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NPD Sales Results for November 2009

LCfiner said:
hey, thanks for that. I couldn’t be bothered to get the hdw numbers myself.

so, really, it just shows the increase in PS3 ownership and not, say, an increase in the percentage of PS3 owners who want to play MW. In the end, not an interesting stat.

But on the 360… that’s a significant percentage uptick.

You have to keep in mind that the first game had incredible legs, both retail and second hand. That certainly helps to make the sequel more front loaded.

Mod Abuse
Dragona Akehi said:
Alright here comes the one and only warning you're all going to get:

Anyone else who makes the claim that the 360 outsold the PS3 because of "the mass bannings" after this post is going to get a six month ban.

It's fucking ridiculous: it's the same stupid argument that PS2 sold because people kept rebuying them because they broke. So knock it off.
/Mod Abuse
omg rite said:
Uh, Michael Bay movies are looked at by a lot of his haters as being mindless and hollow movies with no soul -- nothing but mindless action. And he's also criticized for not being able to even deliver mindless action well.

Infinity Ward's games have very well designed gameplay.

No, they're nothing alike. None of that dumb trolling shit, please.
So because I don't share your opinion I'm trolling?
"mindless and hollow movies with no soul -- nothing but mindless action" -> that's exactly what for mw2 is to me (me, ME <- read it a few times).
Infinity Ward's games have very well designed gameplay.. Yeah definitely...by 2003's standards.
And that's why mw2 sales are a tragedy to me.
And now I'm outta here.


Dash said:
I'm feeling pretty disappointed right now that the PS3 lost to the 360, I have to admit :{.

Pretty much no one expected PS3 to be in third place so quickly again.


elrechazao said:
I think you missed the "NO IT WAS THE PS3 YOU IDIOTS" responders, which was most of them.

Reggie defenders destroyed confirmed.:D

Geoff: You are going to sell more copies of NSMB on Wii than Modern Warfare 2 on 360?
Reggie: On one particular platform?
Geoff: Just on 360?
Reggie: I do believe so!
Reggie: Let's take it all the way through the January NPD data, I'll Take that!


Lets compare last year:

* Wii - 2,040,000
* Nintendo DS - 1,570,000
* Xbox 360 - 836,000
* PSP - 421,000
* Playstation 3 - 378,000
* Playstation 2 - 206,000

to this year:

PlayStation 2 203.1K
PlayStation 3 710.4K
PSP 293.9K
Xbox 360 819.5K
Wii 1.26M
Nintendo DS 1.70M

Hmm, looks like the PS3 and DS are the only ones that did better than last year. I'm not surprised that the 360 sold more than the PS3, it has better advertisement/marketing, and the $99 Walmart deal, plus the 6 free games at Best Buy. The 360's had the better deals. Take that with the MW2 bundle, and microsoft execs again win the marketing game.

I will give props to the PS3, the 360's install base is way bigger than PS3's in the NA, yet MW2 only sold 2.3 : 1 ... That and almost doubling last year's november.


more money than God
caliblue15 said:
Lets compare last year:

to this year:

Hmm, looks like the PS3 and DS are the only ones that did better than last year. I'm not surprised that the 360 sold more than the PS3, it has better advertisement/marketing, and the $99 Walmart deal, plus the 6 free games at Best Buy. The 360's had the better deals. Take that with the MW2 bundle, and microsoft execs again win the marketing game.

I will give props to the PS3, the 360's install base is way bigger than PS3's in the NA, yet MW2 only sold 2.3 : 1 ... That and almost doubling last year's november.
What? That's not impressive? The 360 install base in the US can't be that much bigger than the PS3, right?
BoilersFan23 said:
Other retailers ran the special to match Wal-Mart, such as Amazon.

Out of my five friends who tried to get in on this deal, not a single one was able to buy one before they sold out in seconds. These were super fast lightening deals that didn't last longer then a few minutes.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
caliblue15 said:
Hmm, looks like the PS3 and DS are the only ones that did better than last year. I'm not surprised that the 360 sold more than the PS3, it has better advertisement/marketing, and the $99 Walmart deal, plus the 6 free games at Best Buy. The 360's had the better deals. Take that with the MW2 bundle, and microsoft execs again win the marketing game.
No way that the 360 had better advertisement this year.


caliblue15 said:
Lets compare last year:

to this year:

Hmm, looks like the PS3 and DS are the only ones that did better than last year. I'm not surprised that the 360 sold more than the PS3, it has better advertisement/marketing, and the $99 Walmart deal, plus the 6 free games at Best Buy. The 360's had the better deals. Take that with the MW2 bundle, and microsoft execs again win the marketing game.

I will give props to the PS3, the 360's install base is way bigger than PS3's in the NA, yet MW2 only sold 2.3 : 1 ... That and almost doubling last year's november.

