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NPD Sales Results for July 2009

AceBandage said:
Examples of third party Wii exclusives that didn't sell as well on the Wii as they would on another console?

Well Dead Space has sold over a million combined on 360/PS3. Do you think Extraction is even gonna sell 100,00?

Slick Vic

Neo Member
Nintendo has put themselves in a poor position by basically betting the farm that New Super Mario Bros. will magically boost the Wii back up. The fact that Wii Sports Resort had absolutely no impact implies that Wii Fit Plus will also fail to attract new buyers. As far as I know their big-name games for 2010 are all sequels to properties already established on Wii. So really, the only game they even have announced that seems likely to make an impact is NSMB Wii.

At one point it seemed like Wii could blow past PS2 worldwide. IMO this is looking less and less likely with the system losing steam in America (and Europe?) and having long-established poor sales in Japan. It's been interesting to watch Nintendo squander their momentum over the past year.

boiled goose

good with gravy
MikeE21286 said:
Dude, I'm entitled to my opinion, no need to get personal......and I'm not trolling or otherwise.

it is a valid point to raise, even if it is likely that NSMB wii will do amazing.

when was the last time a 2d game made a huge splash on home consoles while being sold at full price?

if anyone has a chance it is nintendo with mario.

i do think 2d games are more appealing and accesible to more people, but will today's audience see it as a full fledgedd 50 dollar retail game. (not saying 2d games are worse or should be cheaper, rather questioning what others might think, we have seen posts like this on gaf)

i think it will do great because of several reasons:
local multiplayer (most wii super hits are great multi titles)
not much else being released this fall for wii.


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Well Dead Space has sold over a million combined on 360/PS3. Do you think Extraction is even gonna sell 100,00?

Do you think Extraction is as good of a game?


legend166 said:
Haha, what? That makes no sense. Tiger Woods is selling better on Wii than it has on any other platform.
amtentori said:
casuals blamed for what???

:lol :lol :lol :lol

point the fingers at the casuals and blame them,,,, because... because,,, they are there!!!!
It makes more sense in context.

Tom's Hardware said:
According to Develop Online, EA Sports' Peter Moore spoke during a keynote address at the Edinburgh Interactive conference held earlier today, blaming the casual gamer for the loss of many EA Sports staff members. More specifically, he pointed the finger at Nintendo's Wii console and the huge load of casual gamers tagging along.

For a company that has spent decades creating super-realistic gamers for core players, many of the in-house developers were left bewildered, he indicated. Before the Wii, sports games were used to show how realistic games had become over the previous year

"But then this thing [the Wii] came along and presented us with some challenges," he explained. "The dynamics changed with the launch of the Wii--play and fun was coming back in, the demographic was changing enormously, and the amount of time to play was being compressed."

Apparently EA Sports developers viewed Wii Sports as a huge competition, an interactive sports title that came free with the console. Because they were too accustomed in developing detailed games for core gamers, they were unwilling to tackle titles for a general audience, the casual gamer.

"[They] couldn't take the change of pace," he added. "It was hard. A lot of people at that time thought they would move on from our studios--they wanted to chase the core consumer."

Moore said that EA Sports learned from the change and has established itself a "position with social and family entertainment."


Zhuk said:
I would say Slim before GT5.
amtentori said:
it is a valid point to raise, even if it is likely that NSMB wii will do amazing.

when was the last time a 2d game made a huge splash on home consoles while being sold at full price?

if anyone has a chance it is nintendo with mario.

i do think 2d games are more appealing and accesible to more people, but will today's audience see it as a full fledgedd 50 dollar retail game. (not saying 2d games are worse or should be cheaper, rather questioning what others might think, we have seen posts like this on gaf)

i think it will do great because of several reasons:
local multiplayer (most wii super hits are great multi titles)
not much else being released this fall for wii.

Hell I know that I'm buying it day 1 that's for sure.
Stoney Mason said:
Some crazy guys on this board have this odd belief that the "incredible" PS3 lineup will power the PS3 this fall and the "weak" 360 software lineup will cause it to decline or be flat. I have no idea where this logic springs from. Every fall PS3 fanboys think they have a mega line-up and it almost never translates into actual blockbuster sales. Looking at this Fall I see nothing to change that.
C'mon! YEAR OF THE PS3! Get with the program!

