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NPD Sales Results for November 2009


Grandma's Chippy
I'm not shocked by this really.

Based on my Black Friday weekend....

Where I am the local marketting was like 80% 360. When I went to Best Buy, K-Mart, Target, Fred Meyers, etc....hell even Costco. They had all the best bundles for every system, but the 360 has all the ads.

The Target & Wal-Mart by where I live had lots of big cardboard ads that focused on 360. And EVERY ad I saw over the Black Friday weekend refered to MW2 on the 360. I didn't want to buy the game but I asked at Game Crazy next to my work if it was also on PS3 (I thought maybe 360 had the rights to have it first based on all the advertising) and he said "I think so but it's in stock on Xbox" then when he stepped away to check I saw a PS3 flyer with an ad for it on the rack behind him :lol

Long story short..that game is nuts!

Maybe I will buy it after all.

For the PS3


can't believe I went through the whole thread......................:lol

the meltdowns were amusing and awesome numbers for the 360


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Woke up after having a long 8-hour flight back to the family for the holidays to see this thread - 360 still beating out PS3 despite the Slim - good shit! I don't ever bother with sales but I'm willing to bet that it was a kick in the balls & a crushing blow to certain people, but not to me when I knew that MW2 monster was coming, along with L4D2, AC2 & Forza 3...

Modern Warfare 2 turned out to be the Juggernaut (pun intended) that I expected - it finally took the crown from Halo 3 two years later on a much-larger user base, can't wait to see if the king will reclaim his throne with Reach next year!

Fucking awesome news that Left 4 Dead 2 did really well, the game deserves it big time - kudos to Valve!

And oh yeah, aside from the bans and "reasons for the sales", THIS was the hilarious high point of the thread for me:

timetokill said:



Archie said:
Could we get a Band Hero and Lego Rock Band comparison? They both came out on the same day so I'm curious as to which sold more. Thanks.

Band Hero total > Tony Hawk Ride total > Lego Rock Band total

60% of Band Hero sales are Wii sales. 60% of Lego Rock Band are Wii sales. The Wii version of Band Hero > all Lego Rock Band.

...Also, 60% of Tony Hawk Ride sales are Wii sales.


Second-rate Anihawk
AniHawk said:
Band Hero: 153k
Lego Rock Band: 83k

Band Hero total > Tony Hawk Ride total > Lego Rock Band total

60% of Band Hero sales are Wii sales. 60% of Lego Rock Band are Wii sales. The Wii version of Band Hero > all Lego Rock Band.


MW2 numbers off the charts as expected. Good for IW - very entertaining title. Also surprised at the 360 numbers. Was full sure the PS3 would lead through the end of the year.

DS and Wii numbers are insane as always.


Kasumi1970 said:
I noticed this trend started in the Middle of the PS2 Generation. It seems many Japanese games don't sell as well. I still buy Japanese RPGs, but all the big selling Rpgs seems to be made in the west this gen. Taste have really changed since the SNES/Genesis, and PS1 days.

It's just normal if you look at the cultural landscape.

Western culture is back in full force,especially when you look at US tv shows which are the most popular worldwide(along with Hollywood).

The same goes for videogame with more and more western developer hoping on console.Blizzard is still focusing on PC for now,but they will jump in sooner or later just like Valve did.Same is true for western rpg vs jrpg as you can now enjoy both type on consoles.

The exception to the rule is fighting game which are mostly japanese(and the genre is still declining in popularity as Tekken 6 might end up the worst selling yet).

As for Dragon age,I knew it didn't sell like crazy because EA didn't issue any statement.It probably sold around 500 000 copies on 360/PS3.Worldwide,it's surely over 1 million now.EA estimated that it could sold 2.8 million copies,but I think it will end up slightly below that.

Mass effect 2 however,should outsell the first one and become the best selling Bioware game yet.I think 3+ million is certainly a possibility.


Dot Hacked
Go go PS2! Go on forever!

+1 DS & PSP sale from me! I contributed for once... yay!

djtiesto said:
Very very sad :(

What the fuck happened to American tastes in these last few years? I remember when an FF game was a big event... and people actually played stuff that looked "Japanese". I played one of the COD games, I think it was the first Modern Warfare (the one with the nuke going off), and still don't see why these games warrant 6 million+ in sales.

I've been saying that for over a year now! Good to see others finally taking notice!

Now I'll re-iterate my FF13 prediction from way long back ago: it'll struggle to pass 1 million in each territory. 3 million+ worldwide, maybe eventually reaching 4 because japan!

