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NPD Sales Results for July 2007


Dies Iræ said:
Oh shit, arent we passed this? It's been almost a year.
Denial takes a long time to shake off. I'm more worried that people in the actual industry itself haven't shaken off the "Wii's a fad" bull.


If Sony tanks, so be it. It only sucks for people who bought it on potential that was never realized for them. I got enough out of it so I don't think there's a reason to get so worked up over it. When and if the PS3 fades into obscurity you'll still have the 360.

I personally don't want HD-gen Japan to consist of only a few games Microsoft affords (and they will stop caring the moment PS3 fades away). But hey that's just me, looks like popular opinion says I am a silly GFX whore and that my favorite games are all baloney anyways.


Livin_Lovin said:
So, when will PS2 stop being a formidable console? Hell, when will any next-gen console top it?

Seriously, I'm thinking of just buying another PS2, tansfer all my saves on my PS3 to it, and stock up on all the RPGs I've missed the last 2 years, which is A LOT, and just join the PS3/360 party next year. :lol


Trevelyan said:
Seriously, I'm thinking of just buying another PS2, tansfer all my saves on my PS3 to it, and stock up on all the RPGs I've missed the last 2 years, which is A LOT, and just join the PS3/360 party next year. :lol
That's what I'm doing. Still gotta play Rouge Galaxy, Valkyrie Profile 2, Yakuza, Final Fantasy 12, Kingdom Hearts 2 and Shadow Hearts 3. My backlog is huge :(


I would bang a hot farmer!
jsrv said:
Is this the highest NPD number for the Wii so far?
No. Here are the monthly ranking along with how many weeks they covered.

December (5 weeks)
November (4 weeks)
January (5 weeks)
July (4 weeks)
driley said:
Count, I LOVE that avatar. Now that's creative!

Thanks, dude. After I saw some of the funny avatars incorporating the GAF logo, it was the first thing I thought of. It is also in keeping with the theme of this thread.

"The funeral is about to begin, sir!"
laserbeam said:
Theres a Next Gen Console beating it out every month or rather a current gen console. You may not be a fan of it but that doesnt change the facts

This post would have more validity if the execs at both Nintendo and developers alike weren't calling it a "New Generation" console. Unfortunately...
Livin_Lovin said:
So, when will PS2 stop being a formidable console? Hell, when will any next-gen console top it?

Good question. Hell, it's been almost 2 years and the 360 still hasn't topped it in a month. Halo 3 will change that though, imho. Would be the best time for Sony to drop it to $99...





FortunateSon said:
So updates anyone?

I still say Sony is in no way in trouble or doomed. Guys we got a long way to go. Excluding the Wii.

You guys acted as if Sony didn't know this was going to happen when they priced their console.

They fully expected it.
Yep, that's why you had that exec say "We'll sell 5 million [PS3's] without any games."


I've been offline for a few hours and I show back up just in time for the monthly NPD thread *aka 'Thinning out the herd at NeoGaf' thread.


Livin_Lovin said:
This post would have more validity if the execs at both Nintendo and developers alike weren't calling it a "New Generation" console. Unfortunately...

Kinda like how they "arent in competition" yet fight over the same marketshare and beyond?
_leech_ said:
Good question. Hell, it's been almost 2 years and the 360 still hasn't topped it in a month. Halo 3 will change that though, imho. Would be the best time for Sony to drop it to $99...

They need to start marketing the shit out of that game then because even Gear of War, which went on to over 1 million in worldwide sales, couldn't even propel the console beyond the PS2. However, September is not the holiday season, so it might be different this year.


Livin_Lovin said:
This post would have more validity if the execs at both Nintendo and developers alike weren't calling it a "New Generation" console. Unfortunately...
How many times are we going to have this bullshit semantic argument?


I would bang a hot farmer!
bill0527 said:
I've been offline for a few hours and I show back up just in time for the monthly NPD thread *aka 'Thinning out the herd at NeoGaf' thread.
Now that's a great subtitle for future NPD threads. :lol


Reilly said:
That's what I'm doing. Still gotta play Rouge Galaxy, Valkyrie Profile 2, Yakuza, Final Fantasy 12, Kingdom Hearts 2 and Shadow Hearts 3. My backlog is huge :(

You should be playing P3, man!
laserbeam said:
Kinda like how they "arent in competition" yet fight over the same marketshare and beyond?

My god. Does it sting that much? What would you like the wording to be? Conventionally next-gen? Consoles with considerably more powerful graphics than last generation? Honestly, I dunno what you're bitching about.


us+canada+japan figures for the month of july:

us - 425,000
ca - 36,419
ja - 335,307
total - 796,726

us - 159,000
ca - 15,037
ja - 78,798
total - 252,835

us - 170,000
ca - 13,119
ja - 12,169
total - 195,288


And even i am moderately surprised
Am i crazy or everyone bashing Sony, when the real console in trouble is the xbox360?

um.... so the X360 being around 6-7 million sales ahead ... is in trouble?
leading up to the launch of the biggest game on the system?
and a price cut?