Well, I'm gonna pick up Uncharted 2 but it doesn't look all then great beyond that.


What a shitty Top 10, jesus those DS games sell forever :lol

It is enjoyable watching GAF members who are just lusting for a month when the 360 can outsell the Wii (probably when Halo ODST is released)

Sony needs a price drop immediately, christ it just keeps dropping
Cruzader said:
Yea tell me about it. 360 should be selling gangbusters at $199.

I really, really hate this term. Selling Gangbusters. What the fuck is a gangbuster?

The only other term that I hate more, and it's used on GAF quite often, is Batshit Crazy. Why is that such a popular phrase? Is it because Frank Demagio says it in Gears of War?


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Well Dead Space has sold over a million combined on 360/PS3.

That's what EA sold to retailers. They sold the same amount of Mirror's Edge. Mirror's Edge bombed hard. Dead Space did better (about twice as good), but it probably didn't get to 1 million sold to consumers at full price.

I don't recall seeing commercials for Dead Space, but Mirror's Edge was on TV all the time. It was a good commercial that demonstrated just how awesome the gameplay was too.
Not sure if this means anything, and it COULD be Australia only.

But PS3s have been sold out at the retailer I work part-time at for over a month. Apparently we're not getting new stock for some time.

Rumors are that either a new model with bigger HDD is coming, or the Slim. But no one in our games dept knows, or is willing to tell.

A few of them went to a game conference in Melbourne and signed a NDC, so no matter what we tried they wouldn't tell us shit about what they saw.

All they hinted at, was new Grand Theft Auto (assumed it was the DLC for 360) and they okayed ODST I think, or maybe just saw ODST.


Strap on your hooker ...
SlipperySlope said:
President Obama: Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING.
Congressman #1: Break it down, Obama!
President Obama: Number 1: We've got this guy Not Sure. Number 2: He's got a higher IQ than ANY MAN ALIVE. and Number 3: He's going to fix EVERYTHING.
But does he have electrolytes?


Shig said:
Yeah, and how are the 4P local multiplayer Mario platformers doing?

NSMBWii's appeal can't necessarily be lumped right in with the other 2D Marios. Its a party platformer and it's a very real possibility that people won't like that. Unless there's some genius variable difficulty trickery giving each player a tailored difficulty, it's probably going to hit a shaky middle ground where either new players are intimidated, veteran players feel coddled, or some combination of both. It's not the known quantity you let on.

Its also a single player game. A sequel to one of the best selling games of all time. How can you even doubt how many copies this will sell? Its got an automatic play mode for people who can't clear the levels. The game plays it for you and you can then continue with the next level. They practically made it so that everyone can play. I bet the coins collectibles will also make this fun for veteran Mario players.


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Well Dead Space has sold over a million combined on 360/PS3. Do you think Extraction is even gonna sell 100,00?
Yeah, choose a game please that already released please.


AniHawk said:
That's what EA sold to retailers. They sold the same amount of Mirror's Edge. Mirror's Edge bombed hard. Dead Space did better (about twice as good), but it probably didn't get to 1 million sold to consumers at full price.

I don't recall seeing commercials for Dead Space, but Mirror's Edge was on TV all the time. It was a good commercial that demonstrated just how awesome the gameplay was too.
Apparently most of Mirror's Edge's sales were in Europe EA was saying.

Also rather interesting, while EA sold 1.5 million copies of Dead Space to retailers, apparently over 3 million people have played the game. It'll be interesting to see how they try to fight renting/the used game market with the next title.

boiled goose

good with gravy
MikeE21286 said:
Hell I know that I'm buying it day 1 that's for sure.

i might not buy it day one. :p...
my gaming spending has do decrease for a while. which is why i havent bought LKs yet... sorry . :(

mostly been going through backlog and cheap Downloadable games lately.

it will sure be interesting how well NSMB wii does.
I have little doubt it will outsell galaxy, but it seems nintendo and others are really hoping for it to do more and spark some new interest on the wii.


