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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]


MS needs to stay humble... they aren't anywhere yet. Long ways to go.

With that said, Yussef did put out a comms halfway through Nov which was pretty stupid I think. That guy needs to go.
$397 (if we minus the Kinect cost) as street price for the parts.
But they are console manufacture, they buy in huge bulks, so they'd get much better treatment. So that's 10-20% bulk discounts if not more. Added with the fact those prices from 2013 and we are now at the end of 2014, so everything goes down another 10-20%.

So the total cost in 2014 could be $250.

Plus don't forget, the users gonna buy $50 yearly gold subscription.
And add their profit margin from game sales (as far as we know its 30% for digital games).

So if an average gamer buys 5 games a year at $60 and have an active gold subscription. They would profit $150 a year.
$750 if attached for a minimum of 5 years.
All on top of the $329 console price.

That math makes no sense. There is no way manufacture cost could go down that much in just one year after launch. It's hard to believe MS making any profit out of that massive price cut and free games. They're bleeding money.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
So The wonderful haven't reached 101K yet? :(

Are you counting bayonetta sales in the digital numbers too? (I think it should be a very small
Number) And one last question, is there a huge difference between W101 and Bayonetta digital sales or are they almost tied too?

Thanks as always!

I'm not counting digital.
That's harder for me to know, unless friends divulge and booze etc etc


Because they don't want to make fools out of themselves should Sony win December NPD.

Or January, or February...

It doesn't make sense for MS to crow about this if they expect it might not last. Because when you go silent everyone knows the tide has turned. Better to keep quiet and play the cards close to your chest.

They revealed numbers in the 360 era because they won nearly every month.


WTF @ Microsoft not shouting from the rooftops that they sold more XBones than PS4s + Wii Us combined.

Where is J Allard or Don Mattrick when you need them. WTF is Major Nelson doing?

It was probably their only opportunity to do so.

Because when you are down by a lot, a single month (even a good one like this) doesnt do it. Kinda hard to celebrate a touchdown when you are down by 28 points....


Investor rumblings are meaningless.

Xbox has been around for nearly for nearly 13 years.

Investors have had ample opportunity to nix it, yet they haven't because simply don't care.

Nadella has recently doubled down on the brand as well.

That's not a guarantee that they'll support it forever.
That one is interesting, like 300k/55k.

the question is, can the crew beat them both combined in one month?

Yeah I figured it would be around there. I know the FH2 leader boards are around 799,800 probably due to a larger UK racing audience and supposedly DC is doing well in the UK also. So odd that the US racing market is so dead. Meanwhile the few of us interested are mostly focused on stabbing each other with rusty shivs than supporting the genre we love :(


And how will Sony pull out that victory exactly?

Microsoft are just about burned out. From what we've been hearing, they've had strong sales for the first two weeks of November because of the bundles along with the $350 price tag, & then it kind of died down a bit until Black Friday. Abdiel can even tell you that.

At one Target store of where I'm from, I saw 6 Xbox One's in stock, about 4 of them are AC:U bundles. While at the same time, I saw only 2 PS4's in stock, which aren't bundles. While that's not exactly indicative of anything, it could be occurring everywhere else.


I'm not counting digital.
That's harder for me to know, unless friends divulge and booze etc etc

I like your methods hahaha. Thanks anyway!

How much should sell Bayonetta to enter the top10 for Wii U in the US? >175k? (I don't think it'll be a lot more than that)


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
ouch 100K in two months... so is this the end for Bayonetta?

Nintendo even tried to push it with ads iirc, but 100K in two month is just way too low. it seems like not many of the Bayo 1 owners really want the sequel and I don't see Nintendo giving it a sequel after this and I don't see SEGA doing that as well (they already didn't want a Bayo2 in first place) and someone else getting Bayo 3 for its console will not make sense since people will missed Bayo 2.
They did not want it on a system they do not own that is still priced higher than the market is willing to support. It is simultaneously the least surprising event of the year, and somehow perfectly emblematic of how weird this year has been. I think most people on here saw it coming from a mile away.


Microsoft are just about burned out. From what we've been hearing, they've had strong sales for the first two weeks of November, & then it kind of died down a bit until Black Friday.
Abdiel can even tell you that.

At one Target store of where I'm from, I saw 6 Xbox One's in stock, about 4 of them are AC:U bundles. While that's not exactly indicative of anything, it could be occurring everywhere else.
Well Abdiel also said he saw his district and another have similar numbers for PS4 and Xbox One. That's also a factor of the Xbox One having better deals at other retailers than Best Buy on BF, and still, only one retailer.

X1 is more expensive in December than November from what I've seen.
Only went down in price on Black Friday. MSRP is $350 normally, and it's still cheaper than the PS4, which is still the same price, and doesn't come bundled with any games.


As much as dislike Microsoft, they are not bleeding money. They would not sell that many consoles at a huge loss. Whatever loss they did incur from each console sold they will easily make up through live subscriptions and digital sales. More consoles in peoples homes equals more movies sold, more games sold, more hardware sold etc. They will make a fortune from every customer who bought a console. They may not know how to market a console very well, but they know how to make money.


Junior Member
Bayonetta hasn't crossed 100k yet (though It has with digital, since it's only like 5k away).

I suppose that's something, at least it's big growth since their latest Wii U title.
At least out the gate. LTD they are practically tied, which is kind of funny.

Wow. Thanks for that. It deserved to sell better. Get them as Christmas gifts people.

Any chance on finding out Watch Dog Wii U numbers? Just curious on how bad it tanked with the way that Ubi Soft handled it. Less than 5K?


My experience and area: a Target site that I visit often consistently had less Xbox in the case. At a local Gamestop said they were selling alot more Xbox than Playstation.

