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NPD Sales Results for June 2009


dammitmattt said:
On that list, only Mario, Pokemon, and possibly Tetris sold more copies in the US than Madden. Keep in mind that out of those 70 million copies sold, roughty 65 million were sold in the US. Plus, it's slightly unfair because Mario and Pokemon have been in so many different types of games. Madden is just Madden.

Mario platformers:
SMB: 40m
SMB2/USA: 10m
SMB3: 18m
SML: 14m
SMW: 20m
SM64: 11m
SMS: 6m
SMG: 8m
NSMB: 19m

And that's not counting All-Stars or other remakes/ports or Super Mario Land 2 or the original Super Mario Bros. 2. You can even take away its highest seller and it still has Madden beat.

Pokemon RPGs:
Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/Yellow: 29.6m
Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal: 19.1m
Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: 19.3m
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: 21m

So again, not counting remakes or spinoffs, that's still more than Madden.

Rolf NB


markatisu said:
Re-read the actual predictions thread, most of us expected 100-180k max

Here's your quote from the predictions thread:

markatisu said:
I think most everyone is lowballing The Conduit something awful, I would be utterly shocked if it sold similar to MadWorld given the amount of people online

So you expected much more and now you're backpedaling and making excuses. You even went to far as to quote and question the person who had one of the closest predictions (he guessed 60k). And still, I haven't seen you act "shocked" in this thread.

Just noticed this while reading back over the prediction thread.


dammitmattt said:
Here's your quote from the predictions thread:

So you expected much more and now you're backpedaling and making excuses. You even went to far as to quote and question the person who had one of the closest predictions (he guessed 60k). And still, I haven't seen you act "shocked" in this thread.

Just noticed this while reading back over the prediction thread.

That's pretty damning.
Dipswitch said:
Does NPD ever release breakdown numbers for the DS? Curious how the numbers compare for the DSi vs the older DS Lite model.

They don't but here;\'s an official press release from Nintendo regarding that subject.

N!n10d0H said:
In the United States in June, the Nintendo DS™ and Nintendo DSi™ systems combined to sell more than 766,000 units, more than all current-generation consoles combined, according to the NPD Group, which tracks video game sales in the United States. U.S. consumers purchased more than 424,000 Nintendo DSi systems and more than 342,000 Nintendo DS systems in June.

Seems like they're selling side by side quite nicely.


dammitmattt said:
Here's your quote from the predictions thread:

So you expected much more and now you're backpedaling and making excuses. You even went to far as to quote and question the person who had one of the closest predictions (he guessed 60k). And still, I haven't seen you act "shocked" in this thread.

Just noticed this while reading back over the prediction thread.

Who is making excuses, I am not one of the people saying the game did not sell high numbers because of X reason and X reason. I merely said after the numbers were posted last night that if it was selling poorly SEGA will pull the ads, otherwise what does that indicate to you? (you do not throw good money after bad).

As for predictions I would be an outlier, truthfully nothing with the Wii "shocks" me, back in the HoTD NPD I was one of the only ones saying that game would be fine when all of GAF was lol at the 45k-50k "bomba"

Low and behold on June 30 it was said to be profitable, shock and awe that GAF was wrong.

We will see how things play out I guess, the number of times GAF has been wrong on a number of games is becoming commonplace.
Jokeropia said:
Being used to IR pointer aiming, analog stick aiming feels as dated as it made d-pad aiming feel when it first came around.

Yet I have a dozen friends who played Metroid Prime 3 and/or Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and every fucking one of them still happily buys and plays 360/PS3 shooters. I respect your personal opinion but I don't think most gamers feel that way.

Rolf NB

Has the DSlite been discounted in the US since the DSi introduction? Would it be unfair to deduce that 45% of US DS customers are interested in piracy?


idofriar1313 said:
Seems like they're selling side by side quite nicely.

Good man. Pretty surprising that the DSi is selling more than the DS, given the price difference. I guess that extra $40 doesn't matter to most folks.
AniHawk said:
Mario platformers:
SMB: 40m
SMB2/USA: 10m
SMB3: 18m
SML: 14m
SMW: 20m
SM64: 11m
SMS: 6m
SMG: 8m
NSMB: 19m

And that's not counting All-Stars or other remakes/ports or Super Mario Land 2 or the original Super Mario Bros. 2. You can even take away its highest seller and it still has Madden beat.

