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NPD Sales Results for February 2015 [Nintendo Numbers, Majora's, MH4, ~XB1]

I don't think so. The gap will definitely get bigger until the Fall but I don't think it will be as big as last year (which I believe reached 1.2 Million); I don't think there's anything coming for the PS4 before the Holiday season that will be as big as the Destiny release + special SKU last year.

Batman and MGSV are this year's equivalent to Watch Dogs and Destiny, in terms of big pre-Fall titles with both marketing and "history" with PlayStation.

Will it push PS4 back to 1.2 mil gap? Dunno, but I'm guessing a million by end of September at least.


that wasn't their first price cut though. it was $599-->$499. then $499-->$399 and then finally $399-->$299 along with the slim shortly thereafter.
OK, so you personally believe that the first price cut will come with the redesign, akin to the Ps3's third price cut & slim redesign?

I think you'll see $350 this fall with a new model and price in 2016. But, I base this on absolutely nothing. I have no connections or experience in this field, so take my predictions as the gibberish they are.


I think Sony will rather bundle 3-4 games at 399 rather than go 349.

IMO, they're holding onto the $100 price drop headline.

You have history on your side with this one. I do wonder how much the strength of their revised fall lineup will affect their plans though.
Of course, they will market MGSV heavily as a PlayStation product, which Kojima will not hate.

Edit: Fuck, double post.


Batman and MGSV are last year's equivalent to Watch Dogs and Destiny, in terms of big pre-Fall titles with both marketing and "history" with PlayStation. Will it push PS4 back to 1.2 mil gap? Dunno, but I'm guessing a million by end of September at least.

I don't know. MGSV, maybe. But I don't think Batman is up there with Destiny. Destiny being a new IP helped in terms of it being identified with Playstation. Destiny being a new IP just seemed to give the game a lot of buzz alone too.

Playstation has marketing with Batman but the series has been on both console brands since it started in 2009. I think many will know that Batman Arkham Knight will be out for both consoles when it releases.
I think the main reason for this, is that XB1 and ps4 are in a serous competition in the US. ps2 was destroying everything back then, with most big thirdparty games being exclusive, as for the 360 it was trouncing the ps3, games performed better, at a much cheaper price with a better controller. if you combined XB1 and ps4 sales you would see they are trouncing sales of ps3/360 combined sales last gen.
Hard to argue against that assessment. But it's also more than a little disingenuous. Neither PS4 nor One are as expensive as PS3 was last gen. While both are marginally more expensive than 360, and neither are selling against a phenom like Wii.

Both also have not been selling anywhere near the level of 360 in nonholiday months. This month is one of the rare few where they both are selling favorably in comparison.
sörine;155761603 said:
A year in 3DS was also trouncing DS. Four years in and it can barely keep up with PSP.

It's probably best to give things more time to get a clearer picture of PS4/One trajectories like Thunder said. They had record launches and great holidays but there are still concerning signs in the intervening months.
Yep, which could just be sales consolidating around the holidays. Or the prices of the systems working against mass market adoption.

More data is necessary. By the end of this year we should have a much clearer picture of where they stand.
Good to see Xenoverse in the Top10. Best Dragon Ball game since Budokai (Tenkaichi) 3. I wonder why PC isn't listed as a platform for it, though.

Also great to see that MH4 has charted. Best MH so far imo, the added verticality and the monster rodeo really feel like they should have been in the series since the first game.

Finally getting the sales it deserves in the west ;-;
Hey you're back!
I don't know. MGSV, maybe. But I don't think Batman is up there with Destiny. Destiny being a new IP helped in terms of it being identified with Playstation. Destiny being a new IP just seemed to give the game a lot of buzz alone too.

Playstation has marketing with Batman but the series has been on both console brands since it started in 2009. I think many will know that Batman Arkham Knight will be out for both consoles when it releases.

I said maybe too. But it's more than "nothing."


BTW, there is no '3DS family', N3DS black, red and MM bundle are just 3 SKUs of 3DS.
PS TV and PS Vita are 2 separated platforms.

Can't believe some people are considering n3DS a different system...

And thanks to deliver again cream, we would be in the dark without your numbers and of course... pies.
I think Sony will rather bundle 3-4 games at 399 rather than go 349.

