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NPD Sales Results for June 2009


scitek said:
Stop trying to preach about how they should get this console or that one if they want to play this type of game. It's annoying.

Same with the people that come in here posting "Anyone who thought this game could have sold over X amount for the month were delusional," yeah, it's real easy to come in and talk shit when the numbers are sitting right in front of you. Why not try and make those hardass predictions three weeks out?.

Don't see what's wrong with that, if i only owned a ps3 bitching about the exclusive 360 JRpgs, or a wii only owned bitching about a lack of "core/mature/whatever name you want" games, or a 360 only owner bitching about the lack of 2d platformers, it's most likely not going to change and if you bought the system in the last 2 years or so you knew whats what going in.

As for the 2nd, almost everyone was already, check the semi trolling of the conduit thread pre/post release.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Flying_Phoenix said:
Is GAF REALLY going to put down a game that was only out for NINE DAYS? (Pretty much ONE week)? Seriously?

EDIT - I'm not trying to imply that the game will be likely to perform "great" or maybe even "good" but saying that 72k in 9 days is bad for such a game is something that I'll have to disagree with.

are you talking about the conduit?

i hope the game sells well in the long run but if the first week sales are 70k it does not seem promising. even with legs, it does not look great
Sean said:
Seems like Activision was right (unfortunately) with dropping all those games. First 50 Cent flopped hard, then Riddick, and now Ghostbusters failed to hit the top 10 as well. I fear that Brutal Legend is up next.

The only game they kept from Vivendi ended up being #1 this month.

Perhaps although you could argue that Activision might have marketed all those titles better if not in quality then at least in pure dollar amount spent on it.


amtentori said:
are you talking about the conduit?

i hope the game sells well in the long run but if the first week sales are 70k it does not seem promising. even with legs, it does not look great

We said the exact same thing about de Blob, Boom Blox, and shit CoD WaW did not even make a notable mention in its 1st month :lol

Not saying The Conduit is going to make magic next month, but just saying that certain sayings have been done on GAF before only to have foot inserted into mouth later


Opiate said:
Electronic Arts is completely lost, and Take 2 is treading water.
I'm kind of hoping that EA are taking a long term view and will be successful in the long run. That's through my gamer glasses anyway. I'm not sure how happy I'd be as a shareholder, or an ex employee for that matter.


Flying_Phoenix said:
Is GAF REALLY going to put down a game that was only out for NINE DAYS? (Pretty much ONE week)? Seriously?

EDIT - I'm not trying to imply that the game will be likely to perform "great" or maybe even "good" but saying that 72k in 9 days is bad for such a game is something that I'll have to disagree with.

Because that's more than enough time to get the initial sales in, hell look at past Npds when a game had 3-4 days when people would scream "omg 4 days wait till next month" then the next month time after time usually didn't even match that 3-4 days let alone 9.


Kusagari said:
Conduit beat Red Faction PS3.... It can take solace in that right?!

This is the curse of making a system that's unique or different from the rest.

Is Red Faction PS3 worthwhile? Yes. Its sales are low, but it's a relatively inexpensive port.

Is The Conduit worthwhile? Perhaps, but maybe not. It's significantly less clear than with Red Faction PS3, because it's not a port.

Which is my way of saying: "The Wii suffers because porting to the system is prohibitively expensive." From what we can see -- and what we've been told by developers -- it requires a profound overhaul that is similar to making an entirely new game. The advantages of porting (i.e. low development cost) are practically lost.

This isn't unique to the Wii, however, it would be a problem that any distinct platform would face. If your platform is noticeably different from the others, then porting will be more expensive, and many publishers will choose to simply make a game for all the other systems in one simple, easy chain-o-ports (akin to PS3/PC/360). It's effectively a disincentive to be creative or different with your video game hardware, because it essentially creates an every-other-platform-combined vs. you situation.

It's unfortunate, but that's the reality.
Flying_Phoenix said:
Is GAF REALLY going to put down a game that was only out for NINE DAYS? (Pretty much ONE week)? Seriously?

EDIT - I'm not trying to imply that the game will be likely to perform "great" or maybe even "good" but saying that 72k in 9 days is bad for such a game is something that I'll have to disagree with.

