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NPD Sales Results for July 2007


sp0rsk said:
3rd party Wii games don't sell because they are shit. Let's not try and spread misinformation here.
I was just thinking today that there's been a gigantic window of almost no 1st part games on the Wii (especially in PAL countries - pretty much from January until around November) that 3rd parties could have capitalised on.

But they didn't.
sp0rsk said:
3rd party Wii games don't sell because they are shit. Let's not try and spread misinformation here.

And how do you know this? What if Wii owners simply aren't interested in games other than Wii Sports?


I would bang a hot farmer!
sp0rsk said:
3rd party Wii games don't sell because they are shit. Let's not try and spread misinformation here.
I think I own the only two third party Wii games worth buying (Trauma Center and RE4).


Miniboss1232 said:
Slightly cheaper? I thought it was $100 cheaper? Which is currently where the Wii/non-tard 360 is sitting at.

For the majority of this generation so far the wii has been $350 cheaper than the ps3 and $150 cheaper than the 360. After the price drops it's now $250 and $100 cheaper. For the first 6 months of the last generation the gc was $100 cheaper than the ps2/xbox but then after all the companies reduced the price in may 2002 the price difference was only $50 because nintendo reduced theirs by less.
Odysseus said:
rock band is what's getting slaughtered
Oh lol, I thought GAF had it down as a sure thing.

sp0rsk said:
3rd party Wii games don't sell because they are shit. Let's not try and spread misinformation here.
The only third party Wii game I want is Bully, and that's just because I missed it. I imagine I'm a minority.


sypher said:
nah, theyll hit 50 easily.

btw where is your avatar from?
I would like to hear a scenario where the PS3 not only hits 50 million, but does it "easily."

My avatar is a rotator, you'll have to be specific.


The Everyman
Gallagher said:
Iam not sure if it did a good job as a systemseller with Metroid Prime 1 and 2... at last not here in europe
true, but any crap that heavily involves the wiimote has been a systemseller on the wii.

if a low quality fps like red steel (which actually i personally enjoyed a lot, but recognize as being a bad game in general) can sell a 1,000,000 i think prime will clean up.


SRG01 said:
Judging by Sony's recent GC conference, I'm beginning to see that they're following Yahoo!'s ill-fated path: they're spreading themselves far too thin in too many areas.

I don't really understand what you're saying here. They've got the largest 1st party development in the industry(don't they?) and the majority of that staff appears to be working on PS3 titles.

They need well-reviewed AAA titles and they need them ASAP. You can't just pile bodies onto a team to accomplish that, though.


Zerodoppler said:
And how do you know this? What if Wii owners simply aren't interested in games other than Wii Sports?
What was the last 3rd pary Wii game worth buying? RE4 was it? Sold 225k, good number for a port.


NPD makes me happy. Happy makes me NPD.

OMG @ Wii numbers O_O just crazy (haterz be damned!! :lol ). now, i truly wonder if Nintendo is taking advantage of the "limited supply" idea (they create the limit supply)... or if the Wii would be as popular with a regular supply.

either way this is excellent news for Nintendo... and me :)

Sony better announced the PS4 tomorrow, waggle and cheaper everything, 'cuz i think they're beating a dead horse with the PS3.


Visualante said:
You think? A lot of Wii owners will be getting Guitar Hero for the first time.

Rock Band on PS3 and 360 is an expensive package.
:lol you don't know Odysseus

Odysseus said:
rock band is what's getting slaughtered
The only chance for Harmonix is to release that Wii version they alluded to in an earlier interview.

Looks like it won't be ready until later, though.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Zerodoppler said:
And how do you know this? What if Wii owners simply aren't interested in games other than Wii Sports?
Because the figures for Trauma Center and RE4 Wii back his statement up.


force push the doodoo rock
Zerodoppler said:
And how do you know this? What if Wii owners simply aren't interested in games other than Wii Sports?

Because haphazardly put together shit games don't sell unless they are tied to a movie?

And even shittier ports sell even shittier?


