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NPD Sales Results for June 2009


1st post for me

nice sales for TW10, love that game.

own the conduit, played the conduit, its a good game, Multiplayer is fun. hope it does well overall.


Zhuk said:
Great to see the 360 pulling in some positive growth and the Wii is still trouncing the competition even in a recessionary environment. Looks like the PS3 had yet another YoY month where it sales declined, which makes it even more difficult for Sony to be able to meet that 13 million sales target which some on the forums fervently believe will be a reality.

I still am betting Sony is unable to meet that 13 million as it is yet another month they have lost which makes any gains from a $299 PS3/Slim that might be coming won't make the difference up, at this rate it's going to be hard for them to meet last years shipments of 10 million units.

Isn't this only three months into their FY? They'll be sure to flood the channels with slims during Christmas, I assure you. They'll reach that 13m number or get damn close to it because they have to.
CHRP718 said:
GT5 selling over 10 million and Forza barely selling 2.5 million is not a battle.

I think what he's saying is that there will be a battle among humorless shitwit fanboys such as yourself.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Lenardo said:
1st post for me

nice sales for TW10, love that game.

own the conduit, played the conduit, its a good game, Multiplayer is fun. hope it does well overall.

you're off to a good start. =)


thejared said:
another good month for Sony. No need to for price drops just yet, entry for their product is twice the cost of the competition and yet they maintain a distance of 50k-75k units each month.

Hold out at this price as long as you can until the 360 starts outselling you 2:1 relative to their price advantage.

keep up the good work boys.

It's like listening to Michael Steele talk about how strong the Republican party currently is.


bhhawks78 said:
Are there even 10 millon ps3's worldwide? Guess the SDF will each buy 50k copies?

Stop trolling there is much more than 10million ps3 worldwide :lol
And see this post

Angeles said:
GT3 sold 15million on much smaller user base
GT4 sold 10millions with much bigger user base

Same story with GT1 and GT2

Official numbers from Polyphony

GT5 prologue alone sold 4millions~

GT doesn't care about user base, people will buy systems for it and create a user base


soul creator said:
Well I think we at least have the NES game beat. That's not exactly a high bar though...

That's quite true. Back in the day, nearly all of the bad licensed games came from Acclaim. So many great movie franchises were just destroyed so significantly thanks to Acclaim.

Movie-based games are a lot better now, but it's still often rare to see really good ones, which is a shame.
Count Dookkake said:
This is the greatest generation.

I no rite?

It's like the Wii is a plane and the HD twins are the twin tow--

too soon?

Kittonwy said:
Didn't Infamous outsell Prototype on the PS3 since Infamous made top 10 and Prototype PS3 did not? It's not like people with 360 only can buy Infamous over Prototype on the 360, they can only choose Prototype since only Prototype is available on their platform.

Or maybe PS3 owners preferred the 360 version of Prototype. Multi-console households, FTW.


Gold Member
AniHawk said:
Isn't this only three months into their FY? They'll be sure to flood the channels with slims during Christmas, I assure you. They'll reach that 13m number or get damn close to it because they have to.

Well, they'd better hope that happens, it's hard to imagine things getting any worse.
VALIS said:
360 is really the only console that has been up YOY most of this year, though I don't have specifics, I'm just going on memory. That's what a price drop does for you.

I said last year during Wii's onslaught of monthly sales that 360 would stay solid, maintain composer and at the end of the fight *end of this gen* 360 has a VERY GOOD chance at being the #1 selling console after all thats said and done...and this could be the beginning of that happening. Not to take anything away from wii..its a neat console, its still leading hardware sales but its gonna slowly dwindle imo and one thing i want to stress is that a big portion of wii sales last year was a bit of a "fad"... like my mom, well i bought one for her for bday present but she wanted one badly...so i bought her a wii, my two aunts bought wii's and i know this story is also true for a big handful of my friends so i know this kind of thing was very widespread with alot of family's....Hell, my sister works at a retirement facility and the facility have wii's all over the building for the elderly to keep active,etc..

Personally, im looking forward to a good handful of wii titles but the "non gamers" that bought wii's are not.... and as i said, they were a big part of the huge wii sales last yea as in sort of a phenomenon last year... Now that the wii is simmering down a bit and will continue to do so over the following months...360 will slowly catch up sales wise and imho..eventually surpass world wii sales...


Zhuk said:
Great to see the 360 pulling in some positive growth and the Wii is still trouncing the competition even in a recessionary environment. Looks like the PS3 had yet another YoY month where it sales declined, which makes it even more difficult for Sony to be able to meet that 13 million sales target which some on the forums fervently believe will be a reality.

I still am betting Sony is unable to meet that 13 million as it is yet another month they have lost which makes any gains from a $299 PS3/Slim that might be coming won't make the difference up, at this rate it's going to be hard for them to meet last years shipments of 10 million units.

well, the PS3 is actually able to move units in ALL regions, so while 13 million may be hard for a product that can claim only one region, it quite easy for well rounded companies with well rounded products.
AniHawk said:
Isn't this only three months into their FY? They'll be sure to flood the channels with slims during Christmas, I assure you. They'll reach that 13m number or get damn close to it because they have to.

