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NPD Sales Results for July 2007


Merovingian said:
I like my Wii.

But are people around here that happy that the Wii is doing this well? No reason to not be happy, but some people around here are seriouslly HAPPY that the other consoles aren't doing nearly as well as the Wii. I don't really understand that. I don't like my Wii that much, i don't see how its a better console than the others, and vice versa.

Weird to be me i guess.

Woah, woah, woah. I'm floored. You were like the number one Wii troll six months ago. More than a troll, you were downright acidic about minigames, party games, VC, etc. And now you have a Wii.... and like it?

Maybe I'm thinking of someone else.
Norse said:
And I still find its pretty damn funny ther were no problems posting numbers and such till ps3 came along and got its ass kicked every month by the competition. Sony leaned on npd, Gaf, or both.

It happened November 2006, when both the Wii and PS3 had great launches but were supply constrained. If you want to blame anything, blame the nice NeoGAF November NPD video that made it to YouTube, Newsweek, EA execs, Ubisoft, and eventually to NPD.

It was too fantastic for it's own good.


sonycowboy said:
It happened November 2006, when both the Wii and PS3 had great launches but were supply constrained. If you want to blame anything, blame the nice NeoGAF November NPD video that made it to YouTube, Newsweek, EA execs, Ubisoft, and eventually to NPD.

It was too fantastic for it's own good.

bolded for great justice
I'm all for Wii going well, as it's my main console at the moment and I love the controls when they're done right, but only as long as it doesn't affect the development of games for the other consoles into a casual nightmare, which I still slightly, and potenitally irrationally, fear.

Strong RE4 sales on Wii is good news though! Now Nintendo can release their SUPER MEGA HD ORSUM POWER GRAPHICS UNLEASHED update to the Wii, right?


I would bang a hot farmer!
sonycowboy said:
It happened November 2006, when both the Wii and PS3 had great launches but were supply constrained. If you want to blame anything, blame the nice NeoGAF November NPD video that made it to YouTube, Newsweek, EA execs, Ubisoft, and eventually to NPD.

It was too fantastic for it's own good.
And I called it in the thread it was first posted in. :(


sonycowboy said:
It happened November 2006, when both the Wii and PS3 had great launches but were supply constrained. If you want to blame anything, blame the nice NeoGAF November NPD video that made it to YouTube, Newsweek, EA execs, Ubisoft, and eventually to NPD.

It was too fantastic for it's own good.

That Video was indeed fantastic.


666 said:
I'm all for Wii going well, as it's my main console at the moment and I love the controls when they're done right, but only as long as it doesn't affect the development of games for the other consoles into a casual nightmare, which I still slightly, and potenitally irrationally, fear.

Strong RE4 sales on Wii is good news though! Now Nintendo can release their SUPER MEGA HD ORSUM POWER GRAPHICS UNLEASHED update to the Wii, right?
They'll push out the patch that unlocks the other three cores. We will finally see the true potential of the orange port.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
siamesedreamer said:
I've gotta eat some crow with the Wii sales.

Back a few months ago, I heavily argued that sales were a result of pent up demand from releasing a Zelda game at launch. Obviously, that was wrong...

Wow..what a refreshing post. Kudos for manning up.
sonycowboy said:
It happened November 2006, when both the Wii and PS3 had great launches but were supply constrained. If you want to blame anything, blame the nice NeoGAF November NPD video that made it to YouTube, Newsweek, EA execs, Ubisoft, and eventually to NPD.

It was too fantastic for it's own good.

Agreed. Hey, now that we get the numbers officially do we think there could be some videos made for this November and December's NPD?


So, the increase in sales mean there are more Wiis in stores right?
schuelma said:
Wow..what a refreshing post. Kudos for manning up.
You should really check out the Wii controller unveiling topic. Really does prove that us gamers don't know what we want.
sonycowboy said:
Anyway, where's Donny, CVX, Rhindle, Fuzzy, Cheesemiester, Heidr & company? What else would you guys like to see in terms of numbers (not the whole farm, please)

What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???

Woah, wasn't expecting to get called out, haha. Precise HW LTD numbers would be very, very nice. Very. Especially if every month. :D

If not, tie ratios or top 10 SW LTDs per platform would be good.


FortunateSon snapped? :lol I knew it was just a matter of time. nice comments, Kobun.

sonycowboy said:
It was too fantastic for it's own good.
damn. The immense buildup was nearly worth it, though. :lol

sonycowboy said:
1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???
2, 4 and 5 - in that order of preference - would be great.