Great stuff at ps3forums:

"Lefein: Is there anything other than a link to an obscure forum post to substantiate this?"

refering to sonycowboy's GAF post. GAF= obscure forum. :D

"redshift: Mission accomplished: we outsold Gameboy Advance"


sp0rsk said:
3rd party Wii games don't sell because they are shit. Let's not try and spread misinformation here.

Well, I wouldn't know if I would go that far.

I would probably say that the first-party titles are what appeals to the current Wii fan-base. It's saying something when Wii Play and MP8 have nearly 50% or higher of this month's Wii sales.


bune duggy said:
that's wii worldwide? wow, insane.

Wii Play can be explained away by the number of ebayers who sell the system with "two" controllers and "14" games.

Hahaha. Whenever I look at the Wii on eBay, that is pretty much all I see.


force push the doodoo rock
Fuzzy said:
I think I own the only two third party Wii games worth buying (Trauma Center and RE4).

Imagine that! Hey 3rd parties! Stop releasing shitty games!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Sony speaks!


"That was exciting and very much in line with expectations, especially since we're talking about the doldrums of summer," Jack Tretton, head of Sony Computer Entertainment America, said in an interview."

"It certainly has us very optimistic, along with the software lineup we have for the fall," Tretton said. "

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Woo-Fu said:
I don't really understand what you're saying here. They've got the largest 1st party development in the industry(don't they?) and the majority of that staff appears to be working on PS3 titles.

They need well-reviewed AAA titles and they need them ASAP. You can't just pile bodies onto a team to accomplish that, though.

I'm thinking he is talking about areas outside of gaming. They hitched the company on the back of the PS3, trying to be too many things to people.

schuelma said:
Sony speaks!


"That was exciting and very much in line with expectations, especially since we're talking about the doldrums of summer," Jack Tretton, head of Sony Computer Entertainment America, said in an interview."

"It certainly has us very optimistic, along with the software lineup we have for the fall," Tretton said. "

He sounds defeated


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
SRG01 said:
Well, I wouldn't know if I would go that far.

I would probably say that the first-party titles are what appeals to the current Wii fan-base. It's saying something when Wii Play and MP8 have nearly 50% or higher of this month's Wii sales.

Explain Trauma Center being Atlus' most successful U.S release ever.

Explain Tiger Woods outselling 360's version worldwide.

Explain RE4 selling 250K in less than 2 months in the U.S, probably close to 500K worldwide.


I'll ad my 2c. I bought a PS3 at the end of July, so I'm terribly surprised to see such low numbers from Sony. The Paramount announcement is even more important now because the allure of blu-ray is quickly eroding. Blu-ray is one of the main reasons I picked up the PS3. The 360 price cut is more 'fresh' then Sony's and MORE importantly is being supported with a slew of software - Bioshock, Madden, Halo. Crushing defeat. I don't know how Sony will survive this fall. After Lair, Heavenly Sword, & Warhawk come out next Month - that will disappear before Christmas.


They're now quoting michelled quoting them over on ps3forums. I think this is known as crossing the streams.

Oh, and thanks michelled for pointing them our way. They'll be in the next batch of juniors.
schuelma said:
Sony speaks!


"That was exciting and very much in line with expectations, especially since we're talking about the doldrums of summer," Jack Tretton, head of Sony Computer Entertainment America, said in an interview."

"It certainly has us very optimistic, along with the software lineup we have for the fall," Tretton said. "

They said sales for the first weeks increased by double (and a little bit) and they did.

That being said, they've got to be crunching the numbers to see if they can do anything on price/bundling this holiday, cause they're going to have a VERY ROUGH holiday otherwise.

They'll likely just have to ride it out until early 2008 with GTA IV, MGS 4, & Killzone
If Gamestop is correct about the price drop nearly doubling sales, the 360 will be over 300k in August, and if Madden has indeed broken sales records, we could see it do over 1 million for the month.

The 360 remains the only bright spot in the West for HD gaming, and the software sales remain top notch for 3rd party software. MS is far from 'fucked'.

