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NPD Sales Results for November 2009


Master Z said:
How do you know this? May I also have this knowledge? I'd love to know the game line-ups for next holiday season, especially exclusives. And what about Nintendo? Will the new Zelda release next year?!

How do I know what? MS's exclusives next year? Off the top of my head it's Alan Wake, Splinter Cell Conviction, Bioshock 2, Crackdown 2, Halo Reach, Mass Effect 2, Fable 3, plus the Natal stuff which will probably be handled like a relaunch. It's a pretty packed year for them.

I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with, though. I didn't say anything about Sony's 2010, I'm just saying MS's 2010 is obviously a lot more packed than their 2009.

Mod Abuse
Dragona Akehi said:
Alright here comes the one and only warning you're all going to get:

Anyone else who makes the claim that the 360 outsold the PS3 because of "the mass bannings" after this post is going to get a six month ban.

It's fucking ridiculous: it's the same stupid argument that PS2 sold because people kept rebuying them because they broke. So knock it off.
/Mod Abuse


Karma said:

I’m gonna buy 5000 copies of that epic shit and wallpaper my room in gaudy steelbook greatness.
Dash said:
I'm feeling pretty disappointed right now that the PS3 lost to the 360, I have to admit :{.
Why would you care either way? This seems to be the root of irrational fanboy wars, that people are personally invested.


I'm so embarrassed to be a 360 only owner sometimes

some of you, I mean unless ms is cutting you a cheque, are just incredibly pathetic
The tin foil hats are strong in this thread :lol I'm happy a mod stepped in, however entertaining it was.

Funniest thing is just how consistently wrong Pachter is- GAF often is more on-spot than he is (but GAF seriously underestimated the 360 this month as well)


Now we know what that spiral shaped thing in the clouds over Norway was......

banned member crashing and burning


olimpia84 said:
My thoughts:

*Those MW2 numbers are simply insane!

*As far as the 360>PS3...all I can say is wow, I didn't expect that to happen at all. This is definitely a low blow for Sony :(

*The massive banning worked out for MS just in time for the release of MW2 increasing console sales. Good job MS.

*Nintendo enjoying the usual amazing sales. The Wii and DS can't be stopped. :lol :lol @ Mario Kart Wii.

*Reggie will end up being right. I really can't see the PS3 version of MW2 selling another million for each of the next two NPD months. NSMB Wii on the other hand will keep selling very well.

was fun knowing you...


Mrbob said:
No more denying 360 is the software beast for this generation of systems.

Eh? It's better than XBX. Way below PS2. Wii is about equal to PS2. I guess you're talking about some specific criteria, though, instead of total software selling power.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Anerythristic said:
Now all this thread needs is an NPD release letting us know

"OOPS! We reversed the 360 and PS3 sales results; our bad." :lol
That would be.. awesome.
elrechazao said:
I'll set myself up here: Mass Effect 2's first month 360 alone outsells DAO's first month ps3 + 360.
Extremely safe bet, doncha think? Hell, it's more risky, but not by all that much, to say that it will outsell Dragon Age's November across all platforms including PC, too, just for its few days in January on X360...not counting the PC version sales. That's a bit more spicy sounding.


will learn eventually
olimpia84 said:
My thoughts:

*Those MW2 numbers are simply insane!

*As far as the 360>PS3...all I can say is wow, I didn't expect that to happen at all. This is definitely a low blow for Sony :(

*The massive banning worked out for MS just in time for the release of MW2 increasing console sales. Good job MS.

*Nintendo enjoying the usual amazing sales. The Wii and DS can't be stopped. :lol :lol @ Mario Kart Wii.

*Reggie will end up being right. I really can't see the PS3 version of MW2 selling another million for each of the next two NPD months. NSMB Wii on the other hand will keep selling very well.

6 long months my friend
MightyHedgehog said:
Extremely safe bet, doncha think? Hell, it's more risky, but not by all that much, to say that it will outsell Dragon Age's November across all platforms including PC, too, just for its few days in January on X360...not counting the PC version sales. That's a bit more spicy sounding.
Well, read the posts I was quoting.


Dabanton said:
It;s an interesting situation,MS still has a 360 redesign in them plus natal basically a brand new relaunch it's going to be very interesting to see how Sony can counter that now they've shown their hand.

This. How many here would rebuy a 360 slim?

