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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]


If that where true some of the board of directors and investors wouldn't want the Xbox divison killed or sold off and it's only gonna be worse over time the more money the Xbox division loses or spends.

Bing is irrelevant and dying will eventually get killed off too IMO
Bing is Cortana. If Bing goes so does Cortana, and that makes me sad :(

Also I trust Nadella (he wants Xbox around)


Of course this month was a response to price. The point is that there can be a ripple effect where people buy the same console as their friends. I'm not saying the gap will close. I'm saying MS needs as many people as they can get actively championing their device so that others will buy it too, to slow the gap widening. If they sit around then they will just march onwards towards comparative irrelevance. Instead, they now have over a million new people feeding long term money into their ecosystem and increasing their spread through their friends,

Not sure if I get you. That also applies to the PS4. Even more so since there are more PS4s than Xbones in the US right now.


If that where true some of the board of directors and investors wouldn't want the Xbox divison killed or sold off and it's only gonna be worse over time the more money the Xbox division loses or spends.

Bing is irrelevant and dying will eventually get killed off too IMO


I get $5 a month from doing Bing searches


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
If that where true some of the board of directors and investors wouldn't want the Xbox divison killed or sold off and it's only gonna be worse over time the more money the Xbox division loses or spends.

Bing is irrelevant and dying will eventually get killed off too IMO

Bing is irrelevant and dying? lmao these comments man.

1). Apple, Yahoo, Facebook have already switched their search to Bing from Google.

2). Bing is never going away. Its the main and only big competitor to Google search. Even though its very small percent of marketshare, Google will never get 100%.

3). Bing services are only getting better and marketshare is increasing slowly.


If that where true some of the board of directors and investors wouldn't want the Xbox divison killed or sold off and it's only gonna be worse over time the more money the Xbox division loses or spends.

Bing is irrelevant and dying will eventually get killed off too IMO
No proof of this is there, just rumors and insider rumblings right ? Nadella, Bill are very much on pushing Xbox, 2 billion for mojang is a good indication of that
Bing is irrelevant and dying? lmao these comments man.

1). Apple, Yahoo, Facebook have already switched their search to Bing from Google.

2). Bing is never going away. Its the main and only big competitor to Google search. Even though its very small percent of marketshare, Google will never get 100%.

3). Bing services are only getting better and marketshare is increasing slowly.


i know not what you meant but i just saw this headline recently today

also on another ot side note, samsung is back to making apples phone chips for the next iphone (14nm finfet)

but really ms is so flush that i dont even know why people are concerned about it, that;s like their MO to get into business just inject them benjamins until something sticks

Human 2.0

Neo Member
This is where not having any AAA exclusives in the first half of the year may end up biting them in the arse.

It didn't really hurt Sony in the first 6 months of 2014 but then Sony didn't have a credible competitor until the later half of this year. It's interesting times ahead I reckon.

I feel people are overestimating The Order and Bloodborne as system sellers.

Well, I don't see either of them being detrimental to their system sales. Its definitely a big positive for Sony to have two first party AAA exclusives early in the year when Microsoft don't have anything and I think they will push systems, the question is whether its that many or not.

The Order & Bloodborne?

Microsoft's cupboard is barren until QB in the summer.

Yes, thats what I said...


Wouldn't it still be MS?

Introducing 1.2 million people to your ecosystem is a win no matter how you spin it. The only loser this month is Nintendo, a great attach rate but little expansion of the Wii U's base :(

There is not spin, but they undoubtedly took a hit to do so. But like you said it is still no a win. I'm sure they're going to make that back through software sales. Quantum Break alone should ensure this.



I feel people are overestimating The Order and Bloodborne as system sellers.

They add more value to an already attractive console that's selling quite well worldwide.

They probably won't be major system sellers, but they will definitely help people make the decision.


If it's ~$100 per console, then it's 120 million dollar loss, while Sony made good profit. So who's the actual winner? :)

You forgot what made money for the Xbox division last month as well, such as Live subscriptions, game sales and sales of controllers, mics, headphones, remotes, etc, which are all profitable. To just focus on console sales only, isn't looking at the big picture.

Both consoles are selling extremely well, so whether you own a Sony console, Microsoft console, or both, each console will have tons of great games. Neither console will be a failed orphaned console, such as the Virtual Boy, Saturn, Jaguar, Dreamcast, etc. and hey, even some of those consoles I mentioned had a bunch of great games and provided hours upon hours of enjoyment to people.
Bing is irrelevant and dying? lmao these comments man.

1). Apple, Yahoo, Facebook have already switched their search to Bing from Google.

