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NPD Sales Results for June 2009


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
AceBandage said:
I'd say about on par with the budget of a Suda game. I mean, the engine was developed over time with their various license games, and the assets are pretty low. The biggest part of their budget was probably hiring Kevin Sorbo and the guy from Cheap Trick.

The Quantum3 engine they were pushing so hard was actually just a port of their last-gen tech. There was an IGN ('nache) interview where they revealed that they had Quantum4 for PS3 and 360, but decided to upscale 3 because Wii couldn't handle 4.

It has plenty of pretty effects but at it's core it's pretty much a PS2 game engine. Going by dev tech alone, Conduit was probably pretty cheap to make. The costliest aspect of The Conduit was probably all the advertising Sega poured into it.


ksamedi said:
How well did GTA DS do BTW. I kind of expect it to have very long legs.

It's been selling pretty consistently, actually. Very small drop from last month. Same deal with Rhythm Heaven (though Rhythm Heaven has been selling more and it's catching up).

EDIT: I take that back. Since July was a longer month, the drops were a bit bigger than I thought. Overall numbers are close for CTW month to month.


speculawyer said:
Really? What was that?

And why are XBLA points selling so hot on Amazon.com? They are selling at the same price Microsoft charges so I don't understand why people buy them at amazon where they then have to enter that long annoying code.

What do you mean? You can enter redeem codes online.

I buy my Microsoft Points from Amazon now since I don't have my credit card attached to my XBL account (and don't want to either). You get the code emailed to you right away and you can just copy and paste into Xbox.com to redeem. Sure beats buying those cards at the store.


AceBandage said:
Not really.
Seems every game and genre has been completely case by case, and not cut and dry at all.
All we know is some first party games sell, and some third party games sell.
We don't know how quickly they sell, or what their ceiling is.
You can continue to make excuses for all the games you like. Some of the excuses are pretty valid. It doesn't matter though. From a publisher's perspective, it's a pretty clear picture.


Patriotsbball5460 said:
I'd still go out on a limb and say killzone's legs have been longer than halo wars, we dont no the true numbers anymore since they stopped charting after march
Killzone 2 sold like 200-300 more than Halo wars but Halo 3 sold over DOUBLE of what Killzone 2 sold for this month


I don't understand a lot of people in this thread. Do you seriously enjoy it when games sell very poorly? Are you people fucking demented?

This has to be some of the most pathetic shit I've ever seen.


Danthrax said:
okay look before you all freak out, please consider the following:

  • wait for the word of mouth to spread
  • it only had 9 days in NPD (didn't ship early; wasn't in stores until 24th)
  • there was not enough marketing
  • it's a Wii game, it'll have long legs
  • the video game media is biased against the Wii and didn't properly cover Conduit
  • there may have been confusion caused by delays (from May to late June in the U.S.; from late June to mid-July in Europe)
  • Sega of America changed CEOs a week before Conduit's launch, which disrupted the company's ability to properly advertise and distribute the title may have been poor — it IS Sega
  • the commercials aired late at night on channels no one watches
  • the reviews didn't come out soon enough before the release date
  • GamePro spread disinformation and FUD in its review on release day
  • GiantBomb also spread disinformation and FUD in its review

Would the conduit have been better reviewed had it been on the 360 or the PS3 looking like it did and with the same maps and online set up that it did? It's not a huge surprise that the conduit didn't sell, it's an unknown IP made by a no-name developer, and it really didn't seem like it had a hook or something that really stood out.
Rhindle said:
You can continue to make excuses for all the games you like. Some of the excuses are pretty valid. It doesn't matter though. From a publisher's perspective, it's a pretty clear picture.

Actually, given how just bizarre and out of left field many announcements are, they don't.
They are still completely boggled at how to approach the Wii, and just keep throwing stuff out there. Same as they've been doing since day one.


speculawyer said:
Really? What was that?

And why are XBLA points selling so hot on Amazon.com? They are selling at the same price Microsoft charges so I don't understand why people buy them at amazon where they then have to enter that long annoying code.
Supposedly somebody figured out that they could run fake credit cards through Amazon and get codes issued before Amazon confirmed the charges. The codes then showed up for $30 on ebay and through wholesalers.


