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NPD Sales Results for June 2009


Neo Member
Cant0na said:

so you really think its gonna sell anymore than what it has in the next 30 days

Call of Duty: World at War on Wii, PS2, PC and DS sold 200K in its first month, combined. Now the Wii version has sold over million, so The Conduit has a good chance to sell enough to make profit for Sega.


Gold Member
Cant0na said:

so you really think its gonna sell anymore than what it has in the next 30 days

If Conduit had been out in the beginning of June, yes I'd expect it to sell more then what it did in a week now.


Vagabundo said:
Wii games rarely follow the game of the month curve and tend to sell consistently over a long period.

I'd expect the conduit to do somewhere between 500k-1m in sales over the next two years.

Not going to rock anyones socks off.
This aint no Wii Play. It's not even a CoD: WaW. If it sells 1m in the US it will be an amazing success story. The games that explode after a poor first month are few and far between.
Amir0x said:
wait wait wait

that was actually good? I skipped it completely thinking it was just a poor man's attempt at bringing the Rock Band experience to handheld.

Generally speaking that's what happens when they try to bring a console experience - particularly a specialized one - to the PSP. Maybe I shouldn't have dismissed it so quick!
Have you ever played Frequency or Amplitude? It has more in common with them than Rock Band proper.


How many copies did GTA: LCS and VCS sell on psp last month? <20k?

It would be strange if both games outsold Chinatown Wars in June

And yeah, RockBand Unplugged is awesome. Leaking one month before the release, being bundled with the console and not having a cheap plastic peripheral surely hurt its performance.


So... a list has been posted on a banned Nintendo site containing a rumoured list of the Top 20 NPD Wii and DS titles complete with numbers. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a link, but can anyone with access to the NPD numbers at least confirm that the source is correct?

The numbers for The Conduit (71,913) is the same as the one posted earlier, so it may be legit.


Well to clarify my point; I believe it will be WW sales of, somwhere in-between, 500k to 1 million.

It should make a profit for the company - I doubt this has a triple A budget - but it will not the riches they dream off.


Amir0x said:
1m sales over the next year?

Sorry but for the conduit I believe that would be "rock your socks off" worthy.

He said over the next 2 years. He also said 500k - 1m. That means it can sell 500.1K and he'd still be right.

2 years for 500.1K is not "rock your socks off" worthy.
So, anybody want to make early predictions on how the other two HVS games do compared to the Conduit?

Here's my predicted sales order...

best selling - The Grinder (I think that's what it's called?)
middle - The Conduit
worst selling - gladiator game


pulga said:
I love vidcons :)
Danthrax said:
:lol holy shit.

....poor Sega. =(

I'm not surprised, but I honestly kind of expected word of mouth to catch on with this one.

This is a truly excellent party game that actually got it right. The gameplay, the presentation, the music, all homeruns. Considering how many Wii owners use it primarily as a party console, I figured Let's Tap would catch a spark.

Looks like I was wrong.


cjelly said:
I'm surprised The Conduit did 73k.

I didn't think anyone outside of Internet messageboards had even heard of the game.

I have seen more then enough ads on tv so I would have quessed that plenty of people know about the game. Personally I didn't ever expected more then this. WW sales will eventually climb to 300k - 400k.


Seeing God of War: Chains of Olympus still selling >35k 15 months after the release makes me happy. And yeah, Liberty City Stories outsold Chinatown Wars and almost outsells GTAIV 360. Not bad for a 2005 game.
Raw64life said:
Wii Play finally fell out of the top 10 after 28 months, and it wasn't even in the top 15 this month.

Yep. Nearly identical sales the first two months of release. ~355K total

Yay! Punch-Out is great.

Also, glad for the Conduit sales. Looks to pull 100K its first month, which is better than I was expecting. It may even do 300+K lifetime now.


Fredescu said:
It will outsell Boom Blox in half the time? Not bad.

2 different types of games.

If both games had no advertising, no reviews and nobody knew it existed until they saw both on the shelf. Conduit would be any kids choice.


Did we recieve worldwide Boom Blox sales?? I thought we only had US sales?


KirmiziBeyaz said:
2 different types of games.

If both games had no advertising, no reviews and nobody knew it existed until they saw both on the shelf. Conduit would be any kids choice.


Did we recieve worldwide Boom Blox sales?? I thought we only had US sales?
450k in a quarter, I was wrong, I thought it was a year. They are two different types of games, one type tends to have legs, and the other type sells a lot initially and then stops selling. The Conduit strikes me as the latter.


Spiegel said:
Seeing God of War: Chains of Olympus still selling >35k 15 months after the release makes me happy. And yeah, Liberty City Stories outsold Chinatown Wars and almost outsells GTAIV 360. Not bad for a 2005 game.