2). Bing is never going away. Its the main and only big competitor to Google search. Even though its very small percent of marketshare, Google will never get 100%.

3). Bing services are only getting better and marketshare is increasing slowly.

Bing was launched in 2009 and hasn't been profitable


Well, I don't see either of them being detrimental to their system sales. Its definitely a big positive for Sony to have two first party AAA exclusives early in the year when Microsoft don't have anything and I think they will push systems, the question is whether its that many or not.

I don't think it's possible for any game to be detrimental to system sales.

Hypothetically, say the $350 XB1 price point remains, is anyone willing to argue those games will be enough to close or overtake Microsoft if they the current trend for November continues?

Sans the crazy holiday giveaways, price has been known to always win.


Were hardware sales any higher the month infamous released? That game is about the level I hold bloodborne and the order.

People are sleeping on the order though. out of the two, bloodborne is the more likely to get critical praise but disappoint in sales.

I feel people are overestimating The Order and Bloodborne as system sellers.

They aren't system sellers. Outside of GT, GOW and Uncharted (with TLOU joining the ranks at the next entry), Sony doesn't have any system sellers.

What Sony has always had, far more than Microsoft, is system Justifiers. These are not games that you would run out and buy a console for, but now if you have one, it increases it value.

NB: Obviously a system seller can be a justifier for some people and vise versa. Im just speaking generaly.

Thats why the western media that shit on Sony exclusives miss the point. It doesn't matter if none the PS4s first party games are a knockout blow, the way Titanfall was, or Tomb riader, or an imaginary working at launch MCC is.

Already we have a wide variety of exclusive software that caters for all times of gamer from all walks of life. None of them can be called a gamechanger in their genre, and a few might even be heavily criticised by the more hardcore players of that genre, but each of these games build up a portfolio of games that are "good enough". If you did a poll of the most loved sony first party PS3 games and matched that with their retrospective metacrtitc scores, it would serve as enligtening reading once the big hitters were out the way.

meanwhile Microsoft is concentrating soley on the 18-35 male gamer market. They have nearly nothing for kids, women, families etc. Even within the 18-35, they really have only stuck with the the most basic tried and true fomulas.

Sonys MO, and what has worked for them for a while now, is if you get enough people on your side by giving something like what they want, they will do are the marketing for you. Only a moron can't see that the whole point of the share button, shareplay, and the focus of social connectivity is soley to get gamers to do the marketing for Sony.

Bloodborne and the Order are 2 games that aren't even going to sell wel out of the gate. What they will do is create a community of dedicated evanglists who use those games as ammou to use to convince others to commit to the same ecosystem.

So saying these games aren't system sellers is probably pretty accurate. but its missing the point of projects like this entirely.
I don't think it's possible for any game to be detrimental to system sales.

Hypothetically, say the $350 XB1 price point remains, is anyone willing to argue those games will be enough to close or overtake Microsoft if they the current trend for November continues?

Sans the crazy holiday giveaways, price has been known to always win.

I could see Sony going for bundles of $400 with The Order or Bloodborne and then another game like Driveclub or something.

Being $350 isn't enough for MS imo, they need to keep packed in games. As I said on another page $350 plus FH2 and SO would be incredibly aggressive, adding in two great games, also helps a new IP and their big racing franchise (even if it is a spin-off)

I bet they will bundle Halo MCC instead, but bundling first party games would presumably be cheaper than paying third parties for their games too


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Bing was launched in 2009 and hasn't been profitable

Ya brah that totally explains everything and they should just shut it down despite its growing popularity on other platform and tightly integration to every Windows and Xbox platform.


They aren't system sellers. Outside of GT, GOW and Uncharted (with TLOU joining the ranks at the next entry), Sony doesn't have any system sellers.

What Sony has always had, far more than Microsoft, is system Justifiers. These are not games that you would run out and buy a console for, but now if you have one, it increases it value.

NB: Obviously a system seller can be a justifier for some people and vise versa. Im just speaking generaly.

Thats why the western media that shit on Sony exclusives miss the point. It doesn't matter if none the PS4s first party games are a knockout blow, the way Titanfall was, or Tomb riader, or an imaginary working at launch MCC is.

Already we have a wide variety of exclusive software that caters for all times of gamer from all walks of life. None of them can be called a gamechanger in their genre, and a few might even be heavily criticised by the more hardcore players of that genre, but each of these games build up a portfolio of games that are "good enough". If you did a poll of the most loved sony first party PS3 games and matched that with their retrospective metacrtitc scores, it would serve as enligtening reading once the big hitters were out the way.

meanwhile Microsoft is concentrating soley on the 18-35 male gamer market. They have nearly nothing for kids, women, families etc. Even within the 18-35, they really have only stuck with the the most basic tried and true fomulas.