Snipes424 said:
I don't understand a lot of people in this thread. Do you seriously enjoy when games sell very poorly? Are you people fucking demented?

This has to be some of the most pathetic shit I've ever seen.

Bad games should sell poorly. Its incentive for devs to provide content worth the price.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Patriotsbball5460 said:
I'd still go out on a limb and say killzone's legs have been longer than halo wars, we dont no the true numbers anymore since they stopped charting after march

before you go any further....
he gets full npd numbers


Andrex said:
It has plenty of pretty effects but at it's core it's pretty much a PS2 game engine. Going by dev tech alone, Conduit was probably pretty cheap to make. The costliest aspect of The Conduit was probably all the advertising Sega poured into it.

And yet the commercials still keep running despite being a super bomba, guess SEGA likes throwing away money.

I would imagine the game was cheap enough to make since they were going to try and publish it themselves before SEGA hooked them up.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Kittonwy said:
Would the conduit have been better reviewed had it been on the 360 or the PS3 looking like it did and with the same maps and online set up that it did? It's not a huge surprise that the conduit didn't sell, it's an unknown IP made by a no-name developer, and it really didn't seem like it had a hook or something that really stood out.

That I can agree with.

markatisu said:
And yet the commercials still keep running despite being a super bomba, guess SEGA likes throwing away money.

I would imagine the game was cheap enough to make since they were going to try and publish it themselves before SEGA hooked them up.

HVS was never going to publish it themselves, and on top of that they've never self-published any of their retail games. They simply didn't have the cash.

I do wonder if this will become their top-selling game though. And for the record, I have always thought Red Steel 2 would be a better gauge of third-party Wii success, as it's an established franchise from a big developer. I know, moving goalposts, etc. except it's not.


Narag said:
Bad games should sell poorly. Its incentive for devs to provide content worth the price.

Is Conduit really a "bad" game? Or when Valkyria Chronicles sold poorly, I saw people happy about it. It's just plain fucking sad.
bhhawks78 said:
Double checked you're right by a few hundred...lol the real question for KZ 2 is will it even outsell Halo 3 or Cod 4 in 2009? They both are catching up by 40k+ a month

most likely not, it might outsell the ps3 version of cod4, but defiantly not the 360 versions, ill give you that


markatisu said:
And yet the commercials still keep running despite being a super bomba, guess SEGA likes throwing away money.

I would imagine the game was cheap enough to make since they were going to try and publish it themselves before SEGA hooked them up.
Wait, did Sega put the ads before Conduit was released or after?
And if after, when did they start showing the ads?


Snipes424 said:
Is Conduit really a "bad" game? Or when Valkyria Chronicles sold poorly, I saw people happy about it. It's just plain fucking sad.
It isn't a bad game by any means, it is however a bland and plain mediocre game.

VC truly didn't deserve those sales though.


Snipes424 said:
Is Conduit really a "bad" game? Or when Valkyria Chronicles sold poorly, I saw people happy about it. It's just plain fucking sad.

See there's a difference, VC is one of the best games of the gen and the Conduit wouldn't even be impressive 2 gens ago.


bhhawks78 said:
Double checked you're right by a few hundred...lol the real question for KZ 2 is will it even outsell Halo 3 or Cod 4 in 2009? They both are catching up by 40k+ a month

But KZ2 is the ultimate leading superior game unless you play the sales not the game
DeadGzuz said:
Normalize by the install base and inFamous did around Prototype+Red Faction on 360.
Which are multiplat games and not nearly hyped from the fanbase like infamous was. As I said, exclusives aren't anymore what they used to be: in the past, it looked like great hardcore fans hype for a game could be easily reflected in great public sales, while today it isn't like this anymore.


Arde5643 said:
It isn't a bad game by any means, it is however a bland and plain mediocre game.

VC truly didn't deserve those sales though.

I finally started on VC today and its the first game since Mass Effect that I wish I'd been around for on day 1.

Angeles said:
But KZ2 is the ultimate leading superior game unless play the sales not the game

Sales thread.


Arde5643 said:
Wait, did Sega put the ads before Conduit was released or after?
And if after, when did they start showing the ads?

