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NPD Sales Results for June 2009


scitek said:
GiantBomb's reviews are all shit, regardless of the game.

Compared to a site that advertises it hard all over their site and gushes all over the devs for months in previews and podcasts then gave it by far the highest score out of any known site that doesn't have "nintendo" in the name? Not at all.


I was one of the dozens of Americans to get Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, and I have to say adding the cat makes it better for single player by far. People seem to hate ad-hoc games in the US due to social and transportation factors I suppose. I'm interested in the numbers when they're confirmed to see if VC2 has a shot coming here. Dozens! :)


Batteries the CRISIS!
bhhawks78 said:
GiantBombs review was more than fair. The game just wasn't even really average. Deal with the bomba and if you like the game..... go play and enjoy the game!!!

jokes aside, GB's Conduit review was horribly inaccurate.

and don't worry, I'm enjoying the game quite a bit. 22 hours in multiplayer alone

bhhawks78 said:
Compared to a site that advertises it hard all over their site and gushes all over the devs for months in previews and podcasts then gave it by far the highest score out of any known site that doesn't have "nintendo" in the name? Not at all.




SilverLunar said:
Damn why wasn't there a NDS games leak?? I want to know how much Starfy did.

It was on the numbers that were previously leaked.

I don't know how specific I can be, but Starfy at least did over 100k.
BushinKun said:
I was one of the dozens of Americans to get Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, and I have to say adding the cat makes it better for single player by far. People seem to hate ad-hoc games in the US due to social and transportation factors I suppose. I'm interested in the numbers when they're confirmed to see if VC2 has a shot coming here. Dozens! :)

Yeah and I saw multiple ads for both Monster Hunter and Rock Band: Unplugged, all throughout the month
Milabrega said:
According to that earlier leak, 122k, third DS game behind Platinum and Kart.
Really?? thats pretty nice if true! :)

EDIT: If it is true, then my prediction of Starfy selling more than the Conduit is actually true :lol :lol


scitek said:
GiantBomb's reviews are all shit, regardless of the game.



Guys WTH? you NPD FREAKS :lol :lol

My inbox is already full /delete all without reading
People asking me to send them NPD Data i wont do that because it's illegal in GAF :lol

It was not real, it's from twitter wait for the official release

Juniors today have learned that you shouldn't post anything NPD related till official data is out
lesson learned so have mercy if i didn't make it i love you all and i hope i get into GAF in the next life
D.Lo said:
Donny's predictions were too optomistic, but a game with that box art, no pedigree and middling reviews can hardly be seen as a test. RE4, WaW, RE:UC, COD3 etc.

Or is your claim that it might have done well two years ago?
Excuse me we were informed repeatedly by the Faithful that Conduit's boxart was, in fact, excellent because it reminded them of 90s comics or games like... some Genesis game which clearly means that it was better than Killzone 3.
EDarkness said:
I guess that's that for Wii "core" games. A game with that much "hype" and real advertising can't break 100k? Pretty telling.
People need to let it go. If you are a fan of FPS games, then pick up a 360 or PS3. They have tons of great FPS games. A used 360 is pretty darn cheap. Nothing wrong with owning more then one console. Yeah, there will be some more FPS games for the Wii . . . but they'll always be many more for the PS3 & 360.


Batteries the CRISIS!
SilverLunar said:
Really?? thats pretty nice if true! :)

EDIT: If it is true, then my prediction of Starfy selling more than the Conduit is actually true :lol :lol

I guess you're technically correct, but Starfy was released June 7 while Conduit was released June 23. that's 25 days vs. 9 in the NPD.

bhhawks78 said:
Never heard of them, and for most of the past few weeks ign was the top score, their nonsense with this made me unsubscribe from the one wii centric halfway decent podcast that i've found but they are not to be trusted.

it doesn't really matter if you've heard of them or not. they're a site that's big enough for Metacritic to list them and they gave a higher score to Conduit than IGN. and they don't have "Nintendo" in their name.


Opiate said:
I'm saying that the audience for these types of games on the Wii has been starved to death.
That's a good way of putting it. Anyone with the least bit of interest in shooters has gone and got another system by now. I reckon CoD4 not being on Wii would be a huge factor in that.


I said a while back that I saw a lot of pirates badly wanting for The Conduit to be ripped and uploaded to the net just a day or two before it launched. I just did a search for "The Conduit" on one of those forums and, totaling up the number of views each of the threads received combined, I got over 50,000. I'm not saying this game would have sold much better had those pirates not existed, but I do know a lot of the people we play against online probably aren't playing the legit way.


scitek said:
I said a while back that I saw a lot of pirates badly wanting for The Conduit to be ripped and uploaded to the net just a day or two before it launched. I just did a search for "The Conduit" on one of those forums and, totaling up the number of views each of the threads received combined, I got over 50,000. I'm not saying this game would have sold much better had those pirates not existed, but I do know a lot of the people we play against online probably aren't playing the legit way.

