They keep these numbers "secret" because their customers pay a lot of money for the privilege of that information.hatchx said:Why do NPD keep all of these numbers secret?
Where do I sign up to get the numbers? I assume I have to pay?
They keep these numbers "secret" because their customers pay a lot of money for the privilege of that information.hatchx said:Why do NPD keep all of these numbers secret?
Where do I sign up to get the numbers? I assume I have to pay?
They're also having Monolith develop Monado: Beginning of the World. I'm guessing they mostly bought Monolith to be an RPG development house.timetokill said:I don't disagree with everything you said, but this in particular raised a flag to me. We all know the "kids with no friends" Yamauchi quote, but Nintendo overall? The company that has made a Mario RPG game for each generation since the N64? And has made multiple DS Mario RPGs? And is no doubt funding a third Golden Sun, not to mention the previous two? And responsible for the continuing Fire Emblem series, which we've seen on Wii as well? And paid for two Baten Kaitos games, despite mediocre reviews, and then purchased the company? And then went and secured Dragon Quest IX AND X on their platforms, as well as Monster Hunter Tri?
I don't know. I think they've been doing okay with RPGs. They just need a western RPG from Retro and they'll be set.
timetokill said:I don't disagree with everything you said, but this in particular raised a flag to me. We all know the "kids with no friends" Yamauchi quote, but Nintendo overall? The company that has made a Mario RPG game for each generation since the N64? And has made multiple DS Mario RPGs? And is no doubt funding a third Golden Sun, not to mention the previous two? And responsible for the continuing Fire Emblem series, which we've seen on Wii as well? And paid for two Baten Kaitos games, despite mediocre reviews, and then purchased the company? And then went and secured Dragon Quest IX AND X on their platforms, as well as Monster Hunter Tri?
charlequin said:Monster Hunter is in no way an RPG. Nintendo had nothing to do with "securing" Dragon Quest besides not calling up and telling Square-Enix "no" when they decided to bring the series to DS and Wii. I'm not overly impressed with the results of their Monolith purchase yet, either.
Golden Sun DS is indeed a bit of a different approach, though.
Opiate said:I wouldn't count on it -- reasonably, it should only get worse. As I'm sure you're aware, these cycles have a tendency of feeding themselves. The developers of such games will have even less incentive to make these games for Wii, which will mean less investment, which will further starve the audience, which will drive the audience to go elsewhere for subsistence, which will give developers even less incentive, and so forth.
Huh? They are?magash said:Of course nintendo cares about jrpg's...afterall they are the devs of the worlds best selling rpg.
Pokemon.Ydahs said:Huh? They are?
How can I forget?!Nirolak said:Pokemon.
PikachuYdahs said:How can I forget?
You really think that?charlequin said:Nintendo had nothing to do with "securing" Dragon Quest besides not calling up and telling Square-Enix "no" when they decided to bring the series to DS and Wii.
I'll take this as monthly rates. If we assume no changes from the linear behavior of the last month, where Wii dropped 35/week and X360 gained 4,370/week, it would take 6 months--December.MWS Natural said:So how long before the 360 and Wii cross streams in the U.S?
ShockingAlberto said:You really think that?
Flying_Phoenix said:Didn't the Wii start it's decline in America at April?
laserbeam said:Dragon Quest has always gone to the leading platforms in each generation. Last Gen was coming to an end so it would have been silly to start development of a new DQ game for any of them.
The DS was soaring up the sales charts and had a significant marketshare and was the only logical choice since it was the only established platform on the market during the console transition period.
Wii gets DQX simply because Wii is market leader.
And the world's best selling sports game.magash said:Of course nintendo cares about jrpg's...afterall they are the devs of the worlds best selling rpg.
JoJo13 said:DS sales are still incredibly high globally while the Wii is sliding (particularly in Japan), so your post doesn't have a whole lot of logic. If anything, DQX will go to the market leader -- which will, in your example, still be the DS.
And since DQ is a Japanese title by and large, the second console it could possibly go to is the PSP, and then the Wii -- in that order.
JoJo13 said:DS sales are still incredibly high globally while the Wii is sliding (particularly in Japan), so your post doesn't have a whole lot of logic. If anything, DQX will go to the market leader -- which will, in your example, still be the DS.