IMO, they're holding onto the $100 price drop headline.
word, and they've already shown that that's what they prefer to be doing right now - with bundling tlour with every Ps4 at the beginning of the year, and then those various amazon deals (dunno if sony had anything to do with those though)

what do you mean with your second statement though? that they're waiting for, the best time to cut the price so that it'll be like, big news? honestly with the Ps4 being as popular as it's been all this time it'll be important for whenever it happens.
I think you'll see $350 this fall with a new model and price in 2016. But, I base this on absolutely nothing. I have no connections or experience in this field, so take my predictions as the gibberish they are.
ok, sir. it's not gibberish. i'm sure it's feasible because as others have stated in the thread, sony's wallets are lighter this time around so a half a hundred pricecut would be easier for them than full on $100.
From last gen alone, here's a few titles that were greenlit sequels and sold worse than The Order on their first outing

- Resistance
- MotorStorm
- LittleBigPlanet
- Uncharted 1
- InFamous
- Heavy Rain (if you consider Beyond a "sequel")

Pretty much every major new IP Sony released last gen with the exception of TLOU.

I don't think it'll be difficult for The Order to come back and win the critics hearts, tbh. The core in the game is strong, they just need to expand and get the gameplay mix right. With the technical issues resolved, I think they'll come out swinging for the sequel and surprise a lot of folks. RAD is insanely talented.

This must only include first month sales because virtually all of those games sold more than The Order ever will.


Let's be honest here.

A $100 price drop will sell MUCH more PS4s than Uncharted 4.

Agreed, but I'm wondering if they were planning on saving their first drop for next year and going straight to $299. And if so, has the delay of U4 convinced them to go for a $50 cut this year. This is all assuming their fall lineup doesn't have something else big enough to make a splash.
Hardware is doing well. It will be interesting how much the n3ds will hold in the upcoming month. Software is pretty strong too.
I don't expect much for Bloodborne, but I think it will have good legs because of good WOM if the game is well recieved by gamers.

I don't know why the chart position is that important. Those sales would be the best first month new IP sales for Sony since...

I don't think so. The gap will definitely get bigger until the Fall but I don't think it will be as big as last year (which I believe reached 1.2 Million); I don't think there's anything coming for the PS4 before the Holiday season that will be as big as the Destiny release + special SKU last year.

The gap (NPD) is less than 700K now right? PS4 would need to outsell XB1 until the Fall by an average of about 100K per month for what you said to be true (that is, if my numbers are correct).
i'm not entirely sure what your point is here. not saying you're wrong or that I disagree, but how does the post you make here conflict with the bolded part of the post that you quoted?
Hmmm, I would be willing to make a bet with anyone who thinks PS4 will get an official $299 pricedrop at E3 or Gamescom.

Sony will likely keep the price high, and focus on adding value by bundling games, and wait for a big pricecut next year when either a new slim model comes out, or maybe for Morpheus launch.

If anyone drops to $299, it will be Microsoft, and if Sony does drop this year it would only be $50 (not talking about any potential BF deals or anything like that.)


Sony will maximize profits with PS4. The company really needs make money and they are in a comfortable position this gen.

I expect only a $50 drop on second half of the year. $299 with first hardware revision.


Because Apple likes to sell their products high above the manufacturing costs so they get big profits from hardware and then get even more from apps?

What is wrong with what they said?

There isn't a thing wrong with their PR statement. There wasn't anything they said that was factually incorrect. But to most on GAF, you can tell there is alot of spin in that release. But what do people expect, it's the PR team's job.

Congrats to The Order: 1886 for placing in the Top 10. Given the thrashing it took from the media, I'd say it did pretty well.

I read some comments about people saying Sunset Overdrive didn't place Top 10 due to how crowded the market was at the time. This is true but apparently that wasn't the case with Driveclub although they both launched around the same time
release dates said:
Driveclub: October 8th (3 week head start)
Sunset Overdrive: October 28th


Sunset's ranking was also hurt by bundles. NPD doesn't include them in the software charts.

That's also why we saw Destiny One placing ahead of PS4 some months.


People who are saying $299 for ps4 this holiday are insane. $349.99 is the best case scenario.
$299 is not a random number or put there just because it is the next step down from $349...
I think it has been demonstrated time and again that $299 is the beginning of true Mass market appeal, specially when you start tapping out that "near $400" market.

It won't be just about responding to the XB1 either, it's strategic imo.

A $50 price drop, while it would probably have some measure of success, would not do that much for sales overall I think.
$299... That'd be a master move (and it'll probably be where the XB1 will go anyway). And the $100 drop benefitted the PS2 quite a bit back in 2002 I believe...
Just food for thoughts...


Hmmm, I would be willing to make a bet with anyone who thinks PS4 will get an official $299 pricedrop at E3 or Gamescom.