72K in 9 days is bad for a game like the Conduit. Granted I never expected it to sell well, and my expectations of it selling poorly were met, but it's still selling poorly.
Accident said:
152 games in the leak, all over 20k

Is that all tracked current titles that sit over 20k? If so, holy crap at the Playstation family, in terms of software sales, in the US. Moribund is a pretty good adjective for PSP and PS3.


bhhawks78 said:
Don't see what's wrong with that

It's fucking annoying. It's well-known already, you even said that in the same post! So to all who like to say it, shut up already. You're not a sage, you're not smart for "giving advice," by this point, you're doing it to feel like a know-it-all at best, at worst you're being a smug dickhead that thinks he's awesome because he doesn't have the problem because "he was smart enough to know which system to buy for the games he wanted to play."

I'm not bitching about the lack of FPSes on the Wii, btw, I know it's not the system that's going to get the mainstream FPSes, but that's not going to stop me from preferring the Wii Remote to dual-analog, nor will it stop me from thinking it's a shame no major developer will just throw the Wii audience a bone and create a great FPS.

There's a difference between staying awake at night fawning over message board news, hoping for any sign of a Modern Warfare 2 to come to the Wii and just thinking it'd be nice to have the option to purchase it.
AniHawk said:
UFC 2009 did almost a million on the 360 alone last month in as much time and I had no clue that game existed prior to its release.

...I'm pretty sure that a game with the UFC brand is far more relevant and significant than The Conduit. The fact that it sold almost a million proves my point.

jj984jj said:
That's the best excuse it has though, and it's still not a very good one.

Stupid Member
(Today, 12:08 AM)

PepsimanVsJoe said:
72k is terrible....atrocious even.

It's 1/4th of the average week and The Conduit was in general believed to do around 100k-150k. Do you honestly think given 20 extra days it wouldn't have achieved that goal?

I mean really people don't get me wrong I couldn't care much less about The Conduit but people are complaining the game sold 72k as if it were a massive bomb when the general consensus was between 100k-150k (posted by some posters in the beginning of the thread) and only had 9 days to shine and it's labeled as a third party bomba on the Wii? Do people honestly think that given 20 extra days or so that the game wouldn't have met it's expectations? Is this NPD THAT slow that we have to reach this far to start a structured topic?

What's next?


*Re-reads all recent posts about The Conduit in this thread*

Wait...people actually thought that The Conduit was going to be a "hit game"? :lol
mujun said:
Yeah, I think GT5 will comfortably outsell Forza 3 worldwide by a 3:2 ratio.
I've tried to make a ban bet before, but got no takers. I bet within the 3 months from each game is sold. so the first three months of forza 3 sales vs. the first three months of gt5 sales. if forza sells less give me a 3 month ban and vice-versa if forza sells more they get 3 month ban. any takers?


Fredescu said:
I'm kind of hoping that EA are taking a long term view and will be successful in the long run. That's through my gamer glasses anyway. I'm not sure how happy I'd be as a shareholder, or an ex employee for that matter.

Yes, I'm looking from a business perspective. Make no mistake: any discussion of "long term view" is largely corporate speak. It's probably not completely insubstantial, but mostly so.

For example, I have no doubt that EA had hoped Mirror's Edge and Dead Space would support them through the Holiday, and it's quite clear they didn't.


xbhaskarx said:
How useful is it to count every game over 20k? The lower you go the less that means, you're counting some game that sold 21k copies as if it has the exact same sales value as Prototype. If you counted every game over 1k that would pretty much be "every game that was released."
At the very least add total sales for those 152 games on each platform.

360 > Wii > DS > PS3 > PS2 > PSP

1st Party:
Wii > DS > PS3 > 360 > PSP > PS2

3rd Party:
360 > Wii > PS3 > DS > PS2 > PSP


Flying_Phoenix said:
*Re-reads all recent posts about The Conduit in this thread*

Wait...people actually thought that The Conduit was going to be a "hit game"? :lol

Re-read the actual predictions thread, most of us expected 100-180k max
Opiate said:
This is the curse of making a system that's unique or different from the rest.

Is Red Faction PS3 worthwhile? Yes. Its sales are low, but it's a relatively inexpensive port.

Is The Conduit worthwhile? Perhaps, but maybe not. It's significantly less clear than with Red Faction PS3, because it's not a port.