Chris R

Nfinit said:
I can't help but imagine the market for DA:O and Mass Effect are largely the same.
Similar, but seeing as one is a classic styled rpg and the other is a future/scifi shooter with rpg elements they do target different auidences. ME2 360 should outsell DA:O 360 easily though, maybe even double.


OldJadedGamer said:
Looking at 360's numbers from last November can you really say that they are "fucking HIGH" or that the system "over performed"?

There was only a comma separating my two statements, which I hoped implied that I meant that 360 was high (compared to expectations), which is why the general consensus is surprise. but I meant High compared to expectations, as we can see with that beautiful graph someone made, it was about 25% above expectations, while PS3 was about 8 percent below.


donny2112 said:
Eh? It's better than XBX. Way below PS2. Wii is about equal to PS2. I guess you're talking about some specific criteria, though, instead of total software selling power.

Yeah I do have specific criteria. X360 sells games styles I like to play versus the Wii which is full of Nintendo titles (which can be ok) and casual garbage (which is not ok).


Junior Member
elrechazao said:
Why would you care either way? This seems to be the root of irrational fanboy wars, that people are personally invested.

I can't help it. Every generation I've owned all the major consoles, but I always feel a certain affection to each generation's underdog. First the N64, GCN, and now the PS3. Each deserved more market success than they got, even though their libraries didn't quite match the PS1 and PS2 respectively (it remains to be seen with the PS3 vs. 360).


Strap on your hooker ...
Probably been asked, but did the 360 MW2 bundles count toward the MW2 numbers? If not, that would probably represent yet another 100k+ copies of MW2 moved for the month. Yowza.


Wow. Nice numbers. Thanks to the NPD guys and everybody that made this possible.

Tch. More than 6 million. Ridiculous.


Junior Member
donny2112 said:
Eh? It's better than XBX. Way below PS2. Wii is about equal to PS2. I guess you're talking about some specific criteria, though, instead of total software selling power.

Interesting. Where are you getting your figures? Compared to install base I thought 360 had a higher attach rate than any console?


It's kinda funny, PS3 went all retard strong this year, going from Krilin to SSJ3 Goku, yelling kame hames all over the place.

360 was so passive.
Shig said:
Probably been asked, but did the 360 MW2 bundles count toward the MW2 numbers? If not, that would probably represent yet another 100k+ copies of MW2 moved for the month. Yowza.

CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2* (360) |Nov-09| 4.20M
(*includes CE, GOTY editions, bundles, etc. but not those bundled with hardware)


Dash said:
I'm feeling pretty disappointed right now that the PS3 lost to the 360, I have to admit :{.

It's not like the 360 selling more makes the PS3 any less awesome. Not a big deal really.


Neo Member
PlayStation 3 710.4K
Xbox 360 819.5K

wow. and 360 is still a software beast!

CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2* (360) |Nov-09| 4.20M
ASSASSIN'S CREED II (360) |Nov-09| 794.7K
LEFT 4 DEAD 2 (360) |Nov-09| 744.0K
WII SPORTS RESORT* (WII) |Jul-09| 720.2K
WII FIT PLUS* (WII) |Oct-09| 679.0K
ASSASSIN'S CREED II (PS3) |Nov-09| 448.4K
DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS* (360) |Nov-09| 362.1K
MARIO KART W/ WHEEL (WII) |Apr-08| 315.0K


Unconfirmed Member
Wow at MKWii. Two year old game and it just keeps chugging on. Good job. ^.^


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
SapientWolf said:
Someone put Dragona's quote in the first page before this thread turns into a graveyard.
I personally want to see the graveyard.


Junior Member
It;s an interesting situation,MS still has a 360 redesign in them plus natal basically a brand new relaunch it's going to be very interesting to see how Sony can counter that now they've shown their hand.

Here's the thing. PS3 will always have Blu-Ray going for them. As they lower the price this will be more and more of an asset. All they need to do is drop the price and they are back in business.
OgTheClever said:
360 exclusive advertising definitely seems to show with MW2, both software and hardware.

Didn't Sony have exclusive advertising with Assassin's Creed II? Numbers for that game were pretty much the same ratio between the systems.

Karma said:
This. How many here would rebuy a 360 slim?

I had a DS fat and I bought a DS lite, I had a PS3 fat and I bought a PS3 slim. I have a 360 fat and I will buy a 360 slim.
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