Conduit Ads started shortly before release and are still airing. So there has to be some sort of turn around on investment otherwise Sega would have yanked that plug in a heartbeat. US+EU Sales may be doing good for them hard to say


Angeles said:
But KZ2 is the ultimate leading superior game unless play the sales not the game


Edit: if you are trying to call it a good game i'd disagree with you wholeheartedly, just as generic/bland/insanely bad story/sloppy controls.....just like conduit but... fucking gorgeous. one of the few games this year i bought day 1, Ebay 2 days later and regretted every minute of playtime.


Opiate said:
Yes, I'm looking from a business perspective. Make no mistake: any discussion of "long term view" is largely corporate speak. It's probably not completely insubstantial, but mostly so.
Fair enough, but when I say "long term view" I'm not borrowing from a press release, although it may sound like something out of one. It's more about my vague insubstantial feeling from comparing the software releases (and other things) between a company like Activision and a company like EA. I'll admit I'm not one to read over annual reports, I tend to skip to the cliff notes in those threads, and then promptly forget the cliff notes and go and play games.

Most gamers that have been around a while will remember the "evil" EA, the EA Spouse blog, sequels with little improvement, anti trust cases, buying and dismantling beloved studios, wikipedia editing, I could go on. I think John Riccitiello has done a lot to turn these things around. They have a long list of excellent new IPs on a variety of platforms, great support of independent developers through EA partners, improvements in employee satisfaction, active involvement in the community, and the PC fanboy in me loves their new stance on DRM and the fact that the CEO recognises that the PC market is actually growing.

Do their financial results suggest that any of these improvements have had any benefit? Perhaps not, I don't know, I'm just an IT guy who loves games so I don't know a thing about finance. EA is a big ship, and they've attempted to turn it around in an economic storm. In an industry where project lengths are often three years long, I'd like to think that a "long term view" can be more than mere corporate speak and that the seeds their planting now will come to bear fruit when times are a little brighter. Perhaps they won't, but what I do know is that very often over the last few years I've been really enjoying a game and looked down to see an EA logo on the cover.

On the Activision side I see a reliance on a small number of IPs and little attempt to innovate. This is a probably the worst month to try and make this point given than a new Activision IP has just topped the NPDs, but I'm sure we can agree that this is an exception. Will their philosophy of a small number of IPs with a large amount of sequels pay off? It certainly is for now. How sustainable is that philosophy? Selfishly I'd like to think it isn't.


laserbeam said:
Conduit Ads started shortly before release and are still airing. So there has to be some sort of turn around on investment otherwise Sega would have yanked that plug in a heartbeat. US+EU Sales may be doing good for them hard to say

They pulled MadWorld ads super quick, HoTD Overkill ads kept running for a bout a month.

If SEGA is not seeing what they want they will pull the ads, if this game truly was a massive bomba we wont see the commercials after the next week or so. If we do then its most likely doing well or the bare min to keep paying for prime time air
AniHawk said:
It's also possible I know exactly what I'm talking about and I'm not jerking people around.

I wouldn't be surprised if Halo Wars outsold it here in the US, not by much i would imagine though, its just too bad, imo Killzone 2 deserved better than what sales it did get, especially should have got more than halo wars...just my opinion.

But I would be shocked if halo wars outsold it worldwide, but yes, i know, this is an american sales focused thread, so ill leave it at that


laserbeam said:
Conduit Ads started shortly before release and are still airing. So there has to be some sort of turn around on investment otherwise Sega would have yanked that plug in a heartbeat. US+EU Sales may be doing good for them hard to say
Interesting, FPS games usually aren't the type of games to have any legs (unless you're Halo), so it'll be interesting to track Conduit's movement in the next month to see if it actually has legs or performs as expected from a typical FPS game trend.

Since Sega is still showing the ads, I guess they're betting that the Conduit might have legs.
They're Sega though, so their decision usually is pretty doubtful. :lol


Narag said:
Sales thread.

I know but he kept saying halo wars sold more when in fact it was the exact opposite.
And as if KZ2 have to sell as much as COD4 or Halo3, it's stupid KZ2 will never sell that many copies
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