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NPD Sales Results for March 2014 [Up4: FFX/X-2 HD]

I'm fairly sure there is. Probably just timed though. It will almost certainly be the COD model of exclusive content. It is Activision after all.

True. I'm surprised that Microsoft didn't pay for exclusive content this time around. Activision is very open to doing it as you mentioned, and you can guess almost with a certainty that Destiny is going to be a huge hit given that Bungie is developing it. Maybe Microsoft will pay for some type of timed exclusivity on DLC and it's just too early to know??
America really loves Nintendo home consoles, huh? The NES happened and the rest is history. Every single time: N64, Gamecube (2/3 of their sales were from NA, or something like that), even the OG Wii... I'm not saying that the Wii U sales aren't horrible, but it's probably doing better than in anywhere else?

It's a bit more complicated than that.

The NES sold like gangbusters, but had the market more or less to itself.

The next generation? Different story. SEGA went HARD after Nintendo with the Genesis, and thanks to a hyper aggressive marketing campaign, the Genesis beat the SNES soundly every year the two consoles went head to head. Official sales from back then are hard to find, but many estimates have Nintendo eventually pulling even with the Genesis, though it took them an additional 4 years or so on the market to do it. (sega killed the Genesis to start pushing the Saturn in 1995 or so)

The N64 did better in the US than elsewhere, thanks to RARE and a few western franchises. Goldeneye alone moved about a third of the units worldwide, and probably more than that in the US. Hard as it is to believe now, the N64 and not Sony or Sega was the "shooterbox" with FPS games like goldeneye, doom 64, the turok games, quake, mission impossible, etc. These games don't really sell in Japan, but sold system here...especially with 4 player capability.

The ps1 still outsold it by a fair margin, but FPS continued to be a genre Sony did poorly in all the way up to the current gen.

The GameCube? Lol. Outsold by the Xbox in the west by a fair margin and worldwide by a hair, and absolutely obliterated by the ps2. Only the Nintendo hardcore bothered with that one, distant third with very little US appeal.

The Wii is a bit of an anomaly, and analyzing what worked WELL and why its fortunes reversed and sales collapsed is a subject for its own thread.

The US has demonstrated many times over that brand loyalty in the console space is not a thing, and Nintendo isn't an exception.


I find it amazing how quickly this industry changes.

Last time around, Nintendo makes the decision to go with cheaper, last-gen hardware and is rewarded greatly for it.

This time around, Nintendo makes the same decision to go with cheaper, last-gen hardware and the public greatly rejects the move.

I still say nintendo really hurt wiiu with naming confusion and making the system look almost exactly like a wii with a different controller (or people being excited to take the tablet with them and you telling them that no, it still has to be used in front of your tv). And $350 wasn't that cheap when it came out compared to $200-$250 (can't remember what wii was at launch). Add in nintendo having nothing that really shows tablet use like Wii Sports showed wiimote use and I can see why no one cares. It's like they thought slapping Wii on the box would guarantee big sales (Did they really think they had become Apple?), and it turned out to cripple them instead.

Congrats to ps4, thought xbone would win this month. the deals even got me to buy one, lol. And TF is really great and the only thing I've been playing when I've had tme recently so it was nice to see it at #1 even if we don't know if it sold?


And they've got Driveclub which could be the wildcard.
Racing genre is super niche in America these days. It's the main reason they opted to delay so much -- the hype around it primarily existed because it was going to be given away for free, not because there's some huge market ready to buy it. This will appeal to the current base but will make a small blip at best in terms of moving hardware.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
So, Yoshi <160k (I guess close to 160k then?), how does this compare? Does anyone have numbers for YIDS, DKCR3D and maybe some other "second row" platformers? Of course comparing it to Mario wouldn't be all too helpful.


The GameCube? Lol. Outsold by the Xbox in the west by a fair margin and worldwide by a hair, and absolutely obliterated by the ps2. Only the Nintendo hardcore bothered with that one, distant third with very little US appeal.

That always makes me sad. What a great little machine it was with some of my favorite games of the generation. Needed to be played by more just like the Wii U so far.


i want this



Although it seems that Final Fantasy X did good. I'm more curious about Square's response about it. Imagine them saying that they were expecting the game to sell more, just like Tomb Raider's case.


Last gen is dead, there is no market. The lack of BC and premium space in people entertainment cabinets has seen to that.

Personally, I don't see that. Most of what I'd call my non-hardcore gamer friends all seem surprised that I've made the leap to the next generation. In terms of software sales, I'd say that last Gen will be strong for quite some time.

Having both a PS3 and a PS4, I can tell you that neither are sitting idle. There are still too many games on both that I'm interested in. Now next year after Persona 5 drops, things might change. That is the last last gen game that is on my radar as a must have.

For what it's worth, I made room in my entertainment center for both generations. Who uses a VCR nowadays any more? :)


We don't know if will be the case on launch.