Pokemon RPGs:
Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/Yellow: 29.6m
Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal: 19.1m
Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: 19.3m
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: 21m

So again, not counting remakes or spinoffs, that's still more than Madden.

Again, you're bringing worldwide sales figures into an NPD thread :)

You're absolutely right that Mario and Pokemon still have sold more copies overall (although the bundles inflate some of the SMB and SMW numbers), but Madden is still close and is arguably bigger than Mario right now - he's only had one game in the last 13 years that outsold the average annual Madden release in the US.

And for the love of God please don't think I'm trolling Mario. I fucking love that fat plumber and all of his games not named Super Paper Mario.


dammitmattt said:
What other franchise has been this dominant on a yearly bases for 20 years? Remember, this is an NPD thread, so if you just look at US sales numbers, Madden is ALWAYS in the top five and is often the best-selling title of the year.

It's also got more mainstream/casual appeal than anything this side of Wii Sports AND it has had its own TV show for years on ESPN. What more proof do you need? :)

Makes me sad, NFL 2k on dreamcast is still a better game than Madden 09, when was the last time EA innovated anything worthwhile in that series....Madden 64?
bhhawks78 said:
Makes me sad, NFL 2k on dreamcast is still a better game than Madden 09, when was the last time EA innovated anything worthwhile in that series....Madden 64?

I absolutely LOVED NFL2K. In fact, I bought a US Dreamcast at launch JUST for that game (I already had an import system). And it was brilliant at the time, as were the follow-ups. But to revisit it today you'll find a very broken game that lets you throw post route after post route to Moss (or any good receiver) as well as a million other issues. It was light-years better than Madden at the time, but Madden did get better over time and any recent version of Madden (well, except HD 06) is light-years beyond 2K.

I think All-Pro confirmed just how far behind VC currently is.


dammitmattt said:
I absolutely LOVED NFL2K. In fact, I bought a US Dreamcast at launch JUST for that game (I already had an import system). And it was brilliant at the time, as were the follow-ups. But to revisit it today you'll find a very broken game that lets you throw post route after post route to Moss (or any good receiver) as well as a million other issues. It was light-years better than Madden at the time, but Madden did get better over time and any recent version of Madden (well, except HD 06) is light-years beyond 2K.

I think All-Pro confirmed just how far behind VC currently is.

All pro was awful but every year i end up playing madden again and nothing ever really changes, awful awful ai, cheap gimmicky hail marys are easy, and it feels closer to NFL blitz than sim football. Don't know how EA can be so great at golf and hockey and be subpar at football and R0FLc0pter bad at basketball.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Yet I have a dozen friends who played Metroid Prime 3 and/or Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and every fucking one of them still happily buys and plays 360/PS3 shooters. I respect your personal opinion but I don't think most gamers feel that way.

So we're putting up Medal of Honor Heroes and a downscaled CoD against the HD counterparts now?

Not to drag out the stupid Analog vs. Wiimote argument again, but the state of Wii FPS' being pathetic at best isn't exactly damning evidence against Wiimote control.
Jokeropia said:
Sales across the top 152 games does not necessarily reflect total software sales.

You are completely fucking delusional.

The legion of sub 10k sellers is really going to substantially change those software numbers? I'm sure that's where publishers are making their bread and butter.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
You are completely fucking delusional.

The legion of sub 10k sellers is really going to substantially change those software numbers? I'm sure that's where publishers are making their bread and butter.

B, it's 210000 units. That's more than possible.


I'm on the handheld band-wagon. And one of the significant up-and-coming platforms isn't being tracked on the NPD Video Games service.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Yet I have a dozen friends who played Metroid Prime 3 and/or Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and every fucking one of them still happily buys and plays 360/PS3 shooters. I respect your personal opinion but I don't think most gamers feel that way.

I thought it was generally accepted that the Wii Mote is a better control option for shooters than dual analog. It seemed to be the general consensus that KB/M > Wii Mote > Dual Analogs, but perhaps I haven't payed close enough attention.

The example you gave isn't a very good one. Many Wii/360 owners would be buying their FPS on the 360 because they actually exist, while the Wii has gotten very few top shelf shooters. Again, I think most people agree that Wii Mote control is superior -- but so much superior that you will insist on never buying a 360 shooter again no matter how good it is? That's very unlikely.


