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NPD Sales Results for November 2009

HOLY CRAP at the difference in sales of MW2 between the PS3 and 360 versions.

Mod Abuse
Dragona Akehi said:
Alright here comes the one and only warning you're all going to get:

Anyone else who makes the claim that the 360 outsold the PS3 because of "the mass bannings" after this post is going to get a six month ban.

It's fucking ridiculous: it's the same stupid argument that PS2 sold because people kept rebuying them because they broke. So knock it off.
/Mod Abuse


Happy to see Dragon Age in the Top 10

Did not see any REDC numbers, would be interesting to see how it stacked up against REUC

REUC Nov 07 121k
REUC Dec 07 147.6k


Unexpected numbers. I thought the PS3 would be up and over 360 by a healthy margin.

WTF am I missing about MW2? Going to have to rent that one and see what all the fuss is about.

LOL @ PSP. I think I'm going to get rid of mine soon.

chubigans said:

It's crazy how they managed to make Jane Lynch not funny.
Dash said:
Given how much better these sales are compared to the roughly equivalent 2007 line-up, and that the American economy was still booming in 2007, I think this year's sales data is a good sign for the economic recovery.

The month is still down YoY. MW2's just an anomaly dragging the top 10 upwards.

Phantast2k said:
Because Infinity Ward is is to games what Michael Bay is to movies.

That is an excellent and brief way to put it.

omg rite said:
No, they're nothing alike.

omg rite
nomg wrong
(Today, 08:59 PM)
Reply | Quote



Papercuts said:
IIRC, I don't think Walmart numbers get counted in NPD.

NPD uses a variety of indirect methods to account for Walmart numbers. So Walmart sales are all accounted for, although not measured directly.

OldJadedGamer said:
So instead of getting totally ass raped, it's just getting punched in the balls.

C'mon. It's more like it's getting hit in the arm by its girlfriend, but like in that way where it didn't expect it and now it really hurts


Brettison said:
I wonder if the people at Turn 10 are looking for new jobs cause Forza 3 seems to have BOMBED... :lol

This industry is getting too unhealthy. You have 1 or 2 guys at the top while everyone else "bombs". Now you have Pubs trying to create the next big blockbuster, pumping tons and tons of money into the budget hoping to be that lucky one or so on top. Whatever happened to nicely spread out sales?


Cheech said:
It's taken me awhile to digest the numbers, but Microsoft figured something out a year ago nobody else did: First party games do not mean jack shit at this point in the generation. My gut tells me MW2, and MW2 alone moved a huge amount of those 360s.

I think you're correct that MW2 moved a lot of 360s. But you're also ignoring the rest of the top 10, which includes four different Nintendo first-party titles.

The situations aren't quite analogous, but big-name first-party games can drive sales incredibly effectively, and do more for console-makers in the long run. The difficulty is actually getting a franchise to the point where it serves that purpose.
elrechazao said:
Million selling bomb confirmed

Not a bomb, but underwhelming if you ask me.

It's such a good game, I didn't see much marketing for it at all, save for a rare TV spot. Whereas Left 4 Dead 2, MW2, AC2 were all over the TV screen 24/7.

My god I can replay the entire L4D2 ad in my head. A bang bang bang bang ENOUGH ALREADY. DO I NEED TO SEE THIS EVERY COMMERCIAL BREAK?
Stopsign said:
Nice anagram, it took me a while to figure it out when I first saw it a while back.

Don't you mean anOgram (referencing an old post, forgive the misspelling). Sorry to disappoint but I cannot take credit for being who you think I am.


watership said:
Exactly, the "It only does everything" ads are the best Sony has had in many years.

I disagree. The commercials with that guy were good advertising. Hilarious stuff that got people's attention.

But the "it only does everything" stuff was stupid. People want games. Casuals don't care if it does "everything". I've always disliked that slogan.


EviLore said:
Data care of NPD Group
Reporting Period: 11/1 - 11/28/09

PlayStation 3 710.4K :-o

Xbox 360 819.5K :-O



I didnt think the PS3 version of COD would sell more than NSMBW

Has any software ever had a higher first month?


chubigans said:

Yeah, I started using lastfm just on PC and its getting a big push there now too.

Anyway, the bigger story for me this Nov. is that the true exclusive titles (MW2 on 360 and AC2 on PS3 were pseudo exclusivey marketed titles) really weren't enough for PS3 in NA. I mean, all MS had was FM3 and L4D2, which some people don't count with PC, and it still came out on top with 360.