Has problems recognising girls
The Sphinx said:
That Miyamoto-as-Zoolander gif from the first page is his, but I'm not reposting because I assume you mean NEW Junkwaffle gifs.
Nah Junkwaffle didn't create that gif. I can't remember his username but he did one up without Yamauchi at the back, someone suggested to put him in and he edited it for inclusion of the big pimp. Pretty sure it was last month's NPD where the guy created it.
The Sphinx said:
They'll push out the patch that unlocks the other three cores. We will finally see the true potential of the orange port.


I hope this puts a rocket in the pocket of Sony to drop the PS3 price to a reasonable level.
Heres what I'm looking for sonycowboy.

Out of that, I would like to see LTD sales for the Top 10 of each platform. As long as that means per month. I don't need to know Metroid Prime sold 109 units because it's in the Top 10 for the Gamecube.

Other than that, 3rd Party sales, and maybe Tie-Ratios.

Edit: A few specific titles that we can ask for would be the best out of anything. I would personally like to see Twilight Princess ltds on both the Gamecube and Wii, some of the Wii 3rd party launch titles like Super Monkey Ball, Rayman, and Red Steel; and some of the more niche DS titles like Phoenix Wright, Dragon Quest Rocket Slime, and Planet Puzzle League. I would also like to see more updated Gears of War numbers, along with Resistance.


speedpop said:
Nah Junkwaffle didn't create that gif. I can't remember his username but he did one up without Yamauchi at the back, someone suggested to put him in and he edited it for inclusion of the big pimp. Pretty sure it was last month's NPD where the guy created it.
It's Willy Wanka's.


Well, just got home, and I have to say(I'm sure its been said multiple times already, but hey, this is a public forum) that I am pretty disapointed in the lack of pics, and gifs in this thread.

I guess GAF has forgotten just how famous it is for its NPD tyhreads, and this seriously damages it's fun, and amazing skills of the really good photoshoppers out there.

I also have no problem with allowing JW pics, as he's fucking awesome. But to only allow his?

I never thought I would say this, but this months NPD thread sucked. Alot.
Kobun Heat said:
Professional? You get paid for this? Man, I've been getting totally screwed.

Man, aren't you the smart one! So I guess I can go to another forum, take a bunch of retarded Xbox fans quote and make a thread about it? Is that allowed? Oh wait, the 1st thing you thought was that; that's retarded when I said that. Same thing applies here too mate. No way around it. Excapet of making a thread, he did in a thread which has nothing to do with another forum. Read the thread title, "Official NPD results"...

You really tried there too. Oh well, I had fun at least. :lol :lol

It's what the Internet is for.

Making fun of people from other forums? That's class. That's like me going to TeamXbox and quoting them here, every single thread about good Ps3 news, I should quote all the bitternes eh?

Internet is for everything guy but it doesn't mean you can act all ignorant and start doing things that are just very immature.

Please do!

Sure. Why not? It will be fun! Don't you think Kobun? :lol :lol

Okay. Man, I can't wait for Part 2 of this post!

Trust me, you would be surprised how many people's post here read likes diarrhea. You will be pleasently surprised. :p

I know. It's good to be happy!

That'll take a while. Sorry to see you go.

Sure. No problem. I will just comeback when the thread have died down a bit.

One word: Lair.

Dude, are you serious? Even I troll the shit out of that game. It sucks monkey hairs. :lol :lol

I feel a comeback on the winds.

For sure. Sony is not even close to doomed or out of the race or whatever you guys call it.

Yeah, no worries. So awesome! I don't invest is sales as much as some people here but I try and bring some balance.

Do let us know when you are. I think we'd love to be there.

I'd have a hell a lot of fun! :lol :lol

If you can dream it, you can be it.

Uh, no. I know my comment doesn't hold much weight eh? But neither do any of the posts here as well. A few exceptions apply. I don't see you righting them. Why? I think I know. Everyone is in their own world. Claiming they won but hey, reality is reality. I think I can accept the fact that Wii is already way down there and won the race but 2nd place is still on!

...sure, champ.

That's meltdown, if so, okay. Fine. :lol :lol :lol :D


sonycowboy said:
It happened November 2006, when both the Wii and PS3 had great launches but were supply constrained. If you want to blame anything, blame the nice NeoGAF November NPD video that made it to YouTube, Newsweek, EA execs, Ubisoft, and eventually to NPD.

It was too fantastic for it's own good.