And there is another factor. It's a Bungie game, Xbox fans may have more natural interest for Destiny.

PS4 - Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #139 in Video Games
Xbone - Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #183 in Video Games

Apparently, not enough Xbox fans saw Destiny. :)
And I checked few times in the previous few months, situation was always the same. PS4 was in the lead.


So, Yoshi <160k (I guess close to 160k then?), how does this compare? Does anyone have numbers for YIDS, DKCR3D and maybe some other "second row" platformers? Of course comparing it to Mario wouldn't be all too helpful.

Yoshi's Island DS sold 139k on launch (nov/06)

DKCR 3D sold ~90k on launch (may/13)

ps: This Yoshi 3DS number includes special 3DS XL hardware (not includes the game)


I find it amazing how quickly this industry changes.

Last time around, Nintendo makes the decision to go with cheaper, last-gen hardware and is rewarded greatly for it.

This time around, Nintendo makes the same decision to go with cheaper, last-gen hardware and the public greatly rejects the move.

Those people moved to tablets and smart phones.


Eh I highly doubt that. France Sales were god awful last year, and those countries in general move less hardware than the US.

That's the thing, american Vita sales are so bad they could lag behind way smaller market ones. From this topic,


Vita sold around 150k in UK in 2013. Let's say it's 2k a week in non-holiday season.


Vita sold around 70k in France in 2013. Let's say it's 1k a week in non-holiday season.

We know too Vita sales were on the rise in Europe after PS4 release:


We know Football Manager and FFX sold well by Vita standards in Europe.

So yeah, UK is definitively a bigger market for Vita this days than US and countries like France, Germany, Spain must be pretty close. Of course, we can hope things will go back to normal after Vita 2000 release.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I dont think its just about getting a more powerful console out than the PS4. There needs to be a real change on how Nintendo approach designing consoles. If they dont talk to third party developers to get an idea of what they want then there is no point.

I think the number one key for next gen is Nintendo has to find a way to increase their first party output. From what they have said I assume at the very least a unified development structure is coming. Nintendo cannot rely on 3rd parties, and the 3DS/Wii U dual development is killing them.


I find it amazing how quickly this industry changes.

Last time around, Nintendo makes the decision to go with cheaper, last-gen hardware and is rewarded greatly for it.

This time around, Nintendo makes the same decision to go with cheaper, last-gen hardware and the public greatly rejects the move.

The Wii launched at $249, with cutting edge motion control software that generated tremendous excitement among the public and even third party developers (it's hard to remember now, but it's true!). It also had perhaps the best pack in software of all time in the States, Wii Sports, that was the center of a nationwide social-motion gaming craze. And while it was greatly rewarded in sales, it lost out on a ton of third party support and royalties due to being substantially underpowered compared to its competitors.

The Wii U launched at two price points - to get the pack in software, it cost $349. The tablet controller doesn't even function as a tablet, because all of the guts are in the console itself. So not only was the hardware not cutting edge, it is substantially worse than what consumers had been using forever(in tech terms). The pack in software was Nintendoland. No craze over first party software. The same absence of third party software.

Nintendo has all the pieces in place to make competitive home consoles - they just have terrible management that continually misreads the market, and apparently doesn't understand why the Wii was such a success (HINT: it wasn't Mii's. Putting Mii's in Nintendoland was never going to print money.)
We don't know if will be the case on launch.

And there is another factor. It's a Bungie game, Xbox fans may have more natural interest for Destiny.
True, we dont know for sure but I dont think ms price cut would be this drastic at this stage. The dxclusive marketing will more than make up for all that natural interest, also alot of x360 owners like myself are switching to ps4


PS4 - Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #139 in Video Games
Xbone - Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #183 in Video Games

Apparently, not enough Xbox fans saw Destiny. :)
And I checked few times in the previous few months, situation was always the same. PS4 was in the lead.

I don't think we can take Amazon rankings with much consideration and still has several months until launch. But definitely marketing on PS4 will be a factor.


A spare PS3 has the advantage of not only acting as a Blu-Ray player for an extra room, but it also does Netflix/Amazon/Hulu streaming without the need to carry a Gold sub.

I know. I'm forced to use the Wii for NetFlix if I'm stuck in the den.

When I buy a PS4 soon the PS3 will get moved in there so I can have HD NetFlix and HBO Go on both of my TVs.
MGSV: GZ =278k, PS4 ~ 54%, XBO ~ 20% (both combined 204k), PS3 ~ 19%

This result throws into question the release of FFXV on the Bone. FF skews even more heavily to PlayStation and on 6m sales with 2m in Japan, the best result for Xbox will be 500-700k sales for FFXV. I don't see that giving SE a decent ROI. If Japanese/PlayStation oriented franchises don't see an improvement on the Bone I could see the ports being cancelled unless MS waive their platform fee and tweak the ROI figure for SE.