Opiate said:
I thought it was generally accepted that the Wii Mote is a better control option for shooters than dual analog. It seemed to be the general consensus that KB/M > Wii Mote > Dual Analogs, but perhaps I haven't payed close enough attention.

I think that debate happened at least 3 times in The Conduit thread :lol


Lostconfused said:
Well sure, just as long as their tastes in games change in a rather quick fashion.

Or publishers could just make their games for the DS instead. That's what Japanese publishers did when the DS took off: it isn't as if "hardcore" games ceased to exist in Japan when consoles died. The "hardcore" stuff just moved to the dominant platform, which is now a handheld.

This won't happen, of course. Realistically, this is implausible for a variety of reasons. But since you seem to be asking what's technically possible, then one must point out that there's nothing stopping BioWare, Irrational Games, Rockstar North, and others from making all of their next big games for the DS.
Opiate said:
Or publishers could just make their games for the DS instead. That's what Japanese publishers did when the DS took off: it isn't as if "hardcore" games ceased to exist in Japan when consoles died. The "hardcore" stuff just moved to the dominant platform, which is now a handheld.
Yeah but it certainly looks like hard core games are a lot less popular in Japan than they are in North America. And the games would still be different, because they are 2 different platforms. If we compared DS to PS360.

Edit: Well it might be a misconception on my part. That its not that hardcore games are any less popular than they are over here but rather that what might be refered to as "casual" games or anything nintendo is just much more popular over there. Either way I personally think that NA and Japan are rather seperate/different markets and I wouldn't think that NA would follow exactly in Japans footsteps.


markatisu said:
I think that debate happened at least 3 times in The Conduit thread :lol

Were there really people arguing that the Wii Mote isn't superior? I've only picked up a Wii Mote a dozen times or so, and I could tell almost instantly that it was a superior control option for shooters, both first and third. I don't mean I personally prefer it, because I don't, I mean it from an objective standpoint: with which controller could I am more rapidly and more precisely? Again, the answer seemed to be pretty clearly the Wii Remote, to me.

If someone has legitimately experienced the opposite, I'd like to hear it. I think the ample amount of auto aim on most PS3/360 shooters speaks to the controller's weaknesses.

Is there usually auto aim in Wii Games? There isn't in most PC shooters.

Edit: Just to make it clear, I think it's perfectly fine to prefer the PS3/360 controller to the Wii Mote. Preference is different than technical ability. For example, many people prefer dual analog shooters to KB/M shooters simply because they are accustomed to dual analogs and are comfortable with it, and thus don't mind the loss of precision. That is completely fine and both understandable and justifiable. But those are more subjective preferences, and are not indicative of more objective measures like precision and speed.


Probably old but attach rate info;

AG: Our attach rate was 8.6 in June, compared with 6.8 for PS3 and 6.4 for the Wii.


Taking the most SW sales again as well;

AG: I show that we had more game sales in June than any other platform, over $177 million in software sales. Year-over-year, our software sales were flat, but by comparison, Wii sales in June were down 30 percent and PS3 sales were down 19 percent.

This would put to rest any impact those less than 20k sales were pulling.
Opiate said:
Were there really people arguing that the Wii Mote isn't superior? I've only picked up a Wii Mote a dozen times or so, and I could tell almost instantly that it was a superior control option for shooters, both first and third. I don't mean I personally prefer it, because I don't, I mean it from an objective standpoint: with which controller could I am more rapidly and more precisely? Again, the answer seemed to be pretty clearly the Wii Remote, to me.

If someone has legitimately experienced the opposite, I'd like to hear it. I think the ample amount of auto aim on most PS3/360 shooters speaks to the controller's weaknesses.

Is there usually auto aim in Wii Games? There isn't in most PC shooters.

What is the point of this debate in this thread? Not being rude but just asking?


NPD is about what I expected. It really does seem that permanent market positions for the consoles have been established. It's going to be very interesting to see what happens when the price cuts finally happen.

On the software side; Prototype claiming #1 isn't surprising. What did surprise me is UFC claiming #2 and TW10 for either HD console not placing in the Top 10 bu the Wii version taking #4.