Well, the video was fantastic... did they like it? :lol

MightyHedgehog said:
What I called, if you read what I posted, was that PS3 will probably never surpass either of its competitor's NA numbers on a monthly basis. Combine the slow-ass crawl PS3 has been doing to reach two million in NA and the, so far, shit-tastic sales of the software for third parties on the system and you get a clear understanding of how poorly the platform is doing in the largest market. August will probably see X360 more than double its July numbers (price drop/Madden being key points of interest) and then start seeing how, with Halo 3 and others will help cement everything against PS3 by end of September. By end of holiday season (January to February), PS3 will likely have seen the highest numbers it will ever see for the rest of its lifespan in NA, IMO. It's all going to snowball away from them just as it has for many third place systems that lag seriously behind the other two. Third parties will likely drop many titles from their PS3 lists by February if software sales don't pick up soon. In NA, Sony's stuck in third.

Your post has a lost of common sense. But I am interested in how PS3 will do this Q4 with its line-up and how Sony deal with the marketing. If they can keep track with 360, maybe there is a chance for them at 2008.

However, is really amazing to see how both companies (MS and Sony) has dropped the ball with this.


speedpop said:
Nah Junkwaffle didn't create that gif. I can't remember his username but he did one up without Yamauchi at the back, someone suggested to put him in and he edited it for inclusion of the big pimp. Pretty sure it was last month's NPD where the guy created it.
Oh damn brain cramp. It was willywanka. Don't know what I was thinking.


cvxfreak said:
Personally, I think tie ratios and LTD sales are the most important.
Those are what I'm interested in the most, as well. THe former gives a nice look at the total software sales picture for the platform, the latter some specifics about the stand outs.


666 said:

I hope this puts a rocket in the pocket of Sony to drop the PS3 price to a reasonable level.

It seems like they would almost have to, at this point, but I'm not sure how they'd manage it. They still have to finish getting rid of the 60GB, and then creating an 80GB no-bundle SKU at $499 before they can really get down to the business of dropping the price to a manageable level.

I suspect they'll hold out to see how Warhawk, Lair, and Heavenly Sword do when they finally come out before deciding to do anything, though.

Meanwhile, Nintendo may want to consider a price hike, because unless they've got a bunch of Wiis stashed for the holiday season, this Christmas is shaping up to be a bloodbath.

I mean, had they had the consoles, it's not unreasonable to assume they could have maybe sold 500K. In July. Without any megaton releases.


sonycowboy said:
It happened November 2006, when both the Wii and PS3 had great launches but were supply constrained. If you want to blame anything, blame the nice NeoGAF November NPD video that made it to YouTube, Newsweek, EA execs, Ubisoft, and eventually to NPD.

It was too fantastic for it's own good.

Oh the irony.


sonycowboy said:
1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???

2, 4, & 5, please.


Junior Member
sonycowboy said:
NPD threads used to talk about sales. Of course, full SW is gone now. Also, the pecking order had long since been established and everyone understood the status quo and didn't feel the need to go batshit insane every month.

It'll calm done, as the inevitability of the positions become set, however, if the 2,000 NPD thread goes down to 1,500 posts because of the loss of the same 15 images, I'm not going to shed a tear.

Anyway, where's Donny, CVX, Rhindle, Fuzzy, Cheesemiester, Heidr & company? What else would you guys like to see in terms of numbers (not the whole farm, please)

What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???

LTD for top ten of each platform would be the big one for me. Top accesory sales would also be very interesting.


Just to get myself on the record in this awesome thread (although my thoughts are far from unique)

It's been pretty obvious for a few months, that the wii is destined to be the dominant system of this generation. It's also been pretty obvious that the ps3 wasn't going to catch the 360.

This month is almost positive proof of those facts. If a ps3 pricedrop can't even allow it to outsell the 360 for one month, the mindshare battle is already lost. There just aren't enough people that really want a PS3 and many folks have simply given up on the idea of getting one. Sony is behind on games, they're behind on popularity and the sheen of newness has already worn off.

The fact that wii sales went through the roof in a slow month is like icing on the cake. These trends are getting too solidified and I don't see how they could reverse at this point.

edit>> basicaly: GAME OVER.
I remember circa May 2006 when if you said that price would hurt Sony, Sony guys would tell you to suck it. Now they shrug off PS3 sales because of course the cheapest sells better. While ignoring that Wii outsells the half-price PS2.
FortunateSon said:
you know that PM i sent you earlier today? the one where i suggested you err on the side of caution until you get a handle of what sort of things you can get banned for until you've seen a few people banned...

you didn't read it yet did you?


Where are full software numbers? I'm hearing word of 100K for Mario Strikers and 90K for RE4?

IMO, if you have 10 million consoles, you should be pushing a lot more software....right?

I mean, it's not doom and gloom, but that certainly doesn't sit well with me. Of course, this is still the beginning of the Wii's life cycle, and the casuals obviously don't buy much more than minigames, but still. Wow @ Wii Play pushing almost 300K. 5 months after release.
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