Which is my way of saying: "The Wii suffers because porting to the system is prohibitively expensive." From what we can see -- and what we've been told by developers -- it requires a profound overhaul that is similar to making an entirely new game. The advantages of porting (i.e. low development cost) are practically lost.

This isn't unique to the Wii, however, it would be a problem that any distinct platform would face. If your platform is noticeably different from the others, then porting will be more expensive, and many publishers will choose to simply make a game for all the other systems in one simple, easy chain-o-ports (akin to PS3/PC/360). It's effectively a disincentive to be creative or different with your video game hardware, because it essentially creates an every-other-platform-combined vs. you situation.

It's unfortunate, but that's the reality.

So true. It's either go all out on the Wii or don't go on it at all. With the console being so underdeveloped it isn't something you'd look toward if you want to make a safe haven for yourself.

markatisu said:
Re-read the actual predictions thread, most of us expected 100-180k max

That's what I said before. But it can't be those people complaining because anyone with the least bit of common sense would understand that the game would have sold at least 28k more by being out nearly 4 times it's original releasing. Some people in this thread seem like the game should have charted in the top 10.


ZAK said:
Yeah. What am I supposed to Wait For™ now?
You can be like the rest of the people that dont care about the perception that the other have on the Wii and celebrate at the sight of the Punch Out sales!

boiled goose

good with gravy
Opiate said:
This is the curse of making a system that's unique or different from the rest.

Is Red Faction PS3 worthwhile? Yes. Its sales are low, but it's a relatively inexpensive port.

Is The Conduit worthwhile? Perhaps, but maybe not. It's significantly less clear than with Red Faction PS3, because it's not a port.

Which is my way of saying: "The Wii suffers because porting to the system is prohibitively expensive." From what we can see -- and what we've been told by developers -- it requires a profound overhaul that is similar to making an entirely new game. The advantages of porting (i.e. low development cost) are practically lost.

This isn't unique to the Wii, however, it would be a problem that any distinct platform would face. If your platform is noticeably different from the others, then porting will be more expensive, and many publishers will choose to simply make a game for all the other systems in one simple, easy chain-o-ports (akin to PS3/PC/360). It's effectively a disincentive to be creative or different with your video game hardware, because it essentially creates an every-other-platform-combined vs. you situation.

It's unfortunate, but that's the reality.

it is kinda ironic how the ps3 has an awesome multiplatform and exclusive library because of the 360s success. if 360 software was not as strong, ps3 would be in even worse trouble because wii would have probably stolen more development money.

the ps3 can get great multiplatform games even with ports like bioshock and mirrors edge selling around 100k

70k for conduit almost seems more reasonable. (it is hard to get breakout hits with new IPs without really substancial marketing and media coverage) the 360 has really distorted how games have usually sold...
Flying_Phoenix said:

It's 1/4th of the average week and The Conduit was in general believed to do around 100k-150k. Do you honestly think given 20 extra days it wouldn't have achieved that goal?

I mean really people don't get me wrong I couldn't care much less about The Conduit but people are complaining the game sold 72k as if it were a massive bomb when the general consensus was between 100k-150k (posted by some posters in the beginning of the thread) and only had 9 days to shine and it's labeled as a third party bomba on the Wii? Do people honestly think that given 20 extra days or so that the game wouldn't have met it's expectations? Is this NPD THAT slow that we have to reach this far to start a structured topic?
:lol Talk about shifting the goalposts, people making those predictions knew the release date and knew the number of NPD days. They weren't making them based on a full 30 day window.

The fact is nobody can ever call anything a bomb or a hit here because everyone has their own criteria. I bet Sega is disappointed though (although I'm sure some Sega PR will somewhere down the line say through gritted teeth "we were happy with sales of The Conudit" and people will grasp onto that as though it holds some weight).
Flying_Phoenix said:
Is GAF REALLY going to put down a game that was only out for NINE DAYS? (Pretty much ONE week)? Seriously?

EDIT - I'm not trying to imply that the game will be likely to perform "great" or maybe even "good" but saying that 72k in 9 days is bad for such a game is something that I'll have to disagree with.
people say this all the time, but 99% of the time, second month is worse.

in the past year, iirc, the only games with a second month higher than the first that were released outside of october/november are wiifit and infamous.

even with 2-4 days of sales for the month, most games just sell the most at launch.