And since DQ is a Japanese title by and large, the second console it could possibly go to is the PSP, and then the Wii -- in that order.
Assuming the DS will still be the best choice 2-3 years from the release of DQIX is probably as safe a bet as that PS2 would still be the best choice 2-3 years from the release of DQVIII.JoJo13 said:DS sales are still incredibly high globally while the Wii is sliding (particularly in Japan), so your post doesn't have a whole lot of logic. If anything, DQX will go to the market leader -- which will, in your example, still be the DS.
PSP has the hardware lead on Wii thanks to launching two years earlier and the surge from PSP-2000 on, but their total software sales are pretty similar. Plus one of them has already sold half a million of a DQ spinoff. There's also that PSP being 2 years older, it (like the DS) seems more likely to be superseded in the next 2-3 years than Wii.JoJo13 said:And since DQ is a Japanese title by and large, the second console it could possibly go to is the PSP, and then the Wii -- in that order.
gerg said:Except on a worldwide basis, the Wii is massively outselling the PSP. (I could also imagine that by the time DQ X is released in Japan in a year or two, the Wii will have outsold the PSP again.)
I don't think it's so much the case that Nintendo did nothing in regards to getting DQX on the Wii, but I also think that to make it sound like it was a large effort on Nintendo's part is to exaggerate the situation. The DQ series always goes to the most successful platforms, and worldwide these are without question the DS and the Wii. All I imagine that Nintendo did was to nudge SE towards the Wii for DQX for the Wii's own sake, but I don't think they had to work very hard to secure it. The title's not exactly going to perform any worse because of it.
JoJo13 said:On a worldwide basis, Dragon Quest is 90% concerned with Japanese sales. The western markets don't give two shits about that title while Japan is absolutely enamored by it. So it doesn't really matter that the PSP isn't doing as well as the Wii in the US or's doing a lot better than the Wii currently is in Japan, and as such, it's a more likely platform for DQX than the Wii. Still, I think you'll be seeing the next DQ title on the DS again since it is the genuine 'market leader'.
JoJo13 said:On a worldwide basis, Dragon Quest is 90% concerned with Japanese sales. The western markets don't give two shits about that title while Japan is absolutely enamored by it. So it doesn't really matter that the PSP isn't doing as well as the Wii in the US or's doing a lot better than the Wii currently is in Japan, and as such, it's a more likely platform for DQX than the Wii.
mysticwhip said:Good PS2 sales, still going strong.
charlequin said:Monster Hunter is in no way an RPG. Nintendo had nothing to do with "securing" Dragon Quest besides not calling up and telling Square-Enix "no" when they decided to bring the series to DS and Wii. I'm not overly impressed with the results of their Monolith purchase yet, either.
Golden Sun DS is indeed a bit of a different approach, though.
Wii and DS requiire hardware mods. You have to purchase a card/stick for the DS and a mod chip you have to sauter onto a Wii. They are WAY harder to mod than a PSP. PSP is a free software mod. It's as easy it pirate as the Dreamcast was and is why PSP piracy is so widespread.Firestorm said:Both Wii and DS are far easier to pirate than PSP.
LTD again:
PlayStation 2 44,300,518
PlayStation 3 7,914,096
Xbox 360 15,480,886
Wii 20,564,781
I wouldn't say the Wii has more FPS fans than 360 at all.
Maxwell House said:Wii and DS requiire hardware mods. You have to purchase a card/stick for the DS and a mod chip you have to sauter onto a Wii. They are WAY harder to mod than a PSP. PSP is a free software mod.
Maxwell House said:Wii and DS requiire hardware mods. You have to purchase a card/stick for the DS and a mod chip you have to sauter onto a Wii. They are WAY harder to mod than a PSP. PSP is a free software mod. It's as easy it pirate as the Dreamcast was and is why PSP piracy is so widespread.
Maxwell House said:Wii and DS requiire hardware mods. You have to purchase a card/stick for the DS and a mod chip you have to sauter onto a Wii. They are WAY harder to mod than a PSP. PSP is a free software mod. It's as easy it pirate as the Dreamcast was and is why PSP piracy is so widespread.
Pureauthor said:Don't you need a Pandroa battery for PSP mods or something along those lines?
