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NPD Sales Results For May 2017

If mario have the appeal to the masses why WiiU was such a flop? It's a game aimed for the classic Nintendo audience and made to sell for years like all the other mario title, it isn't aimed for the whole industry like GTA, COD or every other popular shooter.
Mario Odissey will sel a lot of copies but it's a long term seller where COD, Destiny and Battlefront are all front loaded so there is no chance that it can be the most wished game this holiday.

Lol now we are denying Mario's appeal to the masses?

C'mon man Mario is one of the biggest brand names out there.
Which is a serious, serious concern. It's the summer now, with no MAJOR top-shelf games releasing (nothing like Zelda, Mario, or Kart; not denigrating Arms or Splat, they're just not tent poles yet) and it is *still* impossible to find one of these things.

I don't think it's going to get any easier with each passing month as demand rises and rises for holidays.

Splatoon 2 is a tentpole release.

But you're right, the holidays are going to be rough.


Damn this forum got strange all of the sudden. Any projections for the hardware numbers or is that impossible?

This happens whenever Nintendo does well. You should've seen what it was like when the NDS turned corner and started going astronomical. Especially with Nintendogs. People were losing their shit left and right.
Naw. Sometimes I wonder who the audience is that makes games sell 5+ million units. It's not die hard fans. It's the expanded audience. Mario Kart, Cod, Zelda, Fifa, NBA games dont rake in units from tm hardcore gamer. Its people who are casually into games that make these things huge successes.

5+ million is nothing when you look the games that have full casually appeal .
I'm curious how Street Fighter II and Disgaea 5 performed. I think NIS mentioned they had over 100k pre-orders for Disgaea 5 a while back. How close did either of those titles manage to get to that number?

I guess we have a hint in this thread, since John Harker suggested that Farpoint (#16) is under the range of 50K. SFII and Disgaea 5 are not in the top 20, so... someting does not compute very well with NISA preorders, unless I'm missing something.


Lol now we are denying Mario's appeal to the masses?

C'mon man Mario is one of the biggest brand names out there.

*To Nintendo fans...
Says jealous troll with no spending cash to play it this holiday

Seriously, Mario is a title that carries an entire console, casuals will run to stores to try out this new adventure, it is insane to say only diehards with want it on their wishlist


I know the switch is supply constrained but the PS4 selling more than it just a few more than after release seems concerning
This happens whenever Nintendo does well. You should've seen what it was like when the NDS turned corner and started going astronomical. Especially with Nintendogs. People were losing their shit left and right.
Ahh it's strange I mean I love Nintendo but we shouldn't be port begging and start shitting on the other consoles who are both excellent.
Anyway @thread someone said that Disgea 5 is less than 50k possibly, so does that mean it's preorders include digital? Because that would mean it would be a huge in terms of digital.


It reverses too tho...

- MH thread Nintendo fans are super pissy crapping on the game it's no longer exclusive and not portable "fake MH5"

- Every platform or big 3rd party title Switch owners are first posts "port to Switch please" or "this would be perfect on Switch" regardless of the game's technical achievements

- The Zelda hysteria and how it cannot possibly be inferior to Horizon, it's Zelda!!! Your opinion is wrong and you like shiny graphics more, not the amazing combat engine, traversal and hunting elements.

Fanboyism is honestly ruining this place. I try and stay in subbed and mostly interesting topics only, but it's creeping in everywhere

There are two sides to every coin, and as an outspoken Switch only gamer, I'll reply to some of these comments.

- Regarding MH, most people are being "pissy crapping" on Capcom for not localizing a game they have mostly localized already (MH XX), and they worry Capcom won't localize future portable entries either. Some have questioned how much of a "real" MH that MHW is but I wouldn't say all lf them are salty Nintendo fans.

- Port begging is bad, but also this notion that "ofc xxx game can't be ported it's too demanding", which seems to be used for every game not getting a port, most lately for DBFZ, which we indeed got confirmation wasn't due to technical limitations. Ofc, this is a discussion meant for specific threads discussing 3rd party games on Switch, and not derail threads.

- I think the Zelda vs Horizon thing is way overblown and mostly something a minority can be blamed from. If you check Zelda threads nowadays the discussion is more if the game is as good as critics thinks or not.

idk, I personally try to stay out of non Switch related stuff so hard to say how say the MHW thread is doing.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Ahh it's strange I mean I love Nintendo but we shouldn't be port begging and start shitting on the other consoles who are both excellent.
Anyway @thread someone said that Disgea 5 is less than 50k possibly, so does that mean it's preorders include digital? Because that would mean it would be a huge in terms of digital.

I believe the Disgaea 5 100K-ish numbers was for the West overall- so far more than just the US.


If mario have the appeal to the masses why WiiU was such a flop? It's a game aimed for the classic Nintendo audience and made to sell for years like all the other mario title, it isn't aimed for the whole industry like GTA, COD or every other popular shooter.
Mario Odissey will sel a lot of copies but it's a long term seller where COD, Destiny and Battlefront are all front loaded so there is no chance that it can be the most wished game this holiday.
The wiiu was a flop, Mario did well in spite of being on it. You are looking at it backwards


Mine is pretty and pink
Switch port begging is the absolute worst, most arent even subtle about it.