JDSN said:
You can be like the rest of the people that dont care about the perception that the other have on the Wii and celebrate at the sight of the Punch Out sales!

Punch Out is probably the sleeper hit of the year. No way in hell did I expect it to sell well or be loved by critics and fans alike, but it did both.


AniHawk said:
360 > Wii > DS > PS3 > PS2 > PSP

1st Party:
Wii > DS > PS3 > 360 > PSP > PS2

3rd Party:
360 > Wii > PS3 > DS > PS2 > PSP

This is important. Not only are Wii sales down and 360 sales up, but the 360 is once again selling more software than the Wii is. That's particularly impressive given the install base disparity.

In Japan, the Wii has sold 50% of what it did last year at this time. In the UK, it has sold 33% of what it did last year. In America, it is now selling ~50% of what it did last year, and now the 360 is selling more software than the Wii in the US.

There is definitely a worldwide decline in Wii demand.
Flying_Phoenix said:
SThat's what I said before. But it can't be those people complaining because anyone with the least bit of common sense would understand that the game would have sold at least 28k more by being out nearly 4 times it's original releasing. Some people in this thread seem like the game should have charted in the top 10.

I believe most of those who actually made predictions were aware of the amount of days that would be counted within NPD.


ZAK said:
Yeah. What am I supposed to Wait For™ now?

I dunno about you guys, but I'm personally waiting for Little King's Story. There's another game I wasn't expecting to be all that well received, and Europe's fallen in love with it.

After that is Scribblenauts, Bayonetta (GotY) and NSMB Wii (runner up). In that order.


Opiate said:
This is important. Not only are Wii sales down and 360 sales up, but the 360 is once again selling more software than the Wii is. That's particularly impressive given the install base disparity.

At the same time something like WSR could shift that right back, just like in Japan when the PS3 had a lead over the Wii it was on the back of monster hits and the same could be implied with the combo of UFC, Prototype, and Fight Night for example.

Its too bad we dont know what the difference between platforms is


Opiate said:
This is important. Not only are Wii sales down and 360 sales up, but the 360 is once again selling more software than the Wii is. That's particularly impressive given the install base disparity.

The Wii has not had the heavy hitter first half of the year like last year though. I would expect Wii Sports Resort etc to shift overall software sales back to Wii


This is kind of a watershed month Wii-wise.

We now know what works on the Wii and what doesn't. The trial and error period is over. It's pretty damn clear how you make money on the platform, and how you lose it.

We've also hit a stable equilibrium on hardware sales, so people can now make reasonable installed base projections going forward.


AniHawk said:
Punch Out is probably the sleeper hit of the year. No way in hell did I expect it to sell well or be loved by critics and fans alike, but it did both.

QFT when i borrowed it my attitude was "ok punchout with new skins, worth an hour or 2" then title defense mode hit me hard and he wondered why it took me so long to give it back.


So 72k for the Conduit for the 2 weeks, huh?
Pretty dissapointing, although it's not what I'd call a total bomb.

Still though, not really encouraging signs...
A couple of Anita's paragraphs seem a little contradictory

While some of the decline in retail sales could be a migration on the part of consumers to acquiring content via digital distribution, our reports on downloads and subscriptions reveal that it's not yet having enough impact on the console market to be an overly meaningful factor in the retail down-turn. That said, there are increasing avenues for consumers to game, including via mobile devices, and it's clear the industry is sorting through how to manage all these opportunities while deploying resources appropriately.


Of the various accessory types, Video Game Point and Subscription cards realized an increase of 67% in dollar sales in June '09 as compared to last year.

So...game point card sales are up 70% . . . but you don't think that is having an effect on retail game sales? What do you think people are doing with those game point cards? They are buying Battlefield 1943, map packs, GH/RB songs, GTA:The Lost & Damned, etc. I think digital distribution is making progress.

I'm actually a little annoyed by how successful it has been with me. . . my 20GB hdd for the 360 is pretty damn full. Sure I can delete old games I am not playing, but I do want all my GH/RB songs to be immediately available. Grrr.. .damn MS and their over-priced HDDs!