Im' not too surprised by GOW or LCS continued sales. The PSP is a bizarre system, so few new releases, it makes sense that AAA franchises would continue to do well in that environment. When your local Target has like 9 games on the shelf, and two of them are GOW & LCS, they'll keep selling.


I don't want to come off like some of the crazy Wii defenders who list bullet after bullet of excuses for why any specific game didn't sell well, but is it possible The Conduit and Madworld not being particularly good is relevant to sales? Or maybe my personal disinterest in them is a microcosm of the Wii market - frothing at the mouth for LKS but not averagely reviewed FPS.

Just kidding, LKS will bomb.


Spiegel said:
Seeing God of War: Chains of Olympus still selling >35k 15 months after the release makes me happy. And yeah, Liberty City Stories outsold Chinatown Wars and almost outsells GTAIV 360. Not bad for a 2005 game.

GTA and GOW is probably one of the first games people buy when they purchase a PSP. GOW and GTA are two of the top games for the platform.


Sega about a week ago:

"Though it is still early days in the retail life of the game, we are seeing very strong week one sales and being the best shooter on the Wii means that we think we will see this game out there and selling well for a long time." - SEGA's vice president of marketing, Sean Ratcliffe

When you think of 73k being the first week sales for The Conduit, it does sound better, especially when compared to the 66k of Madworld in 25 days. I'm not sure it's the type of game to have legs, but hopefully it continues to sell at a steady rate throughout the year and reach 200k - 300k.

I'd say that it has probably sold over 100k by now... hopefully.


Wii Motion+ bomba? Seriously why the hell isn't it selling like hotcakes... also it mentions it doesn't include numbers for TW10 that includes hardware... does that mean it doesn't include the Wii+ sales?


NimbusD said:
Wii Motion+ bomba? Seriously why the hell isn't it selling like hotcakes... also it mentions it doesn't include numbers for TW10 that includes hardware... does that mean it doesn't include the Wii+ sales?

The number includes Wii Motion+. You can also find specific sales for the Wii Motion+ bundle (don't know whether I am allowed to post them on GAF) which amount for the majority of TW10 sales.


AniHawk said:
I thought Boom Blox 2 was going to be an outright bomb. Unless there were massive cuts in the price, it looks like it's going to have some pretty long legs. I'm surprised.

Blazblue: PS3 > 360
Blazblue oozes with an eastern style unlike many other fighters, and Japanese styled games seem to do better on the PS3, which makes sense.


NimbusD said:
Wii Motion+ bomba? Seriously why the hell isn't it selling like hotcakes... also it mentions it doesn't include numbers for TW10 that includes hardware... does that mean it doesn't include the Wii+ sales?
It does. Wii Motion Plus sales are almost @ 400k.
NimbusD said:
Wii Motion+ bomba? Seriously why the hell isn't it selling like hotcakes...
What are you expecting it to do? Tiger Woods is the only really big franchise using it this month, and it apparently had the best launch that series has seen in quite some time. But Tiger is no Wii Sports.


CartridgeBlower said:
Maybe The Conduit didn't sell BECAUSE IT'S NOT A GREAT FUCKING GAME.

Even Madworld was average and got way more hype for being on the Wii then it would have if it was on PS3 or 360.

An average game is an average game, system or audience be damned.
Yes. I rather bought me some Art Style and Hanabi Festival VC games (Pulseman is fantastic) for less money. In the moment, I am swimming in good to great games for my Wii and DS (in Europe). No need to buy a stopgag, a few days before Wii Sports Resort.
Sad to see some of the same guys, who once enjoyed masterpieces like Golden Eye and Perfect Dark, now defending a average shooter. Clarification: I don't want to see it bomb.


Conduit did fine, next months number will give a better picture.

I don't think anyone was expecting it to sell like a halo or a gta, but it did well enough for the time it was out.

People that wanna see it fail, well that's just sad

Rolf NB

jay said:
I don't want to come off like some of the crazy Wii defenders who list bullet after bullet of excuses for why any specific game didn't sell well, but is it possible The Conduit and Madworld not being particularly good is relevant to sales? Or maybe my personal disinterest in them is a microcosm of the Wii market - frothing at the mouth for LKS but not averagely reviewed FPS.

Just kidding, LKS will bomb.
You'll see sales-agers happily dismiss the notion because they have a hard time quantifying it but yes, quality is always a factor. Word of mouth can make a big difference especially in the "legs" department. Poster child: Demon's Souls in Japan.

I expected more of The Conduit sales. 3x Madworld was my bar, but it's closer to 1x. I thought a game in a genre that fits the system's controller so perfectly would be much more readily adopted, but apparently that's not the case. I don't think there's a big distinction to be made between the two in terms of marketing or pre-release hype.
I also have no idea what the fuck is going on with the European shipments getting delayed so much, but I must say I don't even want it anymore after reading the official thread for a bit/listening to podcasters bash it into the ground, basically.
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