Sonys MO, and what has worked for them for a while now, is if you get enough people on your side by giving something like what they want, they will do are the marketing for you. Only a moron can't see that the whole point of the share button, shareplay, and the focus of social connectivity is soley to get gamers to do the marketing for Sony.

Bloodborne and the Order are 2 games that aren't even going to sell wel out of the gate. What they will do is create a community of dedicated evanglists who use those games as ammou to use to convince others to commit to the same ecosystem.

So saying these games aren't system sellers is probably pretty accurate. but its missing the point of projects like this entirely.

Yeah the ps4 is flush with quality content for the non 18-35yo male demo


Is it time to do a list war for kids games? Lol

Impressive month by MS let's see if they can keep this up in December.
It pretty much does though... This is the same company that spends billions per year on R&D for somewhat useless things like illumiroom.

Xbox leverages a lot of resources from other divisions too (cloud, windows, bing, etc.) which get more exposure through the Xbox.
No it doesn't.....
Also I trust Nadella (he wants Xbox around)

Well, what was he supposed to say back then?

"Well, I don't know, let's see what happens and when I don't like what I see I burn everything to the ground!"

The XBOX division actually doesn't fit into MS' future portfolio strategy, where everything is about service and "digital". They don't need an XBOX division (or other hardware like the Surface tablets) to push that new agenda.

Hence, if the division does not generate positive cash flows very soon, it will either be sold or closed (at the end of the One's life cycle, of course).

What I wanted to point out with this little essay is that Microsoft - The Corporation doesn't have to worry bout things like "income" these days. But the XBOX division most certainly does.
The first half of the year is not really a big time for console sales. You can put out whatever you want and it won't really move the needle.

Its not, but if Sony have a good 10 months again and Microsoft don't, MS could be getting themselves into a situation where really they're losing ground all year round until the holidays when they put out some big games and do some offers then reduce the gap then rinse repeat and in this time they don't actually have a region with substantial sales

Talking US specifically here btw, I think we can all agree outside of UK Xbox One is probably dead everywhere else.


meanwhile Microsoft is concentrating soley on the 18-35 male gamer market. They have nearly nothing for kids, women, families etc. Even within the 18-35, they really have only stuck with the the most basic tried and true fomulas.

Outside of Little Big Planet, what do they have for children and women? I see Infamous, Last of Us, DriveClub, and MLB The Show as last year's releases -- all of which fall pretty squarely inside their main demographic. 2015 brings The Order, Bloodborne, Until Dawn, Uncharted......all very much "core" games.
Yeah the ps4 is flush with quality content for the non 18-35yo male demo

Putty squad
Arguably even the playroom could be seen as a more casual facing experience.

And thats ignoring the console exclusive indies.

Outside of Little Big Planet, what do they have for children and women? I see Infamous, Last of Us, DriveClub, and MLB The Show as last year's releases -- all of which fall pretty squarely inside their main demographic. 2015 brings The Order, Bloodborne, Until Dawn, Uncharted......all very much "core" games.

see above


Putty squad

And thats ignoring the console exclusive indies.

Lmao. Cmon dude. The ps4 is just as much of a "dudebro" console as the bone. Maybe a smidgen less due to highly polished affairs like knack and amazingly selling platformers like LBP but the focus of the console is squarely the 18-35 year old male. Which is why people whom you openly disparage on the forums are showing concern for the long term health of the console market.


Well, what was he supposed to say back then?

"Well, I don't know, let's see what happens and when I don't like what I see I burn everything to the ground!"

The XBOX division actually doesn't fit into MS' future portfolio strategy, where everything is about service and "digital". They don't need an XBOX division (or other hardware like the Surface tablets) to push that new agenda.

Hence, if the division does not generate positive cash flows very soon, it will either be sold or closed (at the end of the One's life cycle, of course).

What I wanted to point out with this little essay is that Microsoft - The Corporation doesn't have to worry bout things like "income" these days. But the XBOX division most certainly does.

I don't see how the Xbox One isn't pushing digital or services (it definitely is). Xbox live in itself is a great service, the digital distribution store on the Xbox is a very popular software distribution service for them, and multiplayer centric games this gen utilize their cloud services (see Titanfall, it pushed azure into Australia).

No it doesn't.....

It doesn't what?


And look at the low quality work by Bungie released since

You can't deny that Destiny didn't sell a ton of PS4s. A game that was originally supposed to be an Xbox timed exclusive.

