Hahaha, that's not a bad idea in all honesty.
I think some fans really are waiting for the WiiU's "Nintendogs + Brain Age combo revival" moment, and that's just not a logical thing to hope for at this point in time.
Yoshi has the potential to build momentum (like DKC), but that really depends on how Nintendo is going to handle it's marketing and branding; I think Cap Toad and Xenoblade can go either way really.
Splatoon has the potential ("AAA", new/unique premise, kid/family/casual appeal, online multiplayer focus, etc.) like most new IPs to do really well, but it's quite likely that this hamstrung console will kill this possible franchise in it's crib.
Mario Maker could be big depending on how it turns out, and how much power Nintendo is putting behind it in terms of marketing and branding.
But...yeah...other than that there aren't many true heavy hitters left for them to roll out. Unless I'm missing something of course.