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NPD Sales Results for July 2007


Merovingian said:
I like my Wii.

But are people around here that happy that the Wii is doing this well? No reason to not be happy, but some people around here are seriouslly HAPPY that the other consoles aren't doing nearly as well as the Wii. I don't really understand that. I don't like my Wii that much, i don't see how its a better console than the others, and vice versa.

Weird to be me i guess.

Same here. I defended der Wii before it came out when everyone said/wished it would bomb. Though now the slaughter is in full reverse mode I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the sheer dumping Sony takes. I wanted a smarter humbler Sony but now all I get is this bloody mess whose beatings becomes more painful by the day. People must have some serious hate for the gaming experience on the triple/triple-six-zero to be doing this much celebration.
I've gotta eat some crow with the Wii sales.

Back a few months ago, I heavily argued that sales were a result of pent up demand from releasing a Zelda game at launch. Obviously, that was wrong...
I don't know, for lack of better words. Why is NeoGAf calling outother forums that has nothing to do with this thread? Is that proffessional? Honestly.

I would say, those guys at the Ps3 forums are just letting of some steam. So what? No reason to start quoting and making fun of them.

Did you guys look at yourself? Goddamn, if I could, I would make a thread pointing out all the stupid claims/comments you can get on this forum.

It's freaking outrageous. Insult to intteligence infact. So guys, be the mature ones instead adn stop acting like little immature kids now eh?

Now onto to the 2nd part, so is everyone done calling Sony doomed yet? Because I'm waiting for all the doom posts to die down before I actually make some points.

Fast pointers.

1) Ps3 is still $500.
2) Ps3 doesn't have the killer software yet.

Ps3 has a lot of room to breath. I don't see much worry. Hell, I'm a Ps3 only owner and I'm not even close to freaking out. It's simple really, Ps3 is not going anywhere. The decision for 2nd place is far from over unless you want it to be over.


siamesedreamer said:
I've gotta eat some crow with the Wii sales.

Back a few months ago, I heavily argued that sales were a result of pent up demand from releasing a Zelda game at launch. Obviously, that was wrong...
Meh ... I expected the Wii to do well, but not this well.


I would like to see:

2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
5) 3rd party results

About the numbers, I think Wii sale are not going to change tendencies from third parties, they will keep with the same type of games they are doing (maybe trying to improve them), but I don´t see Ubi Soft for example deciding the sequel of Assasin's Creed being for Wii. If the results keep being so scandalous maybe companies will start seeing Wii as its main platform, but even if they do that wouldn´t produce visible results until 2009.

So far, brilliant work for Nintendo without discussion. Both 360 and PS3 sales are dissapointing, will be interesting how much will improve 360 next month.

First time playing armchair analyst, don´t stone me.


I would bang a hot farmer!
donny2112 said:
2) would be very nice as it would let us see how Twilight Princess Wii has been doing and how PS3 software has been doing. Could we see the GCN Twilight Princess total, too, to go along with the Wii number?

Total 3rd party sales (if you can give us individual SKUs, great, but that may be asking too much) between the PS3 and Wii would be nice. This month and LTD, if possible, so we can see how its trending.

Tie ratios would also be nice, this month and LTD.

Whatever you can share would be appreciated! :)
I agree with all of that, I'd just like to add this month's top 10 for each platform if possible.


Not Wario
tehbear said:
Same here. I defended der Wii before it came out when everyone said/wished it would bomb. Though now the slaughter is in full reverse mode I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the sheer dumping Sony takes. I wanted a smarter humbler Sony but now all I get is this bloody mess whose beatings becomes more painful by the day. People must have some serious hate for the gaming experience on the triple/triple-six-zero to be doing this much celebration.

Thirded. I hate to seem trollish, but, honestly, why the hell are people still buying the damn thing in droves? :lol (Or, alternatively, why aren't the other two selling just as well?)
Sorry about the image, but it's not a typical gif.


Guess I won.


Has problems recognising girls
Heh we all make mistakes in our predictions. No one (not even the most blinded of Nintendo fanatics) could have predicted Wii to absolutely trump everything. Sure there were a few smart people that knew Japan would lap it up like nothing else.. but worldwide? Hrm.
siamesedreamer said:
I've gotta eat some crow with the Wii sales.

Back a few months ago, I heavily argued that sales were a result of pent up demand from releasing a Zelda game at launch. Obviously, that was wrong...