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
djtiesto said:
Very very sad :(

What the fuck happened to American tastes in these last few years? I remember when an FF game was a big event... and people actually played stuff that looked "Japanese". I played one of the COD games, I think it was the first Modern Warfare (the one with the nuke going off), and still don't see why these games warrant 6 million+ in sales.
Well it could be the massive nose dive in quality the Final Fantasy series took in the past ten years.


Rush2thestart said:
I think he was talking about the railshooters. Though perhaps thats even more bizarre that he expected them to sell. :lol

Rabbids Go Home is a different story, but Ubisoft did say sales were picking up. Uncoincidentally, I've started to see TV ads around the same time they said that.

I admit I was expecting Rabbids and RE to sell better than this. Rabbids and RE are both from strong IPs with previous success on Wii. Rabbids Go Home is easily the best game in that franchise. DSC overdoes the shakey cam but is otherwise an improvement on Umbrella Chronicles, which did OK. That these games are apparently far under 90k during the holiday season is bound to be disappointing to their publishers.
Frankfurter said:
X360 > PS3 WTF!?

This basically fucked up everybodys prediction ^^

Speak for yourself bro..not everybody...i knew (and im not the only one) that the ps3 hype the SDF was pimping around here like white on rice was all gonna end soon enough like every other time its seemed thus far for the ps3.

360 snatches 2nd place once again..actually 1st place as i dont consider the wii in the same category as a 360/ps3.

I hope all you ps3 fanboys that have been talking a bunch of bullshit nonsense to 360 fans finally learn your lesson in not fling'n shit at the 360 fans when you see a tiny gleam of hope way off in the far off distant horizon. It was getting pathetic around here the last few months with all the 360 bashing and how so many sony bots were so damn sure with much arrogance that the ps3 would now crush the 360 til the end of this cycle lol


AniHawk said:
Band Hero total > Tony Hawk Ride total > Lego Rock Band total

60% of Band Hero sales are Wii sales. 60% of Lego Rock Band are Wii sales. The Wii version of Band Hero > all Lego Rock Band.

...Also, 60% of Tony Hawk Ride sales are Wii sales.

Ouch for Lego Rock Band. Bomba big time.


AniHawk said:
I just realized the month I decided to buy a PS3 was the month it went back into third place.

Just be thankful you didn't get on the Amazon 08 BF deal then you would really be in the minority.

A little context here on the MW2 bundle numbers;

And although Greenberg could not provide exact bundle numbers, he did say Microsoft sold "hundreds of thousands" of the Modern Warfare-branded units in November. That certainly helped boost the Xbox 360's holiday numbers. And although the PlayStation 3 also had a great month, selling 710,400 units, Sony's platform didn't come close to Microsoft's -- the opposite result analysts expected.

I totally think that worldwide NSMBWii will outsell MW2; I mean, NSMB has sold a pretty good number in its life and it's still chugging. I'm curious what it'll end up selling.


swerve said:
Did Iwata kill Bloomberg's first-born or something?


How do you narrow your lead by selling more? I don't really understand the maths.

I mean, sure, they didn't beat last year. But they beat every other of their years ever, right?

I actually just e-mailed the author of that story. I normally never give a shit about that type of stuff enough to contact the person but to spew hyperbolic and untrue crap such as "Nintendo is dragging the market down" and purposely make the console look far worse than it is, especially on such a high profile website, is just irresponsible "journalism."


So do we know what Rabbids Go Home did?

I know it's 90> but do we have a better idea? I'm bummed about RE though, the game is pretty fucking ace and a whole lot better than UC.
omg rite said:
I actually just e-mailed the author of that story. I normally never give a shit about that type of stuff enough to contact the person but to spew hyperbolic and untrue crap such as "Nintendo is dragging the market down" and purposely make the console look far worse than it is, especially on such a high profile website, is just irresponsible "journalism."

But it's true. Nintendo's decline is largely responsible for the down market. It's not hyperbole.


A Link to the Snitch said:
I totally think that worldwide NSMBWii will outsell MW2; I mean, NSMB has sold a pretty good number in its life and it's still chugging. I'm curious what it'll end up selling.

Of course it will..most fanboys here won't be laughing next year.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Does anyone have the numbers for New Super Mario Bros.'s (DS) first month? I think that's a better comparison than Super Mario Galaxy.


PopcornMegaphone said:
But it's true. Nintendo's decline is largely responsible for the down market. It's not hyperbole.

