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NPD Sales Results for November 2009


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
DS sold 1.7 million units, and that's damn impressive <o_O>

It seems despite the Ipod Touch/Iphone, there's still a HUGE audience to tap on the handled front.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Aaron Greenberg is a sly motherf*cker if he knew this and purposely made his tweet sound grim.
Something like 8 or 9 million on 360. ~12 million total IIRC. It's very reasonable to expect a massive drop-off in December because IT JUST SOLD 4.2 MILLION. But that's not how things work normally, no. December usually is the biggest month of the year. I'd say well over a million again for 360 is a certainty. Assassin's Creed 2 will be up for sure. Wouldn't surprise me if the rest of the top 10 were Wii games though.
I am just wondering now what the full roster of people banned from this thread alone is. Anyone have a body count and or names? I am just curious.

On topic:
Modern Warfare 2=HOLY SHIT! That is an insane number of games sold.
NSMBWii selling so well makes me happy. I hope it has the legs that the DS version had.

I also wanna know the music game numbers. It saddens me to see the genre disappear so quickly from the charts over just two years. They hit their sales peak (yet quality low) with GH III in 2007, and now the games struggle to even hit the top 10 the first month of release.


DS scares me. How does a handheld gaming device over $100, after 3.2% rise in unemployment and a 1000000 person drop in the labor force, go up from 1.5 million units sold in a month? It also sold 17 million during that time. So 17 million less people who need a DS, plus the jobs angle, and it goes up. Even if Wii sales became DS sales, that's still incredible.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
marc^o^ said:
DS sold 1.7 million units, and that's damn impressive <o_O>

It seems despite the Ipod Touch/Iphone, there's still a HUGE audience to tap on the handled front.

no kidding.
This is the same thing that happened last time the PS3 received a massive price drop. For a few months people were acting as if the 360 was dead and buried. In the last month there was even discussions about the PS3 overtaking the 360 next year WW.

Now Sony has shown there hand with the slim, price drop and massive advertising blitz. Next year MS has a lot more cards to play and i feel pretty confident in saying they will make up a lot of ground on the PS3 next year.

Opiate said:
Yep. If Nintendo were just selling as well as last year -- I'm not even asking for growth! -- we'd be seeing a far better November and YTD than we did last year.

And Bloomberg is a very stock-focused site. I've said this before, but they're far more interested in growth (which is a heavy driver of stock value) than they are hard numbers. Nintendo isn't growing. Sony and Microsoft are. From their perspective, it is legitimately fair to criticize Nintendo, who are seeing significant fallbacks in virtually every major category: revenue, profit, hardware unit sales, software unit sales.

Shouldn't the main area to be looked at be profit? Sony are still losing just as much money as ever and with the PSP and PS2 slowing down WW they will no longer be able to cover PS3 losses. From a profit perspective Sony hasn't grown at all. Whats the point of selling more hardware and software if you are still losing just as much money?

I apologize for the fact that i know very little about this sort of thing and i would be quite happy to hear an explanation from someone like yourself who does.
marc^o^ said:
It seems despite the Ipod Touch/Iphone, there's still a HUGE audience to tap on the handled front.
I've spoken to a lot of parents who are afraid of their young children owning a device that can access/browse the internet. Nintendo has a lock on that demographic with the DSLite.


I don't think NSMBW will have NSMB's legs, or even Mario Kart's. I've always felt that the peripherals are a big draw for Wii games -- the ones bundled with some extra doodah do better than the rest/on the Wii. NSBMW should have been bundled with a Mario cushion for navigating those seesaw ramps; then it would have legs.
Well the PS3 isn't overtaking the 360 in sales next year, LOL! :lol Whoever thought that is ignorant. It would have to gain over 7 million and that isn't happening in a years time. Not to mention Halo: Reach, Mass Effect 2, etc are coming out for the 360 next year and I'm sure you will see another price drop for the 360. I figure by the end of next year the 360 will most likely be nearing 50 million in sales total. In 2011 MS will probably announce a new system and that is when you will start seeing a decline in 360 sales finally.

The PS3 may have a chance by then, if Sony doesn't discontinue it first considering they keep losing money on that division and I'm not just talking a few million here or there. They have lost 4.7 billion on the PS division since the PS3 launched and another 600+ million just last quarter. They can't keep taking losses like that.

Yes Boss!

eastside49er said:
The PS3 may have a chance by then, if Sony doesn't discontinue it first considering they keep losing money on that division and I'm not just talking a few million here or there. They have lost 4.7 billion on the PS division since the PS3 launched and another 600+ million just last quarter. They can't keep taking losses like that.

