1886 making it into the Top 10 legit shook some people, given the amount it's being downplayed in here, even to the point of questioning RAD's future and speculating they'll shut down if Sony doesn't buy them, fire sale style.

For what's supposed to be a slow month, this thread is still delivering.

Nothing beats Driveclub though.


Oh the lack of those payments have helped kill devs before, but I'm not saying that will be the case for RAD. Just that devs don't work on a flat fee system.

Most studios don't have enough cash on hand to actually negotiate another contract even with a quality bonus if they don't have something else signed up.

That stuff takes a lot of time.


I'm not sure what the old ass PS2 MH games (when no one knew wtf MH was) and a Wii U game sales mean though.

and I'm scratching my head on how Lost Planet 2 is even somewhat similar to MH. Closest thing to MH outside of the "hunting genre" would be Souls and it's doing pretty well on the two relevant consoles + PC. Well, better than <300k in a month at least.
They mean it's been tried on consoles like PS2 or Wii, which were far more popular than 3DS. And yet the games did worse.

LP2 is a four person squad based online game where you're taking down giant creatures. It was very intentionally patterned after MH (unlike LP1) but it fell totally flat. It basically killed the franchise after the first game was a surprise hit.

Souls has some similarities to MH (in that both are difficult and obtuse core action games) but it's really no closer than DD or LP2 were. And it's also not coming from Capcom.

Didn't it do over 1 million in the US alone? Definitely no market for the series on console! No market I tell you.
It sold about 400k in the US lifetime. It's first month was ~120k.

MH4U will pass it in a month or two. The game was even supply constrained in Feb, although the eShop helps alleviate that.


This isn't true, can't believe the amount of hate being spewed.

RAD is actually a very small team (smaller than Sucker Punch, for instance, which already was a small-ish Sony team), and their previous experience was only working on handheld titles. Yet they came out and released one of the first authentic showpieces for next-gen hardware. They took on an immense endeavor, and in some ways they came up short, but in other ways blew away a lot of expectations for such a small team.

If anything, those that had problems with The Order, but were still optimistic for the series going in, should be thankful that it sold as well as it did and also had harsh feedback -- it means that the sequel, which is likely greenlit, will be vastly improved and may turn into the next big franchise for Sony.

I think the important thing to remember about RAD is what we've always known - they're extremely capable on the tech side, but their claim to fame comes from mobile God of War titles where the vast majority of the mechanics, story, style, and pacing were already designed for them or provided extremely easy to emulate systems. They were technical wizards, sure, but it seems their strengths lie in art, graphics, and presentation over plot and gameplay mechanics. I think that's natural for a young, small studio with literally no console experience.

They played to their strengths, but failed on the things that they had never actively worked on themselves. They really shouldn't have tackled something like this without first laying the ground work on consoles with an entry in a current IP that they could work from, grow from, and ultimately set them up for success on a new IP later on down the road. There's moments of brilliance in this game, no doubt, and the setting is intriguing enough that I (and I hope others) sincerely wish for a sequel with all the right improvements. These sales make me hopeful for that, at least, even if they aren't going to be lighting anything on fire (har har har, get it?).
Agreed. MS isn't going to price drop... No point in doing it right now.


Wonder how the split is going to be for Hardline due to the Xbox audience enjoying shooters. I don't know what the split was for Battlefield 4 though.

But they are in the middle of a price drop right now... The $349 price drop is a limited promotion.... Yeah, I mean I doubt they are going to price drop during a price drop, that would definitely be interesting....

And I will assume the $349 drop will remain till May 2nd per the image I posted before from the ToysRUs sale price sign posted in my store... Which coincidentally is the last day of April NPD tracking.... Remember the Post Season price drop also ran exactly during November and December NPD tracking as well....

I predict another price drop promotion will come within 2 weeks after May 2nd....


No. Capcom shipped 800k copies outside Japan.

MH3 on Wii has sold over 350k.

I don't know if MH3U on Wii U + 3DS has surpassed that (last I remember was 320k one year ago), but if it did, then it means every new MH games has sold better and better, and seeing MH4U first month sales, this trend will continue.

Where did you get these numbers from? I'm not denying them I'm just curious on sales data for the franchise outside of Japan.


MH3 on Wii has sold over 350k.

I don't know if MH3U on Wii U + 3DS has surpassed that (last I remember was 320k one year ago), but if it did, then it means every new MH games has sold better and better, and seeing MH4U first month sales, this trend will continue.

I think the last estimate we got was 224k on 3DS and 93k on Wii U through December 2013, which doesn't include digital.
PS4 beastin like usual. Microsoft has got to be worried with the results. They're $50 cheaper and are giving away two games with their current bundle yet they are selling almost 80K less.


We can attribute the increase in XB1 numbers due to the 180 on price-cut but PS4 selling more than 350k in Feb? wow

I was so off base with my numbers. What can we attribute this to? The Order 1886, Gamestop trade-in sales, something else?


Incredibly Naive
Not that they need to, but would be interesting if Sony went ahead with a price drop for the holiday season given UC4 being pushed back. I imagine that would keep them out in front for that period.