Dude, come on. Do you remember how gaf was when the Vita for example still was alive (and even after it is officially dead in the west it still continues at times). People portbeg, I would not call out one fanbase as worse than any other as it comes in cycles. Remember how on edge gaf was just as japanese developers started supporting the PC and releasing their games on steam and eveyrone complained about the PC portbeggers in every thread?

Switch is the new hotness and it needs games so people portbeg, it's not the first console with this amount of portbegging and it is definetly not the last. Though I got to agree "No Switch?" is awfully annoying to see as first post.
5+ million is nothing when you look the games that have full casually appeal .

Flip it to 10 million. The point is exactly the same. You think Smash bros sells 13 million units on the back of die hard nintendo fans? You think Fifa is selling to hardcore gamers? You think Battlefield or CoD are successful due to dedicated audiences or expanded audiences?

mario imo appeals to nintendo fans, it just doesn't grab the entry level kids like it used too.

This here is insanity. The best selling 3D Mario game is Galaxy at about 12-13m. 3D World is at about 5.5m with literally 1/8th of the userbase. I can't believe we are actually doubting Mario's selling power.
That'd be terrible if XB1 is only around 100K. What makes you think that? Could someone post last years' numbers for reference?

PS4: 207k
XB1: 107k

Since PS4 is first, it's probably around 200k. Given XB1 sales in the past few months, there's no reason to think it's also not around 100k. Maybe even lower depending on if PS4 is up or down from last year.
Dude, come on. Do you remember how gaf was when the Vita for example still was alive (and even after it is officially dead in the west it still continues at times). People portbeg, I would not call out one fanbase as worse than any other as it comes in cycles. Remember how on edge gaf was just as japanese developers started supporting the PC and releasing their games on steam and eveyrone complained about the PC portbeggers in every thread?

Switch is the new hotness and it needs games so people portbeg, it's not the first console with this amount of portbegging and it is definetly not the last.
None of this makes it ok
You're talking to someone who's owned every Nintendo Console day one except Switch including Virtual Boy. I have No hate for Nintendo what so ever.

All I'm saying is Nintendo has it's die-hard base that'll be majority of Switch owners. There was a 3D and 2D Mario on Wiiu It didn't tip of the Scales. I think the game Will sell great without a doubt. Just maybe some should keep expectation in check.

Nintendo software success is completely contingent on successful hardware.

If people want the hardware, Nintendo software sells at an insane pace, with an insane attach rate.

This is how you go from 30+ million units sold with NSMB and Mario Kart on Wii, to less than 10 million a piece on WiiU.

Nintendo is in a closed loop paradox. They won't sell software without hardware the public wants, and the public won't want their hardware unless there's software that sells it.


This happens whenever Nintendo does well. You should've seen what it was like when the NDS turned corner and started going astronomical. Especially with Nintendogs. People were losing their shit left and right.
Ahhh the good old days 😂, will never forget the GBA battles with the PS3!
I would say splatoon is worthy of being called a tent pole after the performance the first game had on fucking WiiU. Splatoon 2 is their big summer game and I see no reason for it not driving demand for the hardware (Especially in Japan) as it did for awhile for the WiiU, an almost dead system at the time of the Splatoon 1 release.
It will be impossible to realize if it drives demand for hardware, especially in Japan, because there is no supply. It will be extremely difficult to tell if those new consoles were bought specifically because of Splat, Zelda, Kart, impending Mario, etc. If Nintendo could put some systems on shelves, it would be much easier to know. The stock situation sounds worse in japan, from what they've been talking on the 8-4 Play podcast. Lotteries?

I did just see that Splatoon shipped almost 5 million on Wii U so maybe I am off about it being a tent pole release. I guess Mario/Pokémon/Zelda are even bigger than "tent pole" releases.
If mario have the appeal to the masses why WiiU was such a flop? It's a game aimed for the classic Nintendo audience and made to sell for years like all the other mario title, it isn't aimed for the whole industry like GTA, COD or every other popular shooter.
Mario Odissey will sel a lot of copies but it's a long term seller where COD, Destiny and Battlefront are all front loaded so there is no chance that it can be the most wished game this holiday.

I keep reading this and still can't figure out what point you're trying to make.


It reverses too tho...

- MH thread Nintendo fans are super pissy crapping on the game it's no longer exclusive and not portable "fake MH5"

- Every platform or big 3rd party title Switch owners are first posts "port to Switch please" or "this would be perfect on Switch" regardless of the game's technical achievements

- The Zelda hysteria and how it cannot possibly be inferior to Horizon, it's Zelda!!! Your opinion is wrong and you like shiny graphics more, not the amazing combat engine, traversal and hunting elements.

