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NPD Sales Results for November 2009


nextgeneration said:
Haha, probably. But I can't see wii beating last December and the same song and dance will play out, where Bloomberg will blame wii and Nintendo for dragging down the market once again.

The Wii only sold 2 million last December. December numbers are generally 2x November numbers, so the Wii should do around 2.5 million this time around.
zero_suit said:
The Wii only sold 2 million last December. December numbers are generally 2x November numbers, so the Wii should do around 2.5 million this time around.

Yeah, I'm hoping that it does beat last December, for my sanity as a Nintendo stockholder. But it's been nothing but bad news for me as a stockholder, hence my pessimism.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm

Bloomberg said:
Nintendo Drags U.S. Video-Game Market Lower as Wii Sales Slump
Nintendo Co. led the U.S. video- game market to its eighth drop in nine months after sales of the motion-sensing Wii console tumbled, narrowing its lead over Sony Corp.’s PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox 360.

“A lot of us are disappointed by the overall performance of the Wii,” Riccitiello said yesterday at the UBS AG Global Media & Communications Conference in New York.

Is he a journalist, a troll, or a journalist troll?


Kasumi1970 said:
I noticed this trend started in the Middle of the PS2 Generation. It seems many Japanese games don't sell as well. I still buy Japanese RPGs, but all the big selling Rpgs seems to be made in the west this gen. Taste have really changed since the SNES/Genesis, and PS1 days.

When it comes to RPG's, I think people just got burnt out on JRPG's during the massive wave of them during the PS1/2 era. Then WRPG's came along with a relatively new way of playing an RPG's and they just became the new hotness in the west. Then they added shooting mechanics to them and it was basically over for the JRPG in the west.

Anyway, they will eventually run their course and people will get bored of them, especially considering that the only ones that matter are all made by 2 companies (Bethesda & Bioware), so each new WRPG seems less and less unique.


damn imageshack.

reposting from other account


zero_suit said:
Narrowing its lead?:lol :lol What the hell is he talking about? Outselling something, regardless of the margin, increases the lead.
That's a bad job to have if you don't understand basic math.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
God damn talk about a literal 360 turn :lol:

The black friday numbers and MS being mum on the subject, i was swearing the 360 had an incredibly poor month or something ...

Did we all just got played ?


So we are back to normal now.

DS > Wii > 360 > PS3

Wow @ COD4:MW2 incredible numbers.

AC2 deserved sales. Still 360 numbers are down from AC1 lauch month rigth?

Glad to see Dragon Age up there.

Mario Kart Wii rising from the dead! Nintendo games have awesome legs.

Glad at those Tony hawks numbers. Leave the franchise rest for a while please.

And congrats to Forza 3!


AC1 360 893k December-07
PS3 401k-500k December 07

Seems like it sold a bit higher on 360 (+90k units) and almost the same on PS3 (exact numbers not available :/ )


AlternativeUlster said:
Oh yeah, by the way nerds. Super Mario Galaxy 2 probably won't come out until November next year to give NSMB:Wii more sales. I am calling it now.
I doubt it, nerd. I'm calling late April. It'll save me the cryogenics money.


Junior Member
omg rite said:
I actually just e-mailed the author of that story. I normally never give a shit about that type of stuff enough to contact the person but to spew hyperbolic and untrue crap such as "Nintendo is dragging the market down" and purposely make the console look far worse than it is, especially on such a high profile website, is just irresponsible "journalism."

They definitely needed to dot their I's in the article, but I see what they are getting at. While the 360 and PS3 are performing better or equal to what they did last year, the Wii has seen a significant dropoff. The loss in revenue over last year when considering the entire console market is not due to loss in revenue from the 360 and PS3, but because the Wii is not generating the ridiculous amounts of revenue it was a year ago.

As for the narrowing its lead comment. They are basing that on how much the Wii is selling as a percentage over its competition not on a total consoles sold over the lifecycle of this generation. Yes their lead is still increasing on total consoles sold, but they are doing it at a much slower rate then they were in the past.

When you look at it from a finance perspective, which is what Bloomberg does, finance is all about growth and potential increase in revenue and profits. That is why people buy stock. If Sony is increasing their revenue, and Microsoft is holding steady, and Nintendo is decreasing in revenue, then Sony is the winner followed by MS, and Nintendo is trending downwards. It does not matter that Nintendo is making the most profit, or selling the most consoles, it just comes down to that their growth as a company in the short term is doubtful, and therefore there is no reason to expect the price of their stock to increase. Again they do not base this on total consoles sold as some sort of measure of growth, but the revenue and profits compared to the previous year.

Bloomberg does not look at this as "Who is winning the videogame war?" They look at it in the context of who is growing and who is shrinking.
The only reason this month's topic is so full of posts that are positive about the 360's sales numbers is clearly due to the mass bannings that occurred in this thread.


