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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]


240k for WiiU is just.....it's just horrible. Especially seeing the Xbox One sell a million more units than it (wait does that mean X1 sold more in one month than WiiU all year?).

I am actually shocked how out-of-line my gaming tastes are with the public.

pretty sure, yeah. Most months this year have been sub 100k for Wii U, I think.


Junior Member
Generation differences and all that. I'm willing to wager a lot of Wii U owners belong to an older gaming demographic.

I dunno. I am actually considering the WiiU for my 6 year old Daughter, well the debate is between that and Disney Infinity+Fantasia. Just not sure really.
If it makes the Nintendo faithful feel any better, I just bought a Wii U. I've done my part!

How do you like it? I played mine for about an hour and determined it's not for me after trying 3D world and Mario Kart 8. I was trying to jump back in to my first Nintendo system since the n64.


Every time I hear the words "competition is good," it makes me want to bash my head in with a toilet bowl cover.

Competition doesn't matter, as long as the end-user product is good.

Yeah I said it


yeah, but there's a pretty clear difference between the two larger segments, which lines up with the PS4/XB1/Wii U LTDs and wouldn't make any sense for 360/Wii (cause otherwise they would be the same size, you do realize both are roughly 42m right)


I have weird vision problems so the difference between the two larger segments was not very apparent to me


just got done with a 3hr session of MCC matchmaking and it actually worked well

tomorrow i'll be digging into the newly revamped Driveclub on my day off

props to those that are committed to being crazed over sales numbers. reality is both are doing incredibly well and 2015 is going to be an unbelievable year for games


Every time I hear the words "competition is good," it makes me want to bash my head in with a toilet bowl cover.

Competition doesn't matter, as long as the end-user product is good.

Yeah I said it

Yeah ok goes against everything we know in history but ok


Redmond's Baby
How do you think it's gonna go down?

Heads will roll.

Nah, they will blame some marketing guys that will have to run naked around HQ with a sign 'I fracked Black Friday for Sony' and winner will keep his job, others will be outsourced to Sony Pictures.

Nah, Sony knew during PSX that they had lost.

I know, I was joking. I believe that they are still very satisfied with WW number, because PS4 is still flying off shelves on mainland Europe


Healthy console market all around! MS Blew past Wii and PS2 second Novembers and the PS4 was within 100K of the PS2s!

I find that particularly amazing, especially since if you were to add the PS3, 360's and Wiis second Novembers together, the PS4+Xbox One (Even without the Wii U) beat that total handily (940K+511K+466K).

Makes me feel better about the dying Handheld market and Wii U. Sad this was likely Wii U's biggest year unless theres some major price shifting next year.

The ps2 sold 500k in the 2nd November of the last gen consoles also though.


Not really surprised that XB1 outsold PS4 this month with deals like this: https://www.ebgames.com.au/xbox-one-800239-Xbox-One-Console--Kinect--7-Games-Xbox-One

The concern I have though is that are they robbing Peter to pay Paul. When you are effectively giving away 7 games(including 4 recent releases) for the same price as the system launched at seems a bit desperate to me. Could this have an adverse effect in the future if deals like this disappear for a time, will people avoid buying the XB1 in anticipation of another similar deal?


both consoles are healthy in the us. hope this means we get less cross-gen ports...freaking rise of the tomb raider for 360 tho...fuck that


Why would a $100 price cut bankrupt Sony?

Hyperbole on my part but seriously, as a company Sony are in bad shape. Dropping the price on arguably the best thing they have going for them by $100 sounds like financial suicide. A $50 cut sounds more reasonable imo.
The ps2 sold 500k in the 2nd November of the last gen consoles also though.

Not sure what the PS3 and 360 sold, but I'm sure PS3+360+WiiU woud make up that difference. Either way the PS2 was a phenomenon and you could get an exceptional console for $79-$99 so it had a lot of selling points besides being seen as competition for the new arrivals.

Mory Dunz

In the middle of NPD madness,

Yatōkiri_Kilgharrah;142946785 said:
It takes longer to reach for the ' then typing you guys actually

The eff it doesn't.

Unless you're...an ant or something.
If there are any ants on GAF, I apologize if I offended you.


Yawn...just waking up to NPD numbers...congrats MS I assume.

Very happy to see that Amazon still is quite a reliable way to project sales figures...off to Mazon to check ranks.

Glad to read nothing about arrogant Sony on the last pages as it it was implied by late in the prediction thread.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Nostalgic older gamers and gamer families is probably Nintendo's main draw right now, with 3DS skewing to younger kids. Sadly, Minecraft stole a lot of their generation.

I think its definitely right that Nintendo skews older than their competitors, and I think they have done that for a long time (even during their most kiddy/casual years during the Wii), however, calling them "nostalgic gamers" makes it sound like it is some irrational feeling and all about reliving that youth - when in fact their games have the highest quality and the most quality-conscious consumers might be a just as good description.

Anyways, congrats to MS, glad to see they get sales out of their efforts. Very sorry to see how terrible the Wii U is selling though :(
CBOAT was never the same once that other controlled leak insider ntkernel came out and seemingly flushed him out. Ever since then he's been wrong on most things other than the name of Halo 5.


How do you like it? I played mine for about an hour and determined it's not for me after trying 3D world and Mario Kart 8. I was trying to jump back in to my first Nintendo system since the n64.

You're the first person I've met that also didn't care for those games.


Yawn...just waking up to NPD numbers...congrats MS I assume.

Very happy to see that Amazon still is quite a reliable way to project sales figures...off to Mazon to check ranks.

Glad to read nothing about arrogant Sony on the last pages as it it was implied by late in the prediction thread.

Arrogant Sony is arrogant. How dare they not give us $100 off, 4 controllers, A map of Japan, and a free pre-order of Metal Gear Solid V.
Closing the gap indeed.

I don't think the gap people talked about was ever really the US gap lol. It's the WW gap that is likely 6-7m at this point that is being talked about.

Fact really is if you take the X1 out of it the PS4 had an amazing November. They were just beat by MS throwing the kitchen sink in with their discounted system. I mean hell if the US split is right and the 850k in the US was around 37% if the PS4 sales it sold around 2.5 million units WW in November. Could easily have a 20m shipped type announcement by the end of the year.

Reading the doom in here about Sony is pretty funny. 2015 is going to blow 2014 out of the water software wise. The sales will stay strong throughout the year. Can MS keep up this type of momentum especially with a $299 PS4 coming down the pipe around E3?
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