Keep fighting the brave fight...
OldJadedGamer said:
Never trust *any* anecdotal evidence.
Well, it's not that it doesn't have its place...it does. It's just that you have to put it in its right place as a source of information that doesn't necessarily determine the whole picture. The internet is full of this stuff and is regularly wrong if we took it as a way to define the whole.


user_nat said:
No way that the 360 had better advertisement this year.

Reallly? All multiplatform games have the for Xbox 360 again. Almost all MW2 commercials ended with a 360 at the end. Sony advertises the consoles, but not the games. Sony can't compete with Xbox 360's money, and advertising.


Accident said:
Just watched the Reggie interview:


Geoff: You are going to sell more copies of NSMB on Wii than Modern Warfare 2 on 360?
Reggie: On one particular platform?
Geoff: Just on 360?
Reggie: I do believe so!
Reggie: Let's take it all the way through the January NPD data, I'll Take that!
This is HIGHLY misleading, because Reggie says "I do believe so!" almost simultaneously as Geoff says "Just on 360".

It isn't ACTUALLY clear whether Reggie meant "just on 360" or "FOR EXAMPLE, just on 360".


PS3 probably had a stronger black friday but 360 did stronger earlier in the month with their MW2 tie-in marketing. December is another toss up, should be close.


OldJadedGamer said:
Out of my five friends who tried to get in on this deal, not a single one was able to buy one before they sold out in seconds. These were super fast lightening deals that didn't last longer then a few minutes.
Never trust *any* anecdotal evidence
caliblue15 said:
Lets compare last year:

All you're really doing is pointing out how super piss poor the PS3 sold last year, not how well it sold this year. This year, it's finally selling in line with it's competition. So instead of getting totally ass raped, it's just getting punched in the balls.

DMeisterJ said:
Never trust *any* anecdotal evidence

It's not anecdotal that they sold out in seconds. Only the super lucky were able to get on that deal. It's not like it was a week long event.


y'all should be ashamed
caliblue15 said:
Reallly? All multiplatform games have the for Xbox 360 again. Almost all MW2 commercials ended with a 360 at the end.
Assassin's Creed 2 certainly wasn't; always ended with the PS3 splash. I know there were a few more games that did as well.


BoilersFan23 said:
Other retailers ran the special to match Wal-Mart, such as Amazon.

Yep, I wasn't really in the market for one but couldn't resist picking up a 360 Arcade for $100. That's less than a DS or PSP and I have more than one of those.


Amir0x said:
It's more disheartening that shit like Wii Play and Wii Sports are some of the highest selling franchises of all time, let alone this gen.

At least Modern Warfare has good gameplay if you're into that genre and shit

That said, it did make me highly uncomfortable to shoot civilians during that one level
You're still comparing a game series designed for casuals with another game series designed for casuals. Get off your high horse.


BowieZ said:
This is HIGHLY misleading, because Reggie says "I do believe so!" almost simultaneously as Geoff says "Just on 360".

It isn't ACTUALLY clear whether Reggie meant "just on 360" or "FOR EXAMPLE, just on 360".

This is like a back and forth owning.


I got grudge sucked!
I'm confused, why is the 360 selling more than the PS3 surprising? Hasn't it been doing just that for the better part of 3 years give or take an odd month? Didn't the write up say this was the 3 best month the PS3 has ever seen in sales? I just don't understand GAF when it comes to NPDs. "TEH PS3 SOLDZ ONLY 700K OHNOES!"Pretty outstanding numbers for all consoles involved, I expect December to be just about as big for all as well (and I'm finally getting a Wii I think.)


chubigans said:
Assassin's Creed 2 certainly wasn't; always ended with the PS3 splash. I know there were a few more games that did as well.

Assassin's Creed doesn't have the backing of Modern Warfare 2. Working in retail, 80% of the people think MW2 is an xbox 360 only game.

Yes PS3 has started to get some MP advertising love, but nothing like the 360 commercials. They are everywhere, and are effective.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
What were the 360's big games of 2008? Was the lineup stronger? I am surprised, since I would have expected MW2 to make the 360 sell better than last year during the same month.

Also, nice to the the 360 userbase growing strong, hopefully this means that MS is cutting no corners when it comes to Halo Reach, my most anticipated game EVER.
OldJadedGamer said:
All you're really doing is pointing out how super piss poor the PS3 sold last year, not how well it sold this year. This year, it's finally selling in line with it's competition. So instead of getting totally ass raped, it's just getting punched in the balls.

God damn your on some kind of anti sony crusade.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Brettison said:
I wonder if the people at Turn 10 are looking for new jobs cause Forza 3 seems to have BOMBED... :lol
I don't think anyone, anywhere expected it to make the top 10 this month.

350k sales, not gonna happen.