Sony will likely keep the price high, and focus on adding value by bundling games, and wait for a big pricecut next year when either a new slim model comes out, or maybe for Morpheus launch.

If anyone drops to $299, it will be Microsoft, and if Sony does drop this year it would only be $50 (not talking about any potential BF deals or anything like that.)

I'll take the bet. This year Sony will drop the price to 299$ permanently.

do we know sunset numbers for first month and LTD?

First month less than 120K I think. No idea about LTD, I didn't see it leaked.


Hmmm, I would be willing to make a bet with anyone who thinks PS4 will get an official $299 pricedrop at E3 or Gamescom.

Sony will likely keep the price high, and focus on adding value by bundling games, and wait for a big pricecut next year when either a new slim model comes out, or maybe for Morpheus launch.

If anyone drops to $299, it will be Microsoft, and if Sony does drop this year it would only be $50 (not talking about any potential BF deals or anything like that.)

MS is 100% Guaranteed going to do a $299 Halo 5 and/or Tomb Raider bundle this year, you can take it to the bank. They already did a $320 Master Chief bundle at Walmart last year. It will happen even if Sony stays at $399. I can't even imagine what they'd do if PS4 dropped to $299.


Nintendo performance is abysmal though.

that is a fairly accurate statement.

bad that even in an up year, where everything is performing better than the year before, it's still down generation over generation. at least the ps4 is outperforming the ps2 in a similar february. the ps4 and xb1 are putting in first and second place numbers in a non holiday month. that's a positive too.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I don't know. MGSV, maybe. But I don't think Batman is up there with Destiny. Destiny being a new IP helped in terms of it being identified with Playstation. Destiny being a new IP just seemed to give the game a lot of buzz alone too.

Playstation has marketing with Batman but the series has been on both console brands since it started in 2009. I think many will know that Batman Arkham Knight will be out for both consoles when it releases.

And what about the Battlefront marketing that Sony supposedly has for the fall/winter release? Right around the time the movie hits.
Sony will maximize profits with PS4. The company really needs make money and they are in a comfortable position this gen.

I expect only a $50 drop on second half of the year. $299 with first hardware revision.

A $100 price drop might generate more profit than $50. Two years is long time to stay so high. We have no idea what the production costs will be at that time either and that is a huge factor. Also the Plus subscriptions are another massive source of income that can make $299 financially feasible.

It's basically game over in the US(already over worldwide) if they do it.


I don't think so. The gap will definitely get bigger until the Fall but I don't think it will be as big as last year (which I believe reached 1.2 Million); I don't think there's anything coming for the PS4 before the Holiday season that will be as big as the Destiny release + special SKU last year.

The gap (NPD) is less than 700K now right? PS4 would need to outsell XB1 until the Fall by an average of about 100K per month for what you said to be true (that is, if my numbers are correct).

Sony has MGS V marketing deal.

And what about the Battlefront marketing that Sony supposedly has for the fall/winter release? Right around the time the movie hits.

He said before the Holiday.


Media Create Maven
So talking about next month... if the Wii U was just under 100K this month, I guess there's a chance it'll get above 100K in March if Mario Party can pull some weight since it's a 5 week month?


Great that MH did well. Coupled with EU sales, I'd roughly estimate 500k sales for MH4 in February. Hopefully that's enough for Capcom to start pushing the IP harder in the west.


A $100 price drop might generate more profit than $50. Two years is long time to stay so high. We have no idea what the production costs will be at that time either and that is a huge factor. Also the Plus subscriptions are another massive source of income that can make $299 financially feasible.

It's basically game over in the US(already over worldwide) if they do it.

I think the same. PS Plus will generate more $ than the sale or loss of money due to hardware.


I'd be worried if I were Ms, they simply can't be happy with the way the massive bundles and price slashing has done. It done simply nothing it's proven it wasn't really worth it to them to have done it so quickly so deep. What now another hundred off come holiday?.


I'd be surprised if Sony had Battlefront marketing, especially considering Microsoft has EA in their back pocket (Spencer has relations with some EA execs)


MGS V tends to sell way more on PS4 anyway. I don't think marketing deal will make such diff.

On the other hand if Battlefront marketing deal is true, will be very good for PS4.

The source is Harker, so I'm inclined to believe it's true.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
MGS V tends to sell way more on PS4 anyway. I don't think marketing deal will make such diff.

On the other hand if Battlefront marketing deal is true, will be very good for PS4.

The Battlefront deal (if true) could be huge...especially if the hype keeps growing for the film around the same time.
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