It could be my area. For Destiny, they said they sold more Xbox copies and consoles during release too.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
My experience and area: a Target site that I visit often consistently had less Xbox in the case. At a local Gamestop said they were selling alot more Xbox than Playstation.

It could be my area. For Destiny, they said they sold more Xbox copies and consoles during release too.

The end of Sony is nigh!


Does that include the VitaTV? Or Sold to consumers at that? It is not like the thing is flying off shelves in Japan either

Sony's figures include Vita TV. It's the same hardware and software ecosystem just in a different package. And yes, it's shipped to stores, but given Vita's history, do you really think there's a tonne of them rotting on shelves?

LTD for NPD only?

If it's near that, is that the highest selling 3rd party Wii U game?
Wonder it's enough to justify another HD port. 300-400k doesn't seem terrible to me.

Pretty sure Sammy is combining both 3DS and Wii U for that.
Because they don't want to make fools out of themselves should Sony win December NPD.

Realistically, it's unlikely Sony will win December. The gap will probably be smaller but since XBone price is still lower for December, and some of the BF bundles are still available, the things driving the November sales will still be around.

Even if Sony somehow pulls out a win, how exactly does MS look bad? If they announced today that they outsold PS4 + Wii U combined, assuming that's true, It'll still be true if Sony wins December. As long as their PR isn't saying "the king is back" or something equally stupid, they missed an opportunity to emphasize their win.

There have been so many plot twists though, I wouldn't discount some other info popping up that changes things. So maybe MS has reason to be cautious about the PR and we just don't know about it yet.
Checking some retailers locally and also online today, I would say MS might have a good chance to win Dec. They certainly shipped massive amount of AC Unity bundles to stores as I've seen so many of them are still available at $349. I can still find GTAV+TLoU PS4 bundles at some Bestbuy but seems like they were sold out online and PS4 price has now returned to normal.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Does anyone know how the Pikmin shorts fared?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


PS4 isn't winning shit until they drop the price or Microsoft raises the price of the Xbox One back to $399 (lol, sales suicide if they do this). If no movement in price is seen Xbox One will outsell the PS4 every month in the US for the foreseeable future.

Anjin M


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Page 22: CosmicQueso's slightly less terse rebuttal
Page 23: creamsugar's pie chart
Page 32: The banhammer falls
Page 56: Occam's protractor
Page 67: Aquamarine returns to the thread


I think it is near if not the actual Highest selling bundle ever

Wii + something are probably be the highest. =P

But if you're talking eventual bundles, check PS2 + Gran Turismo 3.

Ubisoft must be very pleased with the sales, which got them money for copies of a game they would otherwise most likely not sell due to problematic launch.


Its funny how people just want to speculate things. Have a closer look at the NPD chart of JUST this month. You see whats on the top of the list? That COD on Xbox 360. Almost 10 year old hardware still prints money. All those XBL Gold still brings money for MS.

Thats what comes down to at the end. Its the eco system people going to invest in for next decade. Counting 20-40$ loss doesnt mean much when you look at the long term profit for each console sold.

Sure, that's part of their plan, much like the 200 dollar loss per PS3 was part of Sony's plan.

I think you're short changing how much of a loss this is per console for MS though. We know from Sony that they were taking a small loss per console at launch (at a 400 dollar price point). Considering that the SoC is larger on the One and since the box is larger, shipping costs will be higher per unit, we can guesstimate that the One costs MS atleast 400 dollars per unit now. Taking the least enticing deals (ACU bundle at GameStop), MS has to eat the following; 70 dollar price drop, publisher's cost for AC:BF and publisher's cost for ACU). I believe on new games, publishers get about 30 dollars out of a 60 dollar product, so I'll say ACU cost 20 and AC:BF cost 10. So in total we have MS losing 100 dollars per console at the low end for black Friday.

What would it take to recoup that cost? Traditionally it is through licensing fees, which amount to around 10 dollars per software unit. So by traditional means, MS can only recover its' losses here if each person has an attach rate of 10, which is fairly high. With subscription services though, this should be easier for them. With a 60 dollar a year and 25% Gold attach rate (they don't give this out, but only half of their player base are Live members, so half of half seems reasonable), they can recover their loss here by XBLGold in 6-7 years.

So while they can recoup their costs, this isn't a short term proposition. Also, you have to consider that for the near term they'll have to carry an additional 50 dollar loss on the product from not being able to go back up to the original 400 USD price before their holiday promotion.

This may be worth it overall for them since without this promotion they would have slipped more and more into irrelevancy in their only major market, thus costing them future sales to Sony as the snowball effect works in their favour.


Hardly. Other weeks I see less Playstation in the case. And obviously one county of Ohio (although we are the "heart of it all") isn't indicative or telling of the entire country, or even state.

You realize they have more units in the back right? My Best Buy, at least during the holiday, will have at least 100+ of each system while only having so many in the front lockups

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Wii + something are probably be the highest. =P

But if you're talking eventual bundles, check PS2 + Gran Turismo 3.

Ubisoft must be very pleased with the sales, which got them money for copies of a game they would otherwise most likely not sell due to problematic launch.

At launch though? I'll have to check but I'm not sure GT3 launched higher. But maybe, that's a good call out.

As far as wii + ... Yea I wasnt counting wii sports haha. That's less a limited bundle and more the standard sku itself
It's finally sunk in.

Microsoft deletes their $150MSRP retail accessory (that's what they sell standalone Kinect for) out of their $500 SKU, sells it for $350 (makes sense, they deleted Kinect), throws in a couple games they pay way less than wholesale for, and convinces the world that they are giving the systems away.

Fucking genius.
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