Hopefully it also means that Konami will can the last gen versions of TPP and go all in for next gen. By the time it releases the ~26% of last gen purchases will be significantly lower. Full fat next gen please KojiPro!


MGSV: GZ =278k, PS4 ~ 54%, XBO ~ 20% (both combined 204k), PS3 ~ 19%

This result throws into question the release of FFXV on the Bone. FF skews even more heavily to PlayStation and on 6m sales with 2m in Japan, the best result for Xbox will be 500-700k sales for FFXV. I don't see that giving SE a decent ROI. If Japanese/PlayStation oriented franchises don't see an improvement on the Bone I could see the ports being cancelled unless MS waive their platform fee and tweak the ROI figure for SE.

Hopefully it also means that Konami will can the last gen versions of TPP and go all in for next gen. By the time it releases the ~26% of last gen purchases will be significantly lower. Full fat next gen please KojiPro!

I know there are differences in the power capabilities, but the architectures between the two are very similar aren't they? Even with a slight downgrade, I can't imagine there being a massive investment required to port from PS4 to XB1.
To be fair about the vita my local gamestop hasn't had them in weeks. Once they sold what they had they've been waiting for the vita2k to ship.

And that's a huge misstep by Sony. How the hell do they discontinue the Vita and then not release the new model for weeks/months?!! Any momentum the thing could have gained has gone out the window now. I mean, 10k in a month?! GOT DAMN!!!!


MGSV: GZ =278k, PS4 ~ 54%, XBO ~ 20% (both combined 204k), PS3 ~ 19%

This result throws into question the release of FFXV on the Bone. FF skews even more heavily to PlayStation and on 6m sales with 2m in Japan, the best result for Xbox will be 500-700k sales for FFXV. I don't see that giving SE a decent ROI. If Japanese/PlayStation oriented franchises don't see an improvement on the Bone I could see the ports being cancelled unless MS waive their platform fee and tweak the ROI figure for SE.

Hopefully it also means that Konami will can the last gen versions of TPP and go all in for next gen. By the time it releases the ~26% of last gen purchases will be significantly lower. Full fat next gen please KojiPro!

1000x this. Although, I really like that they delivered perfect 1080p60 on PS4 verion of GZ.


Polygon's NPD coverage is....interesting.

"Xbox One's latest sales milestone follows an announcement from chief competitor Sony, who says it has sold more than 7 million PlayStation 4 consoles since launching in November 2013. A key distinction between the two sales numbers is that PS4 sales are reported as sold-through, or purchased by consumers, while Xbox One sales are reported as sold-in, or sold to retailers."

"Despite trailing PS4 by some 2 million units, Mehdi said global Xbox One sales are "outpacing Xbox 360 by more than 60 percent at the same point in time."

Clearly its not trailing by some 2m units...


It's a bit more complicated than that.

The NES sold like gangbusters, but had the market more or less to itself.

The next generation? Different story. SEGA went HARD after Nintendo with the Genesis, and thanks to a hyper aggressive marketing campaign, the Genesis beat the SNES soundly every year the two consoles went head to head. Official sales from back then are hard to find, but many estimates have Nintendo eventually pulling even with the Genesis, though it took them an additional 4 years or so on the market to do it. (sega killed the Genesis to start pushing the Saturn in 1995 or so)

The N64 did better in the US than elsewhere, thanks to RARE and a few western franchises. Goldeneye alone moved about a third of the units worldwide, and probably more than that in the US. Hard as it is to believe now, the N64 and not Sony or Sega was the "shooterbox" with FPS games like goldeneye, doom 64, the turok games, quake, mission impossible, etc. These games don't really sell in Japan, but sold system here...especially with 4 player capability.

The ps1 still outsold it by a fair margin, but FPS continued to be a genre Sony did poorly in all the way up to the current gen.

The GameCube? Lol. Outsold by the Xbox in the west by a fair margin and worldwide by a hair, and absolutely obliterated by the ps2. Only the Nintendo hardcore bothered with that one, distant third with very little US appeal.

The Wii is a bit of an anomaly, and analyzing what worked WELL and why its fortunes reversed and sales collapsed is a subject for its own thread.

The US has demonstrated many times over that brand loyalty in the console space is not a thing, and Nintendo isn't an exception.

Good post and I agree with you. However, my main point was that there seems to be more "hardcore Nintendo fans" in the US than anywhere else. I'd say that the difference compared to Europe, which is a comparable market in size, is pretty stark.

Sure, the Gamecube didn't sell well anywhere, but (over?) 50% of its sales were from NA. And I think it's pretty likely that even the OG Wii was a bigger phenomenon in the US than here in Europe. Aren't the Wii U sales pretty much nonexistent in EU? And in Japan the system is trailing behind the Vita. So it looks like that the same thing is happening with the Wii U.
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