No surprise to me that FNR4 didn't rank in the Top 5 because I own the PS3 version and still can't connect to my bro on my friends list :(

dammitmattt said:
I absolutely LOVED NFL2K. In fact, I bought a US Dreamcast at launch JUST for that game (I already had an import system). And it was brilliant at the time, as were the follow-ups. But to revisit it today you'll find a very broken game that lets you throw post route after post route to Moss (or any good receiver) as well as a million other issues. It was light-years better than Madden at the time, but Madden did get better over time and any recent version of Madden (well, except HD 06) is light-years beyond 2K.

I think All-Pro confirmed just how far behind VC currently is.

I agree. NFL 2k was awesome for it's time. We played the shit out of the series on DC in college. And other than Halo2, I think NFL 2k5 was my most played XBL game on Xbox.

And I know it's blasphemous to say, but Madden surpassed NFL 2k with Madden08....and Madden09 was even better.


Mithos said:
Then that's your answer to why most ppl say 7 or 9 days (incl me).

So 12 days is correct.

11 days. The game wasn't available in most stores until the 24th, the 23rd was the ship date. For what it's worth.


LosDaddie said:
TW10 for either HD console not placing in the Top 10 bu the Wii version taking #4.

Why did that surprise you, TW on Wii has been the best selling version for the last 3 years and this year it came with added hardware and extensive promotion.
scitek said:
11 days. The game wasn't available in most stores until the 24th, the 23rd was the ship date. For what it's worth.

And most shipments were hijacked by ninjas for a couple of days, so 9 is correct.


Isn't Modern Warfare 2 coming to Wii according to that other thread?
How the he'll do you people expect The Conduit to sell 500k to 2 mil with that? I see it finishing off at 200k tops and that's in the far future


Stoney Mason said:
What is the point of this debate in this thread? Not being rude but just asking?

It appeared to start when someone stated their preference for Wii Shooters because of the controls. Beermonkey then stated that among his friends, most buy 360 shooters. I stated that this likely stems from the 360's distinctly larger variety of high quality shooters, and not from a percieved preference for 360 controls.

I know people like to question seemingly off topic remarks in NPD threads, but I usually find them acceptable, including this one. I think NPD threads work best as sprawling discussions on the state of the industry, using the current sales tracking as a launching point, rather than as a discussion exclusively and entirely about the numbers provided for the month. If most people disagree, I'd have no problem stopping.


AG: Our attach rate was 8.6 in June, compared with 6.8 for PS3 and 6.4 for the Wii.
So that's 2.07 million XBox 360 games sold in June, 2.31 million Wii games, and 1.11 million PS3 games.

Shit. PS3 software is performing terribly.
Firestorm said:
Isn't Modern Warfare 2 coming to Wii according to that other thread?
How the he'll do you people expect The Conduit to sell 500k to 2 mil with that? I see it finishing off at 200k tops and that's in the far future

Activision says no chance, but most retailers say yes... so... who the fuck knows at this point.
Personally, I wouldn't put money on it happening.
Wrath2X said:
Oh come on guys don't lie, how many of you actually thought The Conduit would sell?

Given the Wii's staggering install base, and the fact that the game actually received a marketing push on TV, I can't imagine how it could have score any *less* than roughly 70k. I wasn't expected Halo numbers, but holy shit those sales are anemic.
Opiate said:
It appeared to start when someone stated their preference for Wii Shooters because of the controls. Beermonkey then stated that among his friends, most buy 360 shooters. I stated that this likely stems from the 360's distinctly larger variety of high quality shooters, and not from a percieved preference for 360 controls.

I know people like to question seemingly off topic remarks in NPD threads, but I usually find them acceptable, including this one. I think NPD threads work best as sprawling discussions on the state of the industry, rather than a discussion exclusively and entirely about the numbers provided for the month. If most people disagree, I'd have no problem stopping.

I have no problem discussing it I just think it's fairly useless debate in the context of this thread. There are lots of reasons why the Wii isn't a base for traditional fps games. And there are lots of reasons the HD consoles are. And aiming accuracy is really only part of that equation. If aiming accuracy was the sole reason why people bought these games, we would have moved to some sort of light gun combo movement setup a long time ago. Just wanted to throw that out there that which is the "superior" aiming format has little connection with which will be the most popular among the masses. It's a much more complex argument although people are free to engage in it of course.
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