After this, I wouldn't do anymore in NA, and just focus on solidifying eurozone with PS3. If things just stay close in NA and they clean up elsewhere, PS4 should be in a good position to start out.
Arpharmd B said:
Not a bomb, but underwhelming if you ask me.

It's such a good game, I didn't see much marketing for it at all, save for a rare TV spot. Whereas Left 4 Dead 2, MW2, AC2 were all over the TV screen 24/7.

My god I can replay the entire L4D2 ad in my head. A bang bang bang bang ENOUGH ALREADY. DO I NEED TO SEE THIS EVERY COMMERCIAL BREAK?
A bit different take than the one I responded to, which was "omg lol everyone gonna lose jobs, BOMBA".
Anyone have a longer list yet, like the Top 20? Interested to see where UC2 was in its second month.

Also curious to see if Demon Souls has legs after its surprising debut last month...
PantherLotus said:
Anybody want to take a stab at why the 360 is so much higher than expected this month? What am I missing?

stop trying to get people banned :lol

AnEternalEnigma said:
I wonder how many of those 360 sales came from pirates whose consoles got banned.

and right below!



Synless said:
Nice numbers all around except Uncharted 2, wtf happened?
Did people really think it would sell more than what is in the top 10 now? It probably did respectably with I'll guess around 200k or something.


PantherLotus said:
Anybody want to take a stab at why the 360 is so much higher than expected this month? What am I missing?


Eep. Beaten. This is what I get for sneezing in an NPD thread.


PantherLotus said:
Anybody want to take a stab at why the 360 is so much higher than expected this month? What am I missing?

You go in the cage...cage goes in the water. Shark's in the water.

Our shark.



PantherLotus said:
Anybody want to take a stab at why the 360 is so much higher than expected this month? What am I missing?

Word of mouth and current user base probably. If most of your friends have 360s, what console are you more inclined to get? Plus, the Arcade is $199.


Why are you people putting more than an second of thought into what Reggie was saying about NSMB vs MW2?

It wasn't a grand challenge calling them out or anything, it was Geoff jokingly asking and Reggie jokingly replying. Was he supposed to say "no, our product won't sell as much as our competitor's product"? Stop turning everything these people say into ammo for console warz. Stop trying to figure out intent from a couple sentences exchanged with no hint of malice, or even a hint that the person asked has even thought about it.

If Reggie joked NSMBWii will sell 15 million units day one if he was asked would you hold him to it? Would you proclaim "HAHA REGGIE OWNED" if he didn't? Maybe it's me but I find this whole idea of taking little things people say and going WAY too far with it is just stupid and childish.

This goes both for people who go out of their way to defend and people who go out of their way to defend what he is saying.

btw the reason there is such a high spike in 360 sales, in case anyone is wondering, is


Subitai said:
Did people really think it would sell more than what is in the top 10 now? It probably did respectably with I'll guess around 200k or something.
With the exception of MW2, yes.
-PXG- said:
No shit. Musing threads are just for fun. Hell, they're just for....musing....

Why you posting that to me? The post I was quoting said he trusted retail musings.

charlequin said:
C'mon. It's more like it's getting hit in the arm by its girlfriend, but like in that way where it didn't expect it and now it really hurts

True. More like a friendly tap that you didn't see coming and you try to be a tough guy and walk it off but it kind of hurts.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
user_nat said:
I don't think anyone, anywhere expected it to make the top 10 this month.

350k sales, not gonna happen.

If it's not in the top 20, that probably won't be so good.

It has about 850k players on the leaderboards, that's far from a bomb.

It must have sold like total crack in Europe then cause well people in Japan actually have to buy the console first for that to matter, and I wonder if it's even broken 300k in NA.
Threi said:
Why are you people putting more than an second of thought into what Reggie was saying about NSMB vs MW2?

It wasn't a grand challenge calling them out or anything, it was Geoff jokingly asking and Reggie jokingly replying. Was he supposed to say "no, our product won't sell as much as our competitor's product"? Stop turning everything these people say into ammo for console warz. Stop trying to figure out intent from a couple sentences exchanged with no hint of malice, or even a hint that the person asked has even thought about it.

If Reggie joked NSMBWii will sell 15 million units day one if he was asked would you hold him to it? Would you proclaim "HAHA REGGIE OWNED" if he didn't? Maybe it's me but I find this whole idea of taking little things people say and going WAY too far with it is just stupid and childish.

This goes both for people who go out of their way to defend and people who go out of their way to defend what he is saying.

Because the rest of the interview you didn't read, Reggie said that if he was wrong, he would commit seppuku.
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