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NPD Sales Results for January 2014 [Up3: PS4/XB1 #1/#2 best selling; Poke/SM3DW/ALBW]


I'd be surprised if anyone takes your anecdotal evidence with little more than a grain of salt given your post history and historical accuracy with these sorts of things.

But here is what the PS4 stock looks like right now based on actual tracking.


Here's the Xbox One's comparatively.


I don't know why SenjutsuSage even bothers. At this point, can he even hide behind his absurd objectivity defense?


Ok so I've been holding this comment made on an eurogamer comment section. This comment was posted by a user named DeViells 9 months ago, it goes a little like this...
As good a place as any, here's a few predications about Microsoft and the One's future...

1. Microsoft release official statement clarifying and backtracking on some of its next gen features
2. Xbox fanboys will find themselves negged to hell on this website
3. In multi-format game comparisons the PS4 will always prove to be the better choice
4. The Xbox One controller will prove less reliable than its previous incarnations
5. The One will have fewer exclusive games than the original or the 360
6. One or more hacking groups will attack Microsoft numerous times
7. Major developers and publishers will voice their discontent
8. The Xbox One will prove to be the best marketing Sony have experienced for one of their consoles
9. Microsoft will find itself in court for either price fixing or breach of customer privacy
10. Someone eventually creates a game that makes Kinect look good
11. Microsoft will soon change many of the initial features for the One in order to increase sales
12. Microsoft will suffer it's profits/highest loss since its inception
13. Shares will drop to an all-time low
14. Microsoft's CEO/top brass/big bo!!ocks will be removed and replaced
15. Bill Gates will return, in a desperate attempt to help Microsoft get back on track
16. Microsoft's closest competition in the gaming market will be Nintendo, not Sony
17. Microsoft start employing more Japanese technicians, designers, and managers
18. Eventually Microsoft leave the console market completely
19. Microsoft start buying advertising agencies
20. At least one of my predictions comes true
21. This comment will get negged by distraught Xbox fans.

Not necessarily in that order!
I don't know, I could be wrong but I feel like some of this are starting to come true

Microsoft needs to take action fast, IMO if they want to push console sales, Drop the kinect, drop the price to 399$ before Titanfall hits stores and you'll get sales.

Ps. Please ignore 21 and 2
I think the true bomba here smuggled in under the sound and fury of a secondary explosion:

There was only one cross-gen game in the Top 10 where both current gen versions outsold both next gen versions. That games happens to be the game that most closely matches the target gaming demographic Titanfall is being marketed to.

Yeah, if I was Microsoft I'd be sweating fucking bullets seeing that. Looks like the arena shooter audience may not be as keen to trade up for better visuals as they hoped.


It's EA that may not be happy. Respawn already has their cash.

Really? I was under the impression Respawn planned to eventually release a PS4 version but were caught off guard by an exclusivity deal EA procured without their knowledge. The Respawn heads Twitter post seems to vaguely confirm as much.
Wasn't it always expected to be second place? So, that's more or less expected. Doom? For a $500 machine that's off to a record setting pace, topped only, I think, by the PS4? That's not exactly an omen of catastrophe. I do agree, however, that possibly being outsold by close to double month after month isn't a particularly good look, and why I think a price drop will be very important for the Xbox One, but I see no immediate cause for alarm yet.

Anecdotal PS4 Supply aside, you're completely right the XB1 is still on a record setting pace.

Of course, Wii U was doing pretty well before its own massive January drop, so yeah I think this si something to worry about. Doom? Of course not - but not 'expected' by any stretch of the imagination.
Wasn't it always expected to be second place? So, that's more or less expected. Doom? For a $500 machine that's off to a record setting pace, topped only, I think, by the PS4? That's not exactly an omen of catastrophe. I do agree, however, that possibly being outsold by close to double month after month isn't a particularly good look, and why I think a price drop will be very important for the Xbox One, but I see no immediate cause for alarm yet. And the PS4 supply constrained mantra is just a phenomenon I see on GAF. I've been to best buy and walmart various times this month and last, 3 times in just the past week for different reasons, and PS4s were always available. Are they as freely available as maybe the Xbox One seems to be? No, but an extra drive to a different store, and you'll find them without much hassle. My sister in law actually bought one for her son at best buy Tuesday as a surprise gift if his grades are good.

