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NPD Sales Results for June 2009

boiled goose

good with gravy
AniHawk said:
I dunno about you guys, but I'm personally waiting for Little King's Story. There's another game I wasn't expecting to be all that well received, and Europe's fallen in love with it.

After that is Scribblenauts, Bayonetta (GotY) and NSMB Wii (runner up). In that order.

LKS is selling well???
ZAK said:
Welp, that about wraps it up for the Wii. Better luck next gen, or something.


norinrad21 said:
How is 72k bad in anyway? It will probably sell over 250k by the end of August and thats not bad at all.
These are June numbers. You're telling me you expect this game to sell, on average, 89k in both July and August? You do realize that's MORE than what it sold in June right? There aren't many games that go on to sell more than their launch month twice in a row.


norinrad21 said:
How is 72k bad in anyway? It will probably sell over 250k by the end of August and thats not bad at all.
The game doesn't have the good WOM that NMH or WaW are enjoying though, so I really don't expect the game to have good legs.

Madworld's problems were probably almost the same - bad WOM causing it to have little legs.


amtentori said:
LKS is selling well???

Er, I mean that it's only been released in Europe and Europeans have given it high praise. So I'm interested in playing it.

Opiate said:
This is important. Not only are Wii sales down and 360 sales up, but the 360 is once again selling more software than the Wii is. That's particularly impressive given the install base disparity.

It's also worth noting that 56% of the 360's numbers came from June 2009 releases while 27% of the Wii's numbers came from June 2009 releases. The number is 41% for the PS3, 22% for the DS, and 36% for the PSP.


MightyHedgehog said:
Is that all tracked current titles that sit over 20k? If so, holy crap at the Playstation family, in terms of software sales, in the US. Moribund is a pretty good adjective for PSP and PS3.

There is no way to tell if a game is missing, we don't even know if the numbers are real.

Totals from the leaked numbers.

360: 2.51M
Fantastical said:
Oh my god if only LKS sold better than The Conduit. :D
If only...

Maybe if they made it with the UE3 engine, added some bald space marines, made into a third person shooter, put it on the 360, and slapped "From the makers of Halo" on it....

boiled goose

good with gravy
continuing my wii interest declining comments

I really hope Wii sports resort doesnt cause a huge rebound for the wii.
while the game seems to be fun and do a lot right it still has huge flaws that nintendo did not address.

there is only 1 4-player simultaneous mode and there are no leaderboards or online play. table tennis and dog fights only allow 2 at a time.... completely missing the ball on what made WS so fun.
nintendo hopefully needs to try harder to maintain peoples interest, regardless of whether gamers are experienced or new.


AceBandage said:
Maybe if they made it with the UE3 engine, added some bald space marines, made into a third person shooter, put it on the 360, and slapped "From the makers of Halo" on it....

They could sell dogshit in a bag with From the Creators of Halo stamped on it and sell millions
markatisu said:
Matt @ IGN said he expected 250-300k max by end of the year, and they were the ones pimping out the game

They obviously didn't pimp it enough.

I'm more sad about the PS3. Where the heck are the rpgs huh? where the heck are they?


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
72k is bad for The Conduit, but if games sold what they deserved... that'd be about what I'd peg the Conduit as. I bought the special edition and the game just didn't click for me.
Raptor2155 said:
I did not expect Punchout to pull off those numbers in its second month. Very surprising.

They've been advertising the hell out of it so it shouldn't be unexpected. I think they had about 4 commercials for it during the All-Star game, and you know those spots aren't cheap.

Nintendo is absolutely the best at continuing to sell their games over a long period of time. We almost always see actual results from their advertising pushes in the sales numbers. Sony doesn't really have anything with legs right now and Microsoft only has Halo and the COD twins. They could learn a lesson or two from Nintendo.

Though I guess the key is to have games with wide appeal that you can continue to find new audiences for.


Andrex said:
72k is bad for The Conduit, but if games sold what they deserved... that'd be about what I'd peg the Conduit as. I bought the special edition and the game just didn't click for me.
It's a pretty mediocre game unfortunately, even more mediocre than WaW.
Rhindle said:
There was some sort of an XBL points card scam going on last month though, that probably juiced the numbers. I doubt the 70% jump is sustainable.
Really? What was that?

And why are XBLA points selling so hot on Amazon.com? They are selling at the same price Microsoft charges so I don't understand why people buy them at amazon where they then have to enter that long annoying code.


Scottlarock said:
I've tried to make a ban bet before, but got no takers. I bet within the 3 months from each game is sold. so the first three months of forza 3 sales vs. the first three months of gt5 sales. if forza sells less give me a 3 month ban and vice-versa if forza sells more they get 3 month ban. any takers?

Not me, I have little to no faith in my sales prediction skills.
norinrad21 said:
How is 72k bad in anyway? It will probably sell over 250k by the end of August and thats not bad at all.

Holy crap. This is like, 360 in Japan levels of lowered expectations.

Even in a worst case scenario, I thought The Conduit would have barely sub-MP3 level sales for the first reporting period. I wasn't sniffing Donnie's Kool Aid, but I figured 150k at least.

73k for game that's been advertised constantly for a solid month, and being the only competent online shooter released this year, is a disaster.

You see Red Faction's first month sales? On 360? You're probably looking at the projected LTD of The Conduit in the US.


The Conduit will just be a game to keep an eye on for a bit and see if it has any sort of WOM sales. We have had plenty of "Bombs" on the Wii end up slow burning to very good sales.