Fanboyism is honestly ruining this place. I try and stay in subbed and mostly interesting topics only, but it's creeping in everywhere

Did you have this same mentality with the Vita getting the same "Vita please!" posts in a lot of threads for years.
Did you have this same mentality with the Vita getting the same "Vita please!" posts in a lot of threads for years.

I doubt it.

Right now it’s real easy to sling shit at Switch owners, and generalizing all of them. But those people who do so are ignored by me. No time to read that nonsense, from any fanboy.


Nintendo need to sort out the switch shortages. If theyre still competing with Apple for supply, they will be even worse off around September when the new iPhone goes into full scale production.

Also sad to see USF2 selling more than actual good games.

Is Street Fighter 2 not regarded as one of the best games of all time?
If mario have the appeal to the masses why WiiU was such a flop? It's a game aimed for the classic Nintendo audience and made to sell for years like all the other mario title, it isn't aimed for the whole industry like GTA, COD or every other popular shooter.
Mario Odissey will sel a lot of copies but it's a long term seller where COD, Destiny and Battlefront are all front loaded so there is no chance that it can be the most wished game this holiday.

So are you saying Mario Kart also doesn't appeal to the masses since it didn't cause the Wii U to not flop?


It's so tiresome when people use, "Mario didn't sell that well on the Wii U though!!" when the Switch and the Wii U are in completely different stratospheres, especially in appeal. Nothing would have been able to sell the Wii U, the console was its own anchor.
Dude, come on. Do you remember how gaf was when the Vita for example still was alive (and even after it is officially dead in the west it still continues at times). People portbeg, I would not call out one fanbase as worse than any other as it comes in cycles. Remember how on edge gaf was just as japanese developers started supporting the PC and releasing their games on steam and eveyrone complained about the PC portbeggers in every thread?

Switch is the new hotness and it needs games so people portbeg, it's not the first console with this amount of portbegging and it is definetly not the last. Though I got to agree "No Switch?" is awfully annoying to see as first post.

I really dont know about other consoles, I wasnt here when Vita and PC portbegging was rampant. Talking about my experience (which began last year) Switch port beggers are really annoying. I understand why it happens, but watching it constantly starts to get old fast.

idk, I personally try to stay out of non Switch related stuff so hard to say how say the MHW thread is doing.
regardless fanboys gonna fanboy, and they are on all consoles lol...I'm not debating how they start or how some issues aren't legitimate. Though I'm not sure DBFZ is a good example to use, it's based off Guilty Gear which does use a lot of advanced tech. Changes would certainly have to made for a port. Just saying Nintendo doing well and "people go crazy" is always shouted, but the fans of those platforms can be just as crazy as any other.

Console wars...serious business


That'd be terrible if XB1 is only around 100K. What makes you think that? Could someone post last years' numbers for reference?
Last month it was around 120k (estimated).

With no significant SW releases, there's nothing that could potentially have moved XB numbers up this month. Plus, the reveal of Scorpio had only hurt the console's sales leading up to the reveal.
Did you have this same mentality with the Vita getting the same "Vita please!" posts in a lot of threads for years.
Who cares man

Back on topic...

MLB is such an underrated little performer. Seems to grow every year. I think if Baseball became more popular again so would that game.
Flip it to 10 million. The point is exactly the same. You think Smash bros sells 13 million units on the back of die hard nintendo fans? You think Fifa is selling to hardcore gamers? You think Battlefield or CoD are successful due to dedicated audiences or expanded audiences?

I mean i get the point i just thought the number was to low to show expanded audiences \ causally success .


Who cares man

Obviously you do since it is such a problem for you. Just saying it was just as bad if not worse with the Vita. The difference here is the market want a Switch and only forum dwellers and niche Japanese fans wanted a Vita. It is tiring all the same regardless we can agree on that
I mean i get the point i just thought the number was to low to show expanded audiences causally success .

Fair enough. I feel ya on that. Maybe I am underselling it. Though I wonder, 5 million is a lot of units isn't it? I get that the CoDs and Destinys and Fifas aim higher but would we say a game that sold 5 million isn't mainstream? Is the threshold for a smash hit that high now a days? Though on the flip, if CoD sold 5 million we would be yelling doom and gloom so who knows.
Now compare that to how many PS4 exclusives are on the list vs Nintendo. Or just how many games period that would compete for attention with HZD on PS4 vs what's on the Switch competing with BotW.

Which also happens to be a new IP on PS4.

Could have just said 1 game has 30 years of marketing the other is a great game Horizon
Obviously you do since it is such a problem for you. Just saying it was just as bad if not worse with the Vita. The difference here is the market want a Switch and only forum dwellers and niche Japanese fans wanted a Vita. It is tiring all the same regardless we can agree on that
That was my point we're derailing...it's fanboys across all the platforms, if you don't agree with that leave it alone


Can I just ask if someone has shared some leaky actual (vague) numbers for Fire Emblem Echoes?

I don't wanna read through console wars/salt weirdness.


Dood nice job PS4 going stronger as this cycle progresses. Expected Switch to be #1 but that's likely due to supply constraints. Xbox at 100ish k per month is just bleh.
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