soldat7 said:
Sure the PS3 could use a 'reboot', heck, the whole 'Playstation' brand could use a reboot, but at the end of the day, can Sony win back mind-share? It's pretty doubtful at this point. Maybe in a generation or two if they're still in the hardware business.
I don't even think people are really talking about a "Reboot" in the proper sense. Let's boil it down to what a Sony advocate of sales really has to believe if the PS3 is ever able to capture the market it was supposed to or realistically just even come close to it.
A.) You must have a belief that Sony not only priced itself above the market but actually priced itself over an almost consumer repellent price barrier. That the opening price and $399 currently are so inconceivable to consumers that you have to discount all sales stats up to now until the price drop. But that once the PS3 hits $349 or $299 all these people who had a PS2 will now bite the bullet and upgrade or all the fence sitters will simply respond to the sony brand and either buy a new console or an additional console if they already had one.
B.) The playstation brand is so strong that the counter moves and marketing by Nintendo and Microsoft will either be ineffectual or simply ignored by the consumers.
C.) It won't matter that the Wii or the 360 will almost always have a price advantage on the PS3 and a larger installed base advantage in America which arguably creates momentum and word of mouth. The playstation brand will be strong enough to overcome this.
D.) 10 year life cycle while the other companies either simply aren't smart enough to do this, can't do this, or rush ahead to the next generation.
E.) Blu-Ray is so signified with the PS3 that most of America upgrades to the PS3 instead of buying another brand blu-ray player.
So you pretty much have to believe in at least one of those speculations above if not multiple ones to believe Sony will catch and surpass the competition in America. Especially the Wii.
Now I'm not saying you can't believe those things or that some of them aren't more likely to happen than others, but either way that's what you have to be assuming is going to happen just to put it on the table if you are a believer in Sony sales.