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NPD Sales Results for November 2009

omg rite said:

Please, don't do that. :lol

Mod Abuse
Dragona Akehi said:
Alright here comes the one and only warning you're all going to get:

Anyone else who makes the claim that the 360 outsold the PS3 because of "the mass bannings" after this post is going to get a six month ban.

It's fucking ridiculous: it's the same stupid argument that PS2 sold because people kept rebuying them because they broke. So knock it off.
/Mod Abuse


Dash said:
I can't help it. Every generation I've owned all the major consoles, but I always feel a certain affection to each generation's underdog. First the N64, GCN, and now the PS3. Each deserved more market success than they got, even though their libraries didn't quite match the PS1 and PS2 respectively (it remains to be seen with the PS3 vs. 360).

Sony launching at 600 bucks means they don’t deserve anything more than they’ve gotten so far.

It took them 3 years to finally get to a respectable price point. And, hey, they’re finally selling respectably.


Nfinit said:
I can't help but imagine the market for DA:O and Mass Effect are largely the same.
Mass Effect is more console focused. DA:O's gameplay roots are on the PC, which some console players are enjoying, but others aren't. ME2 will destroy DA:O sales wise. The latter should still do at bare minimum two million combined worldwide.


pieatorium said:
CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE 2* (360) |Nov-09| 4.20M
(*includes CE, GOTY editions, bundles, etc. but not those bundled with hardware)

It would be nice if NPD provided some HW/SW number breakdown for the bundles like they did with MGS4, but I doubt it.


Didn't see this posted, sorry if it's already here.
Nintendo said:
Six of the top 10 best-selling games of all of 2009 through November play on Nintendo systems. These include Wii Fit at No. 2 with more than 3.5 million sold, Wii Sports Resort at No. 3 with nearly 2.4 million sold, Mario Kart Wii at No. 4 with more than 2.2 million sold, Wii Play™ at No. 5 with more than 2.1 million sold, Pokémon™ Platinum Version at No. 6 with more than 1.9 million sold and New Super Mario Bros. Wii at No. 10 with nearly 1.4 million sold. Consumers have also been enjoying Wii Fit Plus, which has sold more than 1.1 million as of the end of November.

Master Z

VALIS said:
How do I know what? MS's exclusives next year? Off the top of my head it's Alan Wake, Splinter Cell Conviction, Bioshock 2, Crackdown 2, Halo Reach, Mass Effect 2, Fable 3, plus the Natal stuff which will probably be handled like a relaunch. It's a pretty packed year for them.

I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with, though. I didn't say anything about Sony's 2010, I'm just saying MS's 2010 is obviously a lot more packed than their 2009.

lol I was being sarcastic, for the most part....however I am curious to know how you know that Sony has as you say "threw everything but the kitchen sink out there this year" which I interpret as you implying that Sony has nothing big lined-up for next year....I seem to remember some people here saying the same thing about MS for 2008. :p But perhaps my interpretation is wrong?
PSGames said:
Here's the thing. PS3 will always have Blu-Ray going for them. As they lower the price this will be more and more of an asset. All they need to do is drop the price and they are back in business.

I just bought my mom a Samsung stand alone Blu-ray player with Netflix support for $99 bucks. How much do you think stand alone players are going to go for by the time Sony drops their price again?


I'm coming clean as one of the people who made a 360 bannings comment. Full disclosure: the 360 is my favorite console, and I like to see it succeed. I just thought it was common sense, judging by how many people on the internet went and bought new ones when theirs got banned.

Now that that's out of the way, lol at the people using it as damage control.
Some of you are so bloodthirsty :lol is there really any need to gloat over people being banned? Christ i bet if you were born in the roman times you'd throw people to the lions personally.
Firestorm said:
6 mil is nothing. Final Fantasy XIII is quite possibly the most anticipated game of all time after all.

FFXIII surely should be interesting. People will love to make assumptions after that game is out.


360 slim should be a system seller,without any question.

Reach + 360 slim + Natal

249 for 360 slim price(included Natal?)

It would be the ultimate ace card for MS in 2010.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
I'm very surprised @ 360 > PS3, it's no secret that I'm a big PS3 fan but I have to admit I don't think the PS3 will ever match the 360 in NA, and maybe not even WW tbh, and for one reason, 'Live', I personally don't really care for it because I only really play on-line via PC but 'Live' as a service is the real king this generation, what with on-line play being such an integral part of gaming these days I don't see how Sony will ever be able to compete on the same level without a complete interface overhaul, head-sets packed in the box as standard would be a good start.

I like the XMB but purely from a business point of view I feel that it's a hurdle, time and time again I hear people saying that they don't feel ' socially connected' when they switch on their PS3, Sony need to address that, they need to start learning and evolving quicker on the software side if they are going to compete in the long term, in today's world of digital distribution and on-line gaming etc battles aren't just won by having great hardware and games, services and interfaces now play a key factor in winning over consumers, and MS have that in the bag atm.


Orlics said:
I'm coming clean as one of the people who made a 360 bannings comment. Full disclosure: the 360 is my favorite console, and I like to see it succeed. I just thought it was common sense, judging by how many people on the internet went and bought new ones when theirs got banned.

Now that that's out of the way, lol at the people using it as damage control.
Talking about it in past tense is still talking about it :lol :lol


Mrbob said:
Yeah I do have specific criteria. X360 sells games styles I like to play

Then, using the same reasoning, it's possible for the PS2 to not have been the best-selling software platform last generation for some people. Good to know.

PSGames said:
Compared to install base I thought 360 had a higher attach rate than any console?

It used to be higher than PS2, but with the September 2008 price cut and 360 sales surge, PS2 pulled ahead. Regardless, I'm talking about overall software sales and not sales per console.


Fredescu said:
Mass Effect is more console focused. DA:O's gameplay roots are on the PC, which some console players are enjoying, but others aren't. ME2 will destroy DA:O sales wise. The latter should still do at bare minimum two million combined worldwide.

That's a good point. Regrettably with PC sales hidden behind Steam it'd be impossible to prove which would sell more one way or another. But on the 360 alone it would indeed make more sense for ME2 to sell more than DA:0.


PSGames said:
Here's the thing. PS3 will always have Blu-Ray going for them. As they lower the price this will be more and more of an asset. All they need to do is drop the price and they are back in business.

Yes,but the other BR players are dropping in price as well,the more players that flood the market the less that people who were buying the PS3 for Blu -Ray feel the need to.

Especially once cheap ones hit the market.


fizzelopeguss said:
Some of you are so bloodthirsty :lol is there really any need to gloat over people being banned? Christ i bet if you were born in the roman times you'd throw people to the lions personally.

welcome to the internet. home of the enlightened.


Oh and even though MW2 360 outsold the PS3 version more than 2:1, it still looks to be the biggest selling PS3 title at launch. Can't think of any other games starting off with that number.


diddlyD said:
welcome to the internet. home of the enlightened.
Yes, the internet, where innocent people being mercilessly slaughtered by animals is equivalent to not being able to post inane messages on a message board about video games :D


Someone dig at AC1 was AC2 sales a little harder :]

AC2 sold fewer copies opening month? AC2 is the FAR better game.


X26 said:
I'm so embarrassed to be a 360 only owner sometimes

some of you, I mean unless ms is cutting you a cheque, are just incredibly pathetic

GAF is full of expert stock holders. :p


Assassin's Creed 1 in November 07: 1,357,000.

Assassin's Creed 2 in November 09: 1,243,100.

I wonder if Ubisoft are happy about that.
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