Good man! I wish some of the disappearing acts from the dawn of this generation would return and eat the crow as heartily and as good-naturedly as you.


sonycowboy said:
What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???
In order of preference, I'd like to see:

LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
Tie Ratio's
First party results
3rd party results


The Sphinx said:
Livin_Lovin said:
This post would have more validity if the execs at both Nintendo and developers alike weren't calling it a "New Generation" console. Unfortunately...
How many times are we going to have this bullshit semantic argument?
Until people realise that public relations does not dictate the English language?
Wii is a part of the progression of the games industry, and whether they admit to it or not, a progression of Nintendo's previous market efforts. Thus, it is "next generation". If you wish to dispute that, take it up with Oxford or Merriam-Webster.


plagiarize said:
first party titles aren't enough.

i know you want to go 'buh buh buh nintendo!'. yeah. look at the gamecube.

Oh, I'm not going to deny that; the PS3 needs more 3rd party support and sales to do well.


speedpop said:
Heh we all make mistakes in our predictions. No one (not even the most blinded of Nintendo fanatics) could have predicted Wii to absolutely trump everything. Sure there were a few smart people that knew Japan would lap it up like nothing else.. but worldwide? Hrm.

Why not? The DS was a clear indicator to not underestimate the Wii. Theres also the fact that this was the first console launched while Reggie was at Nintendo. I think Reggie was huge in making the console this popular.

The Signs were there, Gaf just didnt want to accept them.
michaeld said:

Sure guy. I will laugh with you too about my meltdown. :lol :lol :lol

I guess meltdown lost it's definition. Making sense and putting logic and thought into a post lost it's meaning too, right.

Someonen should quote this guy's history post and let it hang somewhere.


sonycowboy said:
NPD threads used to talk about sales. Of course, full SW is gone now. Also, the pecking order had long since been established and everyone understood the status quo and didn't feel the need to go batshit insane every month.

It'll calm done, as the inevitability of the positions become set, however, if the 2,000 NPD thread goes down to 1,500 posts because of the loss of the same 15 images, I'm not going to shed a tear.

Anyway, where's Donny, CVX, Rhindle, Fuzzy, Cheesemiester, Heidr & company? What else would you guys like to see in terms of numbers (not the whole farm, please)

What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???

Personally, I think tie ratios and LTD sales are the most important. We can wait a few years for franchise totals, and it's not like Nintendo's position with the Wii and Sony and MS's position with PS3 and 360 are a huge mystery; top 10 sales per platform would probably reflect Nintendo to a reasonable degree anywho, so I wouldn't waste it on first party results. 3rd party is probably second most important. Genre growth... eh, I don't see the demand myself.

Thanks for asking though!
traveler said:
Thirded. I hate to seem trollish, but, honestly, why the hell are people still buying the damn thing in droves? :lol (Or, alternatively, why aren't the other two selling just as well?)
I don't know about anyone else, but I had been looking for a Wii for months and I just found one at the beginning of July, so naturally I purchased one. I still think that there is alot of the launch excitement around the Wii just because supply is so low.
Grecco said:
Why not? The DS was a clear indicator to not underestimate the Wii. Theres also the fact that this was the first console launched while Reggie was at Nintendo. I think Reggie was huge in making the console this popular.

The Signs were there, Gaf just didnt want to accept them.


It still shocks me that GAF consensus claims that no one saw this coming, especially after the DS.
Terrell said:
Until people realise that public relations does not dictate the English language?
Wii is a part of the progression of the games industry, and whether they admit to it or not, a progression of Nintendo's previous market efforts. Thus, it is "next generation". If you wish to dispute that, take it up with Oxford or Merriam-Webster.

Honestly, I don't care. Semantics are so insignificant it doesn't make that much of a difference. To make you and that one other person happy, HD consoles is fine with me, despite my own personal feelings about the platform.
FortunateSon said:
I don't know, for lack of better words. Why is NeoGAf calling outother forums that has nothing to do with this thread? Is that proffessional? Honestly.

Professional? You get paid for this? Man, I've been getting totally screwed.

I would say, those guys at the Ps3 forums are just letting of some steam. So what? No reason to start quoting and making fun of them.

It's what the Internet is for.

Did you guys look at yourself? Goddamn, if I could, I would make a thread pointing out all the stupid claims/comments you can get on this forum.

Please do!

It's freaking outrageous. Insult to intteligence [sic] infact. So guys, be the mature ones instead adn stop acting like little immature kids now eh?

Okay. Man, I can't wait for Part 2 of this post!