Strap on your hooker ...
ksamedi said:
Its also a single player game.
Is it? Because I haven't seen a single screenshot or piece of coverage acknowledging any single-player focus, it's all been multiplayer, multiplayer, multiplayer.


Shig said:
Is it? Because I haven't seen a single screenshot or piece of coverage acknowledging any single-player focus.

Miyamoto said they designed it as a single player game. A lot of the puzzles (to reach the coins) are made easier with two or more people, but they can all be done with one person.


Shig said:
Is it? Because I haven't seen a single screenshot or piece of coverage acknowledging any single-player focus, it's all been multiplayer, multiplayer, multiplayer.

Nintendo chose to focus presentation on the multiplayer because 4 player is a new element in the Mario series. Doesn't mean the game is only multiplayer though. Like Anihawk already said, Miyamoto actually said the multiplayer element came much later in development and the title started out as a single player Mario.
Arpharmd B said:
I really, really hate this term. Selling Gangbusters. What the fuck is a gangbuster?

The only other term that I hate more, and it's used on GAF quite often, is Batshit Crazy. Why is that such a popular phrase? Is it because Frank Demagio says it in Gears of War?

Guano causes various neurological conditions. Guano = batshit. hence, batshit crazy.

ok I made that up


Shig said:
Is it? Because I haven't seen a single screenshot or piece of coverage acknowledging any single-player focus, it's all been multiplayer, multiplayer, multiplayer.

Then you have not looked hard enough, there was plenty of video and screenshots following E3 showing single player.

Even in the recent Nintendo Channel trailer they highlight singe player


Zhuk said:

I think the very very first game that people claim will help the PS3 was Virtual Fighter 5 and Motorstorm. They were the first big games after the launch window, which got stomp by the other 2 systems. But things to add are SOCOM, Uncharted 2, Slim etc.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Madworld would have sold better on 360/PS3. Is that a better example?

counter factual scenarios are always a bitch to prove.

i personally think it would have sold about the same. maybe multiplatform could have helped.
Tiktaalik said:
There have been comments by various 3rd party developers wondering if the Wii was to some just a new age board game sitting in a closet, but I think the continued success of EA's Fitness title shows that expanded audience Wii owners aren't just throwing the thing in the closet when they're done with Wii Sports. They're buying more games, and non-Nintendo games too. Either that or there's at least an interested fitness subsegment of the market. It'll be interesting to see how Ubisoft's upcoming fitness game does.

I always found it odd when developers claimed that the supposedly stupid "casual" audience not only knew who published what game, but had developed a stubborn brand loyalty to one specific publisher. Honestly, why would someone whose first console was Wii know or care who was publishing what game? Of course people follow franchises like Mario or Mii-based Wii games. But I have never spoken to someone outside of the internet who associates a reputation with any of the corporate logos that flash on the screen before their game starts.

On an unrelated note, the notion that NSMB Wii could undersell Galaxy is laughable.


We could make a gaf drinking game, Drink everytime you see gangbusters, batshit crazy or year of the ps3.:lol :lol


loves Arcade Sticks
kitzkozan said:
I guess that 2009 being a revival for fighting game is not true after all.

Street fighter is popular again for sure and Tekken 6 will go on to sell 3-4 million,but no such luck for Blazblue.

Do we have an estimate of how many copies were sold on Blazblue?

I don't even want to know the numbers on KOF XII. :lol

BlazBlue did well for the amount of copies that were printed (I believe).

I don't have the exact number, but anyone who has access, can you please look it up?
Oh crap, Wii is in trouble, NSMB isn`t enough to kick start the console`s sales IMO.

Nintendo needs strong 3rd party support and soon. Maybe the promise of a strong 2010 3rd Party lineup might be enough to carry them but they really needed the support from last year. At this point, their games can only go so far.


AniHawk said:
That's what EA sold to retailers. They sold the same amount of Mirror's Edge. Mirror's Edge bombed hard. Dead Space did better (about twice as good), but it probably didn't get to 1 million sold to consumers at full price.

I don't recall seeing commercials for Dead Space, but Mirror's Edge was on TV all the time. It was a good commercial that demonstrated just how awesome the gameplay was too.
Both Dead Space and Mirrors Edge had equally massive marketing campaigns. It was on TV just as much as Mirrors Edge.
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