- Virtually dead on japan (which is key not only because of sales figures, but for software too)

see Capcom - you can be japanese but make games for the western market! gasp!
PS3 has just broken 1 million - coming on for a year, and just over 1 million units sold. That`s hardly setting the world on fire either. Wii says hi.

-Selling about the same on NA and probably less than ps3 worldwide.
pre-price cut, pre biggest game launch , and as said already has good h/w sales on the board.
-Huge problem with the 3rl issue
definitely an issue - but at least they finally took some action to ease the pain

-Lost (or about to loose) market share leadership to Wii
also applicable to PS3 - except didn`t have leadership at any point.


- Sales picking up steam

going up , but hardly setting

- Sells reasonable well on all 3 major markets (NA, Europe, Japan)
- outsells Xbox by about 100k a month on japan
- Blu-ray gaining terrain over hd-dvd
- Have a gamming company behind it that knows how to push a console (see what happened to PSP)

yes, with BR , Home, and not a whole lot of games. The PS3`s first year has been shocking - i just don`t know what else to say about it and i certainly don`t agree that having a gaming company behind it (ARE they a gaming company? Nintendo are the only true gaming company) bodes well for them when the decissions they are making are , frankly, way off the mark.

yes, the X360 is in trouble. But PS3 victory is just around the corner. It`s all so clear now. :(


DCharlie said:
okay - the PS3 being outsold by the X360 after the "price drop" cannot be good news for sony.
Surely next month is going to be even worse for them too on the PS3 front?

Price drop is great and all, but when you don't have the software to back it up, what do you expect? Anyways, people can twist that around saying a more expensive piece of hardware with very little remarkable software sold nearly as well as a console drastically cheaper, and with a superior software library...

The following month will be hell on them as well, no doubt... but it should fair better when it starts getting to the months with good software releases hitting... It's still expensive though, no way around that... Sony's still going to bank on the utterly massive PS2 userbase when they decide it's in their best interest to move on... They were there for 2 gen's, why wouldn't they transition again, especially shows that since there was another console out slightly cheaper than the PS2 at all time iirc...
goldenpp72 said:
yeah I am to, the npd threads had a unique balance before, but ever since the npd crackdown it's gotten pretty boring.. and now this.

NPD threads used to talk about sales. Of course, full SW is gone now. Also, the pecking order had long since been established and everyone understood the status quo and didn't feel the need to go batshit insane every month.

It'll calm done, as the inevitability of the positions become set, however, if the 2,000 NPD thread goes down to 1,500 posts because of the loss of the same 15 images, I'm not going to shed a tear.

Anyway, where's Donny, CVX, Rhindle, Fuzzy, Cheesemiester, Heidr & company? What else would you guys like to see in terms of numbers (not the whole farm, please)

What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???
me_becoming_I on PS3forums said:
If I'm quoted on NeoGaf, then so be it.

me_becoming_I on PS3forums said:
Well, NeoGaf can laugh all they want, but for them to say that this forum is bad, is quite ironic.

That forum has is full absolutely stupid people.

I tend to stay away at NPD time, but I usually show up anyway, despite my better judgement.

I like my Wii.

But are people around here that happy that the Wii is doing this well? No reason to not be happy, but some people around here are seriouslly HAPPY that the other consoles aren't doing nearly as well as the Wii. I don't really understand that. I don't like my Wii that much, i don't see how its a better console than the others, and vice versa.

Weird to be me i guess.


Reilly said:
That's what I'm doing. Still gotta play Rouge Galaxy, Valkyrie Profile 2, Yakuza, Final Fantasy 12, Kingdom Hearts 2 and Shadow Hearts 3. My backlog is huge :(

Yup, haha. I'm playing P3 now, but will have Wild Arms 5 next week, and my backlog of FFXII, Rogue Galaxy, Suikoden V and Valkyrie Profile 2. Good tiem to be an RPGer. :lol


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
sonycowboy said:
Anyway, where's Donny, CVX, Rhindle, Fuzzy, Cheesemiester, Heidr & company? What else would you guys like to see in terms of numbers (not the whole farm, please)

What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???

Not one of those posters, but I would love to see Tie Ratio's, any as much 3rd party results as possible.


1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) Profit

Would be mine I suppose.


Livin_Lovin said:
My god. Does it sting that much? What would you like the wording to be? Conventionally next-gen? Consoles with considerably more powerful graphics than last generation? Honestly, I dunno what you're bitching about.

"HD Consoles" is nice and specific. Let's try it for a spin:

Livin_Lovin said:
So, when will PS2 stop being a formidable console? Hell, when will either HD console top it?

See? That asks the same question but with much less potential for confusion.