400k for a sports game, double the amount sold on PS2, is nothing to sneeze at, nor is the 1 million LTD for Guitar Hero 2 in NA.

With the buzz it's received I wouldn't be surprised to see Bioshock go over 500k in August as well.

/360 spin


Branduil said:
I would like to hear a scenario where the PS3 not only hits 50 million, but does it "easily."

My avatar is a rotator, you'll have to be specific.

sypher said:
nah, theyll hit 50 easily.

Who said anything about "million". re-read please.

The one with the girl doing "mikuru beamu" to the sliey face robot.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
sonycowboy said:
They said sales for the first weeks increased by double (and a little bit) and they did.

That being said, they've got to be crunching the numbers to see if they can do anything on price/bundling this holiday, cause they're going to have a VERY ROUGH holiday otherwise.

They'll likely just have to ride it out until early 2008 with GTA IV, MGS 4, & Killzone

Agree. Their best hope is that Uncharted or Ratchet somehow catches fire and becomes a system seller. I don't see it happening- Halo 3/Galaxy/Smash will likely such up most of the oxygen.

08 has to be their year where the consistently outsell the 360 every single month.


schuelma said:
Explain Trauma Center being Atlus' most successful U.S release ever.

Explain Tiger Woods outselling 360's version worldwide.

Explain RE4 selling 250K in less than 2 months in the U.S, probably close to 500K worldwide.

Dude, Wii Play has been out for months and it still has legs. Can you say that about the other titles?


Gallagher said:
Iam not sure if it did a good job as a systemseller with Metroid Prime 1 and 2... at last not here in europe
Prime 1 sold me a Gamecube. Once it hit $99, that is.
SRG01 said:
Dude, Wii Play has been out for months and it still has legs. Can you say that about the other titles?
Dude, it's an extra remote with a $10 minigame set. Who's going to turn that down?
laserbeam said:

:lol Their roll'n in the $$ . I wonder when the Wii decline/level off is going to happen, like 2 years from now?


sypher said:
Guys, Why are we still talking about how to save the PS3? Every "AAA" titles that is supposed to come out has turned out sub-par, Sony WILL NOT drop the price again this year, and in general the industry is 360 centric. I'm not saying its time wrap it up, but its no longer a race .

I wouldn't say that, but there's nothing that's going to significantly change the trend for PS3 for the rest of 2007 (with GTA IV now in 2008). The US is a lost cause for a while but worldwide it could potentially get closer next year between those two consoles.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Yeah... we'll definetly have to see how Sony reacts to this news. $400 christmas = fighting chance for PS3.

Anything less, and you'll be lucky to see the PS3 in a position similar to the N64 :/


Fuzzy said:
I think I own the only two third party Wii games worth buying (Trauma Center and RE4).

I'd maybe add Elebits and Kororinpa (at a budget price, at least) but yeah, it's a depressing truth. Even more depressing when you consider one of those games is a triple-dip that probably took Capcom all of two months to port.
Zerodoppler said:
And how do you know this? What if Wii owners simply aren't interested in games other than Wii Sports?
But they are. Wii tie ratio is no slouch. It's not the PSP or the PS3 when it comes to software sales.


SRG01 said:
Dude, Wii Play has been out for months and it still has legs. Can you say that about the other titles?
What 3rd party titles aside from Guitar Hero have had 6 month+ legs on ANY system this gen?

You can't just set the bar arbitrarily high and then say "Well, none of the Wii's 3rd parties are doing this, therefore their sales suck"
Whipped Spartan said:
Everyone else is thinking it:

Wii= PS2 xbox 360=XBOX 1 and PS3=GNC

Actually I was more thinking that the 360 is more comparable to DC, but a DC whose parent company is bankrolling it all the way and wasnt in financial trouble before it was launched being forced to pull the plug early.

But yeah, Wii = PS2, PS3 = weird Xbox / GC hybrid


SRG01 said:
Dude, Wii Play has been out for months and it still has legs. Can you say that about the other titles?

wii play is a tech demo that comes with a free controller (heck i bought it too)
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