Not to derail but have they fixed the infini health hacks yet? Already returned my rental but that sucks bad if they haven't addressed that yet for those that enjoy the game


speculawyer said:
People need to let it go. If you are a fan of FPS games, then pick up a 360 or PS3. They have tons of great FPS games. A used 360 is pretty darn cheap. Nothing wrong with owning more then one console. Yeah, there will be some more FPS games for the Wii . . . but they'll always be many more for the PS3 & 360.

Heh, heh. I have a 360. Crazy, I know.


bhhawks78 said:
Not to derail but have they fixed the infini health hacks yet? Already returned my rental but that sucks bad if they haven't addressed that yet for those that enjoy the game

Danthrax said:
okay look before you all freak out, please consider the following:

  • wait for the word of mouth to spread
  • it only had 9 days in NPD (didn't ship early; wasn't in stores until 24th)
  • there was not enough marketing
  • it's a Wii game, it'll have long legs
  • the video game media is biased against the Wii and didn't properly cover Conduit
  • there may have been confusion caused by delays (from May to late June in the U.S.; from late June to mid-July in Europe)
  • Sega of America changed CEOs a week before Conduit's launch, which disrupted the
  • the company's ability to properly advertise and distribute the title may have been poor — it IS Sega
  • the commercials aired late at night on channels no one watches
  • the reviews didn't come out soon enough before the release date
  • GamePro spread disinformation and FUD in its review on release day
  • GiantBomb also spread disinformation and FUD in its review

:lol :lol


bhhawks78 said:
Compared to a site that advertises it hard all over their site and gushes all over the devs for months in previews and podcasts then gave it by far the highest score out of any known site that doesn't have "nintendo" in the name? Not at all.

Did I say IGN's reviews are good? I don't care for them, either, even if I do agree with their overall opinions on a lot of games. I think their writing is awful, especially Matt's.


Batteries the CRISIS!
scitek said:
I said a while back that I saw a lot of pirates badly wanting for The Conduit to be ripped and uploaded to the net just a day or two before it launched. I just did a search for "The Conduit" on one of those forums and, totaling up the number of views each of the threads received combined, I got over 50,000. I'm not saying this game would have sold much better had those pirates not existed, but I do know a lot of the people we play against online probably aren't playing the legit way.

yeah... I know. =(

bhhawks78 said:
Not to derail but have they fixed the infini health hacks yet? Already returned my rental but that sucks bad if they haven't addressed that yet for those that enjoy the game

they haven't addressed shit concerning the cheating, unfortunately.
Two days after The Conduit released I went into Target and looked for the The Conduit but couldn't find it; it turned out that 8 year old boys, one of The Conduit's primary audiences along with pedophiles looking for 8 year old boys, were touching the glass with their smooth, oiled fingers right in front of The Conduit, so it probably lost sales due to people not being able to see through the oily glass.


Batteries the CRISIS!
bhhawks78 said:
Blech sorry to hear that :(

yeah, but fortunately there still aren't a TON of cheaters out there. I think I've only encountered a couple in the 22+ hours I've put into multi.

the spawning-outside-the-map glitches are the worse thing, IMO. they make me more likely to drop the game entirely than the pirates.


It was probably already posted but 169k M+ units were sold in June

Nintendo DS Franchise Sells More than All Home Consoles Combined in June

In the United States in June, the Nintendo DS™ and Nintendo DSi™ systems combined to sell more than 766,000 units, more than all current-generation consoles combined, according to the NPD Group, which tracks video game sales in the United States. U.S. consumers purchased more than 424,000 Nintendo DSi systems and more than 342,000 Nintendo DS systems in June.

Wii™ marked its 21st consecutive month as the top-selling U.S. home console, with nearly 362,000 sold. Consumers also snapped up nearly 374,000 Wii MotionPlus™ accessories, including nearly 205,000 packaged with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 from Electronic Arts and 169,000 additional accessories sold on their own. The Wii Sports Resort™ game launches July 26 and comes packaged with Wii MotionPlus.

“More consumers continued to gravitate toward products that offer quality experiences and great value for the whole family,” said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “Consumers again selected Nintendo systems for those experiences, particularly our hand-helds.”

Four games published for Nintendo platforms finished in the top 10 best-sellers of June in the United States. These include EA Sports Active at No. 3 with more than 289,000 sold, Wii Fit™ at No. 4 with more than 271,000 sold, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 with Wii MotionPlus at No. 7 with nearly 205,000 sold and Mario Kart™ Wii at No. 8 with more than 202,000 sold.