Exactly 10 PS4s have apparently been stolen at just this one best buy according to the guy working the door that asks to see your receipt when you're leaving, which is why there's now always no less than 3 employees keeping watch on the systems. Funny enough, I couldn't help but ask if any Xbox Ones had been stolen, and the answer was no lol. I'll let people speculate on why. :p

Really? You want to deny that the PS4 is sold out most of the times based on your anecdotal evidence?
That's great, but over here in Europe there's been no stock for ages!
That's the stock situation for Germany, where the only one available is 79€ more expensive.
That's the stock for the US, hardly "always available" as you say now is it? And these are just the numbers for January, we're not in the middle of february.

Be realistic here man, the supply constrain isn't some phenomenon on GAF.
Denying that only makes you look foolish imo.
Realistically, EA/Respawn are plausibly still looking at maybe 1M units if it ends up with a really good attach rate. Probably closer to 500K with just a decent attach rate.

But I don't know whether they thought they'd be losing potentially that many sales in exclusivity when they considered the opportunity cost of taking Microsoft's money v. making a PS4 SKU. And the follow on effects with the PS4 installed base in not having the first game etc. for the franchise.


Peter Moore bringing down the ethers on Sony GAF.

Ok so I've been holding this comment made on an eurogamer comment section. This comment was posted by a user named DeViells 9 months ago, it goes a little like this...

I don't know, I could be wrong but I feel like some of this are starting to come true

Microsoft needs to take action fast, IMO if they want to push console sales, Drop the kinect, drop the price to 399$ before Titanfall hits stores and you'll get sales.

Ps. Please ignore 21 and 2

I agree, they need $399 for Titanfall. Waiting till after May will mean it's too late. The PS4 will be ahead and word of mouth will continue spreading.

Realistically, EA/Respawn are probably still looking at maybe 1M units.

But I don't know whether they thought they'd be losing potentially that many sales in exclusivity when they considered the opportunity cost of taking Microsoft's money v. making a PS4 SKU.

I think Titanfall will have a huge attach rate on X1, but I don't think it'll move enough consoles to put the X1 on top in March. That is, of course, assuming Sony has their stock situation fixed. If it's still constrained then I could see them loosing out again.
The true numbers will be Holiday 2014. If MS cant even come close to closing the gap then they have to definently do something.

I hope I didn't waste my money ;/. That said I can easily buy a PS4 if I need to

If you like your console and the games on it, why would it be a waste? Even when the PS3 was dead last I never thought I made a mistake. There was always something for me to play. The console you like doesn't have to be the bestseller. It just needs to play the games you like.


Ah man, shoulda realized the "gaming is dooooooomed" choir was gonna show up for this. Oh well, MS boys had their fun last month, may as well let the Nintendo apologists have their turn for now.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
It's also why I really can't see Titan Fall doing anything, I have this weird feeling it's going to drastically underperform
I think it will outsell anything that Sony publishes for a while, but nearly every cross platform game selling more on PS4 cannot be a position Microsoft thought they would be in. Really makes EA look stupid, for obvious reasons.


mediocrity at its best
Really? I was under the impression Respawn planned to eventually release a PS4 version but were caught off guard by an exclusivity deal EA procured without their knowledge. The Respawn heads Twitter post seems to vaguely confirm as much.

Do you really think Respawn is that naive after all the bitching they did about Activision? Zamp and crew knew what they were getting into by taking money from EA. If they didn't then they are really fucking obtuse.
Wasn't it always expected to be second place? So, that's more or less expected. Doom? For a $500 machine that's off to a record setting pace, topped only, I think, by the PS4? That's not exactly an omen of catastrophe. I do agree, however, that possibly being outsold by close to double month after month isn't a particularly good look, and why I think a price drop will be very important for the Xbox One, but I see no immediate cause for alarm yet. And the PS4 supply constrained mantra is just a phenomenon I see on GAF. I've been to best buy and walmart various times this month and last, 3 times in just the past week for different reasons, and PS4s were always available. Are they as freely available as maybe the Xbox One seems to be? No, but an extra drive to a different store, and you'll find them without much hassle. My sister in law actually bought one for her son at best buy Tuesday as a surprise gift if his grades are good.