Now onto to the 2nd part,


so is everyone done calling Sony doomed yet? Because I'm waiting for all the doom posts to die down before I actually make some points.

That'll take a while. Sorry to see you go.

Fast pointers.

Aw, but you said...

1) Ps3 is still $500.

This argument has caused me to see things in a different way.

2) Ps3 doesn't have the killer software yet.

One word: Lair.

Ps3 has a lot of room to breath.

I feel a comeback on the winds.

I don't see much worry.


Hell, I'm a Ps3 only owner and I'm not even close to freaking out.

Do let us know when you are. I think we'd love to be there.

It's simple really, Ps3 is not going anywhere. The decision for 2nd place is far from over unless you want it to be over.

If you can dream it, you can be it.


Not Wario
Kestastrophe said:
I don't know about anyone else, but I had been looking for a Wii for months and I just found one at the beginning of July, so naturally I purchased one. I still think that there is alot of the launch excitement around the Wii just because supply is so low.

Nintendo keeping supply constrained confirmed!

Darth Sonik

we need more FPS games
I suggest a better solution all around is a ban on quoting or posting multiple gifs.

As for more details.

Top 20/30 or top 10 per platform (with sales figures).

Tie Ratio life time and per month may be interesting.

Profit would not be possible.
For great justice (and the only worthwhile image created so far), here's the currently approved image for this thread (but don't quote unless it's on another page).

don't quote said:

Also, any junkwaffle image is immediately qualified for inclusion, but I don't think I've seen him for quite awhile. Although, he'd probably fashion a curmudgeonly troll image with my name on it.


Count Dookkake said:

It still shocks me that GAF consensus claims that no one saw this coming, especially after the DS.

the reason -> gba didn't predict squat for gamecube

the wii is its own phenomenon, no doubt aided by microsoft and particularly sony overshooting the market.
Personnally, I was expecting the Wii to do quite well, at least better then the Gamecube. However, I was not expecting it to do so well. I was one of those thinking you would be able to get one easily at launch. :lol I don't think anyone could have seen this happening though. There's a lot of people who still seems to be in denial, and that is getting tiresome.

BTW plagiarize, I made a Metroid version of your avatar in the Prime 3 Official Thread. ;)


traveler said:
Nintendo keeping supply constrained confirmed!

Only the Evilest Man in the world could sell 10 million consoles in 8 months versus competitors 20 months and still be supply constrained. Iwata must really be a Clone of Yamauchi


tehbear said:
Same here. I defended der Wii before it came out when everyone said/wished it would bomb. Though now the slaughter is in full reverse mode I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the sheer dumping Sony takes. I wanted a smarter humbler Sony but now all I get is this bloody mess whose beatings becomes more painful by the day. People must have some serious hate for the gaming experience on the triple/triple-six-zero to be doing this much celebration.
Yeah. When "$600" was announced, I figured the Wii would outdo PS3 for a long time, but I thought Wii and 360 would be closer to parity. Mario Galaxy and Smash Brothers guarantee sellouts until after Christmas, I think, but Halo 3 should close the monthly gap significantly for a while. I don't see any bright spots for PS3 this year :(

I don't want any of the consoles to fail - I'd like to see a replay of last generation, really. The Wii's success doesn't make me "happy" unless lots of good, innovative third-party games start coming. The PS3 is pretty embarrassing, though, but (incredibly horrible marketing and PR aside) this situation was foreseeable.
FortunateSon said:
Hell, I'm a Ps3 only owner and I'm not even close to freaking out.

*scrolls up*

I don't know, for lack of better words. Why is NeoGAf calling outother forums that has nothing to do with this thread? Is that proffessional? Honestly.

I would say, those guys at the Ps3 forums are just letting of some steam. So what? No reason to start quoting and making fun of them.

Did you guys look at yourself? Goddamn, if I could, I would make a thread pointing out all the stupid claims/comments you can get on this forum.

It's freaking outrageous. Insult to intteligence infact. So guys, be the mature ones instead adn stop acting like little immature kids now eh?

Now onto to the 2nd part, so is everyone done calling Sony doomed yet? Because I'm waiting for all the doom posts to die down before I actually make some points.

Fast pointers.

1) Ps3 is still $500.
2) Ps3 doesn't have the killer software yet.

Ps3 has a lot of room to breath. I don't see much worry.

...sure, champ.


sonycowboy said:
NPD threads used to talk about sales. Of course, full SW is gone now. Also, the pecking order had long since been established and everyone understood the status quo and didn't feel the need to go batshit insane every month.