Or they'll adjust their estimates down like they have each of the last two fiscal years.


I don't really feel like flipping through 10 pages for answers..

Did we get Conduit numbers? Monster Hunter Freedom: unite? Top 11-30?

thanks in advance.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Angeles said:
GT doesn't care about user base, people will buy systems for it and create a user base


doesnt your post show that the userbase that was there for 3 was not fully there for 4???
most people that bought a ps3 probably expect a GT game somewhere down the line.


speculawyer said:
I think the viral effect of people wanting to play with their friends that already have 360s is a big factor.

Online multi-player is big . . . and you have to get the same console as your friends to play against them.

Right now, the PS3 is a much better value than the 360 right now (wireless included, free online, Blu-Ray, great media player features, etc.) but the ability to play against your friends is more important.

That value argument really is absurd, many people either don't have wireless or have the router far enough away that any real competitive game requires wired. Also free online, as someone who loves my ps3 i would GLADLY pay 25$ every 13 months like i do for XBL (ebay ftw) if the services were made equivalent. As for media player features i never have bothered but for the sake of argument i do know a dozen or so 360 users (and even 1 guy who just uses the xbox 1) who use their system for that but no ps3 users. Blu ray is the one place this argument makes sense even though players can be bought for 100$ now.

Ended up buying my ps3 off craigslist for 250 with KZ2 and Lbp (goozex'd both) and have been very happy with it though (except for a long latter repair story).

To derail the game/console/list WARZ anyone ready to offer up a top 3-5-10 for next month? i think prototype and ufc for sure will stay, hope red faction as well but not sure what else beyond the obvious WSR selling .5-1.5? Million

boiled goose

good with gravy
DMeisterJ said:
I don't really feel like flipping through 10 pages for answers..

Did we get Conduit numbers? Monster Hunter Freedom: unite? Top 11-30?

thanks in advance.

nothing extra yet


hopefully we get something soon. thread is slow
Mr.Potato Head said:
360 will slowly catch up sales wise and imho..eventually surpass world wii sales...
like, is this even mathematically possible

someone do some math, if the wii just stopped selling right now, how many years would it take for the 360 to surpass it

boiled goose

good with gravy
bhhawks78 said:
Wasn't trolling if i had to bet it would be over 10mil but how much for sure? honestly no clue, 13?

like i said before, probably over 20m.

EmCeeGramr said:
like, is this even mathematically possible

someone do some math, if the wii just stopped selling right now, how many years would it take for the 360 to surpass it

probably means monthly sales.
which is possible now that x360 is the cheapest, but still unlikely given upcoming releases
Mr.Potato Head said:
I said last year during Wii's onslaught of monthly sales that 360 would stay solid, maintain composer and at the end of the fight *end of this gen* 360 has a VERY GOOD chance at being the #1 selling console after all thats said and done...and this could be the beginning of that happening. Not to take anything away from wii..its a neat console, its still leading hardware sales but its gonna slowly dwindle imo and one thing i want to stress is that a big portion of wii sales last year was a bit of a "fad"... like my mom, well i bought one for her for bday present but she wanted one badly...so i bought her a wii, my two aunts bought wii's and i know this story is also true for a big handful of my friends so i know this kind of thing was very widespread with alot of family's....Hell, my sister works at a retirement facility and the facility have wii's all over the building for the elderly to keep active,etc..

Personally, im looking forward to a good handful of wii titles but the "non gamers" that bought wii's are not.... and as i said, they were a big part of the huge wii sales last yea as in sort of a phenomenon last year... Now that the wii is simmering down a bit and will continue to do so over the following months...360 will slowly catch up sales wise and imho..eventually surpass world wii sales...

Edit: Although I find your analysis of the Wii's success a bit lacking, my main concern is that you do not explain how the 360 is going to improve in sales. There's a 20 million unit gap that they need to overtake before they can even consider beating the Wii. How will they do that if sales remain constant?
Amir0x said:
It is a pretty fun game, definitely waaaaaaaay better than Munch's Odyssey *shudder*

Amir0x said:
I'm surprised. Actually, outside of the excessive flatulence jokes everywhere the first two titles are extremely well designed 2D platform/puzzler/adventures (I can't even pinpoint the genre), and I think you'd like them from what I know of your taste.

The 3D games lose a bit (or a lot, as is the case of Munch's Odyssey). However, Stranger's Wrath came pretty close to the quality of the old titles. Besides the trademark "wit", the game had very original weapons for the genre and was generally clever with its progression.

I agree with this.

I liked Strangers Wraith a lot. The originals were cool, but I actually like what Strangers Wrath did with it's FPS portions, and it's platforming was top notch as well. It really felt like a combo of Halo Mario and Zelda. Doing each reasonably well.
DMeisterJ said:
I don't really feel like flipping through 10 pages for answers..

Did we get Conduit numbers? Monster Hunter Freedom: unite? Top 11-30?

thanks in advance.

