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NPD Sales Results for November 2013 [Up3: Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, 3DS, Wii U]


Iwata and the Wii U are done

You are allowed to slap anyone who claims that Smash or Kart will change things because this won't happen, this console is the most unpopular mainstream console ever

We had good times Iwata


I hope these Mario numbers means that Nintendo will finally put their 1st party games on sale faster. I love how basically each and every Sony published game hits $10 or $20 at retail at most 6 months after release, but Mario games will be $40 or $60 basically forever.
Nintendo releasing a console that is more powerful in 2015 is a horrific idea. They will get 0 3rd party support and the system will probably sell worse than Wii U. No Nintendo either needs a dramatically different approach or they have to quit consoles for good.

So Pachter was wrong again...

lol that's your response?


Wii U sales awful but at least over predictions. Still fucking awful though. Mario sales are depressing.

Really interested in Sony and Microsoft first party software sales. C'mon creamsugar, we need you!



So people aren't playing the best game of the year, and this pleases you?

Industry is a fucking mess, it's really shitty all the way around, look at that shameful top 10.

MS spin
Horrific situation for Nintendo
Sony can spin the new console, but they still have a dead ass portable on their hands.

The "gaming" community are content buying this year new iteration of the same old shit.

I hope to god above if there is one, to at least let Wii U thrive with Indies, till they figure out what to do next. Until then, it'll be 3DS/Steam and that's about it for me.

True sadness...

So Pachter was wrong again...

Is he ever actually right?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
How far off is Nintendo on their console sales prediction now?
While I'm disappointed by the poor numbers by the Wii U and 3D World, at least they're bad enough that I can have decent confidence that it's going to lead to massive leadership changes. If they had somehow managed to pull off even 300K+ they might have been able to BS their way into staying the course. The next year is probably going to have lots of transition at Nintendo, hopefully. I doubt there will be many more big, unannounced games for Wii U with the way it's going now. They'll probably keep it on lifesupport with sales with their last heavy hitters of Smash/MK8/Zelda U and push any games in early stages of development to their next console in 2016 or whatever.


Iwata and the Wii U are done

You are allowed to slap anyone who claims that Smash or Kart will change things because this won't happen, this console is the most unpopular mainstream console ever

We had good times Iwata

No Nibel, not you too :/

The goose is pretty much cooked, I suppose.


Hmm, with those Mario numbers, Knack just might have a shot at beating 3D World in the US as well.

Oh boy. Might have to retreat to the Happening Bunker.

Or maybe that is exactly what he cares about? Definitely looks that way to me.

Haha, probably.

I know mot people dislike his attitude, but I'll take a blunt person over a passive-aggressive attitude anytime. Besides, Derrick gives everyone a hard time. It's not like he only attacks one company and gives the ones he likes a pass. That's what usually annoys me.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Except their won't be third party support, they'd have to redo all their production pipeline and games just aren't gonna lack that much better in an incremental upgrade.

Third parties have been whining since the beginning about Nintendo not having a powerful enough console for them to showcase their games. This would take care of that. If third parties have been lying and STILL won't put games out, Nintendo has a MUCH bigger problem here.

As for the incremental upgrade, think about how much video cards have gotten better in 3 years. To me, that's not an "incremental upgrade." It would be enough for consumers to see, I believe.


Gold Member
YES! Seeing the Wii U fail makes me happy! And seeing the PS4 at the top is even better! I hope Nintendo doesn't stick with their current hardware philosophy. I want more hardware muscle!

Even if they do go powerful next time, that wont bring 3rd party games. Games for Nintendos console will always be an afterthough.


Shit, I don't even know what they are going to do anymore.

Their trump card better be as good as they think it is. They didn't have the balls to show Mario back in January, yet they showed X.
X better be as good as they think it's going to be, and hype the fuck out of it through every medium possible.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
A Link between Worlds = 405.000 (digital + physical + bundle)
Pokemon X / Y = 225.000 (digital + physical)

3DS 770.000 (10.500.000 LTD)
Wii U ~222.000

Super Mario 3D World = 215.000 (digital + physical)


Wow, that's terrible. The Wii-U did a tad better than I expected, but Mario is much, MUCH lower than I expected. That's actually worse....


Super Mario 3D was just too confusing. People think it's a multiplayer only game. Maybe it is essentially, I don't want the game so I didn't really look into it. It certainly looks like a game meant for multiplayer and not as enjoyable as a single player game.

Fox Mulder

Killing the WiiU to start over would be billions in sunk cost on the WiiU and billions more on a new system while killing any brand loyalty you have (even if it is low) to release a new console that may or may not do well.
That's a horrible way to go.

so 4-5 more years of droughts, no third party support, and overall irrelevance it is.


Super Mario 3D World is the best selling 3D Mario, considering the hardware base.

	Hardware LTD		Mario 3D Sales		Attach Ratio

GCN	   2.120.000		       350.000		6,06
Wii	   6.000.000		     1.120.000		5,36
Wii U	 ~ 1.550.000		       215.000		7,21

It can't sell more given the bad hardware LTD.
Yeah Mario I view a bit more as symptomatic, though it's system selling capacity isn't great.
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