It'll calm done, as the inevitability of the positions become set, however, if the 2,000 NPD thread goes down to 1,500 posts because of the loss of the same 15 images, I'm not going to shed a tear.

Anyway, where's Donny, CVX, Rhindle, Fuzzy, Cheesemiester, Heidr & company? What else would you guys like to see in terms of numbers (not the whole farm, please)

What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???

I'd like some LTD data for the top ten for each platform, as well as data for specific games that aren't in the top ten that are requested (for example, I'm interested in the Madden Wii sales for next month but I don't think they'll make the top ten). I'd also like tie ratios but something like that doesn't really need to be updated monthly.

As for the image ban, I'm pretty new here but I thought it was understood that these threads were supposed to be laid back mini-parties. There are weekly Media Create threads, regular PAL threads, regular NPD threads, the Wii Takeover thread, and there are still thread made every so often about hardware sales, and they're all talking about the same basic trends. How often do you expect people to have the same discussion?

If you really want to talk about how the industry is moving based on hardware sales, it would be better to keep it in a separate thread and leave the routinely made sales threads to jokes and lighter discussion.
I really don't think it's time to make funeral arrangements for the PS3, and it's way too early to make any real long term predictions (short of Wii winning this gen, maybe). Regardless of everyone else's sales, its sales went UP this month, which is saying a lot for a $499 machine with no real AAA title. When Killzone 2, GT5, MGS4 and whatever other visually stunning games do finally arrive on shelves, then we'll be able to really see how much life is left in the PS3. And I think that those games, combined with another price drop, are going to keep PS3 alive for a very long time.
FortunateSon said:
:lol :lol :lol

Don't people find claims like this ridiculous or funny, I mean, come on? This guy calls it even before this year ends.

Just a reminder guys, it's not like the Ps3 flopped this month. The difference is only 11k and the Ps3 is still being priced higher and the 360 has more games in it's libarary.

Sos say what you want tpo make yourself feel better but I don't see how predicting the future as blindly like that isn't stupid.
What I called, if you read what I posted, was that PS3 will probably never surpass either of its competitor's NA numbers on a monthly basis. Combine the slow-ass crawl PS3 has been doing to reach two million in NA and the, so far, shit-tastic sales of the software for third parties on the system and you get a clear understanding of how poorly the platform is doing in the largest market. August will probably see X360 more than double its July numbers (price drop/Madden being key points of interest) and then start seeing how, with Halo 3 and others will help cement everything against PS3 by end of September. By end of holiday season (January to February), PS3 will likely have seen the highest numbers it will ever see for the rest of its lifespan in NA, IMO. It's all going to snowball away from them just as it has for many third place systems that lag seriously behind the other two. Third parties will likely drop many titles from their PS3 lists by February if software sales don't pick up soon. In NA, Sony's stuck in third.



No other words.

And Sony has got nothing to hide behind. This just sucks for them. No other words.

I'm a betting man, but I would have lost 100$ if I betted what I thought (ie. ps3 > 360)


sonycowboy said:
What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???

how bout top ten games for each platform? Dont even have to give the numbers for all of them....ND threads suck now because GAF took away everything that was used to create conversation..turned it into a gif contest instead. And I still find its pretty damn funny ther were no problems posting numbers and such till ps3 came along and got its ass kicked every month by the competition. Sony leaned on npd, Gaf, or both.

The way things are going, it wont be long before 1up yours is history and GAF is just a pos "who can be the wittiest poster" site. Damn things have changed. Time for GAF to suck it up and get back to what made it "THE" gaming forums to be part of. Not what it is now.


Has problems recognising girls
Grecco said:
Why not? The DS was a clear indicator to not underestimate the Wii. Theres also the fact that this was the first console launched while Reggie was at Nintendo. I think Reggie was huge in making the console this popular.

The Signs were there, Gaf just didnt want to accept them.
There's a difference between predicting and underestimating though. I always considered the success of the DS to rub onto the Wii merely because of its ease of playability and typical fun Nintendo games, not to mention the insane amount of mainstream media it copped week in week out with it's launch until even now.

You just couldn't predict whether it would reach to it's full heights because it is just that - unpredictable.


sonycowboy said:
Also, any junkwaffle image is immediately qualified for inclusion, but I don't think I've seen him for quite awhile. Although, he'd probably fashion a curmudgeonly troll image with my name on it.
That Miyamoto-as-Zoolander gif from the first page is his, but I'm not reposting because I assume you mean NEW Junkwaffle gifs.
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