Yep. If Nintendo were just selling as well as last year -- I'm not even asking for growth! -- we'd be seeing a far better November and YTD than we did last year.

And Bloomberg is a very stock-focused site. I've said this before, but they're far more interested in growth (which is a heavy driver of stock value) than they are hard numbers. Nintendo isn't growing. Sony and Microsoft are. From their perspective, it is legitimately fair to criticize Nintendo, who are seeing significant fallbacks in virtually every major category: revenue, profit, hardware unit sales, software unit sales.


Regulus Tera said:
Does anyone have the numbers for New Super Mario Bros.'s (DS) first month? I think that's a better comparison than Super Mario Galaxy.

NSMB did 275k in the US in its first month (May 2006).


zero_suit said:
Which shows who the real growth driver was during the last couple of years...

But that's not now. Bloomberg is about now, much more than most other sites, because it's focused on financials and stocks. They want to see growth now, and they aren't seeing it.

For Nintendo, profits are down hugely, ~40% YoY. Revenue is down. Hardware unit sales are down. Software sales are down. They're failing by virtually every metric available from a stock-driven point of view. The end.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Opiate said:
But that's not now. Bloomberg is about now, much more than most other sites, because it's focused on financials and stocks. They want to see growth now, and they aren't seeing it.

So next month when the Wii most likely beats the Dec. 2008 number will they like Nintendo again?
legend166 said:
Ouch for Lego Rock Band. Bomba big time.

I know it's already been said but the music genre was heading for a massive slide due to over saturation. The Hero series is just getting stupid, and Rock Band isn't much better.

I wish Rock Band would have just released the Beatles this year and stuck with digital downloads (in hindsight that may have been the better model financially).

As for Guitar Hero: Van Halen; I can't be the only one expecting it to bomb; it's never a good sign when your publisher is willing to give away an unreleased game for free as a purchase incentive (I'm talking about the Guitar Hero 5 deal).

I say this as a fan of the music genre; I don't want to see it die off due to overpopulation/publisher greediness.


AlternativeUlster said:
:lol Well, we know how well it did in the end. Someone should figure out a number if NSMB:Wii has the same legs as NSMB.

At the 41 month mark, NSMB's LTD was almost 22 times the amount it was in its launch month. If NSMBW behaved exactly like NSMB as far as percentages go, its sales would be over 30 million in the US alone by the 41 month mark.


schuelma said:
So next month when the Wii most likely beats the Dec. 2008 number will they like Nintendo again?

It's just a month -- so don't expect them to suddenly become Nintendo champions -- but yes, I absolutely expect them to be far less critical.

If they continue to criticize with this much vitriol, then I'd join you guys on this one. Until then, this is absolutely typical of Bloomberg's approach, and it is also reasonable, from a stock driven point of view.


Opiate said:
But that's not now. Bloomberg is about now, much more than most other sites, because it's focused on financials and stocks. They want to see growth now, and they aren't seeing it.

For Nintendo, profits are down hugely, ~40% YoY. Revenue is down. Hardware unit sales are down. Software sales are down. They're failing by virtually every metric available from a stock-driven point of view. The end.

I guess complaining about it is useless since it's irrelevent from the context we're interested in.


Clockblockers said:
I say this as a fan of the music genre; I don't want to see it die off due to overpopulation/publisher greediness.
Thank God for Wii Music Plus! =P

AniHawk said:
At the 41 month mark, NSMB's LTD was almost 22 times the amount it was in its launch month. If NSMBW behaved exactly like NSMB as far as percentages go, its sales would be over 30 million in the US alone by the 41 month mark.

Best-selling game ever confirmed!


Absolutely pathetic part deux
AniHawk said:
At the 41 month mark, NSMB's LTD was almost 22 times the amount it was in its launch month. If NSMBW behaved exactly like NSMB as far as percentages go, its sales would be over 30 million in the US alone by the 41 month mark.

I wonder if New Super Mario Bros Wii will replace Super Mario Kart as the next ongoing legs game. I am surprised Wii Sports Resort isn't selling more. Then again, roughly 7 million is pretty good I suppose.
schuelma said:
So next month when the Wii most likely beats the Dec. 2008 number will they like Nintendo again?

Haha, probably. But I can't see wii beating last December and the same song and dance will play out, where Bloomberg will blame wii and Nintendo for dragging down the market once again.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Oh yeah, by the way nerds. Super Mario Galaxy 2 probably won't come out until November next year to give NSMB:Wii more sales. I am calling it now.
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