Exactly 10 PS4s have apparently been stolen at just this one best buy according to the guy working the door that asks to see your receipt when you're leaving, which is why there's now always no less than 3 employees keeping watch on the systems. Funny enough, I couldn't help but ask if any Xbox Ones had been stolen, and the answer was no lol. I'll let people speculate on why. :p

Dude, you know when we click you name we can read your post history, right? I mean, seriously?
Wow I wasn't expecting the tide to change so fast in favour of the PS4 in the US. Eentually it was bound to happen though when you sell a superior product for a lesser price.

I remember a thread on GAF some two months ago where people were predicting lifetime sales for the two consoles and I was shocked at how many gaffers thought the two consoles would sell similar figures. It was clear then and it is even more now, MS needs to turn it around if they wanna stay competitive, and fast. They're going the way of the WiiU in Europe, and atm the One doesn't seem so hot in America either. Cutting the price by at least 100$/€ might be a good start.
I think it will outsell anything that Sony publishes for a while, but nearly every cross platform game selling more on PS4 cannot be a position Microsoft thought they would be in. Really makes EA look stupid, for obvious reasons.

Can't really blame publishers for not seeing this coming in the States, considering it's been a strong point for MS from the beginning. It'll be interesting to see how exclusivity deals and such will be handled from now on, though.


Dude, you know when we click you name we can read your post history, right? I mean, seriously?

he would choose Tomb Raider Xbox One every time after seeing the videos of both dude. Stop the hate.

All joking aside, it's spin time. What do you expect the diehards to say? They got nothing, they were holding onto the December numbers as proof of something lol
Are people intentionally distorting facts just to have better meltdowns?

Welp, love it either way. Keep it comin' people...

As it's been pointed out the Xbox LTD is 26 mil, not 40 mil. I didn't intentionally distort that fact, I just pulled it from what I remembered and what I remembered was wrong. Happy?
Peter Moore is hilarious.

EA is swimming in MS money. They have nothing to be upset about.
I think there's not a lot of doubt that Titan Fall / Titanfall (which of these is right, I forget?) will be a profitable investment for EA.

The question is whether it would have been a more profitable title were it multiplatform even taking into account whatever Microsoft paid.


Do you really think Respawn is that naive after all the bitching they did about Activision? Zamp and crew knew what they were getting into by taking money from EA. If they didn't then they are really fucking obtuse.


But apparently the second game is still due for a PS4 release.

EA has got to be regretting that Titanfall exclusivity deal right about now.

Keep in mind that they probably saw PS4 outselling XBone as a likely outcome at the time they upgraded the deal to full exclusivity, and factored that into their calculations when they took the money. I'm going to guess that MS threw enough money at them that the loss relative to if they had released on PS4 won't be all that much.

This might accelerate the release of Titanfall 2, though.
Exactly 10 PS4s have apparently been stolen at just this one best buy according to the guy working the door that asks to see your receipt when you're leaving, which is why there's now always no less than 3 employees keeping watch on the systems. Funny enough, I couldn't help but ask if any Xbox Ones had been stolen, and the answer was no lol. I'll let people speculate on why. :p

Thieves steal the most valuable product. News at 11.


Ah man, shoulda realized the "gaming is dooooooomed" choir was gonna show up for this. Oh well, MS boys had their fun last month, may as well let the Nintendo apologists have their turn for now.

Denial is the first stage. Don't embarrass yourself and tell me these are good numbers. The PS4 numbers are ok, but everything else is horrific.
In theory xbox one numbers in Feb will be lower correct? Usually Feb is down vs Jan since jan has last minute shoppers and stuff from the holidays right?
he would choose Tomb Raider Xbox One every time after seeing the videos of both dude. Stop the hate.

All joking aside, it's spin time. What do you expect the diehards to say? They got nothing, they were holding onto the December numbers as proof of something lol

I imagine it'll be along the lines of: "The smart fans were waiting for the Titanfall console bundle." Or "The PS4 is only sold out because people are just buying them to scalp them not to play them." (Using the "Xbox* sells more games" line to enforce that)
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