Lmao. Cmon dude. The ps4 is just as much of a "dudebro" console as the bone. Maybe a smidgen less due to highly polished affairs like knack and amazingly selling platformers like LBP but the focus of the console is squarely the 18-35 year old male. Which is why people whom you openly disparage on the forums are showing concern for the long term health of the console market.

JRPGs though, almost non-existent on Xbox. They cater to the American 18-35 demographic.
They aren't system sellers. Outside of GT, GOW and Uncharted (with TLOU joining the ranks at the next entry), Sony doesn't have any system sellers.

What Sony has always had, far more than Microsoft, is system Justifiers. These are not games that you would run out and buy a console for, but now if you have one, it increases it value.

NB: Obviously a system seller can be a justifier for some people and vise versa. Im just speaking generaly.

Thats why the western media that shit on Sony exclusives miss the point. It doesn't matter if none the PS4s first party games are a knockout blow, the way Titanfall was, or Tomb riader, or an imaginary working at launch MCC is.

Already we have a wide variety of exclusive software that caters for all times of gamer from all walks of life. None of them can be called a gamechanger in their genre, and a few might even be heavily criticised by the more hardcore players of that genre, but each of these games build up a portfolio of games that are "good enough". If you did a poll of the most loved sony first party PS3 games and matched that with their retrospective metacrtitc scores, it would serve as enligtening reading once the big hitters were out the way.

meanwhile Microsoft is concentrating soley on the 18-35 male gamer market. They have nearly nothing for kids, women, families etc. Even within the 18-35, they really have only stuck with the the most basic tried and true fomulas.

Sonys MO, and what has worked for them for a while now, is if you get enough people on your side by giving something like what they want, they will do are the marketing for you. Only a moron can't see that the whole point of the share button, shareplay, and the focus of social connectivity is soley to get gamers to do the marketing for Sony.

Bloodborne and the Order are 2 games that aren't even going to sell wel out of the gate. What they will do is create a community of dedicated evanglists who use those games as ammou to use to convince others to commit to the same ecosystem.

So saying these games aren't system sellers is probably pretty accurate. but its missing the point of projects like this entirely.

I bet both beat infamous's 1 million in 9 days WW. I think the order's story and setting are very marketable and Bloodborne has a chance to capture some of the GOW audience.


Being $350 isn't enough for MS imo, they need to keep packed in games. As I said on another page $350 plus FH2 and SO would be incredibly aggressive, adding in two great games, also helps a new IP and their big racing franchise (even if it is a spin-off)

Well for me, majority of the sales being in Sony's favor was the $400(until June) and the larger install base.

Using the 360/PS3 as examples, wouldn't really make sense to pay a $500 entry fee when you can get a comparable console for cheaper and have peers who may already own one as well.

A Horizon 2/Sunset Overdrive bundle would no doubt help, but I don't think it's necessary for sustained NPD results.
Ya brah that totally explains everything and they should just shut it down despite its growing popularity on other platform and tightly integration to every Windows and Xbox platform.

Hahaha what? its kinda you know suppose to be integrated into it's own products or should that not be common sense?

I don't wanna hear tales from your ass or anaecdotal evidence the facts are Bing hasn't been profitable EVER and nadella said he HOPES it will be profitable by 2016.

Bing is paying about 3 times as much for every incremental search query as it generates in revenue from that query and that doesn't even include sales , marketing, R&D or admin cost.
Lmao. Cmon dude. The ps4 is just as much of a "dudebro" console as the bone. Maybe a smidgen less due to highly polished affairs like knack and amazingly selling platformers like LBP but the focus of the console is squarely the 18-35 year old male. Which is why people whom you openly disparage on the forums are showing concern for the long term health of the console market.

You are trying to create a narrative from my words.

I never said the PS4 has a lot for the casual market yet, but it has more than the Xbox and Sony over its history as a publisher has always been someone that has something for everyone, regardless if they are seen as good or bad games.

One thing I will say is the people I "openly disparage" get that reaction because the lens they are looking through is painfully transparent. Its not concern for the health of the console market (which long term trends are not even worth speculating on at this early stage in the cycle) , its concern for the market for Nintendo, who outside of one explosive generation where they found lightening in a bottle, have been on a downward trend since the mid 90's in the console space.

Maybe if there was a bit more honesty and transparancy about it all, their words wouldn't get the disparaging remarks that they do.


You can't deny that Destiny didn't sell a ton of PS4s. A game that was originally supposed to be an Xbox timed exclusive.

JRPGs though, almost non-existent on Xbox. They cater to the American 18-35 demographic.

Oh yeah, I forgot how much the current gen console market is flooded with JRPGs as well. May as well toss my 3ds and my iPhone
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