Of course, it doesn't have very much potential to annoy people either. I can see how that might preclude your use of it.


Trevelyan said:
Yup, haha. I'm playing P3 now, but will have Wild Arms 5 next week, and my backlog of FFXII, Rogue Galaxy, Suikoden V and Valkyrie Profile 2. Good tiem to be an RPGer. :lol

I'm interested in Wild Arms 5, but may pick it up later if it goes down in price. I want to get Growlanser: Heritage of War too.


sonycowboy said:
if the 2,000 NPD thread goes down to 1,500 posts because of the loss of the same 15 images, I'm not going to shed a tear.

Anyway, where's Donny, CVX, Rhindle, Fuzzy, Cheesemiester, Heidr & company? What else would you guys like to see in terms of numbers (not the whole farm, please)

So long as you are happy, then that's all the rest odf us care about.
I can only read "Wow @ Wii numbers, OMG @ PS3" so many times before I need a gif


sonycowboy said:
NPD threads used to talk about sales. Of course, full SW is gone now. Also, the pecking order had long since been established and everyone understood the status quo and didn't feel the need to go batshit insane every month.

It'll calm done, as the inevitability of the positions become set, however, if the 2,000 NPD thread goes down to 1,500 posts because of the loss of the same 15 images, I'm not going to shed a tear.

Anyway, where's Donny, CVX, Rhindle, Fuzzy, Cheesemiester, Heidr & company? What else would you guys like to see in terms of numbers (not the whole farm, please)

What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???

Tie Ratio's and LTD sales for top 10 of each platform.
TwinIonEngines said:
"HD Consoles" is nice and specific. Let's try it for a spin:

See? That asks the same question but with much less potential for confusion.

Of course, it doesn't have very much potential to annoy people either. I can see how that might preclude your use of it.

It just seemed weird that of all things to pick out, he picked out the wording. Especially when most others already got the point and responded to it. Whatever...I don't care about semantics.

So, different question. When will PS2 sales<200k?



Are my graphs on this page okay? If it's a problem, I can make ones without the inset pictures.

sonycowboy said:
Anyway, where's Donny, CVX, Rhindle, Fuzzy, Cheesemiester, Heidr & company? What else would you guys like to see in terms of numbers (not the whole farm, please)

What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???

2) would be very nice as it would let us see how Twilight Princess Wii has been doing and how PS3 software has been doing. Could we see the GCN Twilight Princess total, too, to go along with the Wii number?

Total 3rd party sales (if you can give us individual SKUs, great, but that may be asking too much) between the PS3 and Wii would be nice. This month and LTD, if possible, so we can see how its trending.

Tie ratios would also be nice, this month and LTD.

Whatever you can share would be appreciated! :)
Kuramu said:
So long as you are happy, then that's all the rest odf us care about.
I can only read "Wow @ Wii numbers, OMG @ PS3" so many times before I need a gif

My god, if this thread was a game, that'd be a box quote. :lol


sonycowboy said:
NPD threads used to talk about sales. Of course, full SW is gone now. Also, the pecking order had long since been established and everyone understood the status quo and didn't feel the need to go batshit insane every month.

It'll calm done, as the inevitability of the positions become set, however, if the 2,000 NPD thread goes down to 1,500 posts because of the loss of the same 15 images, I'm not going to shed a tear.

Anyway, where's Donny, CVX, Rhindle, Fuzzy, Cheesemiester, Heidr & company? What else would you guys like to see in terms of numbers (not the whole farm, please)

What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???

I would like to see 3rd party results


sonycowboy said:
NPD threads used to talk about sales. Of course, full SW is gone now. Also, the pecking order had long since been established and everyone understood the status quo and didn't feel the need to go batshit insane every month.

It'll calm done, as the inevitability of the positions become set, however, if the 2,000 NPD thread goes down to 1,500 posts because of the loss of the same 15 images, I'm not going to shed a tear.

Anyway, where's Donny, CVX, Rhindle, Fuzzy, Cheesemiester, Heidr & company? What else would you guys like to see in terms of numbers (not the whole farm, please)

What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???

MORE numbers. It might be impossible, but a top 10 software list per console would've been nice.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
sonycowboy said:
What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???
4 & 5


7. Super Paper Mario LTD and Transformers DS LTD (both versions combined).
sonycowboy said:
What interests you the most?

1) Tie Ratio's
2) LTD sales for top 10 of each platform
3) Franchise totals this gen
4) First party results
5) 3rd party results
6) Genre growth
7) ???

That one, personally.

genre growth would be interesting, if so many games weren't lumbered under the catch all 'action / adventure' umbrella.
Have a gamming company behind it that knows how to push a console (see what happened to PSP)
Seriously, what? Getting your ass kicked up and down the street is now savvy know-how?

Pointing to PSP as the reason Sony will get things turned around is [insert funny metaphor]
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