What?So who worked on the first bayonetta????
Bayonetta was made by Platinum games as is Bayonetta 2.
What?So who worked on the first bayonetta????
You know Amir0x, if you can't understand Marc's analysis last month about how the WiiU sales is going to get better and the WiiU will recover and gain momentum, with no evidence to support the prediction except for passion, then i can't help you.oh...oh wow.
must have been a true disaster month for Wii U again
So who worked on the first business?????
He's been trolling (badly) all day.Who are you....
So who worked on the first bayonetta????
So who worked on the first bayonetta????
Who are you....
LOL Top Hat guy is cracking me up right now.
So who worked on the first bayonetta????
So who worked on the first bayonetta????
Ok, I got mixed up with a sega internal studio.
Now all thats left is to wait for sugar numbers.
At this point this is an act, right? you are trolling us...If not, then I want to what was really in that "report" of yours...
You need to get to a keyboard... stat.
well i guess a mod was not amused
I'm not on a keyboard. That's no excuse.
He needs to think.
What makes you think they're going to delay their holiday game?
Just the way it doesn't have a date, and how Sakurai and Nintendo have started mainly promoting the 3ds version for last month.
Have to assume its either going to be Dec or early 2015 at this stage, esp. if like the 3ds if it only 2 months of hype/promotion before launch.
And in the long gone yesteryear
Don Mattrick's words made Redmond cheer
"Ten million first shall win this race!"
He said, with grin upon his face.
"The coming battle shall be won right here,
With games like Halo and Forza and Gears."
He ended his statement with a triumphant nod
Secure in his love from the gaming gods
His words stoked fires among the fans
Each camp clenched swords in bloodied hands
The system warz began again
Three noble fighters, each sure to win
Microsoft, of course, had their white box
Sleek, and powerful, and filled with lots
Of games to play with friends new and old
Or even watch Netflix (if you paid for Gold)
The box upon which SCE was betting
Had power, confusion, and printer settings
The games would look and run so swell
If developers could handle the goddamn Cell
And in the third corner of the ring
Stood the tiny offering from the former king
An innovative waggle-box called the Wii
Would eventually win, quite handily
But fear not brave warriors! War is not through!
Nintendo returned with the shiny WiiU!
It's a console! It's a tablet! It's both things combined!
It's the word "underwhelming," redefined
The other two fighters each had a son
The 360 gave birth to the Xbox One
Underpowered, TV-focused, and chained to Kinect
It struggles to gain traction, or even respect
PS3's new child has shot up the charts
Sleek and powerful, with a gaming heart
It seems quite destined to stay far ahead
Unless Sony acts like Sony and shits in the bed
But now that Gamescom '14 is here at long last
Words did echo from deep in the past
"The first to 10 million shall win at all cost!"
Hung from Microsoft's neck like a stone albatross
So now Tokyo laughs as Redmond sneers
And Lara Croft's eyes well up with tears
For bad news has arrived for the mighty Xbone
PS4 was the first to reach Don's milestone
I posted this once in another thread, but it seemed fitting here too, considering the PS4's continued success. I hope it doesn't make me seem like an attention whore. This is the only time I'll repost it.
This Monty guy is posting like every other post in a few different threads. Am I the only one that isn't tracking what he's talking about?
well i guess a mod was not amused.
in other news that site died for our sins![]()
Sounded like he didn't either...
or he was a really good troll.
Well, we had two "it's time to stop posting" pictures and two bans now.
Sounded like he didn't either...
or he was a really good troll.
Well, we had two "it's time to stop posting" pictures and two bans now.
It was inevitable. Even if we didn't find and expose them, someone else would have.
According to my reports, he isn't actually banned.Aww going to miss his reports.
well i guess a mod was not amused.
in other news that site died for our sins![]()
Read the history of his posts?What did I miss? Why was that junior banned?