Not that they need to, but would be interesting if Sony went ahead with a price drop for the holiday season given UC4 being pushed back. I imagine that would keep them out in front for that period.

Maybe Sony has something out of left field for the holidays this time. To cover for uncharted.


I think the important thing to remember about RAD is what we've always known - they're extremely capable on the tech side, but their claim to fame comes from mobile God of War titles where the vast majority of the mechanics, story, style, and pacing were already designed for them or provided extremely easy to emulate systems. They were technical wizards, sure, but it seems their strengths lie in art, graphics, and presentation over plot and gameplay mechanics. I think that's natural for a young, small studio with literally no console experience.

They played to their strengths, but failed on the things that they had never actively worked on themselves. They really shouldn't have tackled something like this without first laying the ground work on consoles with an entry in a current IP that they could work from, grow from, and ultimately set them up for success on a new IP later on down the road. There's moments of brilliance in this game, no doubt, and the setting is intriguing enough that I (and I hope others) sincerely wish for a sequel with all the right improvements. These sales make me hopeful for that, at least, even if they aren't going to be lighting anything on fire (har har har, get it?).

I disagree.

It's always better to give a newer inexperienced studio the opportunity to do a new IP rather than risk them fuck up a new entry in an established IP's series. They can learn from this experience without it having to kill them.

It's much lower risk as you do not alienate and piss off an existing fanbase if it goes tits up.

And that is why I'm continually astounded as to why the reaction to the order has been so toxic. It's ok to not like it, but they didn't kill your dog or ruin uncharted.


Where did you get these numbers from? I'm not denying them I'm just curious on sales data for the franchise outside of Japan.

You can have an idea of shipments outside Japan based on their worldwide info, just subtracting the Japanese sales (not including the Japanese "best"): http://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/business/million.html

Gonna do this now because I'm bored:

worldwide - japan =

PSP MHF: 1.3m - 0.7m = 0.6m
PSP MHF2: 2.4m - 1.8m = 0.6m
PSP MHFU: 3.3m - 2.5m = 0.8m*
Wii MH3: 1.9m - 1.1m = 0.8m
3DS MH3U: 2.5m - 1.6m = 0.9m**

*Capcom has added 400k download sales later, but it's impossible to know the split between Japan and the West.
**There's also some uncertainty due to download sales.

As for US sales, I'm just going from what I've seen posted in the NPD threads from people who have seen the sales.

I think the last estimate we got was 224k on 3DS and 93k on Wii U through December 2013, which doesn't include digital.

Yes, that's the number I remember 224 + 93 = 317. I just rounded it. =P


About 750k worldwide which was at the time easily the best western performance for MH. 3U for 3DS and WiiU may possibly have exceeded it however or perhaps equaled it. 4U is going to absolutely obliterate all the other games in terms of western performance. Console monster hunter is absolutely not worth it compared to handheld iterations if you had to choose just one. Zero data at all supports it. That said, there is no reason to believe capcom wont port the title because it's capcom and they port everything.

But there is virtually no reason to abandon handheld MH for some extravagant PS4 title. It's not going to make any financial sense. I think Capcom should continue with the HD versions like they did with 3U though. I think those would have great success.


They'll just port it. The question is to where.


Maybe Sony has something out of left field for the holidays this time. To cover for uncharted.

I think this is likely. DriveClub, the Order, Watch Dogs, the Witcher 3, Batman, Dying Light, the Division (not even the devs felt they'd make 2014), and Mad Max are all games that were announced for a 2014 release but slipped their release date several months, or in many cases into this year. It's unlikely that Sony is unaware of that trend. The message should be clear - do not show games early and often because gamers dislike it when the title then needs to be delayed or pared back for whatever reason.

I remember hearing about a trailer that was to be shown for a new Sony title last E3, and I think it was for GG's new game. It was allegedly pulled for being 'too soon'. That could have been a decision made as a result of realizing the above scenario isn't great for hyping up new games. I'm of the mind that Sony has a few surprises for us at E3 that will hit us in Fall.


Sorry if this has been mentioned before but why does nintendo's report state that the 3ds is the best selling hardware when npd says it's the ps4?


Junior Member
So this may have been addressed at some point.

Nintendo combines digital sales in their NPD PR for games. Do we know whether or not the digital sales include all sales internationally or not, or just sales withen the tracking area of the NPD?


PS4 beastin like usual. Microsoft has got to be worried with the results. They're $50 cheaper and are giving away two games with their current bundle yet they are selling almost 80K less.

Jesus Christ, that bundle had two games with it? that's bad. Firesale is only way for them to move hardware right now


Incredibly Naive
Maybe Sony has something out of left field for the holidays this time. To cover for uncharted.

Last year actually despite all of the e3 leaks I was pretty psyched at the LBP3 reveal... in retrospect it feels like it was more of a ps3 port and probably a rushed one at that given it's bugginess. I think there are plenty of studios that have had games in the works for quite some time now that could see a holiday release or soon thereafter... Hell wasn't GG supposed to be just about ready to show their game last e3?
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