AniHawk said:
Punch Out is probably the sleeper hit of the year. No way in hell did I expect it to sell well or be loved by critics and fans alike, but it did both.
Definitely the second biggest surprise of the year so far (Starfy!), I mean, Mario Striker sold a million copies worldwide in stealth mode before the year was over, but this one has an impressive momentum, especially considering the different franchise and the fact UK gamers have no taste.

I dont get the people having a stroke or celebrating the death of hardcore gaming when Punch-Out is doing so great.
Pureauthor said:
72K in 9 days is bad for a game like the Conduit. Granted I never expected it to sell well, and my expectations of it selling poorly were met, but it's still selling poorly.

How is 72k bad in anyway? It will probably sell over 250k by the end of August and thats not bad at all.
Rhindle said:
This is kind of a watershed month Wii-wise.

We now know what works on the Wii and what doesn't. The trial and error period is over. It's pretty damn clear how you make money on the platform, and how you lose it.

We've also hit a stable equilibrium on hardware sales, so people can now make reasonable installed base projections going forward.

Not really.
Seems every game and genre has been completely case by case, and not cut and dry at all.
All we know is some first party games sell, and some third party games sell.
We don't know how quickly they sell, or what their ceiling is.


scitek said:
Same with the people that come in here posting "Anyone who thought this game could have sold over X amount for the month were delusional," yeah, it's real easy to come in and talk shit when the numbers are sitting right in front of you. Why not try and make those hardass predictions three weeks out?
Actually, most of these people have been saying this for weeks. You seriously would have had to be delusional to think this would do 200k or whatever crazy shit people were pulling out of their asses. A mediocre game by a horrible developer for a console where most of the userbase just honestly doesn't give a rat's ass about the style of game it is? Not exactly a blockbuster.

And people who think 9 days are BUT IT WAS JUST A FEW DAYS need to rethink what they're saying... that's about a third of a month. More than a week. Conduit isn't exactly Mario Kart. I'm pretty sure the target audience of that game picks it up Day 1.


norinrad21 said:
How is 72k bad in anyway? It will probably sell over 250k by the end of August and thats not bad at all.

Matt @ IGN said he expected 250-300k max by end of the year, and they were the ones pimping out the game

boiled goose

good with gravy
Opiate said:
This is important. Not only are Wii sales down and 360 sales up, but the 360 is once again selling more software than the Wii is. That's particularly impressive given the install base disparity.

In Japan, the Wii has sold 50% of what it did last year at this time. In the UK, it has sold 33% of what it did last year. In America, it is now selling ~50% of what it did last year, and now the 360 is selling more software than the Wii in the US.

There is definitely a worldwide decline in Wii demand.

shows the difference of the audiences and how microsoft and nintendo cater to them IMO

microsoft is great at getting their audience excited about new releases

nintendo on the other hand selects a few games to push hard and that is it. (wii music)
fun games like excitebots get nothing.

good to see 360 back on top. nintendo needs to try harder if they want the software crowd. (not just talking about games, but general excitement about upcoming games)

it really is the most the gaming population has been fractioned, the types of games the consoles will get, the types of games that will succeed, and company mentalities have never been so disparate.


Opiate said:
This is important. Not only are Wii sales down and 360 sales up, but the 360 is once again selling more software than the Wii is. That's particularly impressive given the install base disparity.

It's also worth noting that 56% of the 360's numbers came from June 2009 releases while 27% of the Wii's numbers came from June 2009 releases. The number is 41% for the PS3, 22% for the DS, and 36% for the PSP


speculawyer said:
A couple of Anita's paragraphs seem a little contradictory

So...game point card sales are up 70% . . . but you don't think that is having an effect on retail game sales? What do you think people are doing with those game point cards? They are buying Battlefield 1943, map packs, GH/RB songs, GTA:The Lost & Damned, etc. I think digital distribution is making progress.

I'm actually a little annoyed by how successful it has been with me. . . my 20GB hdd for the 360 is pretty damn full. Sure I can delete old games I am not playing, but I do want all my GH/RB songs to be immediately available. Grrr.. .damn MS and their over-priced HDDs!
There was some sort of an XBL points card scam going on last month though, that probably juiced the numbers. I doubt the 70% jump is sustainable.


norinrad21 said:
How is 72k bad in anyway? It will probably sell over 250k by the end of August and thats not bad at all.

Because call of duty sold properly more than it <.>;

The game should have been called Call of the Conduit
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