Black-Wind said:
According to Sega it had a good first week so I guess they pimped it enuff. Or Sega wasn't expecting boss level numbers.
I wonder if the actual budget of the Conduit was really shitty... Maybe that's why Sega is already pretty pleased with its performance.


Accident said:
There is no way to tell if a game is missing, we don't even know if the numbers are real.

Totals from the leaked numbers.

360: 2.51M

That is pretty impressive since the 360 had an onslaught of high profile games

The PS3 just cant catch a break, I am part of the problem since I spend most of my money on Wii, DS and PSP stuff
Black-Wind said:
According to Sega it had a good first week so I guess they pimped it enuff. Or Sega wasn't expecting boss level numbers.

Well, obviously they weren't.
I mean, the game was pretty much completely self funded by a shovelware development company.
Sega just put in a marketing budget, and the fact that that marketing is still going on means it's selling what Sega has been expecting.

Arde5643 said:
I wonder if the actual budget of the Conduit was really shitty...

I'd say about on par with the budget of a Suda game. I mean, the engine was developed over time with their various license games, and the assets are pretty low. The biggest part of their budget was probably hiring Kevin Sorbo and the guy from Cheap Trick.


The writing was on the wall with regards to the state of hardcore wii third party titles, but with the recent bombings of both the conduit and madworld I think you can kiss any genuine exclusive third party hardcore support goodbye.

It doesn't make sense and it never made sense. The reason Wii's are selling the units they are isn't because of games like Call of Duty, it's because of games like Mario Kart, Wii Sports, and Wii Fit. These are the games that Wii owners purchased the system for. It makes sense, then, that this demographic doesn't care whatsoever about some no-name first person new IP shooter.

Conversely, Halo pretty much established the entire Xbox brand, and so it's of no surprise that the main titles on the platform cater to that audience while casual games have tended to bomb. It's the completely reverse situation.
Opiate said:
Activision is definitely the savviest publisher this generation. Electronic Arts is completely lost, and Take 2 is treading water.

Which is sad for EA because they're arguably at a better critical and quality point than they EVER have been, especially after bringing all of the partners on board. They're making a lot of good decisions now that I think will pay off in the next few years. And if EA Active is any indication, they might be slowly figuring out the Wii, which is absolutely the key to their success. HOWEVER, they made a HUGE error in judgment in letting UFC slip through their fingers to THQ. For those not in the know, UFC approached EA and they were pretty much told to fuck off.

And definitely don't forget Ubi Soft and Capcom, who both have pretty good track records across all three systems this generation.

boiled goose

good with gravy
laserbeam said:
The Conduit will just be a game to keep an eye on for a bit and see if it has any sort of WOM sales. We have had plenty of "Bombs" on the Wii end up slow burning to very good sales.

one can only hope.
after this holiday season we will be able to tell if the game did ok or if it confirmed its bomba status.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Holy crap. This is like, 360 in Japan levels of lowered expectations.

Even in a worst case scenario, I thought The Conduit would have barely sub-MP3 level sales for the first reporting period. I wasn't sniffing Donnie's Kool Aid, but I figured 150k at least.

73k for game that's been advertised constantly for a solid month, and being the only competent online shooter released this year, is a disaster.

You see Red Faction's first month sales? On 360? You're probably looking at the projected LTD of The Conduit in the US.

uh, commercials ran on TV a few days prior to launch, not for "a full month."

sure, they've been running for a full month at this point in time but this NPD only covers through July 2 =)

all of that said, yeah, the sales are disappointing. I don't know about a disaster though. sub-50k would have been a disaster.


amtentori said:
one can only hope.
after this holiday season we will be able to tell if the game did ok or if it confirmed its bomba status.
Im pretty sure people will be prematurely judging the success of Red Steel 2 to care.
JoJo13 said:
The writing was on the wall with regards to the state of hardcore wii third party titles, but with the recent bombings of both the conduit and madworld I think you can kiss any genuine exclusive third party hardcore support goodbye.

Problem with that logic, though, is that those games would have "bombed" on any console.
I mean, Madworld is far too stylistic for the majority of people that buy video games, and Conduit is just another shooter.


amtentori said:
one can only hope.
after this holiday season we will be able to tell if the game did ok or if it confirmed its bomba status.

Thats really how I see it. if it cannot break 300k by the end of the year Its without a doubt a Bomb in the US. US/EU sales could make it a viable success of course long term but who knows.

As far as Punch Out goes Nintendo is pimping it hardcore. They are sending out $10 Off Certificates to people who are members of Club Nintendo who have not purchased it etc.


Accident said:
There is no way to tell if a game is missing, we don't even know if the numbers are real.

Totals from the leaked numbers.

360: 2.51M
152 games in the leak, all over 20k



Guys stop saying The Conduit is a bomb, you clearly have no idea what bomb means,wait till you see Virtua Tennis sales and you will understand the true meaning of bomba,poor Sega.


Spider_Jerusalem said:
Xbox 360 Prototype june > Infamous 2 may + june... wow. Exclusives surely aren't anymore what they used to be.

Normalize by the install base and inFamous did around Prototype+Red Faction on 360.
AniHawk said:
I'm pretty sure I'm 100% correct, since this thread's about US sales.

I'd still go out on a limb and say killzone's legs have been longer than halo wars, we dont no the true numbers anymore since they stopped charting after march
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