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NPD Sales Results for November 2009


HD consoles sales combined > Wii. We win!

Mod Abuse
Dragona Akehi said:
Alright here comes the one and only warning you're all going to get:

Anyone else who makes the claim that the 360 outsold the PS3 because of "the mass bannings" after this post is going to get a six month ban.

It's fucking ridiculous: it's the same stupid argument that PS2 sold because people kept rebuying them because they broke. So knock it off.
/Mod Abuse


Mindlog said:
Someone dig at AC1 was AC2 sales a little harder :]

AC2 sold fewer copies opening month? AC2 is the FAR better game.

here’s the 2007 numbers. 360 AC franchise sales down. PS3 sales up. considering how MW2 dominated everything on 360, I’m not surprised AC2 didn’t reach the first game’s numbers.

360 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 1.57 million

Wii Super Mario Galaxy 1.12 million

360 Assassin’s Creed 980K

PS2 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock 967K

Wii Wii Play (w. Remote) 564K

360 Mass Effect 473K

PS3 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 444K

Wii Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock 426K

360 Halo 3 387K

PS3 Assassin’s Creed 377K


Whoa at 360 outselling PS3 (and by ~110k too). I thought 360 would get crushed this month for sure. All of the retail musings here of 360 selling poorly on Black Friday and with Microsoft being completely silent while Nintendo/Sony were bragging, seemed like a sure thing that 360 would be in last place.

It really feels like MS wasn't even bothering to compete this holiday - they had no response to the Wii/PS3 price drops, non-existent advertising, absolutely terrible bundles this year, etc. Surprised they were able to sell that much in Nov.


legend166 said:
Assassin's Creed 1 in November 07: 1,357,000.

Assassin's Creed 2 in November 09: 1,243,100.

I wonder if Ubisoft are happy about that.

Yeah but it'll probably do better overall as people actually like AC2 as compared to the backlash AC1 suffered.


The big suprise this month of course is the 360 vs PS3 placement.
I guess Microsoft played their cards really well for the month thanks to the COD4 bundle and to a few key promotions (Arcade at 99$ for a week) which seem to have made the difference during the first part of the month and clearly have more than offset the advantage PS3 had during the BF week.
Probably 360 had a month like this (100k-200k-200k-300k) while the PS3 had something like (100k-100k-100k-400k).
December will be an interesting battle for sure. BF week is usually a clear indicator of purchase intents for December but the 360 can still count on the 199$ Arcade as a relatively cheap gift for kids, so who knows.
All the other platforms did as I expected expect for the PSP which did really pathetic numbers but I guess it was deserved, their so called 'software relaunch' was a failure, a few big names hiding many mediocre titles and the PSP Go pricing was a suicide....15m for the FY my ass, at this rate they'll do less than 10m :lol I guess they will try with a big price drop next year before switching their focus to PSP2.

COD4 did amazingly well (I don't think such a success it's really deserved actually but it's just my opinion), really good numbers for Mario and AC2 too.


Jealous Bastard
legend166 said:
Assassin's Creed 1 in November 07: 1,357,000.

Assassin's Creed 2 in November 09: 1,243,100.

I wonder if Ubisoft are happy about that.

considering the backlash and negative word of mouth on AC1, i think maintaining that is pretty damn good.


LCfiner said:
here’s the 2007 numbers. 360 AC franchise sales down. PS3 sales up. considering how MW2 dominated everything on 360, I’m not surprised AC2 didn’t reach the first game’s numbers.

360 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 1.57 million

Wii Super Mario Galaxy 1.12 million

360 Assassin’s Creed 980K

PS2 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock 967K

Wii Wii Play (w. Remote) 564K

360 Mass Effect 473K

PS3 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 444K

Wii Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock 426K

360 Halo 3 387K

PS3 Assassin’s Creed 377K

I just figured the first game sucking was the reason some didn't jump on the second.. it's why I didn't.


chris0701 said:
Microsoft was so silent on FB/Thanksgiving sales,interesting.:lol :lol :lol
Cause I'm pretty sure they were outsold during BF. But they had steady high sales all month cause MW2.

Elios83 said:
*intelligent post*
You seem like a good guy. Your thoughts mirror mine.


DrForester said:
Apparently it was.....

... Uncharted



another little tidbit that I find interesting.


360 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 1.57 million
PS3 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 444K



360 sales for the franchise have increased by a factor of 2.67 times. OK. that’s big.

PS3 sales for the franchise have increased by a factor of 4.2 times. wow. big difference for the PS3.

Oh, and let’s not forget the 90 dollar and 150 dollar special editions of this thing. I’d love to know the average retail price of all the skus for MW2
Wow at Modern Warfare 2. (Bundles not included...heh wonder how much they sold)

Lots of surprises all around, entertaining month.


I called 360>PS3 for November and December, and, as a corollary, 360>PS3 throughout the holiday season. That still looks likely, depending on how many of those 360 sales were in immediate reaction to the ban wave.

I guess Pachter's recent guess of PS3>360 wasn't based on early NPD numbers. Either that or he gets really rough estimates.

Also, LOL at Reggie's prediction of NSMB>MW2 360 through the holiday season. NWIFH that happens after seeing those 360 numbers. He should've bet on lifetime sales, since NSMB will no doubt be in the top 10 for like the next 9 months. Even that, however, I doubt will happen now.

And no way in hell FFXIII has anywhere near a 6 million unit first month. Hell, I doubt it'll even compare in worldwide lifetime sales.