It's probably been said a number of times already but the PS3 had it's best month outside of December in it's history by a long way. The next best month at 491,800. It may not have beat 360 this month but the Slim has still turned things around considerably for Sony.
AdventureRacing said:
Shouldn't the main area to be looked at be profit? Sony are still losing just as much money as ever and with the PSP and PS2 slowing down WW they will no longer be able to cover PS3 losses. From a profit perspective Sony hasn't grown at all. Whats the point of selling more hardware and software if you are still losing just as much money?

I apologize for the fact that i know very little about this sort of thing and i would be quite happy to hear an explanation from someone like yourself who does.

Well, more hardware makes third party publishers happy and helps Sony. Remember that Sony gets $8-$10 dollars per copy of MW2 for doing nothing at all besides allowing the game on their system.

They need the user base to sell games so they can collect the royalties on them.

Why For?

ZZMitch said:
Reggie defenders silenced.


I thought that's what he had said.

I was aware of the January thing, but I couldn't remember if he was referring to both HD platforms combined or one of them specifically.

Looks like he picked the wrong platform to go after.

Although when all is said and done, NSMBWii will still be in the top 10 NPD in 2012 anyway. But as I said at the start of the thread, he got owned on that one.

...wait, Dragona, is referring to Reggie bannable? I haven't been back to the thread for few hours.


Nafai1123 said:
Damn, seems like MS really nailed it with that MW2 bundle. That game is a fucking beast!

It's hard for me to believe that the MW2 bundle contributed a significant amount to 360's HW total this month - the bundle is kinda expensive and the game isn't an exclusive either. But who knows, I hope Gamasutra gets the figures for that in their NPD analysis.


I'm more interested to see the numbers the big 3 have come up with by their own calculations. NPD gives a good ballpark estimate but doesn't take into account smaller stores and Wal-Mart.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Sony fans have no need to feel glum. PS3 got a huge YoY boost on the month, and if the same thing occurs in December it'll be a very positive sign.

The simple reality (at least imho) is that Activision "won" this NPD, and of the HD twins 360 was chief beneficiary of the MW2 effect in the US.

Presumably next month that impact will be somewhat reduced so a clearer picture going forward can be seen.


Did the Top 20 software come out yet? How did my baby Demon's Souls do?
BowieZ said:
What's mediocre about Mario Kart Wii? Are we allowed to bump the MKW thread to discuss?
Mario Kart Gamecube was a better game.


Electronic Arts Inc. Chief Executive Officer John Riccitiello, head of the world’s second-biggest game publisher, said Nintendo could revive sales by further dropping its price to $150, he said.

“A lot of us are disappointed by the overall performance of the Wii,” Riccitiello said yesterday at the UBS AG Global Media & Communications Conference in New York.

Frankfurter said:
X360 > PS3 WTF!?

This basically fucked up everybodys prediction ^^

That will teach people to listen to hyped up press reports. Seriously... the 360 has always sold very well during end-of-the-year season. Why did people expect this to change?
omg rite said:
I just want to say that I have been calling ever since the PS3 price drop that 360 would STILL outsell it in November!

And it did by even more than I thought it would, when most people were POSITIVE PS3 would outsell 360.
Well looks like things are getting back to "normal"? amirite? heh

DMeisterJ said:
Dookkake was probably as surprised at PS3 < 360 so he has to switch whatever gif he had pre-prepared around :lol
I was expecting to be greeted by return of the king gif b4 coming into the thread.

vicissitudes said:
Well this NPD thread just ruined my day.

I think I'll go hide in the Media Create thread for a while...at least the PS3 is still #2 there.



Karma said:
The pirates said FUCK Microsoft and said they would buy PS3s instead. The bannings helped the PS3s.

this thread delivers so much lolz.
NemesisPrime said:
That will teach people to listen to hyped up press reports. Seriously... the 360 has always sold very well during end-of-the-year season. Why did people expect this to change?

Like you said. They bought into the press hype. I myself didn't expect the 360 to have its best November ever, but I did expect it to have 700K+ in sales for the month.

Next month I'm thinking the 360 will sell any where from 1.5 to 1.7 million and the overall shipping numbers will be in that 5 to 6 million range WW for the quarter.
OldJadedGamer said:
Wow, no one expected the 360 to top PS3 especailly considering MS's super lame ass percentage talk after black Friday...