If it's not in the top 20, that probably won't be so good.

It has about 850k players on the leaderboards, that's far from a bomb.


godhandiscen said:
What were the 360's big games of 2008? Was the lineup stronger? I am surprised, since I would have expected MW2 to make the 360 sell better than last year during the same month.

Also, nice to the the 360 userbase growing strong, hopefully this means that MS is cutting no corners when it comes to Halo Reach, my most anticipated game EVER.

Mine too, god. So pumped.


watership said:
Exactly, the "It only does everything" ads are the best Sony has had in many years.

Again, Sony is trying to sell the console. People buy the console for the games. Most people think MP games are xbox 260 only because of the advertising. (people are naive i know).
OldJadedGamer said:
All you're really doing is pointing out how super piss poor the PS3 sold last year, not how well it sold this year. This year, it's finally selling in line with it's competition. So instead of getting totally ass raped, it's just getting punched in the balls.
I'm sure you understand that doesn't make any sense.
Paznos said:
I completely agree with you this game gets all the sales while other games that deserve better sales than they are getting are getting ignored by so many it's crazy.

I mean let's look at history a bit of these "legendary successful games":

Grand Theft Auto (PS2 Trilogy) - Introduced 3D openworld gaming to the masses and practically invented sandbox.

Street Fighter II - Introduced versus multiplayer to the masses as well as deep skill and execution level.

Super Mario Bros.I and III - Needs no introduction.

Halo - Did traditional First Person Shooter multiplayer right on consoles (Goldeneye's mechanics were anything but traditional)

The Sims - One of the, if not the, first non casual game to really grabbed the adult market with it's alternative life gameplay.

World of Warcraft - The MMO to do mass multiplayer online gaming right to most thus broke the genre into mainstream.

Wii Sports - The premiere game for motion control gameplay.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series - World War II shooters that contained multiplayer and had excellent marketing.

I feel as if one of these didn't do too much new or anything influential.

Amir0x said:
It's more disheartening that shit like Wii Play and Wii Sports are some of the highest selling franchises of all time, let alone this gen.

Wii Sports is bundled and it's the premiere motion controller game. Wii Play is similar (as in Japan it literally translates to "My first Wii game", oh and it's packed in with a $40 motion controller.

Amir0x said:
At least Modern Warfare has good gameplay if you're into that genre and shit

The exact same can be said for Wii Play and especially for Wii Sports (best multiplayer experience since I was a kid).


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Animator said:
Also I dont get how DS sells so much month after month. You would think everybody in the world who wants a DS already has one at this point. :lol

I have it but I want a new one :p
Haunted said:

Pretty much no one expected PS3 to be in third place so quickly again.

I am pretty dissapointed as well that the Ps3 lost to the 360 too. *GASP* And here I thought Ps3 would keep up the momentum, but I have a feeling that the next npd will be much more interesting, lol.

I'm even dissapointed at the MW2 Ps3 numbers, it should have done 3 million.

Seriously now. I really don't understand how the hell did the 360 outsell the Ps3?

I expect something like (100,200, 200, 300) for the 360 while Ps3 did something like (100, 100, 100, 400)

That has to be it, the 360 was more steady throughout or frontloaded because of MW2 and fell flat on bf. Ps3 on the other hand was flat pretty much throughout the months except for bf.

And Jtyettis is probably the most annoying 360 fan I've encountered. Jesus. Can he be a bigger fanboy!


Lord Helmet said:
Since 24 is around the corner...





Best post :D

And I must be the only person here without MW2 yet. But my brother is getting it for me for Christmas, so I'll have it soon enough.


Brettison said:
I wonder if the people at Turn 10 are looking for new jobs cause Forza 3 seems to have BOMBED... :lol

They just announced they passed the 1 Million mark worldwide I thought? And BOO on you for LOLing people losing jobs, even in jest.


Brettison said:
I wonder if the people at Turn 10 are looking for new jobs cause Forza 3 seems to have BOMBED... :lol

Forza 3 Tops 1 Million Units In First Month

Microsoft says the Turn 10-developed, Xbox 360-exclusive racer Forza Motorsport 3 has topped 1 million units sold worldwide.

The game launched in North America and Europe on October 27 and 23, respectively. Since then, players have logged over 6.6 million collective hours playing online across over 64 million play sessions.

Now, the team is offering new downloadable cars for the game alongside the milestone, as a commemoration of sorts.

Forza 3, which seeks to hybridize the sim genre with some more accessible arcade elements, already contains more than 400 vehicles, and now users can buy a holiday car pack for 400 Microsoft Points.

Included in the 10-car pack are a Ferrari 458 Italia, a Nissan GT-R Spec V, and a Mercedes SLR Stirling Moss, among others. Microsoft says another car pack will launch early next year, timed alongside the North American International Auto Show.
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