I put the HBC on my Wii (and later USB Loader) without spending a dime (other than the optional external HDD since I wanted to copy more than one of my games). I could've spent the same amount on my PSP but I didn't have anyone else with a CFW PSP to make a Pandora battery for me and I didn't want to crack open my own battery to make it one so I just bought one. Wii was MUCH easier than the PSP.Maxwell House said:Wii and DS requiire hardware mods. You have to purchase a card/stick for the DS and a mod chip you have to sauter onto a Wii. They are WAY harder to mod than a PSP. PSP is a free software mod. It's as easy it pirate as the Dreamcast was and is why PSP piracy is so widespread.
Inserting a special cartridge is not a mod. It's as easy as buying flash storage. Places do sell them in bundles.Maxwell House said:Wii and DS requiire hardware mods. You have to purchase a card/stick for the DS and a mod chip you have to sauter onto a Wii. They are WAY harder to mod than a PSP. PSP is a free software mod. It's as easy it pirate as the Dreamcast was and is why PSP piracy is so widespread.
JoshuaJSlone said:Being based on weekly, yearly, mid-yearly lists these numbers aren't perfectly complete, but about as good as one can get for viewing the total software sales per platform for every week:
charlequin said:Nintendo had nothing to do with "securing" Dragon Quest besides not calling up and telling Square-Enix "no" when they decided to bring the series to DS and Wii.
gerg said:Except on a worldwide basis, the Wii is massively outselling the PSP. (I could also imagine that by the time DQ X is released in Japan in a year or two, the Wii will have outsold the PSP again.)
I don't think it's so much the case that Nintendo did nothing in regards to getting DQX on the Wii, but I also think that to make it sound like it was a large effort on Nintendo's part is to exaggerate the situation. The DQ series always goes to the most successful platforms, and worldwide these are without question the DS and the Wii. All I imagine that Nintendo did was to nudge SE towards the Wii for DQX for the Wii's own sake, but I don't think they had to work very hard to secure it. The title's not exactly going to perform any worse because of it.
magash said:Of course nintendo cares about jrpg's...afterall they are the devs of the worlds best selling rpg.
ShockingAlberto said:You really think that?
Flying_Phoenix said:You're probably right about DQIX for the DS but Nintendo definitely played a part with DQX being on the Wii.
Flying_Phoenix said:I see what you're saying but DQ usually stays on one platform per generation. And combining this fact with SE still waiting to "test" the DS in terms of how it can serve a juggernaut putting and announcing DQX on the Wii really doesn't make any sense as the DS version hadn't even been released yet and if anything it should have gone to the DS again.
I'm a core gamer who only owns a Wii and I wouldn't touch the Conduit with a 10 foot stick. It's the definition of mediocre. So I'm glad the sales are possibly reflecting that even though it launched one week before July.TeethMummy said:last time it was "how did madworld not chart?!" this time its "how did conduit not chart?!"
When will you people learn?
:lolJoJo13 said:So it doesn't really matter that the PSP isn't doing as well as the Wii in the US or's doing a lot better than the Wii currently is in Japan, and as such, it's a more likely platform for DQX than the Wii.
farnham said:so now people are suggesting SE will deannounce DQ X for the wii and reannounce it for the PSP..?
i would follow your theory if theyd do that for the DS but the PSP..?? cmon
bcn-ron said:Inserting a special cartridge is not a mod. It's as easy as buying flash storage. Places do sell them in bundles.
DS piracy is easier for the simple fact that the games are smaller downloads.
gerg said:I agree that in many areas Nintendo remains conservative, but I ask why this conservative nature can't be a mixture of both intentional decision-making and unintentional limitations in thinking.
I don't want to seem like I'm splitting hairs here, but I don't understand why Nintendo can't have considered the matters you've stated, and simply chosen against pursuing them.
Why can't inaction be a positive option?
And I wouldn't suggest that the DS has been a hit with the demographic I mentioned earlier. I imagine the PSP has much greater penetration there.
schuelma said:I think Nintendo Japan is making an effort to get the core gamer market. I also think they might have waited too long in that attempt and stuff like Monster Hunter Tri and Tales of Graces should have been out last year.
I'm also curious as to SE's strategy with Dragon Quest X. I'm still somewhat doubtful we'll see it this generation
charlequin said:Why? I doubt we'll see a new generation in full swing until 2012, and there's really no problem with releasing DQX at the very tail end of a cycle -- that'll give them three years to make it happen.