Seeing the modern warfare 2 numbers on 360 and keeping in mind that they had a decent bundle and banned 1M live accounts I am not surprised at those 360 console numbers. Each system did really well though, software side no surprises. Cant wait for the top 20 wondering where uncharted 2 and batman are.
GEP said:
Seeing the modern warfare 2 numbers on 360 and keeping in mind that they had a decent bundle and banned 1M live accounts I am not surprised at those numbers. Each system did really well though, software side no surprises. Cant wait for the top 20 wondering where uncharted 2 and batman are.

GavinGT said:
I called 360>PS3 for November and December, and, as a corollary, 360>PS3 throughout the holiday season. That still looks likely, depending on how many of those 360 sales were in immediate reaction to the ban wave.

I guess Pachter's recent guess of PS3>360 wasn't based on early NPD numbers. Either that or he gets really rough estimates.

Also, LOL at Reggie's prediction of NSMB>MW2 360 through the holiday season. NWIFH that happens after seeing those 360 numbers. He should've bet on lifetime sales, since NSMB will no doubt be in the top 10 for like the next 9 months. Even that, however, I doubt will happen now.

LCfiner said:
another little tidbit that I find interesting.


360 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 1.57 million
PS3 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 444K



360 sales for the franchise have increased by a factor of 2.67 times. OK. that’s big.

PS3 sales for the franchise have increased by a factor of 4.2 times. wow. big difference for the PS3.

Oh, and let’s not forget the 90 dollar and 150 dollar special editions of this thing. I’d love to know the average retail price of all the skus for MW2

What's % of userbase sell-through ?


GEP said:
Seeing the modern warfare 2 numbers on 360 and keeping in mind that they had a decent bundle and banned 1M live accounts I am not surprised at those numbers. Each system did really well though, software side no surprises. Cant wait for the top 20 wondering where uncharted 2 and batman are.

Ahhhhh you died so young...

Thanks for playing


DMeisterJ said:
TH: Ride
Wii - 67k
360 - 30k
PS3 - 16k




Master Z said:
lol I was being sarcastic, for the most part....however I am curious to know how you know that Sony has as you say "threw everything but the kitchen sink out there this year" which I interpret as you implying that Sony has nothing big lined-up for next year....I seem to remember some people here saying the same thing about MS for 2008. :p But perhaps my interpretation is wrong?

Yeah, you read it wrong. I wasn't saying anything about Sony's 2010, just that they pulled out a lot of stops this year (remodel, price cut, a few major exclusives) while MS took it easy, comparatively.


Dabanton said:
Yes,but the other BR players are dropping in price as well,the more players that flood the market the less that people who were buying the PS3 for Blu -Ray feel the need to.

Especially once cheap ones hit the market.
This. I mean, you can get a BR player now for less than $100. I got a Panasonic BR player for my mom for $80 a few weeks ago. People that don't play games have no incentive to buy a PS3 now over a cheaper priced standalone player.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
GavinGT said:
I called 360>PS3 for November and December, and, as a corollary, 360>PS3 throughout the holiday season. That still looks likely, *************************************************************.

I guess Pachter's recent guess of PS3>360 wasn't based on early NPD numbers. Either that or he gets really rough estimates.

Also, LOL at Reggie's prediction of NSMB>MW2 360 through the holiday season. NWIFH that happens after seeing those 360 numbers.

I would probably delete the last part of your first sentence tbh just to be sure mate.
GEP said:
Seeing the modern warfare 2 numbers on 360 and keeping in mind that they had a decent bundle and banned 1M live accounts I am not surprised at those 360 console numbers. Each system did really well though, software side no surprises. Cant wait for the top 20 wondering where uncharted 2 and batman are.
hur hur


itsgreen said:
Ahhhhh you died so young...

Thanks for playing
I suppose I shouldn't mention the bannings since people get touchy but the bundle was a smart move for Microsoft.


legend166 said:
Assassin's Creed 1 in November 07: 1,357,000.

Assassin's Creed 2 in November 09: 1,243,100.

I wonder if Ubisoft are happy about that.

It'll do more than enough in sales for a third game, and that's all that matters
GEP said:
Seeing the modern warfare 2 numbers on 360 and keeping in mind that they had a decent bundle and banned 1M live accounts I am not surprised at those 360 console numbers. Each system did really well though, software side no surprises. Cant wait for the top 20 wondering where uncharted 2 and batman are.

Vivi deserves better.


Road said:
Nintendo also said NSMBWii is over 2 million to date according to their internal tracking, right?
Nintendo said:
Nintendo’s internal sales figures show that the first four-player Super Mario Bros. game has already surpassed the 2 million sales mark when December sales are included


GEP said:
Seeing the modern warfare 2 numbers on 360 and keeping in mind that they had a decent bundle and banned 1M live accounts I am not surprised at those 360 console numbers. Each system did really well though, software side no surprises. Cant wait for the top 20 wondering where uncharted 2 and batman are.

That's four now, right?
OldJadedGamer said:
Didn't Sony have exclusive advertising with Assassin's Creed II? Numbers for that game were pretty much the same ratio between the systems.
Comparing the ratios, I can see that PS3 sales of AC2 are more than half of the 360's whilst being less than half for MW2. Now of course there could be other factors, such as the 360 being generally better known for shooters, but MW is an order of magnitude more popular than AC and advertising can have a big effect on how a product sells.
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