Opiate said:
Decided not to post this.

Well, in response to what you did post, my PC is shit. I can't even run that benchmark for RE5 that was posted. :lol

I MUCH prefer the Wii's controls for FPSes to the 360 (I honestly can't stand playing shooters with the Dualshock, so I don't even consider the PS3 an option anymore, even though Killzone 2 was one of my favorite shooters this gen), so The Conduit's great for me because it has an active online community and fantastic controls, everything I need to be happy. It's sad there aren't more shooters like it on the Wii, but you take what you can get at this point.


I said
okay, well, guessed
the Conduit would sell under 100k and I was right.

Tiger Woods Wii > all other versions combined. The person who did the fancy undercover work with the leaked IGN numbers was correct.


Basically conduit is going to sell more than no more heroes, house of the dead, and Mad World. The thing is what do you consider that good or bad. Also, out of those four Madworld performed the worse.


scitek said:
What is MadWorld currently sitting at? Anyone know?

Nothing exact, but it's several thousand off from 100k.

God damn. Punch out's done really well. I thought it'd have a hard time hitting 200k in 3-4 months.


Batteries the CRISIS!
AniHawk said:
I said
okay, well, guessed
the Conduit would sell under 100k and I was right.

congrats. I feel like a Republican on election night

somedevil said:
Basically conduit is going to sell more than no more heroes, house of the dead, and Mad World. The thing is what do you consider that good or bad. Also, out of those four Madworld performed the worse.

uh it has a long way to go to pass up No More Heroes. it'll likely pass up HotD:O and MW though, yeah.

scitek said:
What is MadWorld currently sitting at? Anyone know?

not sure, but last we knew I think Ami said it would hit around 100k this month.
Danthrax said:
okay look before you all freak out, please consider the following:

  • wait for the word of mouth to spread
  • it only had 9 days in NPD (didn't ship early; wasn't in stores until 24th)
  • there was not enough marketing
  • it's a Wii game, it'll have long legs
    [*]the video game media is biased against the Wii and didn't properly cover Conduit
  • there may have been confusion caused by delays (from May to late June in the U.S.; from late June to mid-July in Europe)
  • Sega of America changed CEOs a week before Conduit's launch, which disrupted the company's ability to properly advertise and distribute the title may have been poor — it IS Sega
  • the commercials aired late at night on channels no one watches
  • the reviews didn't come out soon enough before the release date
  • GamePro spread disinformation and FUD in its review on release day
  • GiantBomb also spread disinformation and FUD in its review

I know that you are joking to some extent, but I've been following the official thread and most of these same sentiments have been repeatedly expressed by fans.

The bolded statement in particular is hilarious because The Conduit got more press and coverage than any comparable mediocre shooter since Haze, although Haze's coverage was for different reasons. Call of Juarez 2 is not a masterpiece, but it's definitely a better game than The Conduit and it barely got a mention in the press. This is the last thing I'd be complaining about, especially with the way that IGN championed the game. And for some odd reason, IGN is still by far the most popular gaming site, so that's a ton of eyeballs.

Musashi Wins!

Of All Trades said:
Two days after The Conduit released I went into Target and looked for the The Conduit but couldn't find it; it turned out that 8 year old boys, one of The Conduit's primary audiences along with pedophiles looking for 8 year old boys, were touching the glass with their smooth, oiled fingers right in front of The Conduit, so it probably lost sales due to people not being able to see through the oily glass.

And then they all went home and pirated it. But didn't play the pirated copy because of a review from Giant Bomb.


Basically conduit is going to sell more than no more heroes, house of the dead, and Mad World. The thing is what do you consider that good or bad. Also, out of those four Madworld performed the worse.

And yet none are significant hits, which is what would be needed to spur increased investment.

Publishers don't want to see "well, it probably didn't lose money" results. They need to see a very significant success to convince them to move significantly in this very risk averse environment.

If you like games like Conduit and Madworld (i.e. violent, action packed games targeting 16-35 year old males), and you prefer the Wii's control method, you lose. Sorry.


I thought Boom Blox 2 was going to be an outright bomb. Unless there were massive cuts in the price, it looks like it's going to have some pretty long legs. I'm surprised.

Blazblue: PS3 > 360


AniHawk said:
Nothing exact, but it's several thousand off from 100k.

Ouch, yeah that hurts. I didn't know it just died off like that. HotD: Overkill is better, though? Did it already have a price drop?
Opiate said:
Is Donny willing to admit that these type of games have been well and truly killed off on the Wii at this point? The game sold approximately 1/5th as much as he expected.

I like the new Opiate. You seem a little more straightforward confrontational than you used to be when everything was peace, love, and harmony as you knocked out 1000-word posts. NeoGAF does that to you. I guess.
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