C4Lukins said:
They definitely needed to dot their I's in the article, but I see what they are getting at. While the 360 and PS3 are performing better or equal to what they did last year, the Wii has seen a significant dropoff. The loss in revenue over last year when considering the entire console market is not due to loss in revenue from the 360 and PS3, but because the Wii is not generating the ridiculous amounts of revenue it was a year ago.

As for the narrowing its lead comment. They are basing that on how much the Wii is selling as a percentage over its competition not on a total consoles sold over the lifecycle of this generation. Yes their lead is still increasing on total consoles sold, but they are doing it at a much slower rate then they were in the past.

When you look at it from a finance perspective, which is what Bloomberg does, finance is all about growth and potential increase in revenue and profits. That is why people buy stock. If Sony is increasing their revenue, and Microsoft is holding steady, and Nintendo is decreasing in revenue, then Sony is the winner followed by MS, and Nintendo is trending downwards. It does not matter that Nintendo is making the most profit, or selling the most consoles, it just comes down to that their growth as a company in the short term is doubtful, and therefore there is no reason to expect the price of their stock to increase. Again they do not base this on total consoles sold as some sort of measure of growth, but the revenue and profits compared to the previous year.

No. you need to take a finance course before you start talking. If Nintendo has higher revenue than the other two, it doesn't matter if the revenue isn't growing as quickly. Nintendo isn't a growth stock. One could argue (strongly) that Nintendo falls under the value end of investing. But you don't understand both.

More revenue is good. In the long run, a company that makes good products, has low cost and brings in a lot of revenue is a great INVESTMENT. You're not talking about investing you're talking about gambling.
AniHawk said:
Band Hero total > Tony Hawk Ride total > Lego Rock Band total

60% of Band Hero sales are Wii sales. 60% of Lego Rock Band are Wii sales. The Wii version of Band Hero > all Lego Rock Band.

...Also, 60% of Tony Hawk Ride sales are Wii sales.

So if a multiplatform game bombs, it will bomb least on Wii? Didn't QoS, for instance, sell best on Wii?


Opiate said:
But that's not now. Bloomberg is about now, much more than most other sites, because it's focused on financials and stocks. They want to see growth now, and they aren't seeing it.

For Nintendo, profits are down hugely, ~40% YoY. Revenue is down. Hardware unit sales are down. Software sales are down. They're failing by virtually every metric available from a stock-driven point of view. The end.

Stop. Stop. Stop. You don't understand how investing works and you're making a fool out of yourself. Investing is a long term prospect and Bloomberg isn't reporting about investing, it's shoddy reporting and going with group think.
Opiate said:
This is interesting. Despite MW2's mammoth sales, it appears overall software was down in units and in revenue. Possible explanations:

1) Wii software is down drastically YoY, despite the increase in user base. Wii software was down 35% last month compared to the same month last year. That's a horrid drop for a system supposedly in its prime.

That's some pretty shitty numbers, if true. Wondering why nobody else in this thread is talking about this though.


Junior Member
Ulairi said:
No. you need to take a finance course before you start talking. If Nintendo has higher revenue than the other two, it doesn't matter if the revenue isn't growing as quickly. Nintendo isn't a growth stock. One could argue (strongly) that Nintendo falls under the value end of investing. But you don't understand both.

More revenue is good. In the long run, a company that makes good products, has low cost and brings in a lot of revenue is a great INVESTMENT. You're not talking about investing you're talking about gambling.

If a company is profitable consistently then yes they can be a good investment without growth if they pay dividends to their stock holders. But if your revenue decreases, lets just throw a random number out there like 20% over the previous year, and your competition is creating more revenue then the previous year, then any financial adviser is not going to recommend purchasing that particular stock at that moment unless the company in question has some sort of announcement that could create potential growth in the future. And I am well schooled in finance, which does not necessarily mean I am right because there are a lot of shitty financial advisor's out there, but what Bloomberg is concerned with is growth and whether to invest in such and such, not which company is winning but which company is growing.

And just to clarify, I am not saying Sony is winning and Nintendo is losing. Who has the most console sales, and who has the most profits? Nintendo by far. Which corporation is the most stable? Again Nintendo. Who has the most potential for growth and is trending upwards? Not really sure because increased console sales does not mean great revenue for Sony with pricecuts and a flailing PSP and shrinking PS2 market, but if their revenue has increased then yes Sony and maybe MS.

There is an argument though that Nintendo is growing as a company as far as their general assets are concerned, and therefore less revenue and potentially less profit is not detramental because they have created new IP's or started new studios that increase the worth of the company as a whole. But in general revenue and profit growth year over year is the biggest factor in stock value which is what Bloomberg focuses on.


C4Lukins said:
If a company is profitable consistently then yes they can be a good investment without growth if they pay dividends to their stock holders. But if your revenue decreases, lets just throw a random number out there like 20% over the previous year, and your competition is creating more revenue then the previous year, then any financial adviser is not going to recommend purchasing that particular stock at that moment unless the company in question has some sort of announcement that could create potential growth in the future. And I am well schooled in finance, which does not necessarily mean I am right because there are a lot of shitty financial advisor's out there, but what Bloomberg is concerned with is growth and whether to invest in such and such, not which company is winning but which company is growing.