I'm surprised that the numbers for that haven't come up yet.
EmCeeGramr said:
like, is this even mathematically possible

someone do some math, if the wii just stopped selling right now, how many years would it take for the 360 to surpass it
Closing in on 30 million units for the 360 and the Wii surpassed 50 million.

So... Four years? Maybe three if sales don't slow down for the 360 at all?

So... it'll never happen.
EmCeeGramr said:
like, is this even mathematically possible

someone do some math, if the wii just stopped selling right now, how many years would it take for the 360 to surpass it

The bases are 30 mil and 50 mil give or take. So... like... let me do some math here....

50 - 30, divided by 7, carry the 2.......

It's impossible.

-edit- I never say never. I'll just say, it's very, very unlikely to imagine right now. But hey if the 360 camera is a breakout success like Wii was, and the gen is another 3 years long, then it could happen.


amtentori said:

doesnt your post show that the userbase that was there for 3 was not fully there for 4???
most people that bought a ps3 probably expect a GT game somewhere down the line.

Are you familiar with with Final Fantasy sales?

FF7 sales>FF8>FF9

Even FF10 which was released 1 year after PS2 launch sold more than FF12 with 10x the user base

There is something special about Next Gen game , once you have it the magic is gone for next sequel

Do you think people will scream omg etc over graphic when GT6 get released like when GT5 was revealed? :lol

Even MGS2 sold much more than MGS3 with bigger user base
thejared said:
well, the PS3 is actually able to move units in ALL regions, so while 13 million may be hard for a product that can claim only one region, it quite easy for well rounded companies with well rounded products.
You haven't been paying attention to recent trends have you? :lol


thejared said:
well, the PS3 is actually able to move units in ALL regions, so while 13 million may be hard for a product that can claim only one region, it quite easy for well rounded companies with well rounded products.

Too much 'well rounded' in this thread.
speculawyer said:
I think the viral effect of people wanting to play with their friends that already have 360s is a big factor.

Online multi-player is big . . . and you have to get the same console as your friends to play against them.

Right now, the PS3 is a much better value than the 360 right now (wireless included, free online, Blu-Ray, great media player features, etc.) but the ability to play against your friends is more important.

How could you write the first two sentences then come to the conclusion that the PS3 is a better value?


Mr.Potato Head said:
at the end of the fight *end of this gen* 360 has a VERY GOOD chance at being the #1 selling console after all thats said and done...and this could be the beginning of that happening.


The 360 most likely won't even get to where the Wii is right now (~50 million).


thejared said:
well, the PS3 is actually able to move units in ALL regions, so while 13 million may be hard for a product that can claim only one region, it quite easy for well rounded companies with well rounded products.
You should well round your posts.

boiled goose

good with gravy
thejared said:
well, the PS3 is actually able to move units in ALL regions, so while 13 million may be hard for a product that can claim only one region, it quite easy for well rounded companies with well rounded products.

This is just too much...:lol :lol :lol :lol


zero_suit said:

The 360 most likely won't even get to where the Wii is right now (~50 million).

:lol wut

It's over 30 million(likely closer to 32 million WW at the end of June, we will find out next week per MS earning's) and Greenberg is talking that they are not even halfway through this generation today.

You are not a sales ager amigo.
*Busts in late*

Only 10 pages? Good to see inFAMOUS is still selling :D As for The Conduit, well, lets think about this. I bought the game expecting Perfect Dark type of aging going by reviews (it reminds me of perfect dark, IGN once said).

What I got was a Quake 2 clone with worse AI, but better controls and graphics. Online is pretty fun, but...yeah. I figured 130k if it got REALLY lucky, and we'll still see I guess.

Good numbers for Fight Night. EA really seems to be dominating this month.


Gold Member
Jan through Jun totals (missing PS2 data from NPD for one month in '08, so not included):

     |   2008  |   2009  |  Difference
PS3  |  1608K  |  1120K  |  488K
360  |  1341K  |  1621K  |  279K
Wii  |  3483K  |  3024K  |  459K
PSP  |  1483K  |   919K  |  564K
NDS  |  3186K  |  4102K  |  916K

I never realized the PSP was doing worse against itself than the Wii or PS3.
Angeles said:
Are you familiar with with Final Fantasy sales?

FF7 sales>FF8>FF9

Even FF10 which was released 1 year after PS2 launch sold more than FF12 with 10x the user base

There is something special about Next Gen game , once you have it the magic is gone for next sequel

Do you think people will scream omg etc over graphic when GT6 get released like when GT5 was revealed? :lol

Even MGS2 sold much more than MGS3 with bigger user base

Historically close too 100% correct... Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2 and then Metroid Prime 3.

So then... how does Metroid Prime Trilogy fit into this equation... mmmmmm
zero_suit said:

The 360 most likely won't even get to where the Wii is right now (~50 million).

It got over 30 million in 3.5 years, and it's the only console with YoY growth. It would be silly to think that they wouldn't get to 50 million in the next two. This gen is supposed to last another 2 to 3 years. Even the PS3 could make it to 50 mil by then.
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