That was probably either 1) on purpose for a better reaction now or 2) because the bulk of these 360 sales came earlier in the month at COD launch and PS3 did outsell 360 on TG weekend. I'm leaning towards the former though.


eastside49er said:
Well the PS3 isn't overtaking the 360 in sales next year, LOL! :lol Whoever thought that is ignorant. It would have to gain over 7 million and that isn't happening in a years time. Not to mention Halo: Reach, Mass Effect 2, etc are coming out for the 360 next year and I'm sure you will see another price drop for the 360. I figure by the end of next year the 360 will most likely be nearing 50 million in sales total. In 2011 MS will probably announce a new system and that is when you will start seeing a decline in 360 sales finally.

The PS3 may have a chance by then, if Sony doesn't discontinue it first considering they keep losing money on that division and I'm not just talking a few million here or there. They have lost 4.7 billion on the PS division since the PS3 launched and another 600+ million just last quarter. They can't keep taking losses like that.
Now tell us how you really feel
Monty Mole said:
That was probably either 1) on purpose for a better reaction now or 2) because the bulk of these 360 sales came earlier in the month at COD launch and PS3 did outsell 360 on TG weekend. I'm leaning towards the former though.

Yeah all the MS people are probably lurking here now laughing their ass off :) It is a holiday today at MS... they can read GAF all day while spurting coke all over their desks.


Sony ran out throwing numbers, looked at Microsoft and smiled. What did MS do? They simply smiled back.

So much class in this ownage you got to admit.

Eidt: And im looking forward to Reggie eating crow. Come on PS3 MW2!!


eastside49er said:
Did MS ever give their TG numbers? I'm guessing they knew what was coming and just decided to let NPD do the talking for them, LOL! :lol

They remained silent, only touched upon TF performance. But they knew! Thats why its so scary. Did not disclose anything.


Cygnus X-1

Road said:
[b]Year to Date (YOY):[/b]

WII	5.78 (-27.9%)
360	3.46 ( +5.0%)
PS3	2.97 ( +5.5%)
[B]NDS	7.88 (+14.0%)[/B]
PSP	1.84 (-34.5%)
PS2	1.47 (-29.9%)

(In millions.)

Surprising 360 performance. Not sure even MS expected that.

At this point, I'm confident that DS WW will surely pass 150 millions.

And about MW2: incredible!


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Prine said:
They remained silent, only touched upon TF performance. But they knew! Thats why its so scary. Did not disclose anything.

Did the 360 sell twice as much as the PS3? I just saw a 100K difference and I'm not sure execs are as pueril as you make them to be.


Well blame me for buying another Xbox 360 this month, mainly to trade in my older launch era unit for a November 2008 60 gig pro.

Darn Gamecrazy's insane trade policies that I cannot trade it in for an Arcade unit but at least they accepted my just fresh cables and 60 gig HDD.

Besides I want an HDMI enabled 360 and a copy of Lego Indiana Jones/Kung Fu Panda for my nephew to play when he comes over.

I bought it the week before Thanksgiving if anybody was wondering.

As for CoD: 6, not my cup of tea. Did basic gameplay mechanics change much since the Xbox days (only have the first Xbox 1 version of the game) outside of the whole leveling system and guns? May have to get a used copy in the next few months if is that damn good since I liked the multiplayer of the older game I mentioned; felt like good old Quakeworld with real guns.


This NPD's casualties so far are as follows:


Let us take a moment of silence for these brave warriors.


Why people are surprised that 360 outsold PS3 ? PS3 outsold 360 for 2 months only... and not by far. It's not like it was routine or something. Plus apparently there were some huge price drops on 360 this month ? I'm not living in the US so I can't say.


It amazes me how people just forgot about microsoft's console this holiday season. :lol

Yeah it might be as feature packed as the ps3, but that doesn't change the fact that it has a hefty library of titles too choose from. Heres to microsoft not throwing in the towel for the next 2 - 3 with it's console.

In other news, what the hell is sony going to do with the psp division? Yikes...

Also, how the hell do people get baned off these type of threads? Still blows my mind with the responses on this thread :lol


marc^o^ said:
Did the 360 sell twice as much as the PS3? I just saw a 100K difference and I'm not sure execs are as pueril as you make them to be.

All this and it was their year off. Next year you have some major exclusive (including a new Halo game) and Natal. The whole forum was wrong on this, thats what makes this huge.
WrikaWrek said:
Poor MS, they must be feeling like shit.
Luckyman: said:
awkward silence by MS after Ninty and Sony boasting..
Culex said:
Nice to see the PS3 finally gaining some stride over the 360 now. I wouldn't be surprised if it sells about 500k more than the 360 for the month.

Also, the fact that Microsoft is the company not releasing actual figures does not bode well for this holiday season.


Taurus said:
This NPD's casualties so far are as follows:


+ throw them to the Lions I say, Lions!

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