Again, you're wrong. One there hasn't been any reports that Nintendo's revenue is down 20% yoy. Secondly, Bloomberg is concerned with the news and should be concerned about presenting an accurate picture of what is going on. They are not there to tell people if it is worth investing. Also, no one thinks that Nintendo isn't going to continue to grow when they have been pushing the growth forward.

Financial advisors are useless sales people. They'll tell you to buy anything to get their fees. Any fund manager will tell you not to worry about the short term but worry about the long term. Pick good stocks that have the ability to give a good return over the long run.


Just noticed that that bloomberg nintendo hater (Adam Satariano) has written nothing but 'doom and gloom' for nintendo while its all 'praise and glory' for sony.


Little Green Yoda said:
That's some pretty shitty numbers, if true. Wondering why nobody else in this thread is talking about this though.

When I say "last month," I meant October, not November. I'm suggesting a similarly precipitous YoY Wii software dropoff could explain the YoY decline in total software sales despite MW2's massive numbers.

So, that 35% dropoff was last month's news, and even then, it was only revealed in JVM's monthly NPD review thread.

Neo C.

After seeing these results, I think a lot of people were way off in the yearly NPD prediction when it comes to Wii.:lol
Opiate said:
When I say "last month," I meant October, not November. I'm suggesting a similarly precipitous YoY Wii software dropoff could explain the YoY decline in total software sales despite MW2's massive numbers.

So, that 35% dropoff was last month's news, and even then, it was only revealed in JVM's monthly NPD review thread.

Ah, I see. I was wondering where that number came from. Have the SW numbers been so down in each of the earlier 9 months of the year too? Also curious to see if we'll get similar info for Nov.


Clockblockers said:
I know it's already been said but the music genre was heading for a massive slide due to over saturation. The Hero series is just getting stupid, and Rock Band isn't much better.

The music genre is pretty much dead IMO, and I don't think over saturation is the only reason either. With the shift towards full band games I don't think most people are interested in having all these plastic instruments in their house. That's the case with me at least.

It's not a good sign when both Activision and Harmonix were both giving away their brand new games for free (GH Van Halen & Lego Rock Band).


Given that New Super Mario Bros Wii and Mario Kart Wii are both in the top 10, I wonder if DS shoppers followed suit, and also kept New Super Mario Bros and Mario Kart DS in the top 20 at least.
They were in there a couple of months ago, so it wouldn't be too crazy.


Junior Member
Ulairi said:
Again, you're wrong. One there hasn't been any reports that Nintendo's revenue is down 20% yoy. Secondly, Bloomberg is concerned with the news and should be concerned about presenting an accurate picture of what is going on. They are not there to tell people if it is worth investing. Also, no one thinks that Nintendo isn't going to continue to grow when they have been pushing the growth forward.

Financial advisors are useless sales people. They'll tell you to buy anything to get their fees. Any fund manager will tell you not to worry about the short term but worry about the long term. Pick good stocks that have the ability to give a good return over the long run.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but you are ignoring most of my points. Bloomberg is interested in the world of finance, not just simply the news. When they are talking about the gaming industry, they are not talking about it in the same way that Gamespot, IGN, or even the New York Times is talking about it. Certainly not in the way we talk about it here at GAF. Once again, year over year growth, and if or if not such and such company is going to grow in revenue and profitability over the previous year. Whether or not that is how the market should work is another debate, but that is how it does work and that is one thing I am not wrong about.
XiaNaphryz said:
I missed most of the thread, is there a summary of the casualties so far?

i'd like to know too heh, from a quick skim of the thread i'm guessing it's around 90% 360-only-won-cos-of-bans-'force trolls.


nextgeneration said:
Haha, probably. But I can't see wii beating last December and the same song and dance will play out, where Bloomberg will blame wii and Nintendo for dragging down the market once again.

Eh, I can. Last December was very supply constrained, showing basically no increase over November. If the Wii has the regular November -> December increase, it should pass December 08 pretty easy.
XBOX360 did better than I expected. Hell I think it even sold more this November compared to last November. Seems like it is headed for a 5 million sales quarter, pushing the system to around 40 million in sales WW.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
DR2K said:
Is there a PS3 version of Neogaf? All those banned users need to go somewhere
did you just get tagged?

if so: :lol

Rad Agast

Master Z said:
HALO....Reach? Is that the triumphant return of Master Chief or is just a bunch of nobodies like that ODST thing? :p

But for real I wasn't asking you, but the wise, all-knowing VALIS if he may bestow upon me his complete knowledge of future video game releases and their impact on the industry. lol

The game should, according to the Fall of Reach at least, cover the events where
all the other Spartans die and how John 117 obtains his armor and Cortana.
If you don't think that's an interesting time-line to cover for the series, I don't know what would interest you really.


Does anyone know the LTD figures for Modern Warfare on the 360? Has MW2's sales already beaten that or is it reasonable to expect a massive drop-off in December?
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